Emmerdale 12th July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Emmerdale 12th July 2024
00:00Oh, nearly there, Rara.
00:08You said that ten minutes ago.
00:09Why are we walking? I mean, what happened to our taxi?
00:15You did! You were about to paint it with your insides. The driver was about to chuck us
00:24Ah, here we are. Home at last.
00:28I'm not going in there.
00:29Why not?
00:36Oh, no, right, come on. Yeah, you're right.
00:38Let's get you sobered up at Paddy's.
00:43That kebab.
00:51Excuse me.
00:57Are you sure you don't want to go home?
01:01No, not yet. I just want to clear my head before I see Cain and the kids.
01:05Well, you can do that at ours. Take as much time as you want.
01:09I just can't believe how that little snake played us.
01:12I can.
01:15And I'm really sorry that I dragged you into this.
01:17No, I dragged myself into it. And we both told them the same story, so there's no case
01:24there other than the one that they've got from Samson. We're going to be absolutely fine.
01:32Looks like we're not the only ones that had a rough night.
01:39Did Samson say what happened?
01:41No. But he heard the police picked up Mara and Mackenzie yesterday.
01:46Well, Cain won't be too happy about that.
01:48I don't care about Cain. After the stunt his wife pulled.
01:52Here, you're up. I'll get you a cup of tea.
01:57How'd you sleep?
01:58I didn't. I just kept seeing Moira's face and hearing her voice.
02:03Yeah, well, it's a good job the police got to her before I did, I can tell you that.
02:09What happened, Samson?
02:11I was here, minding my own business. And then they grabbed me.
02:16They took me to Butler's and they wouldn't let me leave.
02:18And they're both screaming at me.
02:20I just changed my statement about Matter.
02:22You what?
02:23They threatened to beat me up if I didn't.
02:25Two grown adults against a young lad?
02:27Yeah. And I was proper scared.
02:30Yeah, well, you're safe now. We'll make sure of that. Right, Lydia?
02:37You reported her to the police?
02:39She kidnapped him. What was he supposed to do?
02:41Come to me.
02:42Tell me what's going on.
02:43If that's what really happened.
02:44You calling him a liar?
02:46Well, he's got a phone.
02:47Look, let's all just take a minute.
02:49Do you know what your lies have done? Matt's in hospital because of you.
02:52We know.
02:53Yeah, and you're still protecting him.
02:54Matt, he attacked my son.
02:56But he didn't.
02:58Tell your dad the truth. Tell him.
03:03We never rat on our own. You know that.
03:05Get out.
03:17Well, what don't you understand?
03:20No, what I'm saying is the shopping that's been delivered isn't mine.
03:24No, I...
03:25Yeah, I know what I ordered.
03:27Yeah, but this isn't it.
03:31OK. Thank you.
03:38Everything OK?
03:40I don't have time to sort this.
03:41I've got to go to the hospital and swap with Dad.
03:44I don't have time to sort this.
03:45I've got to go to the hospital and swap with Dad.
03:47Well, what do you need? Maybe I can help.
03:49I think you've done enough.
03:50I can nip out.
03:51Just give me a list.
03:53You sure?
03:54This is more important than anything I could have going on.
03:59Right, we'll have a meeting in a few minutes.
04:01I should get ready.
04:02Oh, don't worry. It's a video call.
04:07Hey, morning, sweetheart.
04:08Oh, happy birthday.
04:10Thank you.
04:11You're here.
04:12Lucas said you wouldn't remember.
04:14I knew you would.
04:15Of course.
04:17Happy birthday.
04:18You're our special girl.
04:22Have you got me something nice?
04:24Well, you're just going to have to wait and see.
04:27You can open your presents later,
04:29whenever you want to,
04:30after we've sung happy birthday.
04:32Are we having a party?
04:35Of course we are.
04:37But we've still got lots to do here,
04:39so off you go.
04:42Have I got a birthday?
04:43You've got a lot on your plate.
04:45It's OK.
04:46No, no, it's not.
