44 A Wonderful Birthday Present (Remastered)

  • 3 months ago


00:00Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
00:50Moominpappa, just look at this wonderful flower.
00:53Oh yes, it's very pretty.
00:55Do you know what sort it is?
00:57I've no idea, I'll have to ask the Himalayan.
00:59Oh, it's your birthday soon, dear.
01:09I've been thinking about the present I'm going to get you.
01:11Oh, Papa.
01:13Oh, well, my dear, you deserve something nice,
01:16something especially nice.
01:18It looks beautiful, dear.
01:21However, Moominpappa had no idea what the especially nice
01:26birthday present was going to be,
01:28and he had to think of something soon,
01:30because Moominmama's birthday was only a week away.
01:33What could he get her?
01:37Oh, dear me, it's so difficult.
01:39Specially nice, something specially nice.
01:45Something nice and special.
01:47Oh, I wish I hadn't said that.
01:50But surely you want to give her something.
01:52Yes, of course I do, but now I've told her
01:54it's going to be an especially nice present,
01:56so I have to make sure I think of something out of the ordinary.
01:59Oh, I understand.
02:00Do you think perhaps she'd like a model airplane?
02:03Not really, but you're an inventor.
02:06Couldn't you invent something, maybe?
02:08I'll give it some thought.
02:10Oh, here she comes.
02:15Hello, Moominmama.
02:17Hello, Snork.
02:18What are you two discussing?
02:20Oh, nothing, nothing, nothing much.
02:23We were talking about the weather.
02:25Oh, well, I hope you were saying
02:27how wonderfully warm and sunny it is today.
02:35Oh, yeah.
02:40Being as small as Little My seems to have some big advantages.
02:44Falling doesn't hurt her.
02:46Well, goodbye, Snork.
02:48Uh, bye.
02:51That's it.
02:54Moominmama's present.
02:56A bicycle, handmade.
02:57Great idea.
02:59Could you possibly design one for me, a wooden one?
03:02What, right now?
03:03Yes, please.
03:04Compared to my flying ship, a bike's easy.
03:06I'm very grateful to you, Snork.
03:08My problem's solved.
03:10Last year he gave Moominmama a necklace made of seashells.
03:13Yes, she loves that necklace.
03:15What'd he get her the year before?
03:17I think it was the ivy hammock.
03:19It didn't last very long, though.
03:21Your mama's heavy.
03:23What was she given the year before that?
03:25Look, the problem is this year.
03:27You're right.
03:28I'll tell you what.
03:29We could all give her a skateboard with a sail on it,
03:31just like mine here, but a bit bigger.
03:33I don't think Mother's right, skateboards.
03:36No, absolutely not.
03:38It isn't a very ladylike occupation.
03:40Who'd cook if she got hurt?
03:42Do you think she'd like a nice hairbrush, perhaps?
03:44She's hairless.
03:46It's all about getting her some chocolates,
03:48the sort with cherries in.
03:50Yes, but we all know who'd end up eating most of them, don't we?
03:53We're never going to decide at this rate.
03:55Ah, what is it?
03:57That must be what's going on.
03:59What do you mean?
04:00Well, I noticed Moominpapa's been building something
04:02very secretly in the shed by our house.
04:05I think it must be Moominmama's present.
04:07Oh, yeah, good for him.
04:09And the Snork has been helping him with it.
04:11Really? I wonder what they can be making for her.
04:14Whatever they've got, we must think of something
04:16even better to give her.
04:18We could always just go and ask her
04:20what she'd really like, you know.
04:26It looks like my design.
04:28Yes, well, so it should.
04:32Seems good and sturdy.
04:34Yes, it's the perfect present for Moominmama.
04:40Shall I give you a push?
04:42I can't...
04:55Use the brakes!
04:57Or you're going to fall!
04:59Take it easy!
05:05Oh, dear!
05:07Oh, Moominpapa!
05:10Oh, my poor back!
05:12Are you okay, Moominpapa?
05:14I'm all right, but the bicycle isn't.
05:20Now you just rest your knees.
05:22Yes, dear.
05:24We're home!
05:28What's happened, Papa?
05:30He tripped over a rock, that's all.
05:32Yes, might lead to blood poisoning, though.
05:36Yes, Sniff?
05:39How would you like us to get you for a birthday present?
05:41I think the best present would be one that you had made.
05:43What sort of thing?
05:45Well, I suppose I'm running out of potholders,
05:47and I use them a lot.
05:49They always make good presents, you know.
05:53You've already got Mama's birthday present, haven't you?
05:55Sort of.
05:57We still haven't decided, you know.
05:59She did mention potholders, didn't she?
06:01But she already has hundreds hidden away.
06:05We have to think.
06:20Oh, dear Mama.
06:22Just a second.
06:24This pot needs scouring to get it properly clean.
