Ep 8 (edited) Spirit, Soul and Body

  • 2 months ago
00:00And yesterday I was sharing out of Hebrews chapter 9
00:04that the scripture says about all of these pieces
00:08of furniture that were in the tabernacle and in the temple
00:12it was relating them to something that affects us today.
00:16But when it got to the cherubims that were in the Holy of Holies
00:20that were there, these cherubims were warrior angels. And if any person
00:24came into the Holy of Holies where the Ark of God was, where the
00:28presence of God was, they would be struck dead because you just
00:32couldn't approach unto God. Not that God hated us, it's that
00:36God is so pure and so holy we just can't contain
00:40that glory. It would literally just cause you to die.
00:44You couldn't handle it. But it says here in Hebrews chapter 9
00:48talking about the cherubs, it says, and over at the cherubs of glory
00:52shadowing the mercy seat of which we cannot now speak particularly.
00:56The reason they couldn't speak about them is because in the new covenant
01:00Jesus tore the veil, that was his flesh,
01:04Hebrews chapter 10 we talked about that, and we can now access
01:08the very presence of God. We can go into
01:12the Holy of Holies without any fear of being struck
01:16by the cherubs. So they don't apply to us today. There is a new
01:20and living way that we have right into the very throne
01:24room of God, into the very presence of God.
01:28And sad to say, many Christians are not
01:32taking advantage of this New Testament reality because we still
01:36are under the old covenant law mentality that focused on
01:40our flesh. The law showed you your physical actions, your mental
01:44emotional thoughts, but it didn't show you who you were in the spirit.
01:48In the Old Testament people could not be born again. They didn't get a brand new
01:52spirit. So in a sense the only way they could worship God was in the
01:56flesh through sacrifice and offerings. We don't
02:00offer sacrifices today because Jesus was the one sacrifice
02:04for our sins to end all sacrifices. And now
02:08we can come boldly into the very presence of God
02:12because we have a brand new spirit
02:16that was created in righteousness and true holiness.
02:20Ephesians 4.24, 1 John 4.17, as Jesus is
02:24so are we in this world and because of
02:28that we can come boldly under the throne of grace that we may obtain
02:32mercy and find grace to help in the time of need.
02:36In Hebrews chapter 9 in verse 8 it says the Holy Ghost is signifying
02:40talking about as long as the cherubs were there, as long
02:44as the veil was still in one piece, as long as there
02:48was a separation of sinful men from Holy God.
02:52It says in verse 8 the Holy Ghost is signifying that the way
02:56into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest while
03:00as the first tabernacle was yet standing, which was a figure
03:04for the time then present. In other words it was correct in the Old Covenant
03:08but it's not correct for us today. In which were
03:12offered both gifts and sacrifices it could not make him that did the
03:16service perfect as pertaining to the conscience, which stood
03:20only in meats and drinks and in divers washings and carnal
03:24ordinances imposed upon them until the time of
03:28reformation. That's talking about our time. There has been a reformation
03:32take place. The way that people worshipped in the Old Testament
03:36was looking forward to a sacrifice that would
03:40bring us into the very presence of God. Now in the New Testament
03:44we are looking back to what Jesus did, what has
03:48already been purchased for us. So there is a huge
03:52difference between the way people worshipped in the Old Testament and the way
03:56that they worshipped in this New Testament. In verse 10 it says,
04:00which stood only in meats and drinks and divers washings and carnal ordinances
04:04imposed upon them until the time of reformation. But Christ
04:08being come a high priest of good things to come by a greater
04:12and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is to say not of this
04:16building, neither by the blood of goats and calves
04:20but by his own blood he entered in once
04:24into the holy place having obtained eternal
04:28redemption for us. Man, I've got so
04:32much to say about this. There is so much in that verse. But let me
04:36just point out that what he's doing is contrasting the way people
04:40worshipped God, the way they approached God in the Old Covenant.
04:44They had to do it with an animal sacrifice, with blood,
04:48with meat offerings, with different washings, all of the feast
04:52days. They had to go through all of these things. In the New Covenant
04:56we can now enter boldly into the very presence of God,
05:00into the Holy of Holies because the veil of his body
05:04has been broken for us. The separation between God
05:08and our born-again spirit is non-existent now.
