Tipline Mysteries: Dial 1 for Murder (2024)

  • 2 months ago
This engaging mystery thriller follows a seasoned detective who investigates a series of chilling crimes linked to anonymous tips received through a mysterious hotline. As the detective pieces together the clues, they uncover a web of deceit, danger, and hidden agendas that challenge their wit and resolve.
00:01:34As you open up all the cages
00:01:37Hold that spirit
00:01:40Hold that spirit close
00:01:57You've reached the Regent Kingsley Hotel, this is Maddie your concierge how may I assist you today?
00:02:02This is mr. Wilcox, I'm checking in today and I want to confirm that I'm in room 1208 because I specifically requested room 1208
00:02:09Yes, mr. Wilcox, and it's here in your reservation, but it appears that room is already occupied
00:02:16How about we upgrade you to a lovely terrace room with no no a review online said 1208 has the best of you
00:02:24Well, if 1208 is the room you want we will make it happen. You can do that. Of course
00:02:30So sorry about the mix-up, is there anything I can help you with while you're in town at dinner reservations, perhaps
00:02:35Thanks, but that won't be necessary. Well, very good. Look forward to your arrival
00:03:07Thank you. Oh
00:03:08Did you fix what you needed to fix?
00:03:10Well, I still have to call the guests in 1208 or 1209 and explain why their room number is different. But yes problem solved
00:03:17Hmm, so you done for the day?
00:03:19Well, I thought so but I discovered a leak in 1221. So better I have to replace the pipes
00:03:26How long is that gonna take all week?
00:03:29Well, you have guests in the Empress. We cannot wait till next weekend to check out
00:03:33Sure, if you don't mind replacing the ceiling in a 1121, too
00:03:48Okay, well it's giving me a headache too yeah, I have to go come on in you want to see me captain yeah have a seat
00:04:00Give me your badge
00:04:04If this has something to do with last night's arrest I can guarantee you it was 100% by the book it's not about the arrest
00:04:10It's about what happened two weeks ago
00:04:13your detective exam
00:04:21You received the highest score across all precincts you'll be taking over for grazier and robbery homicide you start next week
00:04:29This is what I've wanted since I joined the force, I don't know what to say. I don't know. What about thank you. Captain. Thank you captain
00:04:50Detroit free press tip line all news and crime tips. Welcome. This is penny
00:04:55Uh-huh. And where did the aliens say they were from? I'm not familiar with that planet. Could you spell it, please?
00:05:04Would you like to leave your name and number so someone can
00:05:09Hang up probably for the best I'm not sure it's in that tip too. Hmm. There we go
00:05:18Incidences regarding extraterrestrials should be reported to the National Security Administration
00:05:22Is there a number yeah
00:05:26I'm up to dinner with Ricardo
00:05:28Unless you need me to stay. Oh
00:05:31It's just a crazy day at the hotel. The other concierge went home six. I shouldn't have time to eat today
00:05:35I'm fine. Go go go. Hmm, by the way
00:05:39Stay away from Midtown. All the streets are closed because police chase right now. How do you know that?
00:05:44I download this new app on my phone
00:05:46And it uh, it aggregates all this information from the police scanners all over the city and sends alerts to my film
00:05:52Is that even legal? I don't know, but it's cool
00:06:01Troy be pressed up line all news and crime tips. Welcome. This is Maddie. My neighbor stole my cat
00:06:05She's stealing lots of cats. When did this happen last night? I feed three strays and one by one
00:06:10They stopped coming then my cat Simba. He got out and hasn't come back
00:06:14Did you see her abduct Simba? No, but I'm sure she has him. I see. Okay, so I bet it's a circumstantial
00:06:20What's your neighbor's name and address
00:06:29Tip line call
00:06:36Robbery homicide detective grazer speaking detective grazer. Hi, it's Maddie. Yeah, I'm really swamped at the moment reviewing a murder case
00:06:43Which one that's confidential. Did you receive a tip? Yes
00:06:47I did and it's about five and a half six pages of notes
00:06:51The tipster believes his neighbor is abducting cats. I'm sorry. Did you say cat?
00:06:56Yes, six have gone missing including Simba Sam item Mary babe Adam
00:07:01And these are all names of cats. No one cat
00:07:05Was spelling Simba using the alpha code I found online
00:07:08It said every police station in the country uses it. Yeah
00:07:12Why don't you just
00:07:14Email me this stuff and I'll look into it. Did you have a chance to review the notes?
