• 3 months ago
At a cook-off about rice, everyone learns that when we share foods that are special to us, we share something special about ourselves.


00:00And there's your soup.
00:02Yummy! Thank you, Elmo.
00:06Oh, hi! Welcome to Sesame Street.
00:08Yeah, you're just in time for lunch.
00:10Yeah, we're having chicken and rice soup. It's one of Elmo's favorites.
00:14Oh, well, it's a lot of people's favorite.
00:16So it's a good thing I asked Grover to cook up some more rice.
00:19Did someone say more rice?
00:23Wow! That is a mountain of rice!
00:27Grover, how much rice did you make?
00:29Three cups, just like you said.
00:32Yeah, those aren't cups. Those are pitchers.
00:35Oh, hi, Mia.
00:37What am I going to do with all this rice?
00:40No one's going to want that much soup.
00:42Well, maybe there's other foods you can make with rice besides soup.
00:46One of my dads is Cuban-American, and we use rice to make all kinds of things.
00:50I'm Korean-American. My family makes all kinds of recipes with rice, too.
00:55Is Abby thinking what Elmo's thinking?
00:59Sesame Street Cook-Off!
01:03All right, let's do this, Wanda.
01:08There's so much rice, let's all pitch in and use it up in the tear kitchen.
01:14Oh, say zippity zap with me.
01:16Zippity zap!
01:23Thank you, thank you, thank you.
01:25Welcome to everybody's favorite cooking game, Use That Rice!
01:30Elmo is your host, Elmo.
01:33And I'm your other host, Abby.
01:37And we're here at the Use That Rice kitchen.
01:40I don't know about you, Elmo, but I am super excited to find out
01:45what special recipes our chefs are going to use for us today.
01:49Elmo's excited, too, Abby. Thank you.
01:52Okay, time to meet today's chefs.
01:55She's seven, and she can't use the stove.
01:59Mia, how are you going to put us off?
02:01Can I have my dad's help me?
02:03You sure can. Let's hear it for Frankie J.
02:07Give it up for her.
02:13Tell us, how are you going to use that rice?
02:21We can make arroz imperial.
02:24It's one of my favorite Cuban rice recipes that we make together.
02:27Ooh, arroz imperial. Tell us more about it.
02:34Arroz means rice in Spanish.
02:36There are so many special ways to make rice,
02:38and our family makes it in our own special way.
02:41Ooh, arroz imperial.
02:44Oh, that's going to be hard to beat.
02:47Our other chef is Ji Young.
02:51Oh, hi.
02:53Ji Young, who are you going to choose to help you today?
02:56Oh, Mr. Allen.
02:59Yeah, we can make kimbap.
03:00It's one of my favorite things to make with rice.
03:03Okay, you know, I love kimbap, but I have never made it before.
03:07Can you tell our viewers what kimbap is?
03:10Yes, it is a Korean dish with rice, sliced vegetables,
03:14egg, meat, or fish rolled in seaweed.
03:17The word kim means seaweed, and bap means rice in Korean.
03:22It's one of my favorite recipes to make with my Halmoni.
03:28Halmoni is grandmother in Korean.
03:31That's right. We make kimbap together,
03:33and then I bring it for my school lunch.
03:36School lunch is lunch that we eat at school.
03:41Now that we know what everyone is making,
03:43it's time to use that rice.
03:46The clock is ticking.
03:52Oh, oh, right. Tick, tick, tick.
03:57Tick, tick, tick.
04:00All right, okay, we will have a good time.
04:03Okay, get back, get back.
04:05Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.
04:08All right.
04:10Hold on.
04:12Looks like our contestants are up and running.
04:15Let's check in with Abby to find out a little bit more about Arroz Imperial.
04:20So, Dave, Arroz Imperial.
04:23Tell us all about it.
04:26Well, it's a recipe from Cuba that my family makes
04:29that uses cheese, chicken, veggies, and a lot of rice.