05:12As Jesus is, so are we in
05:16this world, 1 John 4, 17. 1 Corinthians 6, 17.
05:20He that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
05:24We are united with God in spirit and we no
05:28longer have this separation. And let me just point out a couple of the
05:32things it says right here. It says that not by the blood of
05:36goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in
05:40once into the holy place.
05:44Man, this is phenomenal. I'm going to
05:48say some things right here that I'm not going to be able to fully answer
05:52on today's program. You're going to have to listen the rest of
05:56this week and also please get this book. I'm giving it to you and it will go
06:00into more detail. But did you know that the average Christian
06:04believes that when you come to the Lord and you make
06:08him your Lord that he forgives your sins up until that
06:12point. All of the sins that you
06:16committed before you got born again were forgiven. But then they believe
06:20that every time you sin after you get born again, every
06:24time you fall short in any way, that that is a new
06:28transgression between you and God and you have to go
06:32and get that confessed and put under the blood
06:36or God will reject you. Now you have extremes
06:40on how much he will reject you. The Pentecostals will say that if you
06:44have any sin in your life and if you haven't confessed that
06:48sin, repented of it, turned away from it, and put it what they call
06:52under the blood, well then you would die and go to hell. Even though you could
06:56have been born again for 40 years and have been serving God your whole life
07:00but if you do something wrong and if you die before you get it confessed
07:04you would die and go to hell because you had an unconfessed sin in your life.
07:08And then a lesser consequence but the same principle
07:12is what the evangelicals believe and that is that no, you don't lose
07:16your salvation. You would still go to heaven but you can't
07:20have any fellowship with God. You can't enjoy the presence of God.
07:24God won't use you if you have an unconfessed sin
07:28in your life. That's the same principle just with a lesser consequence.
07:32It's like taking a stick and saying here's one end of the stick
07:36that says no, you die and go to hell with an unconfessed sin. Here's
07:40the other end of the stick saying no, you don't go to hell, you just lose your fellowship
07:44and all of the benefits of your salvation. But it's like the same thing, it's just
07:48lesser consequences. I'm telling you that God
07:52went and only died for your sins once.
07:56You do not have to go to the Lord
08:00every time you sin. And again, let me just say
08:04trying to preempt television sets turning off
08:08all over the world, let me just say that I'm not going to
08:12be able to fully explain this on just today's program. You need to get
08:16the teaching, you need to watch tomorrow's program and the rest of this week.
08:20I am not saying that you just go live in sin
08:24and that sin doesn't matter to a Christian
08:28because all of your sins have been forgiven. But what I am saying
08:32is that when you got born again, Jesus entered in
08:36once, once into the
08:40holy place and he obtained eternal
08:44redemption for us. Not redemption until
08:48the next time you sinned and then you had to confess it and get it
08:52under the blood and get born again, again. No, he entered in once
08:56and obtained eternal redemption
09:00for you. That's a concept that
09:04very, very, very few people have. Again, most
09:08Christians believe that when you get saved, he forgave all of your past
09:12sins. But then every time you sin in the future, you've got to go to
09:16God, you've got to repent and get that sin forgiven or you would die
09:20and go to hell or at the very least, he won't use you,
09:24he won't fellowship with you, you can't enjoy any of your benefits as long
09:28as there's any sin in your life. I'm telling you, that's bondage.
09:32That's not what the scripture teaches. This says that he entered in once
09:36into that holy place, the holy of holies
09:40and he obtained eternal redemption
09:44for us. Redemption is referring to the forgiveness of your sins.
09:48Eternal forgiveness of sins. And just for time's sake,
09:52I'm going to jump through a couple of verses. If you go to verse 15, it says,
09:56and for this cause, he is the mediator of the New Testament
10:00by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the
10:04first testament. They which are called might receive the promise
10:08of eternal inheritance. Again, the average Christian
10:12believes that your inheritance is only good
10:16until the time you got born again and all of your past sins were forgiven.
10:20And then if you were going to continue to have an inheritance every time you sin,
10:24you got to go to the Lord and get that sin under the blood
10:28and you got to regain your inheritance. But this talks about eternal
10:32inheritance, eternal redemption. Which part
10:36of eternal do you not understand? This is
10:40saying that when you come to the Lord and get born again, all of your sins.