00:07:18I sent last Friday you remind me what those were again. They took about the guy stealing purses at the mall. Oh
00:07:25Yeah, it's yeah. It's a right here right here on my list
00:07:31Was there anything else Maddie? Not really? Um, I just really wants his cat back
00:07:36Simba was a gift miss great-aunt Claire who passed away three years ago. And yeah, it's all good stuff. I will look into it
00:07:41Thank you, Maddie. Have a great day
00:07:51Yo, let's bounce
00:08:04Just leave me alone, all right, I know you're still upset about the arrest
00:08:08I'm not the one you should be mad at be mad at your buddy who picked you up in a stolen car
00:08:13Those kids all have felonies
00:08:15You will too if you keep hanging out with them. Let me get you a safe place to stay. I got a place really
00:08:23It's my girlfriend. She's legit. Don't worry. It was the college as a house
00:08:29It's on the track team got a scholarship and everything. You can hook me up with a job really
00:08:43Respond you're 20 over. What's a 1062?
00:08:47Breaking in a train that's near here. Hey
00:08:52He's running my new friends Toby, right? Hey, hey, I said stop
00:09:02I said stop running
00:09:13Piece of advice for you running is pretty much always a bad idea. You're under arrest for breaking and entering. Come on
00:09:25You know to one night you need suspect in custody way to go to a nine
00:09:43Mr. And mrs. White
00:09:45How's your stay so far just lovely. Thank you. I do have some unfortunate news
00:09:49We have to do an emergency construction in the room next to your suite it I am afraid it's gonna be noisy
00:09:54But the presidential suite will be available starting Sunday
00:09:57And if you would like to not necessary a little noise never hurt anyone. I appreciate your understanding
00:10:03May I offer you complimentary breakfast in our restaurant? Oh how thoughtful we would love we shouldn't keep the interior decorator waiting Barb
00:10:10Are you living here Charles is opening a new shop here in Detroit. Oh, well, I wish you much success in your new venture
00:10:16Thank you. I didn't tell them to make all the noise
00:10:38Units report of a missing cat
00:10:43Excuse me missing catatonic youth sighted at the bus stop on Merrick and Avery description fits a runaway from Dearborn
00:10:52Is this the tip line office yes
00:10:59Are you here to report a news tip or a crime tip I'm Ethan
00:11:04Joe didn't mention I was starting tonight Joe Joe Callahan the managing editor of the crime section
00:11:10Yeah, I've actually never met him. You're lucky. He's an angry man who hates the music
00:11:28You work here now interning Joe thinks it'll teach me the value of hard work. Well, yes
00:11:34Joy's your father stepfather
00:11:38So, how does this whole tip line thing work anyway
00:11:50Congratulations on retiring
00:11:53I'm soon enough
00:11:55You know, we look at so many dead bodies before you start to affect your sleep
00:12:04My therapist says the nightmare should eventually stop
00:12:09This hot sauce fast hot sauce. It's the one thing I'm gonna miss about this place
00:12:17But enough about me
00:12:19Congrats on your promotion. I heard you passed the test with flying colors. Thank you. Yes
00:12:2696% but I feel pretty prepared
00:12:29Yeah, you won't use any of that
00:12:31No, most cases are solved when a relationship ends. Nothing rats out a partner in crime like a spurned axe
00:12:43It's best not to investigate at all just wait it up
00:12:53Let me get more cake you want some no, I've heard enough had enough I've had enough but thanks anyway
00:13:12Here that sauce is good
00:13:22Cool thing about our computers is that they can access newspapers all over the country
00:13:27So let's say you want to know what's happening in Poughkeepsie
00:13:31Why would I want to know that?
00:13:39Just right for you press tip line all news and crime tips welcome. This is Maddie
00:13:42A jewelry store is going to be robbed tonight
00:13:47Which jewelry store
00:13:54Tina who's gonna rob it?
00:13:58How do you know about this
00:14:13A Detroit free press. No, thank you. This is Grazer. You've reached robbery homicide leave a message after the tone
00:14:22Grazer senator's desk. I need to report this to someone
00:14:27No, if the phone rings just answer it
00:14:30How do I do that?