04:49She couldn't celebrate when she was in foster care.
04:51So when she came here, we said we'd make everyone special.
04:55How am I going to magic a cake in a party now?
04:58Leave that to me.
04:59There's not enough time.
05:01Like every other party I organised in Benidorm,
05:03it's a piece of cake.
05:06There's no-one there.
05:08Maybe he's at the garage.
05:10I can go and check, if you want.
05:14When did you get out?
05:16Er, this morning.
05:18The earlyster's both on bail.
05:20I'm trying to call you.
05:22My phone died.
05:24Are the kids OK?
05:26Worried about you.
05:27So was I.
05:29You're not mad?
05:30Yeah, of course I am.
05:32I'm not mad.
05:34You're not mad?
05:35Yeah, of course I am.
05:37But not you.
05:39I've just paid Samson a visit.
05:41Well, it's one thing him getting Matty in trouble,
05:43and now he's dragging you into his mess.
05:45He's not going to survive in there much longer,
05:47and he's not a criminal.
05:59Look, I need to tell you something about Matty,
06:01and you've got to promise not to kick off.
06:03OK, just tell me.
06:05He wasn't attacked.
06:07He got a cellmate to do that to him
06:09so they'd move him into the hospital.
06:11I'm sorry, Moira, he made his promise not to tell you,
06:14but I know how worried you've been.
06:16It's not fair.
06:19I need some air.
06:23OK, just...
06:25give her a moment.
06:33You pulling the runner or what?
06:36Why would I?
06:37You tell me.
06:39Anyway, you still doing this trip then or what?
06:41Cos we need to talk details.
06:43I've been dealing with some stuff.
06:45Moira, Matty's mum, she kidnapped me.
06:47You are joking.
06:49It was her and her brother.
06:51They wanted me to go to the police
06:53and change my statement about Matty.
06:55Did you?
06:56Of course not.
06:58I dobbed them in the first chance I got.
07:00Police picked them up yesterday.
07:02You're not feeling sorry for them, are you?
07:04You're not going to change your story to the police?
07:06I've told you, no.
07:08All right, we're mates.
07:11Cos if you do, I might not be so nice next time.
07:13That's all I'm saying.
07:14What are you doing round here?
07:16He's just leaving.
07:17Hey, you're my favourite, Lydia, that's what it is.
07:19See you in a bit, yeah?
07:23What were that about?
07:26Just wanted to talk about our trip.
07:30Can we talk?
07:44Ladies, good morning.
07:48Er, Wendy,
07:50would you mind ordering us a couple of lattes, please?
07:54Oh, yeah, yeah.
07:56So, er,
07:59how's it going?
08:06Mr Porter.
08:10Er, you go.
08:11I insist.
08:13I was hoping we could talk.
08:15Not right now, obviously, but, um,
08:17after work?
08:20Yeah, sure.
08:24I'll call you later.
08:33Er, um, Brenda's going to bring us a couple of coffees out,
08:36so, um,
08:38what was going on there?
08:42What did you do?
08:46Well, I'm not going to let it drop,
08:48not until you give me all the details.
08:54So, Charles and I,
08:56we may or may not
09:00slept together yesterday.
09:02It was a bit of fun.
09:04That's all.
09:06It meant nothing.
09:08We both agreed.
09:10At least that's what I thought.
09:12But now Charles wants to talk.
09:16what if he wants to get back together again?
09:21would that be such a bad thing?
09:23I've only just started accepting that we're over.
09:25Well, clearly,
09:27there are still a lot of feelings there
09:29if you ended up in bed together.
09:31Look, look,
09:33all I'm saying is,
09:35are you really sure you want to walk away?
09:41I'm not looking for a fight.
09:43No, I'm looking to get back home to my family
09:45before Samson sends me to jail
09:47and takes me away from them again.
09:51I don't condone what you did to Samson,
09:55I want to hear your side of the story.
09:59So you can call me a liar,
10:01just like you did Matty?
10:05I just need to know.
10:11You don't believe Samson, do you?
10:13I never said that.