06:28Very boring work.
06:30What's the matter?
06:32Are you all right?
06:34Oh, I'm fine, don't worry.
06:37How very strange.
06:41I'll give it some serious thought, fellas.
06:43Only not a necklace,
06:45a hammock, roller skates, or chocolates.
06:47Why don't you shut up, Sniff,
06:49and give Snufkin a chance to think?
06:54How about flowers?
06:58But she's already got loads of those.
07:00Even chocolates are better than that.
07:02We'll make a flower bed specially for her.
07:04Oh, yes.
07:06Yes, I think that might be a splendid present.
07:08Good idea.
07:10Her old flower bed made by all of us.
07:12Told you Snufkin would know.
07:24I give up. I can't think what it is.
07:26You'll see.
07:28Looks like a watermill to me.
07:30Well, yes, I suppose one could say that.
07:36A watermill.
07:42Oh, back at last.
07:44What are you going to do with the plates?
07:46Wash them.
07:48You're looking at a water-powered dishwasher.
07:50A dishwasher?
07:52Using this machine,
07:54washing the dishes will become a positive joy.
07:56Is this where you put the dirty dishes, Papa?
08:00Stack them in, then sit back and watch.
08:02And you designed this by yourself?
08:04I did.
08:06And unlike the bicycle,
08:08this invention is sure to be a success.
08:10The bike was built badly,
08:12not designed badly.
08:14Come on, let's see this working.
08:18Here goes.
08:28You see those brushes down there?
08:30They will automatically scrape everything off the plates,
08:32just like that.
08:42That's it.
08:44Oh, what's that?
08:48Oh, look.
09:10Thought so.
09:16There seem to be a lot of plates missing.
09:18Do you know where they could have got to, Moomin?
09:20No idea, Mama.
09:22You haven't seen our plates, have you?
09:24Oh, he's sleeping.
09:30Do it, do it.
09:40Oh, dear.
09:42There isn't much time left.
09:44Moominpapa really was at his wits' end.
09:46But just when all seemed lost,
09:48he had a new idea.
09:52Of course, it's perfect.
09:54Now, paper, paper.
09:56Oh, yeah.
10:06I brought you your coffee, Papa.
10:08Oh, thank you.
10:16What is it, dear?
10:18Would you turn around and look at me?
10:20Like this?
10:22Yes, that's excellent.
10:24Now, don't move.
10:26I'll try, but...
10:28Hold it, hold it.
10:30Don't move.
10:32What are you doing, dear?
10:34Thank you, Mama.
10:44Ah, yeah.
10:46He's decided to paint a watercolor portrait
10:48of Moominpapa.
10:50He's going to paint a watercolor portrait
10:52of Moominmama for her birthday.
10:54That doesn't sound like a bad idea, does it?
11:04As a present for Moominmama,
11:06yes, certainly.
11:08Take as many flowers as you want.
11:10Oh, thank you, Mr. Hemulen.
11:12We'll go fetch some boxes right away.
11:14Oh, great idea.
11:16Mr. Hemulen?
11:18Is this black flower over here?
11:20That's a black rose.
11:22They're rare.
11:24Isn't it
11:26a beautiful plant?
11:28I think it looks weird.
11:30We don't want to put that one in Moominmama's garden.
11:32Why not?
11:34A little black can often set bright colors off
11:36very nicely.
11:38Where is this flowerbed going to be?
11:40We haven't decided.
11:42It'll have to be just outside the house.
11:44No, it'll have to be somewhere
11:46far away, otherwise she'd be sure to see us
11:48and then it wouldn't be a surprise for her.
11:54Hey, Mama! Mama!
11:56Yes, dear, what is it?
11:58You have any idea where my watercolor paints are?
12:00They aren't in my desk
12:02and I've looked all over the place.
12:04Dear, they're gone.
12:06Have you forgotten, Papa?
12:08It was when we were on the beach last summer.
12:10Oh, a big wave took them.
12:12You said you were going to get some new ones, remember?
12:24Oh, I am an idiot.
12:30This one's gerbera.
12:32Yes, I know.
12:36Do you know what those are, Little My?
12:38Not a clue.
12:42Armeria. I got it.
12:44Now, you must be careful with their roots.
12:46Don't forget that plants are living things.
12:50Oh, it's Mama's
12:52birthday the day after tomorrow
12:54and I don't have a single idea where I could get her.
12:58I'll just tell her
13:00I love her.
13:04Oh, something specially nice
13:06or at least nice
13:08or special.
13:14Hey, Snufkin.
13:16Isn't that Mom and Papa?
13:18Yes, I think it is him.
13:20I wonder what's wrong.
13:22Papa! Papa!
13:24What's the matter?
13:26Do you feel ill? Is it your knee?
13:30Hi, Mom and
13:32Snufkin. Hello, everybody.
13:34It's good to see you.