00:14:55It's crazier
00:14:57He retired
00:14:58How did you get up here? Oh, I am Maddie Moore. I am from the DFP tip line
00:15:02I'm officer train at the desk knows me. I see. Did you call here about ten minutes ago? I did
00:15:07Yes, I'm here to report a tip that a jewelry store is gonna be brought up tonight. Okay
00:15:13Which one they didn't say I actually don't even know if it's a man or woman the voice was altered. Okay
00:15:18Well, what else did they say nothing? They just hung up
00:15:22That's not a lot of information. I know
00:15:24You're just gonna have to stick out every jewelry store in the city. You do realize there's over a hundred jewelry stores in Detroit
00:15:29Well, let's start calling. Uh, you know, I think
00:15:32Most of them are already closed. So just start by writing a report of all the owners of stores and we'll just try it at home
00:15:37Chop-chop Maddie
00:15:40Next time someone calls with the tip get details who when I know what details to get
00:15:44I've been doing this for years and I watch a lot of crime shows. Oh, I see like CSI exactly
00:15:51You know if I was talking to ratio cane right now, I
00:15:54Could guarantee we wouldn't be having this conversation ratio. Kane is a fictional character. So that's certainly true
00:16:01We don't know if this call is credible. What if it's just a prank?
00:16:04What if it's just a prank our resources are limited? Hmm
00:16:10What's your name
00:16:12Detective Beaks detective Beaks
00:16:15Yeah, I
00:16:17Can tell you're no different than crazier
00:16:20I'm just gonna have to handle this one on my own to sure thing to hey, wait, what does that mean?
00:17:50All units report from one in seven at a Jumani jewelry store 1710 fake Street multiple officers needed to secure the scene
00:18:20Hey you miss working all this grunts down in patrol yet
00:18:23I actually have a feeling I'm gonna be seeing you a lot more now than I did then
00:18:27Secure the scene. Mm-hmm. Yeah, the employee reported it when he arrived at 955 said that Joseph Jumani
00:18:34That's this guy meets him in the mornings to unlock the door. But when he arrived he saw Mr
00:18:38Jumani lying on the floor through the window and the door it's locked and all the cameras are disabled
00:18:44Do you smell something subtle but
00:18:48Paint. Yeah, maybe he's around us. Mm-hmm
00:18:53and oh
00:18:56Yeah, that's um soon to be ex-wife
00:18:59Yeah, she arrived here right after we did
00:19:02And the employee had texted her after calling us to give her the news in a text, yeah
00:19:06All right. I'm gonna go talk to her get someone to cover him up. Yeah, sure. I'll get someone on right now. Thanks
00:19:15Hi, I'm detective Beaks Marcella Jumani
00:19:21Joseph is my husband. I'm very sorry for your loss
00:19:25Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
00:19:28When was the last time you spoke with your husband last night around nine
00:19:34O'clock. Um, he texted me to tell me he'd left his
00:19:38his wallet
00:19:40Here, so he came back to the store
00:19:44And you were home last night. No, I was in Atlanta at a conference. I I
00:19:49Took the red. I I got back about 2 a.m. Okay. I
00:19:57Know how this must look because
00:20:00Joseph and I were getting divorced. We'd already worked out all the terms. I mean, I I was getting half nothing more and nothing less
00:20:10Did you happen to have a life insurance policy
00:20:14But I signed over the ownership to him and he did the same with me and we changed our beneficiaries
00:20:21Do you mind if I ask why your husband and you separated?
00:20:26reconcilable differences
00:20:28They were just
00:20:30Too many for us to manage
00:20:33And you have a key to the store
00:20:37He changed all the locks and I gave up my interest in the business and I
00:20:44Changed the safe and he changed the safe
00:20:48How do you know that because he gave the old one to me
00:20:54Just one more question money. Do you know if your husband recently underwent any renovations? No, not that I know of
00:21:01Okay, please give me a call if you think of anything
00:21:13Who's murdered I can't really set information. How'd you find out about this my scanner app?
