Cásate con mi Esposo Capitulo 7 Castellano : Español España - Marry my Husband Castellano Audio Español

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Cásate con mi Esposo Capitulo 7 Castellano : Español España - Marry my Husband Castellano Audio Español
00:00:30Casate con mi esposo.
00:00:51No dibujes en los billetes.
00:00:56Se iba a morir igual.
00:00:58¡Que te calles!
00:01:08Cásate con mi esposo.
00:01:18¿Park Min Hoang tiene que casarse con John Summing?
00:01:24Si no se casan, tendré que casarme yo con Min Hoang.
00:01:30Luego aparecerá el cáncer y moriré asesinada por mi marido y mi mejor amiga.
00:01:41Al final pasará lo que tenga que pasar.
00:01:47¿Usted no lo sabía?
00:01:51No, que va. Quizás porque yo no he cambiado mucho. Solo un par de cosas.
00:01:58Por ejemplo, mandé a Baek Eun-ho a la reunión para aclarar las cosas.
00:02:04Ah, por eso Eun-ho apareció en la reunión.
00:02:10¿Pero cómo sabía lo del gosu, John?
00:02:19Porque fui a su funeral.
00:02:30Ah, mi funeral.
00:02:44¿Cómo fue mi funeral?
00:02:55Fue triste. Había mucha gente arrepentida.
00:03:06Mentiroso. Me lo puedo imaginar.
00:03:13Nadie se pondría triste ni estaría arrepentido. Pensarían, alguien ha muerto.
00:03:23Ah, me acuerdo de ella. Ya se ha ido. Y ya está.
00:03:37Podemos ir a hablar a otro sitio. Esto va a ser largo.
00:04:01¡Vaya! ¿En serio vive aquí?
00:04:09¿No baja?
00:04:11Ah, sí.
00:04:46Quieto. Ya está.
00:04:49Puedo dejarlo en el suelo. Me gustan los gatos.
00:04:52Pero a él no le gusta la gente.
00:04:56O al menos eso creía.
00:05:00¡Eres monísimo!
00:05:03¿Le hago un té? Tengo de todo. Café también.
00:05:08Me vale lo que sea.
00:05:13Me suelo llevar muy bien con los gatos atigrados.
00:05:18¡Eres precioso!
00:05:34¿Entonces se puede evitar? ¿Qué pasa si lo hace?
00:05:38¿Qué pasaría si rompiera con Minoan o dejase de hablarse con Sumín?
00:05:44Lo he intentado, pero...
00:05:48Park Minoan se enfada muchísimo cada vez que intento sacarle el tema de romper.
00:05:54Si me mata en diez años, ¿quién sabe si no sería capaz de hacerlo ahora?
00:05:59¿Y si huye para que no la encuentren?
00:06:02Lo he pensado.
00:06:05Cuando volví, todo me daba miedo. Solo quería olvidarlo todo y huir a donde fuera.
00:06:11Pero, siendo realistas, es algo imposible.
00:06:15Uno solo puede irse cuando quiera, si tiene libertad económica y se lo puede permitir.
00:06:20Puede huir ahora mismo. Yo puedo ayudarla.
00:06:25Es verdad. Pero me he dado cuenta de que huir...
00:06:31no me va a solucionar nada.
00:06:37Verá, antes tenía una cicatriz aquí.
00:06:42Me quemé con una cafetera.
00:06:50Pero ahora la tiene usted, señor Yu.
00:06:55La forma es exactamente la misma.
00:07:07Si yo no me hubiera hecho daño,
00:07:12al final...
00:07:17¿esa cicatriz la tendría usted?
00:07:27Escapar no es la solución al problema.
00:07:32Al final pasará lo que tenga que pasar.
00:07:37A no ser que yo le pase mi destino a otra persona.
00:07:42Herida por herida. Boda por boda.
00:07:47Muerte por...
00:08:02Así que yo he decidido que no voy a huir.
00:08:32¿Qué pasa?
00:08:37¿Qué pasa?
00:08:42¿Qué pasa?