10:15Lydia, you know me
10:17and you know Matty.
10:19Why would we do any of this? We're family.
10:21Family don't go around kidnapping
10:23and threatening each other.
10:25We didn't kidnap him, we just...
10:27We wanted him to tell the truth.
10:29By terrifying him?
10:31I was desperate!
10:35I need Matty to come home.
10:37He didn't get attacked in there.
10:39He arranged to get
10:41someone to beat him up.
10:43He is so scared
10:45of what the other prisoners will do
10:47when word gets around that he is trans.
10:49And the hospital's the only place
10:51where he feels safe.
10:53Moira, I...
10:55I am so sorry.
10:57But does that sound like someone
10:59goes around deliberately
11:01stabbing people?
11:05Samson is not telling the truth.
11:07I know it, and so do you.
11:09And this is way bigger than what happened at the hide.
11:11That every day
11:13that he is in there,
11:15his life is in danger, real danger.
11:17And he's my son, you have to help me.
11:21Get him to tell the truth. He'll listen to you.
11:23Samson is like a son to me.
11:25And you're asking me to turn him in?
11:27To help me save mine.
11:29And because it's the right thing to do.
11:33Mother to mother.
11:37And I know
11:39what I'm asking is a lot,
11:43I've already buried one child.
11:45Please don't let me bury another.
11:59Tell me what you want, what you really, really want.
12:01I wanna, I wanna, I wanna,
12:03I wanna really, really, really wanna zig-zag.
12:05If you want my future...
12:07Oh, she lives.
12:11Oh God.
12:13What time is it?
12:15Oh God.
12:17Why didn't you wake me up?
12:19No, no, no, don't worry about work.
12:21No, Paddy said he would cover for you.
12:23How are you so sober?
12:25I didn't drink that much.
12:27Just a few pints, shots, vodka, cocktails
12:29and wine, I think.
12:31Oh, I'm gonna be sick.
12:33Oh, my back hurts.
12:35What happened to me?
12:37I don't remember.
12:41What did I do?
12:49You've really pulled this off.
12:51Told you I would.
12:53This is amazing.
12:55I might have enough time to get a present.
12:57Maybe you don't have to.
13:00I've been carrying it around for years.
13:04I was going to give it to you when you were younger,
13:08you could give it to Clemmie
13:10from you
13:12once I've wrapped it in a pretty box.
13:16It's beautiful.
13:20Thank you.
13:24Are you sure that's a Spice Girl?
13:26Must be.
13:28Are you sure that's a Spice Girl?
13:30Well, see, you said it once.
13:32Well, which one?
13:34It looks like posh.
13:36From this angle, it could be Mel C.
13:38Oh, it's terrible.
13:40Whatever it is, she's got a big nose.
13:42What? You said we're being honest.
13:46Why did you let me do this to myself?
13:48Excuse me?
13:50I was getting our kebabs.
13:52Oh, and that is my secret to staying sober, by the way.
13:54Anyway, I come back and that's who we're on.
13:56Marlon, an audio artist,
13:58agrees to work on a drunk person.
14:00Don't you, mum?
14:02What's cute, though?
14:04Why did I think it was a good idea to go on a bender?
14:06Because it's fun.
14:08And there's nothing wrong with that.
14:12I do owe you an apology, though.
14:14What for?
14:16Saying you're uptight.
14:18You're fine.
14:22Oh, it's Marlon.
14:24He wants to meet me in the pub.
14:25Are you going to tell him about your tattoo?
14:26Absolutely not.
14:27He can never know.
14:32When's Billy coming?
14:34As soon as I go back to the hospital and take over looking after Evan.
14:39Do you like it?
14:40I love it. I'm never taking it off.
14:47Don't get any crumbs on the carpet and tell your brother too.
14:50You're great with her.
14:52Do you think so?
14:53Oh, yeah. She adores you.
14:55And you're finally getting to be the mum and the grandmother you always wanted to be.
14:59It's nice.
15:01I'm glad you're here.