00:21:19Maddie I'm gonna want to listen to that tip line call but brighten up right now. I have more pressing matters to deal with
00:21:27So the newspaper gives you a uniform tip lines my night job I work at reaching things that are in the day beaks
00:21:35Excuse me
00:21:40So I spoke with forensics
00:21:43Yeah, well the coroner estimates a TOD between 9 and 11 last night so the time to money came back for his wallet
00:21:49Yeah, the coroner doesn't know what was in the dark yet
00:21:51But she suspects sodium chloride and we'll know more when the talk sports come back. Okay
00:21:56Lift any prints from the safe safest wiped out
00:22:00Anything else stolen? Everything in the safe is missing thief only took the best jewels. I
00:22:06Have to take care of something
00:22:13Oh, what are you doing? I wasn't kidding when I said stay behind the tape. Okay. Look I need to go back to the hotel
00:22:19Anyway, yeah
00:22:24Starts to get my guys back. Oh, okay. I'm leaving leaving
00:22:30You promise this time
00:22:35You know what your problem is I have several problems and right now you are the very top of that list
00:22:42You weren't just like detective Christie
00:22:45You don't believe anyone's credible. Thank you. Yeah, I'll keep that in mind
00:22:58I'm from saves feels like a clue
00:23:01Break come Patterson security sells Belgium safes. Looks like we're going on a field trip
00:23:15Hi, how can I help you? Hi, I work at the Regent Kingsley and we are looking for a safe I
00:23:21Heard Beltram is a good brand you work for the Regent Kingsley. I'm a sales assistant. How can I help you?
00:23:28Heard Beltram is a good brand you work for the Regent Kingsley. My daughter almost got married there
00:23:33But we ended up having the wedding in her backyard. Thank goodness
00:23:36She's already divorced. Oh, no, I'm so sorry. It was for the best. Trust me. Oh, it's adorable
00:23:42But is that your daughter? Yeah, my daughter Olivia and my grandson. So Beltram
00:23:49Quality's excellent
00:23:51Possible to crack without a stick of dynamite. See that's what makes Beltram better than other safes. Can't go wrong
00:23:57How big are they I mean
00:24:01You go ahead
00:24:04Hi, hi
00:24:06Detective Beaks, I'm a Detroit Metro PD
00:24:09Investigating a robbery that happened last night at the Tramonti jewelry store
00:24:13Fortunately, their entire safe was cleared out. I
00:24:16Understand you recently purchased a safe. Can you tell me what yeah, right
00:24:24Here delivered on the 9th, okay, and you know who happened to do that install Nick Ray
00:24:40What are you doing here
00:24:43Mmm, you know with all the
00:24:47Unsolved crime in the city. I would just really feel safer with one of these
00:24:53Right, mm-hmm
00:24:56Do you mind if we continue this conversation in the back no need I am leaving
00:25:02Thank you for your help bye
00:25:09Nick Ray did the install. Can I speak with him? He doesn't work here anymore. Oh, really? Why not he quit?
00:25:16when my daughter filed for divorce
00:25:19And kicked him out of her apartment
00:25:23Nick was your son-in-law. Yes. I don't think he was comfortable working for me after that. I
00:25:29Can imagine nowhere I can find him. He gave me an address to mail his final paycheck
00:25:33I have it here somewhere if you like. Yes, definitely
00:26:05Thank goodness it's here
00:26:07And thank you good day
00:26:18Do you mind if we continue this conversation in the back no need I am leaving. Oh, really? Why not? Yes, definitely
00:26:27Hey, it's me sorry to call but we have a problem
00:26:37Off the car back
00:26:46You need to play this recording for the police
00:26:50Detective Beaks hates me all the more reason when he sees you're collecting evidence for him. He won't hate you as
00:26:57Much you haven't met him. He is a pompous power drunk know-it-all who thinks that because he got promoted to robbery homicide
00:27:03He has guts get destroyed. Hi
00:27:06Can I help you
00:27:09She forgot distrusting
00:27:13Beaks this is penny future reporter. I guess you're here to listen to the call detective
00:27:19So you collected evidence?