00:08:47¿Qué pasa?
00:08:52¿Qué pasa?
00:08:57¿Qué pasa?
00:09:02¿Qué pasa?
00:09:07¿Qué pasa?
00:09:12¿Qué pasa?
00:09:17¿Qué pasa?
00:09:22¿Qué pasa?
00:09:27¿Qué pasa?
00:09:32¿Qué pasa?
00:09:37¿Qué pasa?
00:09:42¿Qué pasa?
00:09:47¿Qué pasa?
00:09:52No suelo venir por esta zona ni aunque me llamen.
00:09:57Esto debe ser el destino.
00:10:02Estaba a punto de irme a casa, pero he tenido una corazónada.
00:10:12I don't even know if it would have been.
00:10:16We barely knew each other.
00:10:18My goodness. Why is that?
00:10:22You should have been more daring.
00:10:24You should have come to the end as it was.
00:10:28You're right.
00:10:31I regret it.
00:10:34And that I didn't miss opportunities.
00:10:39Why did you let them escape?
00:10:42I didn't know I had to take advantage of them.
00:10:47And I don't think it would have been good either.
00:10:52I don't know, really.
00:10:56I realized recently how I felt.
00:10:59I was surviving.
00:11:04But when I found out I was dead...
00:11:16If I had another chance, what would I do?
00:11:21There won't be another chance.
00:11:23But if there was...
00:11:26I'd take advantage of it.
00:11:29I've lost a lot of opportunities, and I didn't want to take advantage of them.
00:11:33Maybe something stopped me.
00:11:35And that's why I didn't take advantage of them.
00:11:42So don't regret it.
00:11:45I'm sure you didn't take advantage of them for some reason.
00:11:49I wonder...
00:11:53if I would do it now.
00:12:03I don't know.
00:12:24A cheap excuse will come up.
00:12:28But I still didn't know how I felt.
00:12:35If I had known, I would have protected her.
00:12:43If I had another chance...
00:12:51I'd take advantage of it this time.
00:12:58By the way, how did you go back in time?
00:13:02I thought I was dead, but when I opened my eyes, I was in 2013.
00:13:17I fell asleep and...
00:13:20I woke up in 2013.
00:13:29I'm sorry.
00:13:48Marketing Team 1 is in a bad way. They're about to explode.
00:13:51Hey, don't go overboard, man.
00:13:53I hope they don't give us the project for the food kit.
00:13:59I have an interview at 7 today, so I can't pick up Youngji.
00:14:03Learn to lie.
00:14:05What company does interviews at 7 in the afternoon?
00:14:09Do you know everything or what?
00:14:11If I tell you, it's like that, period.
00:14:14Besides, who are you to talk? Your project has gone wrong.
00:14:20What do you want?
00:14:22You still haven't taken Youngji to the nursery?
00:14:25Not yet. I can't talk right now.
00:14:38Are we going to do it together?
00:14:40Are you out of your mind? If it weren't for me, who do you think would be promoted? You or Kangjoo?
00:14:48How did I get to this?
00:15:18Personally, I don't like people like you.
00:16:17Isn't he the head of strategic planning?
00:16:19If he's here, this can't end well.
00:16:21It's going to be a massacre.
00:16:23What's going on?
00:16:31Director General Joo Hyuk.
00:16:35I've heard about you.
00:16:49Now you're in Human Resources?
00:16:52I'm just another employee. I do what I'm told.
00:16:55This isn't for the good of the company, is it?
00:16:58President Joo can do whatever he wants.
00:17:03Whether it's for the company or for the family.
00:17:10Did you ever think you'd be left with your arms crossed?
00:17:16I didn't expect him to send you here.
00:17:24I didn't expect him to be your type.
00:17:28It's nothing personal, but I thought he'd be less flat.
00:17:33He's not flat. He's fine.
00:17:37Maybe. He's been in a relationship for seven years, but he's decided to start dating his boss.
00:17:44That's not it.
00:17:45They left work together and went home.
00:17:49Did they have overtime?
00:17:51Has he been following me?
