• last year
Benson Boone - Interview at the Twisters Premiere


00:00You're going to show me your nails because okay, they're
00:02kind of they're they're chipping off. No, but they're 1313 for
00:06Taylor Swift, baby. So when did it was June 23. So is that from
00:13when you open? That's from when I opened? Yeah. So you're keeping
00:16you're keeping it there. Those are gels. Those are gel. I hate
00:20gel nails. I've only done a story that your nails when you
00:23have to take them off. Yeah, I'm off. It's horrible. It's
00:25horrible. I hate it. And I'm gonna tell you I started like
00:29playing with it. And it pulls the layer. Once I pick one part
00:32of it off, the whole thing has got to go. So is that a
00:35requirement? Is Taylor safe? You're gonna open for me? You
00:37have to have 13 gels on? No, I just you know, I wanted to
00:40decorate a little bit. It's opening for Taylor not some new
00:43very often. So I just want to you know, want to city where
00:47you're at? London. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I'm about going on stage
00:52in London. No, you tell me dude, you look out. And you see how
00:57many people? How many people were there? 80 89,497. Not 500
01:04497. Yeah, yeah, it was it was I mean, just her stage alone is
01:09like bigger than anything I've ever seen. It was like 300 feet
01:13of just stage is huge. So it's just like unbelievable. It was
01:17so much bigger than anything I've ever, ever done. And I
01:22loved it. I took in every moment. What does that do for
01:25your career for your fandom? Do you see your streams going up
01:31like crazy after you play? Do you see your numbers on social
01:34going up? Um, you know, this one, like, yes, it is an
01:37incredible look for me. And I mean, I'm very grateful for
01:41that. But also, like, it's a very cool opportunity for me to
01:44see how her tour works and how her show goes and what she does
01:50in her artistry and her shows. And just kind of cool for me to
01:55experience another artists like world and kind of learn from
01:59that. So it helped me in a lot of ways. Do you want a career
02:03like that? I know that's how I know you want the success. But
02:07with that success comes a lot. Yeah, but I do want a career
02:11like that where she drives her ship. I mean, she does not get
02:15bossed around Taylor Swift does the Boston and I respect that
02:19greatly where like, if there's something she wants and she
02:21likes, then she just goes for it. And she always, you know, it
02:25does well, and it works very hard for us. So I would love to
02:30follow that that aspect of things where I want to work hard
02:33and I want to be the captain of my ship.
02:35Ship that has 89,497 Did you say?
02:39Yeah, yep. Yep.
02:41Does Taylor text you're gonna? I know I'm like laughing, but
02:46that's like, it's insane.
02:49Yeah, heard your reach out to my manager and was like, Hey, Taylor
02:52wants you to open and I was like,
02:56it just like it was insane. I don't even like I can't put it
03:00into words, man. It's just wild.
03:03Do you have a favorite?
03:05That's a good question. Loki. I used to I saw four sisters. I
03:10used to listen a lot with my sisters. And so a very
03:12nostalgic one for me is Romeo and Juliet. Come on, give us a
03:16little Romeo save me. So that's all I'm doing.
03:20It's yours this now.
03:23Stop, she asked you to open for you're not gonna embarrass
03:26Well, but she was also really good live. I mean, like that.
03:29I've never seen her live. And her she sung for three hours
03:34over three hours. She sung the whole thing and she sounded
03:36amazing. Crazy.
03:38And now you're on the twister soundtrack.
03:40The twister soundtrack. Yeah.
03:41Do you watch the first twister to sort of get in the mood? How
03:45does that all come about?
03:46Um, I haven't. I actually haven't seen the first
03:49twisters. I know that's the first twister. That's twister.
03:53First twister. That's probably a shame for me to say but I seen
03:57the first one. Yeah.
03:59When are you gonna watch it?
04:02Yeah, my girlfriend. Yeah.
04:05So how did you get involved with the soundtrack?
04:07Um, so I mean, it's a very like country esque soundtrack. And
04:13for a couple weeks, you know, I like to experiment with like a
04:17little bit of rock and a little bit of indie and a little bit of
04:19pop and a little bit of this and a little of that.
04:21Sound like Taylor Swift.
04:22Yeah, I had I had a couple weeks where I, you know, got really
04:25into like trying country and folk stuff. And yeah, in that
04:30week, I wrote this song called Death Wish Love. And I really
04:33loved it. I love the feel of it. And I liked the song and the
04:38show reached out and they're like, hey, we're just kind of
04:40looking for folk country songs. And I was and it ended up
04:44working. So
04:45thank you, sir. Great interview.