Welfare, Gnocchi (Novartis Italia), "Gender e pay equity e 5 mesi congedo a neopapà"

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Diversity inclusion per valorizzare la diversità, gender equity - Novartis Italia è un'azienda al femminile il 73% del leadeship team è donna - e gender pay equity, quindi nessun gap salariale tra uomini e donne”, ma soprattutto il riconoscimento del congedo parentale facoltativo a tutti i genitori con una retribuzione che” invece di essere “al 30% per le donne, come previsto dalla legge, è all'80% e per i neopapà 5 mesi di congedo, retribuiti al 100%”. Lo ha detto Chiara Gnocchi, Head of Country Communication & Patient Engagement Novartis Italia, intervenendo oggi al nuovo appuntamento Adnkronos Q&A ‘La cura delle persone’, al Palazzo dell’Informazione, nella Giornata mondiale della popolazione.


00:00I deeply believe that the appreciation of each individuality, of the diversity of each collaborator can lead to the full individual and collective realization.
00:18Novartis does this in its own mission. Novartis has put in place concrete actions that could enhance the individuality of each one in three main areas.
00:33The first is diversity inclusion. We have concrete programs that can enhance diversity and guarantee this diversity to be included without barriers of treatment.
00:49The second is gender equity. We have worked in recent years to guarantee female representation in both managerial roles and in the leadership team.
01:0173% of the Novartis Italy leadership team is female, but we have also worked to achieve gender pay equity in 2023.
01:13We have therefore reduced the salary gap between men and women.
01:18The third point is all the policies that we have put in place for parental leave.
01:25We have taken care of women, we have increased the financial contribution from 30% provided by the law for parental leave to 80%,
01:37but we have also taken care of neoparents, because this means gender equity.
01:44We have therefore also worked to allow neoparents to take parental leave of five months, returned to 100%.