00:17:52It was necessary. You understand, don't you?
00:17:55You'd be able to do anything too, but you haven't gotten that far yet.
00:18:00Maybe he was about to.
00:18:06Were you going to give Kang Joon the food kit project?
00:18:10If that's the case, it looks like he's made up his mind after a long night.
00:18:19Director General Joo Yook.
00:18:21Human Resources will investigate this matter as it should be.
00:18:24We won't be influenced by public opinion.
00:18:27We're objective and we're not influenced by a woman's charms.
00:18:31The fact that Ms. Kang has the project right now is going to be a problem.
00:18:36Given the circumstances, she's also involved.
00:18:39Until we're sure of that...
00:18:46Ms. Jang should be in charge of the project.
00:18:52Oh, and of course Kang Joon can join the team if she wants to.
00:19:10If you don't let yourself be swayed by public opinion,
00:19:15if you're objective and don't let yourself be influenced,
00:19:18you'll come to the conclusion that Kang Joon is the best option.
00:19:23I assure you that nothing happened that night.
00:19:27From now on, the food kit project will be resumed.
00:19:34The leader...
00:19:40...will be Ms. Jang.
00:19:44And her team will have Kang Joon, Park Min Hwan and Joon Soo Min.
00:19:49That's all.
00:20:03Mr. Joo, excuse me.
00:20:05If you have any questions about the procedure, speak to Ms. Jang.
00:20:09I'll be in touch.
00:20:11Thank you.
00:20:14Mr. Joo, excuse me.
00:20:16If you have any questions about the procedure, speak to Ms. Jang.
00:20:21She said Min Hwan and Soo Min had to get married.
00:20:24It's better if they're together, right?
00:20:26But that means there are three sub-managers on the same project.
00:20:34You know what I can do.
00:20:43I'm sorry.
00:20:49I knew it.
00:20:50But still, congratulations, Ms. Jang.
00:20:53I've been very lucky.
00:20:55I didn't expect to be on the team.
00:20:57That's because they've chosen the best.
00:21:00It's our best project.
00:21:01Maybe they want a good team so I can work for a whole year.
00:21:06It doesn't make sense.
00:21:07There are three sub-managers on a project.
00:21:10He's not trying to get rid of me, is he?
00:21:16What's wrong with Mr. Joo?
00:21:19I don't think this is his thing.
00:21:23He has his reasons.
00:21:26Well, let's get to work.
00:21:37With this project, you can get ahead of Joo.
00:21:41I hope so.
00:21:47It's so good.
00:21:49How did you know I liked the strawberry one?
00:21:51I didn't know.
00:21:52I bought the one I like.
00:21:54I got it right.
00:21:57Oh, yeah.
00:21:58I think we're going on a retreat.
00:22:03I've never been on a retreat. Is that normal?
00:22:05Yes, we usually go twice a year.
00:22:08But Mr. Joo only thinks about himself.
00:22:11He's selfish.
00:22:15This is delicious.
00:22:20No, no, no, no.
00:22:21Thank you. I don't want it.
00:22:22When we're on the retreat, I'll grill you some good meat.
00:22:26And I'll buy more shakes.
00:22:36A few days later
00:22:59Every time my father gave me money, he drew a heart on the bill.
00:23:03I'd take advantage of the opportunity.
00:23:06In the end, whatever happens, happens.
00:23:09Death for...
00:23:34A few days later
00:23:37I'm starting to work here today.
00:23:39If he comes for me, he'll scare me.
00:23:42And if it's a coincidence, it'll be fate.
00:23:49Do you know what dynamite is?
00:24:00What Nobel discovered, right?
00:24:06And Spring Day.
00:24:12All I know is that spring goes from March to May.
00:24:16But I don't know if that's what you're asking.
00:24:21You're going to live a quiet, long and happy life.
00:24:26A few days later
00:24:31I think you still have a lot of time.
00:24:45I'm going home.
00:24:46Of course. Get some rest.
00:24:57Mr. Yu!
00:25:02Mr. Yu!