15:04Yeah. Don't mind if I do.
15:12Having a party?
15:14Why didn't anyone tell me?
15:16That's my fault.
15:18I got totally sidetracked organising everything so last minute.
15:22I bet you did.
15:24And you wouldn't have answered your phone anyway.
15:26You never do when you're in a meeting.
15:28I'm taking these to Lucas.
15:30I'll come up with me.
15:41It's nice to know where one stands.
15:44Hey, I was going to send out a search party.
15:47Where did you go?
15:53We need to talk.
15:56All of us.
16:00I went to speak to Moira.
16:02After everything she's done?
16:04Why would you?
16:05Because I needed to know the truth.
16:08Samson's already told you the truth.
16:11Samson's already told you the truth.
16:13What more do you want to hear?
16:16I love you.
16:19I fought your corner every step of the way.
16:22Supported you.
16:24So if there's something you're not telling us,
16:28you need to say it.
16:35What is this?
16:37Mattie didn't just end up in hospital because of some random attack.
16:41He organised it himself.
16:45He's scared.
16:47And desperate.
16:49But he can't stay in hospital forever.
16:51He's going to have to go back to where other prisoners
16:55probably now know he's trans.
16:57And they will attack him.
16:59For real.
17:05Did you lie?
17:09Did it happen the way that Mattie said?
17:25Three, two, one, go!
17:29Go on, get down here.
17:32Go on, get down here.
17:34No, not a chance.
17:36See yourself.
17:40You know, I don't think Charles is going to be expecting a third wheel on his date.
17:45Firstly, it's not a date.
17:48Secondly, it's not a date.
17:54Well, I think you are about to find out.
17:58I need a drink.
18:01Do you want to get a drink?
18:03Hey, Charles.
18:09You look nice.
18:11Oh, thank you.
18:13You look, um, smart.
18:17I was hoping to chat to you about yesterday.
18:21It was great.
18:23Yeah, it was.
18:25I know it kind of ended on an awkward note.
18:31I just wanted to make sure you were okay.
18:35I am.
18:37I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that.
18:40It's just, um,
18:42I really enjoyed our time together.
18:48everything is just really complicated with me right now.
18:54I'd really like us to still be friends, but if that's too weird for you, then...
19:04I'm happy to just be friends.
19:13A drink?
19:15I've offered to take over from Billy at the hospital.
19:18Just so they can both have a bit of time with Clemmie.
19:20Why didn't you tell me before I had my second one?
19:22I could have driven you there.
19:24Rosie's taking me in my car.
19:26Why am I not surprised?
19:28And what's that supposed to mean?
19:30Well, it's obvious, isn't it?
19:32She's trying to push me out of my own family.
19:35That is not true.
19:37So, why didn't she tell me about Clemmie's birthday party?
19:41She wants me to look like the bad guy.
19:43She didn't exclude you.
19:47Dawn didn't want you here.
19:49What? Why?
19:51She doesn't think you're taking any of this seriously.
19:55And you agree with her?
19:59You broke the bubble.
20:01Evan's in hospital because of you.
20:03You see, this is what I'm talking about.
20:05You can't even take this conversation seriously.
20:08I didn't break the bubble.
20:12Billy did.
20:14He was cracking under pressure.
20:16He went out and got plastered.
20:18I covered for him.
20:20And I did it because...
20:25I know what she'd have done.
20:27She'd have pushed him away.
20:29Shut him out.
20:31But I'm not taking this seriously, right?
20:35I'm the bad guy.
20:42Dad, please.
20:44I was scared. I didn't want to go to prison.
20:46But it were OK for Mattie.
20:48I didn't mean for any of this to happen.
20:50You did. You've been lying to us, to the police, for weeks.
20:54I'm sorry.
20:56Then fix it.
20:58Josh will come after me. Kane will kill me.
21:00I have never been so disappointed in you.
21:02So ashamed.
21:04Lydia, please.
21:06I need some air.
21:08Dad, please, what am I going to do?
21:12Get away from here.
21:14It's the only way I can help you.