04:34Ooh, that is so special.
04:37Uh, now, Mia, tell us what you are doing with the rice.
04:42So I'm adding in tomato sauce and spices,
04:46like cumin, garlic powder, bay leaf,
04:51and natto to make yellow rice.
04:54The onions and the bell peppers will go in the rice, too.
04:57You're so passionate about cooking.
05:00Oh, the onions make my eyes water.
05:03I'm having a good time.
05:07That gives it so much flavor.
05:09Our family loves yellow rice, right?
05:11Right, Mia.
05:12And then once the rice is done, we'll coat the pan with mayonnaise
05:15and then layer our rice with chicken and cheese.
05:19I can't wait to taste it.
05:22Uh, back to you, Elmo.
05:24Thank you, Abby.
05:26Elmo's here with Tian to find out what goes into kimbap.
05:29Oh, well, Elmo, you can put all kinds of things into kimbap.
05:33The way my family makes it,
05:35sesame oil and salt are mixed into the rice first.
05:39And then we put carrots, spinach, cucumber, and pickled radish.
05:45Oh, and egg.
05:46So next, Alan will slice up the egg, just like the vegetables.
05:51Oh, that sounds exciting.
05:53Thank you, Tian.
05:55Will they finish before the clock runs out?
05:59Tick, tick, tick.
06:03Looks like Ji-Young has some kind of a...
06:06Well, what is it you have there, Ji-Young?
06:09Oh, yes, Elmo.
06:10This is a bamboo mat.
06:12We put a sheet of dried seaweed on top of it like this.
06:18And you want me to add the rice?
06:20Oh, yeah, sure.
06:24Smooth it out.
06:25Smooth it out.
06:27How's that look?
06:29And then we add the veggies.
06:31Add the veggies, okay.
06:36And now the egg.
06:38And then we roll it.
06:41You want me to roll it?
06:42Yeah, sure.
06:43All right.
06:44Here we go.
06:45While Alan rolls the seaweed, let's see how Mia's doing.
06:51Look, the rice for the arroz imperial has changed color.
06:56Looks like Mia's daddy, Frank, is spreading something in the pan.
07:00Hmm, could that be the mayonnaise?
07:03That's right.
07:05Oh, look at Mr. Dave go.
07:07Oh, and here comes the shredded chicken.
07:10Notice how Frank uses tongs to spread it evenly.
07:15And look, it's Elmo's favorite, shredded cheese.
07:19Oh, now Mia's adding the slices of bell peppers on top.
07:23Oh, I'm getting so hungry.
07:26Oh, it looks like a flower.
07:28Oh, it does.
07:30And into the oven it goes.
07:33Oh, Elmo's seeing some high fives out there.
07:37Looking pretty confident.
07:38Now that's what Elmo calls teamwork, Abby.
07:41Oh, it sure is, Elmo.
07:43Say, let's check back in on Jiang and Alan and see how it's going.
07:48Oh, great.
07:50Alan just added sesame oil to the outside of the kimbap, and now he's ready to do the slicing.
07:57Oh, look at that.
07:59It is so magical.
08:02Okay, after you're done with this one, let's make another.
08:05All right, I'm ready.
08:06All right, they're going for another.
08:08I got it.
08:10All right.
08:11Tick, tick, Elmo, my tick is tired.
08:15I gotta stop.
08:17Well, you heard it.
08:19We're out of time.
08:22The arroz imperial is done.
08:25It's still in the kimbap.
08:28Yes, but did our teams use that rice?
08:36Yes, they did.
08:41And now for my favorite part of the show, let's eat.
08:48Elmo loves how tasty and colorful the kimbap is.
08:52And the arroz imperial looks cheesetastic.
08:57I love your family's special rice recipe, Jiang.
09:00You know what?
09:01This has got me thinking.
09:02We should have a rice day, celebrating rice from everybody's family and from all around the world.