00:25:03Mr. Yu, you can't sleep here!
00:25:05Mr. Yu!
00:25:10Good evening.
00:25:15I pressed the call button and it called you automatically.
00:25:20I've been calling you like crazy.
00:25:22My number would come up first.
00:25:24This character is my brother and my boss.
00:25:26He left me out of the team and I haven't been able to find him all day.
00:25:31What I don't know is why he gets drunk here.
00:25:33It's the first time he does it.
00:25:39Or the crisis of the 25s.
00:25:44Who's the person who sent this amazing cake?
00:25:47This tastes like love.
00:25:49What? What did you say?
00:25:51He says he likes it.
00:25:53He says he likes it.
00:25:56Get up, Mr. Crisis.
00:25:59Excuse me.
00:26:01By any chance, do you know Can Yu-on?
00:26:07The puerter.
00:26:09The cheese cake made with fresh milk from a Montese goat from New Zealand
00:26:13who has just given birth to her second calf and is happy with her husband.
00:26:20That's amazing!
00:26:24It's the best cake I've ever tasted.
00:26:27Thank you.
00:26:42You know what I can do.
00:26:53Call me.
00:27:11The number you have dialed is turned off.
00:27:48Soup for the hangover?
00:27:50Yu-on brought him some soup.
00:27:52And now he's drinking with an empty stomach.
00:28:02Thank you.
00:28:04President Yu wants to see you.
00:28:21You must have drunk the good guy's alcohol.
00:28:24I can smell it from here, even if you've been drinking yourself to death.
00:28:27There are no cheap liquors in this house.
00:28:34Yu-ra has solved Director Wan's case very well.
00:28:37She's very smart.
00:28:41Did you quarrel with Mr. Li?
00:28:44Not at all.
00:28:45I'd say so, even if Mr. Li also denies it.
00:28:49I see you have more eyes and ears in the company than Mr. Li.
00:28:55I'm sure one day you'll leave me without any of them.
00:29:00But not Mr. Li.
00:29:02Do whatever it takes to get along with him.
00:29:04I'm sure you won't regret it.
00:29:10For God's sake.
00:29:12I've talked to O. Ganchol.
00:29:14Break with Yu-ra.
00:29:17Ganchol owes me a few favors.
00:29:19He won't say anything.
00:29:22Grandpa, didn't you want me to marry Yu-ra?
00:29:25I don't give a damn!
00:29:32Look at you, Yuk.
00:29:34You've never behaved like this.
00:29:36And now you're fighting with my assistant.
00:29:39They have to take you home and you get drunk in the morning.
00:29:46But even so,
00:29:48I can't force you to do something just because I want you to.
00:29:54I knew from the beginning that neither you nor Yu-ra wanted to get married.
00:29:58But I made a promise.
00:30:00And it's very rude to break a promise.
00:30:08as honest as possible.
00:30:10And put an end to it.
00:30:17By the way, when am I going to meet her?
00:30:22Why don't you answer me?
00:30:24This is your business!
00:30:28I don't think...
00:30:30you can meet her.
00:30:33I feel the same way you do, Grandpa.
00:30:37You want me to be happy.
00:30:40And I want the same for her.
00:30:46I love you.
00:31:10My time has come, then.
00:31:17But at least...
00:31:20this time I can protect her.
00:31:28I'm not going to run away.
00:31:32I won't regret not doing anything.
00:31:37Even if it's not part of her happiness.
00:31:47I love you.
00:32:01Roy Yentl.
00:32:03What a shame.
00:32:05I should have invested earlier.
00:32:08Have you seen Roy Yentl?
00:32:10I should have bought it.
00:32:12I've been thinking about it for six months.
00:32:14Don't look at it anymore.
00:32:15I sold it four months ago.
00:32:17Because it's cold.
00:32:18Or I'll get mad.
00:32:20Did you hear that?
00:32:21They're talking about the shares I sold you.
00:32:24Do you know how much they've gone up?
00:32:27I'm still with you because I have shares in TKU.
00:32:47Come out for a minute.