00:27:21It's not evidence per se. It's
00:27:25It's more of a theory really
00:27:27hmm, I
00:27:30theorized that
00:27:32Luke Patterson is
00:27:34Involved in the Tremonti murder. Why is that? Because after he gave you Nick's address and you walked out
00:27:39He called someone and said we have a big problem
00:27:45How did you know that he gave me Nick's address you'd already left the store
00:27:55You know, it's illegal to secretly record people right it's called eavesdropping
00:28:00Only if you're law enforcement
00:28:03That law applies to everybody he's right. I'm finding a lot of news articles about evidence that was obtained illegally being thrown out
00:28:12Well, it's never intended to be evidence. I
00:28:16Thought I might help the lead
00:28:18You know, if you deleted it's really not a big deal. Hold on
00:28:23Let's listen to it first
00:28:27Hey, it's me
00:28:29sorry to call but
00:28:31We have a problem a very big problem
00:28:36All right, let's hear the tip line call
00:28:42You hear that there's some kind of weird noise going on in the background
00:28:52No, you hear that
00:28:56What is that I don't know
00:28:59I'm not sure
00:29:00Hey, do you mind making a copy of that for you? Here you go. I already copied it. I
00:29:06Bet you're great at chess, aren't you? I am
00:29:10You're a good detective
00:29:14Well, I better let you get back to work
00:29:18Great free press tip line all news and crime tips. Welcome. This is Maddie. Simba's really cute
00:29:24Did you see her actually take any of the cats? Yeah, you think she'd nab him while I'm watching. Of course not
00:29:29This woman's an expert probably been doing it for years. Hmm
00:29:33Which house belongs to her?
00:29:35right there
00:29:52Um, I am Maddie from the Detroit free press can I ask you some questions about your cats
00:30:00So, where did you get your cats Oh
00:30:06You know, my ex-husband always said that I care more about the cats than I did him. I
00:30:12Can't wait for him to read your little feature on me. It's not a feature. It's um, hmm
00:30:18more of an investigative thing
00:30:22You tell that already to stop falsely accusing me just stating the facts lady
00:30:29I would run away to Simba did not leave on his own. He was taken against his will by you
00:30:34Okay, everyone here calls you Cheryl the purse
00:30:42In your trash just last week
00:30:47Because you don't separate your recycling from your garbage and that's another thing
00:30:51That is my right as a homeowner. Oh, yeah. Yeah, but you want to live next to a landfill sure
00:30:56Yeah, you don't care about the environment living next to you
00:30:58I will go through my trash and accuses me. I am looking for my cat
00:31:02Detective Beaks here heading to follow up on a potential suspect over
00:31:16Nick Ray detective Beaks with Detroit Metro PD open up, please
00:31:29So, uh, no uniform, so you're off duty. Yeah, I
00:31:35Made detective. Oh, no way. Yeah, that's really cool. Thanks
00:31:41Hey, so I'm looking for a guy named Nick Ray his former father-in-law said he's been getting mail here
00:31:47Yeah, he does my girlfriend let some crash on the couch. All right. Is he here now? No, actually, I haven't seen him for
00:31:54Him in a couple days. He kind of just bounces from place to place. You
00:31:58Come off to physio
00:32:01Beaks this is my girlfriend. I meant why Amanda? This is detective Beaks. It's nice to meet you. Nice to meet you
00:32:08That looks like it hurts. Oh
00:32:11It's been a few weeks now. It's okay if I came and wait off it
00:32:14You're not in trouble. Are you Toby? No, babe. Come on
00:32:19Beaks is just looking for Nick. I understand you let next day here. Uh-huh
00:32:24Can I ask how the three of you know each other? I went to high school with Nick's younger sister
00:32:30Is there a problem here? No, no problem. I'm just trying to wrap my head around this coincidence. That's all
00:32:38Nick hasn't done anything wrong. How's he detective?
00:32:41I just want to ask him some questions
00:32:43This house Amanda. Do you own it?
00:32:46It belongs to my grandmother, but she moved into assisted living about a year ago. I
00:32:52really nice place and
00:32:56They passed when I was young my grandparents raised me, you know home is a lot of responsibility. I'm just
00:33:01Wondering if maybe Nick pays rent Nick helps me fix it up from time to time
00:33:05So that sure would help but we don't charge him. Um, I don't know. I don't know
00:33:10I'm I'm sorry. I've got to go to physio. No, of course, but hey since Nick isn't technically a legal tenant
00:33:18Do you mind if I just take a peek in the guest room knock yourself out?