09:09Oh, that sounds exciting.
09:11Should I make some more rice?
09:18I will go make more rice.
09:21Celebrating me, celebrating you, celebrating us.
09:27Oh, hi.
09:29Looks like Mia and Oliver have both been cooking something with rice.
09:33Let's see what they have.
09:35Hey, you have peas in your rice.
09:38I sure do.
09:39My family's from Haiti.
09:41And duri-egg chong chong, which is rice with black mushrooms, is a special recipe that my family makes all the time.
09:49My family eats rice, too.
09:51And they eat peas.
09:53But we never mix them together.
09:55That looks so good.
09:56It is.
09:58What do you have?
10:00Suman malinke.
10:02My family's from the Philippines.
10:04And Filipino steamed rice cakes are a special dessert we make in my family.
10:09It's got rice and coconut milk.
10:12Can I try some?
10:14If I can try some of yours.
10:28I like it.
10:32Oh, it's fun trying the special food that other families cook.
10:37Oh, Elmo knows that music.
10:39It's time for the letter of the day.
10:41Let's go.
11:06The letter of the day is C.
11:20C is for cooking.
11:23Oh, hi.
11:24Guess what I'm doing.
11:25I'm cooking.
11:26Did somebody say cookie?
11:28No, Cookie Monster.
11:29I said cooking.
11:30It sounds like cookie.
11:31And both words do begin with the letter C.
11:33Yeah, and both have an ook in them.
11:35When you cook something, you measure ingredients, mix them together, heat them up, and make something tasty.
11:40Oh, like cookies.
11:42Like cookies and a lot of other really good things, too.
11:45Like right now, I'm making soup.
11:47Have a taste.
11:52What do you think?
11:53Uh, me think it need something.
11:55Need something?
11:56What, like salt or pepper?
11:58No, no.
11:59Ingredient that me thinking begin with letter C.
12:03I need more carrots.
12:05Carrots start with C.
12:07That's a good idea.
12:08More carrots.
12:09No, no, no.
12:10Not carrots.
12:11Me thinking of different ingredient that begins with letter C.
12:15Cauliflower begins with C.
12:18Yes, maybe it needs more cauliflower.
12:20No, no, no.
12:21Not cauliflower.
12:22It's me, cabbage.
12:25How about corn?
12:27Everyone's cuckoo for corn.
12:29Well, yeah, corn and cabbage do begin with letter C.
12:32But, uh, sorry, not you guys.
12:34All right, an ingredient that begins with C, but it isn't carrots or cauliflower or...
12:39Wait a minute.
12:40I know.
12:41You think the soup needs cookies.
12:44Yeah, soup need cookies.
12:47But, Cookie Monster, that would taste awful.
12:49Cookies don't belong in soup.
12:51Yeah, you're right.
12:52Cookies no belong in soup.
12:53Cookies belong in me tummy.
12:55Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
13:00Well, what do you think?
13:02Uh, it needs more...
13:05More salt?
13:07More pepper?
13:09More food?
13:10Elmo wishes Abby's pretend food had real food in it.
13:13Elmo's hungry.
13:16Oh, well, I think you're lucky.
13:19Sounds like the foodie truck is here.
13:21Yeah, Elmo wonders what kind of a cookie monster we're making today.
13:24Let's find out.
13:41Hello, Cookie Monster and Gonger.
13:43I'm George.
13:44My brother and I are pretend cooking and it's making us hungry.
13:48We'd like some vegetable fried rice.
13:51Can you help us, please?
13:53Of course we can help you, because we are...
13:57Monster Foodies!
13:59Okay, what we need to cook veggie fried rice?
14:02Let's have a little look.
14:03We need brown rice, vegetable oil, garlic, carrot, broccoli, peas, egg, soy sauce, and sesame oil.
14:15Me got it.
14:16Um, oh, excuse me, my friend. Did you forget something?