00:33:01What was he looking at?
00:33:10So Juon had these shares.
00:33:14Without Minua knowing.
00:33:16That's why she's always busy being a whore.
00:33:23But why didn't he sell it?
00:33:27Do you think it's going to go up even more?
00:33:36Do you remember the restaurant I went to with your card?
00:33:40It's good.
00:33:41I kept thinking about you.
00:33:45I wanted to take you there too.
00:33:47I'll take you there today.
00:33:51Oh, yeah?
00:33:52Have you been thinking about me?
00:33:58I've been thinking about you.
00:34:01Are you free tonight?
00:34:05By the way.
00:34:08Do you have cash?
00:34:10Oh, that's right.
00:34:11You still have the money I gave you when I sold Roy Jentle's shares, right?
00:34:16Let's pay with that, okay?
00:34:20Before we get married, I have to do something with Sumin.
00:34:23And I think I'm going to need some money.
00:34:27But how was I so blind?
00:34:29He talked about going to expensive places.
00:34:31But it was just a trick to get what I wanted.
00:34:34Oh, I'm so stupid.
00:34:36Don't get mad.
00:34:37Why are you insulting yourself?
00:34:39Have you done anything with the money?
00:34:42I haven't told you.
00:34:44But I've spent it all on insurance.
00:34:49And if I cancel it now, I won't even get half of it.
00:34:52But you know what?
00:34:53I think in ten years they'll give me 10% more than I've invested.
00:34:57You're so stupid.
00:34:58You're so stupid.
00:34:59Are you crazy?
00:35:00It's a scam.
00:35:01Insurance companies always win.
00:35:04I thought you were smart, but I see you're not.
00:35:07Fuck you!
00:35:12I should sell it to Tikeyu.
00:35:17Tikeyu Technologies is withdrawing its shares.
00:35:20I think it's going to go up.
00:35:24Well, I've already won a lot.
00:35:26Why is this happening to me?
00:35:29How much do you need?
00:35:32I have a savings plan that will expire soon.
00:35:37What savings?
00:35:39You sold Royental for me.
00:35:41If you also sell Tikeyu, I'd feel bad.
00:35:47Don't sell it.
00:35:48I'll leave you some money.
00:35:52Oh, honey.
00:35:54And instead of going out to dinner tonight,
00:35:57let's go somewhere for the weekend.
00:36:07Look at the sky.
00:36:08It's beautiful.
00:36:10It's a shame I don't have sunglasses.
00:36:15They said it would be cloudy today,
00:36:17but I knew that if you came, the sun would come out.
00:36:20You're the time fairy, Sumin.
00:36:22Thank you very much.
00:36:23You know me so well, Minuan.
00:36:26Hey, Yuan.
00:36:28Don't work so much.
00:36:29You've gotten rid of your bosses.
00:36:31Do you want to be the boss?
00:36:34In the company, we only talk about you,
00:36:36and we don't like men at all.
00:36:39You're so stupid.
00:36:41Stop it, Minuan.
00:36:42Don't say that.
00:36:43You'll get in trouble.
00:36:46Sumin, do you want a cold beer?
00:36:56Do you want one?
00:36:59Will you pass me some food?
00:37:03Thank you.
00:37:13When I think of you,
00:37:14I realize how important you are.
00:37:17Sumin, I've known you since high school,
00:37:19and we're still friends.
00:37:21And Minuan,
00:37:24I met you at work,
00:37:25and we've been together since then.
00:37:29Meeting us
00:37:31is fate.
00:37:34Isn't it?
00:37:40We're a family.
00:37:43Maybe one day I'll get her out of the way
00:37:45and push her.
00:37:49You, me,
00:37:51and Minuan.
00:37:55Always together.
00:37:57I'll have to work harder
00:37:59so my princesses can be happy.
00:38:10what's it like to be my girlfriend?
00:38:16Who's this?
00:38:19What's wrong?
00:38:20Why are you screaming?
00:38:21Are you okay?
00:38:23What's wrong?
00:38:24Why are you screaming?