00:33:33Patterson huh? Guess he never returned his old uniform
00:33:40So you went to work for his father-in-law's main competitor
00:33:45That's that's Nick with his son, do you know why
00:33:51He might have a pair of wire cutters, oh, yeah, I'm gonna give him those and she had him hook up the new speaker
00:34:07Do I just need to look something up
00:34:11Something already said made me think I don't know who already is but okay
00:34:16He said that the reason no one sees shown at the cats is because she's been doing it for years. I mean you think
00:34:22Whoever killed. Mr. Tremont. He may have robbed jewelry stores before
00:34:27anything with a dart gun
00:34:28Like this case in Cleveland, Ohio. You found one already. It's pretty cool how we can read all these different papers
00:34:33That's weird a dart gun was used with bed tranquilizer. That's unusual
00:34:43Well, I'm still waiting on the full talk screen, but the coroner said there were traces of xyloprene in it
00:34:48It's a sedative used in animals and livestock. Okay, that's prescription only correct, but it's not available to the public
00:34:56Apparently there wasn't enough trace of xyloprene in the victim to kill him, which I
00:35:03Knew it
00:35:06Get this a
00:35:08Jewelry store was robbed three weeks ago in Cleveland a lot of ruby and emerald pieces taken
00:35:12Security guard woke up the next morning with a dart in his chest
00:35:16And it had a sedative in it
00:35:18Xyloprene. Yep. That's the one. I mean it didn't say that when I read the article, but security guard told me when I called him
00:35:25I'm sorry. Who are you? I am Maddie Moore from the DFP tip line and the Regent Kingsley. You spoke with the security guard. Well, I
00:35:33Called from the tip line office. So I think you got the impression. I was a journalist. Anyway, you should check on that
00:35:39I have a cell number
00:35:40and I was also thinking that you should call the owner of the Cleveland store and just see if there's any ties to Luke Patterson, you
00:35:45Know given that weird call he made after you left
00:35:47You know
00:35:47I received a call from Joe Callahan
00:35:49Down at Detroit Free Press asking why we ignored a tip that could have prevented a murder. The tip was vague captain. Okay
00:35:56You work at the tip line. Oh, Maddie. Yes. Yes, I do. Hmm. Were you the one that received the tip about the jewelry store?
00:36:03Mm-hmm. There's an interesting connection security guard in that case survived obviously, so why did your money die swollen legs?
00:36:11Were there any creases and it's earlobes?
00:36:13Maybe one of the victims had a bad heart
00:36:15It is after all the number one cause of death you're gonna ask if he had a receding hairline next come on
00:36:20Where you going with this?
00:36:21I heard on a true crime podcast once that the coroner was talking about some victims showing signs of underlying issues
00:36:27And that he said a diagonal ear crease is an opt-out predictor of heart disease. She's right. It's called Frank's line. Yeah
00:36:34He has an underlying heart condition. It could have intervened with the xyloprene. We've seen those prescription med ads
00:36:40They list more side effects including death in the Georgia streets. Excuse me gonna take this. Hi. This is nylon
00:36:45True crime podcast. What can I say?
00:36:49You take me to find seriously
00:36:56You should have your cardio
00:37:00I'm kidding
00:37:02Yeah, I knew that I have a great heart
00:37:06Well, according to the toxicology report Maddie is right. Tramani was on a whole lot of heart meds
00:37:12So that would explain why
00:37:15Even in small doses xyloprene was lethal in his case when mixed with beta blockers
00:37:19So it was just supposed to be a robbery. The murder was accidental. I have some stellar investigative work. Thank you
00:37:27I'm huge crime buff
00:37:30See, have you ever considered becoming a volunteer reserve officer? I don't think Maddie has time for that captain
00:37:35I mean, I would know with everything welcome to the force ms
00:37:38Welcome to the force ms. Moore gonna be assisting detective Beaks here in this homicide case. Thank you captain. Thank
00:37:45Thank you so much. Oh
00:37:48That's how you do it
00:37:51I'm a detective
00:37:54Would you excuse me
00:38:01Captain huh with all due respect. I
00:38:04Don't think it's a good idea to make her an RO the Detroit Free Press can't say we're not taking their crime tip seriously
00:38:09If we invite the employee who received the tip into our little police family now, can they?
