363 लोगों का बलिदान: अमृता देवी बिश्नोई || AMRITA DEVI BISHNOI || Real Story

  • 2 months ago
आज के इस वीडियो में हम आपको 300 साल पुरानी एक अद्भुत और प्रेरणादायक घटना के बारे में बताएंगे, जिसने पर्यावरण संरक्षण के क्षेत्र में एक महत्वपूर्ण मील का पत्थर स्थापित किया। यह कहानी है राजस्थान की मारवाड़ रियासत की, जहां राजा अभय सिंह ने अपने महल के निर्माण के लिए लकड़ी की जरूरत बताई और इसके लिए मंत्री गिरधारी दास को भेजा।

जब गिरधारी दास ने खेजड़ी के घने वृक्षों से भरे गांव खेजड़ली पर नजर डाली, तो उसने पेड़ काटने का आदेश दे दिया। यहां रहने वाले विश्नोई समाज ने पेड़ों और पर्यावरण के प्रति अपनी गहरी प्रतिबद्धता दिखाते हुए इस आदेश का विरोध किया।

इस विरोध की अगुवाई करने वाली अमृता देवी ने अपनी जान की परवाह किए बिना पेड़ों के साथ लिपटकर उनका बचाव किया। उन्होंने पेड़ों की रक्षा के लिए बलिदान दे दिया, और उनके तीन बेटियों ने भी अपनी माँ का अनुसरण किया।

इस घटना के बाद, लगभग 363 निर्दोष लोग इस संघर्ष में अपनी जान गंवा बैठे। जब इस नरसंहार की खबर राजा तक पहुंची, तो उन्होंने खेद प्रकट करते हुए खेजड़ी वृक्षों की सुरक्षा के लिए कानून लागू किया।

यह घटना 'चिपको आंदोलन' के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है और आज भी खेजड़ी वृक्षों को काटने पर प्रतिबंध है। अमृता देवी और उनके समर्थकों की इस अदम्य बहादुरी को हम सभी याद करते हैं और उन्हें सलाम करते हैं।

इस वीडियो को देखिए और जानिए किस तरह से इस साहसिक आंदोलन ने पर्यावरण संरक्षण के इतिहास को बदल दिया।

वीडियो पसंद आए तो लाइक और सब्सक्राइब करना न भूलें! ✨

In today's video, we will tell you about an amazing and inspiring event that happened 300 years ago and set a significant milestone in the field of environmental protection. This is the story of the Marwad kingdom in Rajasthan, where King Abhay Singh required wood for his palace construction and sent his minister, Girdhari Das, to procure it.

When Girdhari Das saw the village of Khejarli, filled with dense Khejri trees, he ordered the trees to be cut down. The Bishnoi community, residing there, showed their deep commitment to trees and the environment by opposing this order.

Leading this protest, Amrita Devi, without caring for her life, hugged the trees to protect them. She sacrificed her life for the protection of the trees, and her three daughters followed in her footsteps.

Following this event, about 363 innocent people lost their lives in this struggle. When news of this massacre reached the king, he expressed his regret and implemented a law to protect the Khejri trees.

This event is famous as the 'Chipko Movement,' and even today, there is a ban on cutting Khejri trees. We remember and salute the indomitable bravery of Amrita Devi and her supporters.

Watch this video to learn how this courageous movement changed the history of environmental protection.

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Watch this inspiring story unfold and find out how one woman's sacrifice sparked a movement. Like, share, and subscribe for more historical stories. Share your thoughts in the comments!
00:00Narsanghaar took place for the trees.
00:02About 300 years ago, in the Marwad state of Rajasthan,
00:06King Abhay Singh needed wood for his flower palace in Mehrangarh.
00:10The king ordered his minister, Girdhari Das, to bring wood for the flower palace.
00:14Girdhari Das, obeying the king's order, set out in search of wood.
00:18After a few miles, the minister saw a green village, Khejrali,
00:22where there were a lot of Khejri trees.
00:25The minister was very happy to see so many trees.
00:28He ordered his soldiers to cut the trees and bring the wood.
00:31Then a soldier informed the minister that this is a Khejrali village.
00:35People of the Vishnoy community live here.
00:37The Vishnoy community has always valued trees and the environment.
00:40These are Khejri trees.
00:42It is completely forbidden to cut Khejri trees here.
00:44But the minister, obeying the king's order, sent his soldiers to cut the trees.
00:49The soldiers started cutting the trees.
00:51Hearing the sound of the axe, Amrita Devi Vishnoy, who lived nearby,
00:55immediately ran towards the trees and opposed the cutting of the trees.
00:59But her opposition was ignored.
01:01When she saw that the soldiers were continuously attacking the trees,
01:05she was furious.
01:07Girdhari Das was adamant.
01:09Even after a lot of effort, when the soldiers' torture did not stop,
01:12Amrita Devi, not caring for her life,
01:15bravely embraced the tree and said,
01:19If my life is lost, let it go, but I will not let the tree be cut.
01:22But Girdhari Das was full of arrogance.
01:24She was not ready to back down.
01:26She ordered Amrita Devi to be cut with the tree.
01:29And the soldiers killed Amrita Devi.
01:32By giving her mother's tree and dedication to the environment,
01:35Amrita Devi's three daughters, who were still very young,
01:38also obeyed their mother and clung to the trees.
01:42But that cruel minister did not have mercy.
01:44He cut the three daughters with the tree with no mercy.
01:47This spread like fire throughout the village.
01:50And the people of the nearby 60 villages came to protect the Khejri.
01:53And they all wrapped themselves in the tree.
01:55As soon as they saw it, the minister killed 363 people.
01:59When the news of such a big massacre reached the king,
02:02the king immediately called his army back and went to the Khejri village.
02:06Seeing the scene, the king's heart was filled with regret.
02:09And he was very sad.
02:10The king apologised to all the people of the village
02:13and issued an order that from now on,
02:15no one will cut the Khejri tree.
02:18And it was made law.
02:20Even today, the Khejri tree is banned in Rajasthan.
02:23This incident is also known as the Chipko movement.
02:26In memory of Amrita Devi Bishnoi,
02:28the government of India has announced the award
02:31of Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Conservation Award
02:34for her contribution to the area of wildlife conservation.
02:37We pay our respects to such a courageous and fearless Amrita Devi.