14:20Uh, no, no, me no forget anything. This, me got...
14:23It's fried rice! Rice! You forgot rice!
14:26Oh, yes. Me used all the rice last night.
14:30What on earth did you make?
14:32Uh, me made rice. Uh, and then for dessert, me had rice pudding.
14:38Oh, we can't make fried rice without rice! Oh, Cookie Monster!
14:42Don't panic, Cookie, don't panic!
14:44Panic? Me cool as cucumber.
14:46We gotta go to the rice field.
14:48Okay, this kitchen having wheels comes in handy.
14:51Oh, come on!
14:52Okay, let's go.
15:00To the rice field!
15:03To the field of rice! To the field of rice! We're going to the field of rice!
15:09Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy! Here we are at the...
15:13Rice Farm!
15:15Hello, Mr. Rice Farmer. We need rice to make veggie fried rice. Can you help us, please?
15:20Hello, Cookie Monster Gonger. Welcome to the Rice Farm.
15:23Sure I can help you.
15:25Rice is a grain. It starts out as seeds that get planted in a nursery field called a rice paddy.
15:30To plant the seeds, the farmer uses a machine called a rice planter.
15:34It spreads the dirt, drops the seeds, and then covers them back up with dirt.
15:39Seeds become seedlings within a week. Then 21 days later, the field is covered in water.
15:44Then the water is drained so the rice can be harvested.
15:48A machine called a harvester cuts the rice stalks.
15:52Then trucks take the rice to a silo where the rice is dried out using fans.
15:56After the rice stalks are dry, it is taken to a mill.
16:00There, a machine called a thresher separates the rice from the stalks.
16:05Finally, a machine called a husker removes the husk.
16:10And now you have healthy brown rice.
16:13Here's some rice to make fried rice, Cookie Monster and Gonger.
16:16Oh, thank you, Mr. Rice Farmer.
16:18We got rice. We got rice. We're going home to make fried rice.
16:23Okay, Chef Gonger, we got rice. Now me wonder how we cook vegetable fried rice. How we do this?
16:30Well, what if we take a little looky at the recipe?
16:33Well, okay, let's try.
16:36Okay, so first we have to cook the rice. So put two cups of rice in the rice cooker.
16:41One cup of rice. Two cups of rice.
16:44And while we wait for the rice, we heat up the vegetable oil in the wok.
16:49Oh, and now mince the garlic.
16:51Mincey, mincey, mincey.
16:53And add one cup of chopped carrots.
16:55Chop, chop, chop, chop. One cup chopped carrots.
16:59Oh, next is one cup of broccoli.
17:01One cup broccoli.
17:03Next, one half cup of peas.
17:06Hey, me get pretty good at this measuring stuff, huh?
17:09Yeah, you are.
17:11Okay, now cook the garlic, the carrots, the broccoli, and the peas in the wok.
17:15And then stir them. Stir, stir, stir. Stir, stir, stir.
17:20Oh, that sound means the rice is cooked.
17:23Add the rice to the wok and mix them.
17:26And next, add the egg.
17:29Now we drizzle some soy sauce and some sesame oil.
17:33Won't you tell me how to cook, how to cook with sesame oil?
17:40So colorful.
17:44Bye-bye, foodie.
17:45Oh, Cookie Monster.
17:48I know I do this every time, but this now is for you.
17:54Oh, thank you, Gonger.
17:56Oh, yum, yum.
18:01Thank you, Cookie Monster and Gonger for this healthy vegetable fried rice.
18:08It smells delicious.
18:13Happy, healthy monsters to the rescue.
18:16We make yummy food just for you.
18:22Do you know what time it is?
18:24It's time for the number of the day.
18:26Hop like an astronaut. Hop, hop, hop like an astronaut.
18:32Hop, hop, slide like a shooting star.
18:39And hop, slide, hop, slide.
18:43Hoppy, hoppy, slide, slide, slide, slide, slide.
