Govt Qanun Sazi Karkay Kya Hasil Karna Chahti Hai? - PTI Lawyer Intazar Panjutha Told Everything

  • 2 months ago
00:00But let's conclude this, Mr. Inderdaar.
00:02Anyway, this is also a harsh reality.
00:04This time, there's a bit too much sweet and spicy.
00:07But this is also a fact.
00:08In Khadim's program, in our program,
00:10I'll tell you the quote-unquote words of Sheikh Rashid sahib.
00:13What a judge he was! I forgot his name.
00:15When PTI's government was there,
00:17and Saqib bhai, which judges were talking about him
00:19that PTI wants to give him an extension?
00:22So, Sheikh Rashid sahib said in our program
00:23that personally, I want him to be given an extension.
00:27This is also under oath and let it be.
00:28Maybe he was talking about Mr. Khosa.
00:30So, now, you...
00:31Asif Syed Khosa.
00:31Asif Syed Khosa, yes.
00:33Now, you, Mr. Inderdaar, please go ahead.
00:37Sir, I'll answer all your questions.
00:39But first of all, there's a point here.
00:41Unelected judges.
00:43Which world's judiciary is elected?
00:46And here in Pakistan,
00:48the establishment judges who make such decisions
00:51think that they are only capable of taking the country to the right direction.
00:57And on the other hand, if you talk about the assembly,
00:59then this assembly, which is now a government,
01:02all of them are fake.
01:03Their mandate was given to someone else.
01:07All of them came under Form 47.
01:08So, such assemblies and such fake governments.
01:11And if you give them the power to amend the constitution,
01:14then when you give them the power to make laws,
01:17then they make amendments like the NAB amendment,
01:20in which only their person benefits.
01:22They make laws
01:25in which they only give themselves NRO.
01:28Recently, you saw that the reply that Mr. Khan gave,
01:31the written statement that he collected in the Supreme Court,
01:33in that he said that
01:35even in the world's banana republics,
01:37you don't find such examples
01:39that a parliament, for the benefit of its members,
01:44to give them benefits,
01:46to hide their crimes, makes legislation.
01:49So, here, they will make legislation only to save their skin.
01:53Plus, they will extend the beneficiaries
01:57of the tradition of eating together.
02:00In that, they will also involve the judiciary.
02:03Judges' extensions will be included.
02:05So, this will be a vicious circle that will start.
02:08Its end will never be good for our state.
02:12We want that there should be legislation.
02:15Legislation should be for the benefit of the people.
02:17The main purpose of parliament is that it is representative of the people.
02:22So, it has to take care of the people.
02:23Not that the representatives of the people,
02:26who become members of it,
02:28should fill their own pockets,
02:29but the people should remain poor
02:32and their problems should remain there.
02:34The entire structure that is standing now,
02:36the entire system, the democratic system, is at stake.
02:40If these sessions go in the wrong direction,
02:44then Pakistan, as you are a Marshal,
02:47you will have to bring a new definition above the Marshal,
02:50because there will be no control over anyone.
02:53They will do whatever they want.
02:55You saw that when this was the first round one of PDM,
03:01when they came in, the amendments they made were so shocking.
03:05First, they brought new amendments.
03:08Second, they ended the right to vote for the overseas Pakistanis.
03:12Then, they ended the EVMs.
03:14So, this is just...
03:15But, Mr. Inderdaar, if you are concluding this,
03:17you understand that in order to move forward,
03:20everyone needs to learn a lesson.
03:22Of course, the present government,
03:24because it is the government,
03:25has a much bigger responsibility than you all.
03:27And if someone has made a mistake in the past,
03:30then at least they should realize their mistake.
03:31This is also not a good example of democratic practice
03:35that when the sitting establishment says,
03:37the sitting Prime Minister,
03:38the sitting judge of the Supreme Court,
03:40should give a reference.
03:41And then say, Mr. Faiz said, do it, you did it.
03:43You did wrong.
03:44Or, another judge should give a reference.
03:46Waseem, please listen to the answer.
03:48Sir, sir.
03:48Please listen to the answer.
03:50The answer is that if a reference has been given,
03:53then it is a legal method.
03:54If this has been included,
03:56then there is no need to take it personally.
03:58There are courts, the system is in front of you.
03:59Sir, in that way, the government will say
04:01that legal references are also legal,
04:03that we are making legal amendments.
04:04What is illegal?
04:07In this way, the government will say,
04:09that sir, the legal amendments are also legal.
04:11Legal references are also legal.
04:12Like, it is legal to give a reference.
04:14This is the mandate of the government.
04:15Do you think that people voted for him on 8th February,
04:18which is the example that is being put on us right now?
04:20I am saying the same thing.
04:21Obviously, on this...
04:22Do you think that all life...
04:24There is a complete argument on this.
04:26This will remain on the record.
04:27Now, think about your comment on this.
04:30No, no, if I comment on this a hundred times,
04:33then what will happen in the debate?
04:34There are a crore questions on this election.
04:36But, I am saying the same thing,
04:37that this apparently thing,
04:39that is, if we say this,
04:40if a sitting Prime Minister of that time,
04:43has accepted it on record,
04:44this is not an excuse, this is not an accusation.
04:46That yes, on the request of the army,
04:49I had given a reference against the Supreme Court judge.
04:51Even after that, if a legal fraternity,
04:53and people like you say,
04:54that the work was legal,
04:56then I have a question on that.
04:57Then this government will also say,
04:58that Mr. Waseem Adhami,
04:59I said, it was legal.
05:00Otherwise, you put allegations that we are Form 45, 45.
05:03The legal amendments are legal.
05:04So, I am saying on that,
05:05that this is a case of FISA,
05:07specifically because,
05:08that Mr. Khan has accepted that I did it on the request of the army.
05:10So, at least say that he is wrong.
05:12Look, the fundamental purpose of the legal amendments is,
05:16that you, the federal government governments like ours,
05:21the federations,
05:22in which there are federating units,
05:23in that, all the legal amendments that come,
05:26their purpose is to strengthen the rights of the federating units,
05:30and plus, that your system and governance is better.
05:33So, if you bring such amendments,
05:37in which you bring reforms to annoy the judges,
05:41you bring reforms to annoy the judges of Islamabad High Court,
05:44and throw them in Baluchistan,
05:46and here you will give an extension of your own free will,
05:49and all these things,
05:51can they happen in a civilized society?
05:54Do we have to stand here after so many years,
05:58that after 76 years,
06:00This is my question, don't you want to travel in circles?
06:01If you want to move forward, then all your mistakes remain.
06:03There are such things,
06:04with which you have to move forward.
06:06You have to move forward,
06:07not that you have to go back.
06:08And I said,
06:09I said this in the beginning,
06:10that I am not balancing these two things.
06:12The responsibility of the government of the day is more,
06:14so in this context,
06:15their responsibility is more than yours.
06:17But you should realize that you are wrong.
06:19Our sitting ministers are saying that
06:20our friends and compatriots are not giving us money,
06:24they are not trusting us,
06:25they are saying that bring your stability first.
06:27So, when these things will be there,
06:28then there will be no stability.
06:30Thank you very much to everyone.
