Fawad Chaudhry's reaction on SC declaring PTI eligible for reserved seats

  • 2 months ago
Fawad Chaudhry's reaction on SC declaring PTI eligible for reserved seats
00:00How are you looking at the decision?
00:02First of all, the decision has been made in two or three parts.
00:10In the case of the Election Commission, there is a 13-0 judgment that the conduct of the Election Commission is very objectionable.
00:18And the way they have conducted all this, 13 judges, including Justice Faiz Issa, have expressed extreme dissatisfaction with it.
00:30So the first thing is that the Election Commission will not understand that if they do not resign, how will they continue their sessions.
00:40Because there will be cases of misconduct on them, the way they have connected all these issues.
00:4613 judges are in agreement that the conduct of the Election Commission was not in accordance with the Constitution.
00:56Number two is that when 22 seats are given to Tariq-e-Insaaf, Tariq-e-Insaaf will become the biggest political party in this Assembly.
01:10So all the dignity of the Parliament will change in terms of the number of seats.
01:18The third thing is that Justice Yahya Afridi's note is a very strong note.
01:26He has discussed the mistakes of Tariq-e-Insaaf, the way they did not apply, and the independence issue.
01:36But along with that, he has also made the Election Commission a full charge sheet in this regard.
01:42So now there are two or three parts to this decision.
01:46Look, there is a 13-0 judgment to the extent of the Election Commission.
01:49All the judges are not satisfied with the Election Commission.
01:52There is a 13-8 judgment on the matter of giving seats to PTI.
01:57And similarly, there is a 11-13 judgment on the matter of recognizing Tariq-e-Insaaf as a party.
02:04So you can guess from the numbers of judges that there is a lot of unanimity on various issues.
02:11So ultimately, if you take this gist, there is not much difference in the judgment.
02:18Literally, the judgment is unanimous.
02:20And there is a 13-0 judgment if you look at it this way.
02:24Because everyone has objected to the request.
02:26Now Mr. Fawad, what is the political landscape that is being formed?
02:29First, you talked about the aspect that there will be a majority in the Assembly.
02:32What are the difficulties of the ruling party in this regard?
02:35Are they due to legislation or not?
02:38Look, the current government is not standing on a parliament.
02:44They are standing on a quarry, on the foundation of an establishment.
02:52Obviously, if Mr. Zardari gets a chance today or if MKM gets a chance, they will not be a part of this government.
03:01In fact, I see that Bilawal Bhutto has incurred a lot of loss in all this.
03:08Because if you look at it today, if you look at the number game, the biggest party in Pakistan is the BTI in the parliament.
03:15And the number two party of the opposition is the Peoples' Party.
03:19But the Peoples' Party has lost the main position of Bilawal Bhutto in Pakistan for its own establishment and two governors.
03:30And because of that, they have suffered a lot of political loss.
03:34And in the third position, PMLN comes, whose real seats are not more than 18-20 seats.
03:41And they have been made ministers in a fake way.
03:44So, as long as the problem is behind them, as long as the coercion is behind them, they will continue.
03:52But with such decisions, the entire political environment changes.
03:57And because of that, it becomes difficult for them to run the matter.
04:00Okay, Mr. Fawad, you yourself said that the majority has increased in the parliament of Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaaf.
04:07So, should they adopt politics? What should be their next move?
04:12You also pointed out that the way the politics of PTI has been, there is also a judgment on that.
04:18We have lost contact with Mr. Fawad Chaudhary. Will you try to contact him again?
04:22Mr. Fawad, is he with you?
04:24Yes, I am with you, but sorry, I lost your voice.
04:27Okay, Mr. Fawad, what should be the next step of PTI? The numbers are increasing.
04:33There should be only one step of PTI, and that step should be that you have to resign from the Election Commission of Pakistan.
04:42Even after the decision of today's 13 Judges, if PTI cannot bring the Election Commission to resign, then do something else.
04:54Because, see, before this, the statement of Liaquat Chatha came, PTI wasted it.
05:01On 9th, the rejection result came, it was wasted.
05:05Now, even today, if they cannot put pressure on the Election Commission, and cannot force the Election Commission to resign,
05:12then, see, the questions that arise on the politics of PTI, how big a force it is,
05:20if they cannot maneuver it, then more questions will arise.
05:23Along with this, as I told you, the Korean power behind this government,
05:29the problem of that Korean power is that if they use it, then instability increases in Pakistan.
05:38And you have seen that China, Saudi Arabia, which are our friend countries,
05:43they are repeatedly saying that you bring stability to Pakistan.
05:46So, when that Korean power is used, then instability increases, your economy goes down.
05:52And if it is not used, then your...
05:55The problem is that you want to bring democracy and martial law together.
05:59This cannot work.
06:00Ultimately, you will have to come towards democracy.
06:04Now, how much more damage do we have to do to Pakistan in that?
06:07This decision is obvious.
06:08Mr. Fawad, there is one thing in this.
06:10You referred to the Election Commission, and everyone is talking about the Election Commission.
06:14Let's say that today, the decision is made to change their members.
06:18The Chief Election Commissioner should be removed.
06:21After that, do you think things will be different?
06:27Mr. Fawad?
06:29I cannot hear you.
06:31Can you hear me now?
06:33Yes, you are better.
06:34I am saying that everyone is talking that the charge sheet has been given against the Election Commission.
06:38So, they should be removed.
06:39All these things should be changed.
06:41But do you think that whatever will be the role of the Election Commission,
06:44if they are changed overnight,
06:46if the members are removed,
06:47if the Chief Election Commissioner is removed,
06:49will things be any different?
07:19As a result of this decision,
07:21there has been a huge change in the landscape, in the framework.