00:38:30There he goes.
00:38:31It's a bug.
00:38:32What? A bug?
00:38:35I'll protect you.
00:38:36Where's the bug?
00:38:37I'm scared of bugs.
00:38:38I'll scare him.
00:38:39Don't worry.
00:38:40Bug, stay away.
00:38:41Out, out.
00:38:44Minuan, are you okay?
00:38:45There was a bug there.
00:38:46A bug?
00:38:47Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
00:38:48There you go.
00:38:49Are you okay?
00:38:51Bad bug.
00:38:52This reminds me of when we started dating.
00:38:54You always scared me of bugs.
00:38:56You were my savior.
00:38:58I did?
00:39:06Asumin is also scared of bugs.
00:39:08Good thing you're here, Minuan.
00:39:21Step aside.
00:39:22Come on, Juong.
00:39:23We're going on an excursion on the bike.
00:39:25How fun!
00:39:26How are you?
00:39:28Can I leave you alone?
00:39:29Come on, you can do it.
00:39:30You got it.
00:39:40Yes, Mr. Ayan?
00:39:44I'm coming.
00:39:48Are you going to work?
00:39:51God, Juong has a problem with work.
00:39:54It's like his drug.
00:39:55Does he work on weekends?
00:39:58I only have her.
00:40:01But she's too busy to stay with me.
00:40:04I don't see her much either.
00:40:05She only thinks about that damn project.
00:40:12Sumin, do you know how to ride a bike?
00:40:15I've never ridden one.
00:40:17I'm a little scared.
00:40:18Don't be scared.
00:40:20Come on, I'll show you.
00:40:24Hi, Juong.
00:40:26I'm sorry.
00:40:27I was in an awkward situation.
00:40:29I wanted to leave and you called me.
00:40:31Did I scare you?
00:40:34So, you're not coming?
00:40:37I'm waiting for you.
00:40:40Where are you?
00:41:12Oh, thank you.
00:41:14But I should give you the flowers, right?
00:41:16They told me you work around here now.
00:41:19Very close.
00:41:22So, you should come and eat.
00:41:30I'm taking the night shift today.
00:41:33I'm leaving.
00:41:36Oh, okay.
00:42:07Mr. Juong, I have something to tell you.
00:42:09Yes, yes, me too.
00:42:11Have a seat.
00:42:17Why did you come to work?
00:42:20I wanted Minu and Sumin to have a date.
00:42:22We went out together and I left them both there.
00:42:28I missed two things in my succession process in 2021.
00:42:33One is Clauder and Kelly Tetour.
00:42:36Oh, I remember now.
00:42:38They were affiliated to Iwan Kei, but they became independent.
00:42:43And the other one is Lee Seok-hyun.
00:42:49My grandfather wanted Mr. Lee to stay by my side.
00:42:52But he resigned when I became president.
00:42:57Why do you think he did it?
00:43:00I don't feel comfortable with him.
00:43:02He has a difficult personality.
00:43:06That's why I couldn't appoint her as the leader of the food kit project.
00:43:14I'll help her in any way I can.
00:43:17I'll do whatever I can.
00:43:20I swear.
00:43:36When you worked far away, you were the first one to arrive.
00:43:40And now that you're next to me, you're floundering.
00:43:43I'm not late.
00:43:45You arrived three minutes earlier.
00:43:47If you start like this...
00:43:48I'm not late.
00:43:50I've heard you.
00:43:53Well, don't trust yourself.
00:43:55By the way,
00:43:57you're here again.
00:44:12How long?
00:44:14I want to know how he is.
00:44:17If he's a womanizer
00:44:19or if he's a man with his feet on the ground.
00:44:26I hope you can control yourself with alcohol today.
00:44:29I want to know if he's serious.
00:44:33Are you that interested?
00:44:35Yes, to be honest.
00:44:39Stop with the details.
00:44:41You don't have to seduce women with food to earn them.
00:44:47What else do you want?
00:44:55I'm not going to drink today.
00:44:57I have something to do.
00:45:05I'm sorry.
