• 3 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) hari ini ditutup di zona hijau pada sesi terakhir perdagangan. IHSG ditutup menguat 13,37 poin atau 0,18 persen ke level 7.300,41.

Pada penutupan perdagangan, Kamis (11/7/2024), terdapat 277 saham menguat, 271 saham melemah dan 248 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp9,3 triliun dari 16,9 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 1,08 juta kali.


00:00I will try to deliver an update on the closure of the Indekarga Samkabungan movement on the second session today.
00:06And the Indekarga Samkabungan election on the second day of the session gave good news
00:11because finally Indekarga Samkabungan was closed at the level of 7,300,
00:16where its current position is strong at 0.18% and closed at the level of 7,300.407.
00:24Indekarga Samkabungan is the highest level throughout today's trade at 7,328.269,
00:29the lowest level at 7,274.062.
00:35Let's go straight to the first graphic.
00:37Viewers, we will try to update how the position of the closure of several other indexes,
00:42such as MNC36, Jakarta Islamic Indeks, and also LQ45.
00:46You can watch the graphics on your television screen.
00:49Viewers, the position of MNC36 is strong at 0.11%,
00:53then there is also Jakarta Islamic Indeks, which is strong at 0.53%,
00:58and LQ45 is strong at 0.33%.
01:01LQ45 is back above the level of 900 again.
01:06Then the sectoral movement rotation, viewers, to the next graphic.
01:10Transportation and logistics are still leading the strength at 2.02%.
01:15Properties seem to be quite strong at 1.21%
01:20when the infrastructure was in the second strongest position in the first closing session.
01:26Health is stressed at 0.36% and industry is also weak at 0.24%.
01:32Next, the stocks that today experienced significant strength
01:36and became a supporter for Indekarga Samkabungan
01:39and entered the top gainers' range, viewers.
01:41There is Aman Mineral, which was closed and strengthened at 11,650.
01:45Aisia, the new emitter, at 468.
01:48PGEO at 12,085.
01:51We mean 1,285, while from the properties, there is SMRA, which is strengthened to 585.
01:58Then to the last graphic, viewers, the stocks that today became a burden
02:03for Indekarga Samkabungan.
02:05There is INKO, weakening above 4%, closed at Rp3,800 per share
02:10in an intraday weakening.
02:12The brand weakened to Rp9,425.
02:14We also reviewed it earlier.
02:16There is ATLA, stressed at Rp70.
02:18From the consumer, there is Unilever, weakening to Rp2,900 per share.
02:22Trading closing update in the second session
02:25and hopefully it can be one of the references for you
02:28in dealing with trading.
02:29Tomorrow, Jelang Lipur, the last week.
02:40Transcription by ESO. Translation by —