Want SOCOM Music?

  • 15 years ago
Remember the good 'ol days from SOCOM 1?
Or the fun times you had with your clan on Crossroads on SOCOM II?
Or, even the times you hated getting owned by the stupid AI in SOCOM II's single-player?
Or maybe how tactical you had to be to prevent said things from happening on the campaign?

Now, rewind to Tuesday, October 11th, 2005 when SOCOM 3 was released

Think of Harvester, Devil's Road and Crucible on SOCOM 3's awesome online experience

Remember the time when you loved the cool new features Combined Assault offered

How would you like to listen to the songs that represent all those good times you had with your friends, wherever you go...

...everyday of the week...

...for free?

Specter, I'm begging you...

...go to MySpace.com/GoSocomMySpace ...

...to listen to all of those songs that mean so much to you...

...you've earned it.

Thank you.

This video was made by Joshjames1234
This video was made with Windows Movie Maker
This video was made on April 20th, 2009.