10:44I'm going to make a radical statement and if you can stick with me, I'll verify
10:48this. But all of your sins, past,
10:52present, and even future sins are
10:56forgiven when you come to the Lord and get born again.
11:00And again, I can just hear mines blowing all around the
11:04world. Fuses being blown. What are you saying?
11:08I'm saying that Jesus forgave all of your sins. All of the sins
11:12you had committed are committing and all of the sins
11:16you will ever forget. When you get born again, you
11:20weren't forgiven just up until the time that you got saved, but you were forgiven
11:24of the sins that you haven't even committed yet. And again,
11:28I know that some people are just freaking out at this and saying, what are you saying?
11:32I'm saying that when Jesus died for you
11:36and for me and made an atonement for our sins, did you know
11:40that all of our sins were future sins?
11:44If God can't forgive sins before you commit them,
11:48then you can't be forgiven because Jesus only died
11:52for your sins once. As it says in verse 12, he entered in once,
11:56one time into the holy place having
12:00made eternal redemption for us.
12:04Jesus doesn't just forgive you of sins up until
12:08the time you get born again. And then every sin that you commit
12:12along the way, you have to get it forgiven and deal with it.
12:16And if you don't deal with it, the extreme Pentecostal view is that you
12:20lose your salvation and you could go to hell or the lesser
12:24consequence. But the same principle evangelical is you don't lose
12:28your salvation. You just lose the benefits of your salvation. He won't fellowship
12:32with you. He won't use you. You can't experience his joy if you
12:36have any sin in your life. What's wrong with that
12:40is that we all sin. Now again, we have varying degrees
12:44of sin from our standpoint. And some people look at
12:48sins like murder is different than just being angry
12:52at somebody. But Jesus came along and said, if you hate a person
12:56in your heart, you're guilty of murder. He said that if you have
13:00lusted after a woman in your heart, then you're guilty of
13:04murder. And from a human standpoint, there is a difference
13:08in just being angry with a person and then going out and killing them.
13:12The consequences of killing them are much worse from a human perspective.
13:16But from God's perspective, we are still falling short in these areas.
13:20It says in James chapter 2 verse 10 that if you keep the
13:24whole law and yet offend in one point, you become
13:28guilty of all. That means that even though you may not go murder
13:32a person, if you take offense, if you get hurt, if you are thinking
13:36things about them, if you gossip about a person, did you know you're guilty?
13:40It's just the same in one sense. It's not the
13:44same as far as consequences go with people. But as far
13:48as God, you're guilty of sin when you get mad at a person
13:52because they've hurt you, because they've done something.
13:56God's law is like a glass. And if you had a huge glass in front of you
14:00and if you had a huge glass in front of you, you could shoot a bullet
14:04through that thing and make a small hole or you could run a truck through that glass.
14:08If you break the glass, the whole glass is broken
14:12and it has to be replaced. Even though from a human standpoint,
14:16yes, there is a different degree of sin with different consequences.
14:20But from God's standpoint, if you keep the whole law
14:24and yet if you offend in one point, you become guilty of all.
14:28There was a man, a Pentecostal preacher in Colorado Springs
14:32that preached, if you went 56 miles an hour in a
14:3655 mile an hour zone, and if you had an
14:40unconfessed sin in your life, then you would die and go to hell because
14:44you did not have time to repent of that sin and
14:48confess it before you die. Did you know most people
14:52watching this program think, no way, I would imagine that every single
14:56person watching this program says, I don't believe that.
15:00Why? Because you go 56 in a 55 mile an hour zone
15:04and to you that's not that big of a deal. But let me ask, let me put it this way.
15:08There are some of you that if I said that you had been out committing adultery
15:12and you were driving home from an adulterous affair
15:16and if you had a car wreck and died in that car wreck,
15:20you'd die and go to hell. There's many of you that would say, oh no, it wouldn't happen
15:24in a 55 mile an hour zone, but if you had committed adultery,
15:28some of you would say, well, yes, you would go to hell because you didn't have time to confess it.
15:32That's not true. That's not true.