07:25Now, after this, we have to see that
07:27if the Election Commission is removed,
07:30its effects will be different.
07:33If they are not removed,
07:35and there is a protest against them,
07:37its effects will be different.
07:39But there are no two opinions in this.
07:42The Election Commission of Pakistan,
07:45they never cared about the moral authority.
07:48Today, even the legal authority has been removed.
07:50So, if they do not come forward to resign,
07:53then Tariq-e-Insaf should start a full-fledged campaign
07:57for the resignation of the Election Commission.
08:00It should be announced in a maximum of 24 hours.
08:03And all parliamentarians should come before the ECB.
08:07First, to start with.
08:08And the resignation of the Election Commission should be demanded.
08:11Otherwise, look,
08:12there is nothing in Pakistan.
08:15There is no legal basis.
08:17There is no moral basis.
08:19Five people can do whatever they want.
08:21The country cannot go on like this.
08:23Kashif Abbasi wants to ask you a question.
08:26Kashif, you can ask the question.
08:30Yes, Fawad,
08:31you were talking about the Election Commission,
08:33that it does not have a moral authority.
08:35I think you said that the decision is against the Election Commission.
08:38I think the Government has dismissed it.
08:41Justice Naeem Afghan is there.
08:43Although two judges have dismissed the appeals
08:46that were made by the Constitutional Council.
08:48But, Mr. Sardar,
08:49this is how the system works in our country.
08:51There is no system.
08:55The decision-makers of that time
08:59have to decide who to bring down,
09:01who to pick up.
09:03Then the Election Commission becomes a tool.
09:05And the institutions in Pakistan have always been tools.
09:09But, everyone knows that
09:11there was no level playing field in this election.
09:13But, this was also the case in the Supreme Court.
09:15The Supreme Court was also involved.
09:16But, what can you do?
09:18Do you think that the PTI
09:20will be able to change anything materially after this decision?
09:22And will the Election Commission resign?
09:24Because this has never happened in the past.
09:27Look, Kashif,
09:28the problem is that
09:29you are in an adverse situation.
09:31Now, there is no doubt that
09:34the coercion power, the muscle power
09:36is against you.
09:37But, you have to make your own strategies
09:39and act accordingly.
09:41And you are absolutely right
09:43that the institutions in our country
09:45have done this.
09:46But, look,
09:47what happens is that
09:48with the environment,
09:50with time,
09:51actions change.
09:52Now, the decision that the Supreme Court of Pakistan
09:54has given today,
09:55and as I am saying,
09:57it has been given since 13-0.
10:00Now, look,
10:01this is a big change
10:02in Pakistan's political framework.
10:05Pakistan's political landscape
10:07has changed
10:08with this decision.
10:10Along with this,
10:11our legal framework
10:13in which the courts
10:15were being instructed
10:16to do this and that
10:17and that was happening.
10:18That has also changed
10:19because judges have asserted.
10:21Judges have asserted a lot.
10:22It all started
10:23with these six judges
10:25of Lahore,
10:26of Islamabad High Court.
10:28It started with them
10:29and has reached here today.
10:31Now, the work of political parties
10:33is that
10:34the institutions
10:35should stand with them
10:36and they should give the requisite
10:38political power
10:39to the political parties.
10:42what is the function
10:43of the political party?
10:44There is no function.
10:45So, I think
10:46there is a lot of pressure
10:47on the Election Commission
10:48and if this pressure
10:50is able to be maintained
10:52and if PTI,
10:54I would say,
10:55is able to strategize this,
10:58the Election Commission
10:59will have to go.
11:00And if the Election Commission
11:02then Pakistan's
11:03political landscape
11:04can undergo
11:05a lot of changes.
11:07Mr. Kashyap?
11:08You must remember
11:09outside the Election Commission,
11:11when your government came,
11:12all the opposition
11:13of that time
11:14opposed it.
11:15Later, you guys did it.
11:17I have never seen anyone
11:18going home
11:19from the Election Commission
11:20because there,
11:21the decisions,
11:24and rules
11:25are not based
11:26on moral authority.
11:27You know,
11:28they are put up
11:29like this,
11:30like a membrane.
11:31There are political choices
11:32that are effectively endorsed.
11:33The way they are managed,
11:34you see,
11:35you are right,
11:36I understand
11:37that something
11:38has to be done.
11:40what is the next step
11:41of this whole
11:42jigsaw puzzle?
11:43What next?
11:44I think that
11:45the tribunals' cases
11:46and the decisions
11:47that are made
11:48about the tribunals,
11:49the references
11:50that are coming
11:51against the judges,
11:52and there will be
11:53a new wave
11:54of pressure
11:55against the courts.
11:56Are you seeing
11:57that there will be
11:58a wave
11:59of pressure
12:00against the courts?
12:02the next
12:03most important
12:05is being
12:06met today
12:07by the representatives
12:08of the Election
12:10the new
12:11Chief Justice
12:12of Lahore
12:13High Court,
12:14Alia Neelam.
12:15And there,
12:16they are going
12:17to decide
12:18that the
12:19election tribunal
12:20in Lahore,
12:21there are seven
12:23of which
12:24four were
12:26by the Election
12:28and those
12:29four judges
12:30are considered
12:31to be extremely
12:33extremely respected,
12:34and those four
12:35are very important
12:37of the Lahore
12:38High Court.
12:39Now, the Election
12:41is going
12:42to tell
12:44Alia Neelam
12:45to change
12:48they are going
12:49to see
12:50that Alia
12:52is going
12:53to change
12:54her judiciary
12:55and she is
12:56going to
12:58the judiciary
12:59and she is
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