00:45:10The marketing department will go on leave to improve teamwork.
00:45:14Be careful and don't hurt yourselves.
00:45:22That's all.
00:45:36Mr. Ayan.
00:45:40What if we tell Juyon to organize the retreat?
00:45:44I think it's a good idea.
00:45:48Do you want to organize the retreat?
00:45:52Me? Really?
00:45:54Do you want me to organize it?
00:46:13It's been a long time.
00:46:16We've been waiting for you for a long time.
00:46:19I'm not in a hurry.
00:46:21But I love it.
00:46:34We're going to suffer.
00:46:37Why do we decide where we're going to sleep with a game?
00:46:41I won't rest well with that.
00:46:44Let's give it our all and win!
00:46:46It's a lot more fun than drinking, don't you think?
00:46:48Besides, where are you going to experience something like this?
00:46:57Put it on that table.
00:47:00I knew that if Juyon organized it, I wouldn't like it.
00:47:04It's amazing.
00:47:06We also have to play tag. We're kids.
00:47:09I like it.
00:47:11That way he won't be sad for not joining the project.
00:47:14It's true. We're always sitting.
00:47:16It'll be good to move around a bit.
00:47:18You seem too confident.
00:47:20This is going to be bad for you.
00:47:22We'll see.
00:47:24I'm going to give it my all.
00:47:26I don't want to die without reaching the end.
00:47:28What do you mean, die?
00:47:36We're all going to die one day.
00:47:39Hey, women should be sitting.
00:47:42Relax and enjoy the show.
00:47:44Do you trust me?
00:47:46I'm going to get the first prize.
00:47:48And then I'll get the others.
00:47:54It's decided.
00:47:58No, please, wait!
00:48:07Shit, what a mess!
00:48:09If I remember correctly, Min-Wan got the number 5.
00:48:12He slept in a sleeping bag.
00:48:13I found the number 4 and hid.
00:48:16I slept in a tent.
00:48:20And John Sumin...
00:48:29Here, Sumin.
00:48:31Do you want anything else?
00:48:33How about a photo?
00:48:35Yes, great.
00:48:37Curiously, Sumin always won.
00:48:45Don't you think we hid the number 1 too well?
00:48:49Hey, I hid it.
00:48:51It's going to be hard for them to find it.
00:48:53You'll see.
00:48:55Huion, I think you've gone too far.
00:48:57Who's going to get in the water?
00:48:59The water is already frozen.
00:49:04How difficult.
00:49:07Mr. Kim could help us if he were here.
00:49:10And does Min-Wan know how to swim?
00:49:13Why? Are you going to ask him?
00:49:15Of course.
00:49:17They must have hidden him in the lake. It's dangerous.
00:49:20Why choose the hard way when you can ask for help?
00:49:28What's wrong?
00:49:30It's your boyfriend, isn't it?
00:49:32I don't think so.
00:49:33Then leave your boyfriend for a while.
00:49:38Huion, if you want something, do whatever it takes to get it.
00:49:43That means you really want it.
00:49:45That's how it is.
00:49:54Is this how Sumin got everything he wanted?
00:50:04In 2023, John Sumin had already gotten everything he had proposed.
00:50:22I like her a lot. I'll help her in whatever it takes.
00:50:25Why choose the hard way when you can ask for help?
00:50:29Have you found the number one? I'd look for it if I knew.
00:50:33Huion has hidden it in the lake.
00:50:36Can you help me?
00:50:38Of course.
00:50:40No, not with that, with something else.
00:50:50Can I be completely honest with you?
00:50:59Then you can't think I'm weird.
00:51:03Listen to me without judging me. Please, be my trustworthy person.
00:51:09I know you're willing...
00:51:14...to do...
00:51:16...whatever it takes to try to help me, I know, but...
00:51:22...I want to do it myself.
00:51:24Until the media announced that I would be the successor of Yuan Kai, you always did the right thing.
00:51:30I don't want you to do something that...
00:51:37...in other circumstances, I wouldn't do.
00:51:45He told me he was a competent person.