13:38what a lot of beautiful flowers.
13:40Don't tell Mama, okay?
13:42All right.
13:44It's for Mama's birthday present.
13:46We're making her a special flower bed of her very own.
13:48Oh, you thought of a
13:50wonderful present.
13:52What have you been building for her over at our house,
13:54Mom and Papa? I bet it's something marvelous.
13:56Oh, nothing special.
13:58Oh, you want to keep it a secret.
14:00I see.
14:02Yes, that's just it.
14:04Well, should we go then?
14:06Yeah. See you, Papa.
14:08We have to hurry.
14:10I understand. The day after tomorrow, of course.
14:12Where are you taking
14:14all those flowers?
14:16We're going to hide them in the woodshed,
14:18and then we'll be all ready to make the flower bed tomorrow.
14:20Well, if you want, I could help.
14:22Oh, we're okay, thanks.
14:24Don't tell me you're tired already, Sniff.
14:26Of course I'm not tired.
14:28I figure we ought to make three more trips
14:30before we've got all the flowers. That's miles and miles.
14:32Oh, no.
14:34And such hungry work.
14:40What is it, Papa?
14:42Well, it's like this.
14:44All three presents I thought of for your mother sort of failed.
14:46And now I've completely run out of ideas.
14:48So, um,
14:50could I possibly join in with your present?
14:52Well, I don't mind, but...
14:54I don't mind either.
14:56That's fine.
14:58We'd love to have your help, Mom and Papa.
15:00Yes, you can take over from Sniff.
15:02You're worth ten a ham.
15:04With your help, I'm sure we could make
15:06a great flower bed, Papa.
15:08Oh, thank you, everyone.
15:10Thank you.
15:14The stars are bright tonight.
15:16I'm sure tomorrow will be fine.
15:18It has to be fine.
15:20It has to be?
15:22Well, everybody likes good weather, don't they?
15:24Not you, usually.
15:34But of course.
15:36What's the matter, dear?
15:38Oh, nothing. Never mind.
15:42Good night.
15:44Good night, dear.
15:50At the foot of the cliff?
15:52That's right.
15:54But that's quite a long way to go, Papa.
15:56I know,
15:58but I have a reason for making it there.
16:02What's the plan?
16:04We're planting the flowers at the foot of the cliff.
16:06Over there?
16:10Perhaps I should just explain
16:12why it's necessary for us to come all the way over here
16:14to plant the flower bed.
16:16Oh, wait a minute, though.
16:18What's wrong, Papa?
16:20Oh, I've forgotten something absolutely crucial.
16:26I've brought you all this way for nothing.
16:28I haven't got any black flowers.
16:30Black flowers?
16:32That's right.
16:34I don't see how my idea could possibly be realized without them.
16:36We'll get them!
16:40The Hemulon grows black roses,
16:42hundreds and hundreds of them.
16:44Really? Are you quite sure?
16:46Of course I am.
16:48But if you ask me, they're weird-looking plants.
16:50That doesn't matter at all.
16:54My idea is going to work.
16:56Why do you want black flowers?
16:58I'll explain the plan to you.
17:00You see, the reason we need to put the flower bed
17:02at the bottom of the cliff is so that...
17:04Can you guess what Moominpappa's reason might be?
17:12Happy birthday, Moominmama!
17:14Happy return!
17:16Thank you, thank you, everybody.
17:18Oh, wait.
17:20Before you cut the birthday cake, Mama,
17:22there's something else we've got for you.
17:24How sweet of you.
17:26It's a special present from everybody here in this room.
17:30I'd like to thank you all very much.
17:32Shall we show you now?
17:34Yes, please.
17:36It isn't here, you see.
17:38We'll take you to it, Moominmama.
17:40It's outside? What can it be?
17:48It's a bit of a walk.
17:52This way, Mama.
17:56Come on, you guys!
17:58Yeah, come on.
18:00I hope she likes it.
18:10We're nearly there, Mama.
18:12I'm getting so excited.
18:24Is this all for me?
18:26Yes, it is.
18:28It's so beautiful.
18:30Blue forget-me-nots,
18:38These must be orange stone drops.
18:40How lovely.
18:42She looks absolutely delighted, doesn't she?
18:46And black flowers as well.
18:48These are black roses.
18:50They're very difficult to cultivate.
18:52I can imagine.
18:54Mama, let's take another walk.
18:58To the clifftop.
19:00But whatever's up there?
19:02Just follow me.
19:22I don't see anything unusual.
19:24Walk a little further.
19:28Have a look.
20:12Well, do you like it?
20:14I love it.
20:16He almost copied from Papa's portrait of you.
20:18We needed the black roses for your handbag.
20:22How can I thank you all?
20:24What a wonderful birthday present for me.
20:26It's exactly what you told me, dear.
20:28Something especially nice.