18:46It's time for the number of the day.
18:52Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yip.
18:54Count the martians with us.
19:00So much nature right outside your door.
19:05Nature explorers love to explore.
19:10Come with us on a nature adventure with The Nature Explorers.
19:22Elmo, Gabrielle, and Tango are helping Grandma Nell in the greenhouse.
19:28Thank you, Tango.
19:30These seedlings are ready to plant this afternoon.
19:33But before we start, it's time to play Pick Your Lunch.
19:39Pick Your Lunch? How do you play that, Grandma Nell?
19:44All you have to do is pick the food for your lunch from the veggies in the community garden.
19:49See if you can find ones that grow on top of the soil, under the soil, and above the soil.
19:55On top of, under, and above the soil.
19:59Got it.
20:01You can look with us.
20:03Now, what would you like to eat?
20:06How about a salad?
20:09Elmo loves salad.
20:13But Elmo wonders, can we make a salad from veggies in the garden?
20:18Great question, Elmo.
20:20This is a job for Nature Explorers.
20:24You could be a Nature Explorer, too.
20:26Come on, observe and look happy with us.
20:30Magnifying glass.
20:34Nature Explorers, ready to explore.
20:42Elmo sees big green leaves that grow on the soil.
20:47Is that a veggie? Maybe.
20:49But all the leaves look different.
20:51That's because they are all different kinds of lettuce.
20:55This is called romaine.
20:58This one is arugula.
21:00And this one is butterhead lettuce.
21:03They are all leaves that you can eat.
21:05Leaves you can eat?
21:07I have to draw this in my notebook.
21:11My friend said it was fine to take some veggies from their plot,
21:14so go ahead and pick some lettuce for the salad, Elmo.
21:18See you shortly.
21:23Wait, Grandma Nell said we should find veggies that grow on top of the soil,
21:28under the soil, and above the soil.
21:30Lettuce grows on top of the soil.
21:33So, we're winning?
21:35So far. Let's keep going.
21:39Let's follow Tango.
21:46Oh, I think Tango found another veggie.
21:49Elmo doesn't see any veggies.
21:52Let's see.
21:54Wait a minute. Elmo sees something orange.
21:57Carrots are orange.
21:59I wonder.
22:03Tango found a carrot.
22:05Carrots grow under the soil.
22:08Good girl, Tango.
22:14Okay, so we found lettuce that grows on top of the soil,
22:18carrots that grow under the soil.
22:20Now we just have to find veggies that grow above the soil.
22:24And then we'll win the game of Pick Your Lunch.
22:30Hello. Above the soil veggies, where are you?
22:39Tango found a tomato.
22:42But where do they grow?
22:45Tomatoes don't come from the sky, Tango.
22:51But they do come from up there.
22:54Look, they're growing above the soil.
22:56That's right, Nature Explorers.
22:58And you can pick the red tomatoes by gently twisting them off of the vine.
23:03Grandma Nell, what about the green ones?
23:05Oh, leave the green ones. They aren't ripe yet.
23:08Fun fact, tomatoes are actually a fruit.
23:12Gabrielle, we did it.
23:15We found food that grows on top of, under, and above the soil to make our salad.
23:22That's right.
23:23And you are the winners of Pick Your Lunch.
23:29Good job, everybody.
23:31Nature Explorers look high. Nature Explorers look low.
23:34Nature Explorers exploring nature everywhere we go.
23:38I'll be a veggie. You be a veggie, too.
23:41Let's sprout from soil like the veggies do.
23:44Sprout, sprout, sprout like a veggie.
23:49We can take a salad now, right?
23:53Good job, Nature Explorers.
23:55And great nature exploring.
23:59Bye, Nature Explorers.
24:08So good.
24:09Oh, we're back.
24:13We hope you had fun finding out about cooking today.
24:16It was really nice to see the special ways families cook with rice.
24:19So we'll see you right here next time on Sesame Street.