00:51:48I can get what I want.
00:51:51I can get what I want.
00:52:00...let me be honest with you from time to time.
00:52:07We are the only two people...
00:52:11...who have come back.
00:52:13I can't tell the others.
00:52:16Let me tell you everything.
00:52:21Let me tell you everything.
00:52:33He told me his father...
00:52:36...drew a heart on his paycheque, right?
00:52:53Why do you have this?
00:53:02I am his paycheque.
00:53:08I'll do whatever you tell me.
00:53:11I'll do whatever it takes for you.
00:53:21So you can use me as much as you want.
00:53:25It's okay.
00:53:40I don't have to spend it, do I?
00:53:45I don't have to spend it.
00:53:50I'd rather talk to her, you know?
00:53:59And what I want is for my paycheque to be happy.
00:54:04Is there anything you want to do in your second life?
00:54:11Miss Kang...
00:54:12Mr. Yu, is there anything you want to do?
00:54:24What I want is to be happy.
00:54:30For myself.
00:54:33I want to earn it.
00:54:36I'm going to be happy.
00:54:50I'm going to be happy.
00:55:11Damn, have I spent my life training or what?
00:55:15I can't take it anymore.
00:55:18Oh, my back.
00:55:20Because I have the hernia that if I didn't, I would beat everyone.
00:55:24It hurts.
00:55:30What's wrong?
00:55:31Sumin, are you okay?
00:55:32What's wrong?
00:55:34My nuan...
00:55:35I got stuck with a branch.
00:55:38Let me see.
00:55:41That's bad, you're bleeding.
00:55:44It hurts a lot.
00:55:57You should put on some ointment.
00:56:00Let's go back to the camp.
00:56:01It's okay, I've already sucked it.
00:56:05My nuan...
00:56:07Could you help me, please?
00:56:13I found the number one, but it's in the water.
00:56:16What if I get in the water and get infected?
00:56:20It's going to get much worse, isn't it?
00:56:23Okay, I'll go.
00:56:46Oh, it's far away.
00:57:02Mrs. Yang, I just asked and they told me that the lake is very deep and that we shouldn't get in.
00:57:07Besides, there's moss.
00:57:10Let's go there.
00:57:11Wait, let's call the forest guard just in case.
00:57:41Are you crazy?
00:57:42You weren't ready to get in.
00:57:43You didn't know if the lake would cover you.
00:57:48Mr. Yu, I'm fine.
00:57:50No, you're not fine.
00:57:53Why didn't you tell me?
00:57:55Why is it so hard for you to ask for help?
00:57:58Ask for help.
00:57:59Why do you choose the hard way?
00:58:03Because I'm not like John Sumin.
00:58:07Because she's wrong and I'm right.
00:58:13I'm not going to live like her.
00:58:14I'll get everything she proposes and I'll do it for myself.
00:58:21That's what we have to do.
00:58:23That's right, Kan Yuwon.
00:58:25That's right.
00:58:26That's who I am.
00:58:42Mr. Yu.
00:59:05Is there anything you want to do?
00:59:11I want...
00:59:14Have you sailed?
00:59:16Since the day my father died,
00:59:20I've only felt like I was on a boat.
00:59:23My feet are well planted on the ground,
00:59:27but the boat is swaying.
00:59:30I'm scared.
00:59:34Or I want to fall into the water.
00:59:38I want to stand up.
00:59:59I want to be your stronghold.
01:00:07I want to be your stronghold.
01:00:33I won't let them get married.
01:00:35It's all over.
01:00:37Focus on one thing.
01:00:39Kan Yuwon has won.
01:00:40If I had more time, I would have fallen madly in love with you.
01:00:44But fate doesn't let us.
01:00:46You can't even get a Yuwon.
01:00:48I asked for a loan!
01:00:51But at this rate, I don't think my Nuan will give up marrying you.
01:00:55Shall we get married?
01:00:56You mean you're going to live by my side?
01:00:58How can you be so shameless?
01:01:05I love you.
01:01:06I love you.
01:01:35I love you.