15:36If I really believe that, then the moment you got born
15:40again, I'd just kill you. I might go to hell, but that's the only way
15:44you'd ever get to heaven because see, not only is committing adultery
15:48and violating one of the big ten, the ten commandments
15:52is sin, but to him that knows to do good and does it not,
15:56to him it is sin. James 4, 17. Whatsoever not of faith
16:00is sin. Romans 14, 23. If you aren't living a perfect
16:04life of faith, if you know that you should be doing good, you should be
16:08studying more, you should be praying more, you should be helping more,
16:12you should be more involved in helping doing other things than what you're doing
16:16and if you aren't doing it, well, then that's sin. And if you believe that sin
16:20is going to separate you from God and
16:24every sin's got to be repented of, then you would just spend your entire life
16:28living in a constant state of unworthiness and repentance like
16:32oh God, how could you ever use someone like me? And you know
16:36what I'm describing is exactly the way that most Christians live.
16:40They know that God exists. They know that he's almighty.
16:44They know that he has all power. They don't doubt his power.
16:48They just doubt his willingness to use his power on their behalf
16:52because they live with a sin consciousness because they don't
16:56understand what this is saying. They think that they were only forgiven of sins
17:00up until the point they got born again and then every time they mess up,
17:04every time they fall short, they've got to go to God and get that
17:08sin confessed and under the blood. That's not what this is teaching.
17:12This is teaching that Jesus dealt with sins once for all.
17:16One sacrifice for your sin
17:20and my sin forever.
17:24I got born again when I was eight years old and did you know that at that time
17:28God forgave me of all the sins I had committed
17:32or ever would commit. I was
17:36forgiven once and for all. Again, I'm
17:40going through this kind of slowly trying to verify this but I'm going to be
17:44talking about this in the 10th chapter. It talks about you've been sanctified and
17:48perfected once for all. You know right here in the
17:52ninth chapter, I think that there's either four or five times that
17:56it emphasizes that Jesus only died for our sins once.
18:00He only entered into the holy place once.
18:04Jesus is not constantly reapplying the blood
18:08every time a person sins and comes short and then they recognize
18:12that they repent and go back to the Lord. He doesn't have to reapply
18:16his blood. There are millions, possibly
18:20billions of Christians around this world and
18:24if Jesus had to reapply his blood
18:28every time a person sinned and confessed that sin and turned
18:32from it, there would be no such thing as him seated at the Father's right
18:36hand. He would be up and down constantly because I guarantee there
18:40are billions of Christians every day who are messing up and saying,
18:44oh God forgive me and if he had to reapply the blood it just couldn't
18:48even happen. He dealt with sin once and then
18:52he's seated at the Father's right hand implying that he's no longer
18:56working and doing something. What he did for you and me, he did
19:00for us 2,000 years ago when Jesus died
19:04and brought his blood into the heavenly temple
19:08and made the atonement on the altar and he purged us
19:12of all sins past, present, and even sins
19:16that we haven't committed yet.
19:20That's nearly too good to be true. And I know that there's people
19:24watching this who are saying, man if people believe that, that would just encourage them
19:28to go live in sin. Well, no it wouldn't
19:32because the love of Christ would constrain us.
19:362 Corinthians chapter 5 Paul said that. He says the love of Christ
19:40constrains us. The love of Christ
19:44will cause you to live holier accidentally than you've ever
19:48lived on purpose out of fear of punishment and
19:52rejection. Basically most people try and live a holy life because
19:56they're afraid God won't answer their prayer and won't do things for them
20:00if they don't do everything right. Fear is a motivator but fear
20:04has torments what it says over in 1 John 4 18. There is a
20:08greater motivation than fear and that's love. And if a person could really understand
20:12how much God loves us, if they could
20:16understand that he dealt with all of our sin, it would make
20:20our love for him go up even more than what it is.
20:24And we would wind up living holier accidentally than we ever have
20:28on purpose before. Love is a greater motivator than fear.
20:32Fear is a motivator but love is a greater
20:36motivator that doesn't have any of the side effects.
20:40If you've ever watched a program on television and you see a commercial for some kind of
20:44medication, then it'll talk about but it could
20:48cause death, it could cause this. And the side effects to it
20:52are terrible. Well with fear, fear can motivate
20:56people to serve God but the side effects of fear are torment
21:00and condemnation and it keeps God at arm's length.
21:04The love of God will cause a person to serve God
21:08and it won't have any of those negative side effects.