00:38:15Besides she seems pretty good at finding leads
00:38:19Make it work
00:38:21The security cameras were disabled in the Cleveland robbery to culprits a wizard dodging sensors and alarms
00:38:31Find looking at all my suspects in one place helps. Oh, so you've done this before no, but it works well on TV
00:38:38Here's what we know the killer robbed at least two stores three weeks apart in both times
00:38:42He used xyloprene, which is only accessible to that. So either here she
00:38:47It's either vet
00:38:49Or has access to one or they purchase a drug on the black market. Sure. Yep. It's a possibility, too
00:38:53I also think it's important to note that Tramani bought a safe from Luke Patterson shortly before the robbery and
00:38:59Your combo with Luke sure got him rattled
00:39:03By the way, the Cleveland robbery store also purchased a safe from Patterson so
00:39:10He's definitely our strongest lead. Yeah
00:39:17Why did you do that
00:39:19Because Marcella was gone with your money was killed so we can rule her out Marcella was conveniently out of town
00:39:24Trans checking her alibi
00:39:26She could have hired somebody to kill her husband
00:39:28But she said that they'd agreed to the terms of the divorce and she wasn't the beneficiary of his life insurance anymore
00:39:32Okay, by the way, who is the beneficiary now?
00:39:34Well, he hadn't named one which means that the policy pays his estate so she'd get half an extra 2.5 million
00:39:42So why we're out the Cleveland store to make it seem like she wasn't targeting her husband
00:39:46We know there was a motorcycle scene leaving the scene of the crime
00:39:50Okay, there's also someone else. It's a long shot
00:39:52So I finished watching the security footage from the jewelry store robbery from the from the parking lot of the strip mall
00:39:58It's from the time Tramani closes up a store around 530 to when he comes back just after 9. No one came in and out
00:40:05How about between the time Tramani got to the store that evening and the employees showing up the next morning? Nothing. That's impossible
00:40:12The back door was dead bolted from the inside. Yeah
00:40:14Well, my guess is that um, I guess someone must have been hiding inside when Tramani locked up already. No, they had to get out somehow
00:40:21We're missing something and my guess is it has something to do with the smell of fresh paint. See that right there?
00:40:27That's why I scored in 98
00:40:2996 and your time's coming. Yeah
00:40:33Watch must be broken then
00:40:36What was that last part about Tran has taken the detective test twice
00:40:42He's a great cop. It's just lousy of taking tests. Sometimes. I think he feels a little underappreciated
00:40:58Good job today Maddie
00:41:00with your random database of medical facts and that Cleveland robbery
00:41:04I'll find out if they have any footage of a motorcycle. Thanks. Oh, hey, by the way
00:41:07I want to ask you about this other tip. I mean, it's not about a murder or anything. It's just
00:41:12there's this guy already and
00:41:47Stopped you're gonna crack my ribs detective Beaks Maddie. Don't let me interrupt
00:41:55Some guy in a motorcycle straight shoot at us. Oh, there is no
00:42:00No gunshots. It's just a bad exhaust backfiring
00:42:04honest mistake
00:42:06This is hot sauce
00:42:08Everything's fine
00:42:11Okay, then
00:42:18That's not every day so and tries to rescue me you're good
00:42:24Hey, you're okay, we're okay. Come on
00:42:37So embarrassed
00:42:41I don't know. Maybe I was a little bit triggered. Do you want to talk about it? I
00:42:48Used to work at a sports bar and
00:42:50And one night we got robbed
00:42:57When the guy pulled the gun out I just froze
00:43:02Like it register was the gun
00:43:08Well, you must have been terrified I thought I was gonna be okay, but
00:43:17Started having these nightmares and you know, I couldn't sleep and I couldn't focus and I
00:43:25Just eventually lost that job
00:43:29Did they ever catch the guy
00:43:33Three years later
00:43:36Someone anonymously called in a tip which led to his arrest and yes when I found that out I
00:43:43Was able to put it behind me and that is when I started working at the tip line
00:43:50Hmm I
00:43:53Want people out there to know that I hear them
00:43:58I'm sure they do
00:44:01And we have a lot of good units out there trying to stop people like that so as long as 219 is working
00:44:09219 oh, it's a to my scanner app. Yeah. He's always the one making me arrests
00:44:21All right, I have to go and write up a hot sauce report
00:44:28But I'm gonna have one of the uniformed officers drive you home and hey
00:44:36No nightmares tonight
00:44:43How's room 1221 coming
00:44:46There is a hole in a wall that I want to get to before lunch
00:44:49Then I will drywall patch and paint shouldn't take too long. You've a boat
00:44:57Yeah, my son gave you to me when I bought my cabin on Lake Erie still saving up for the boat, though
00:45:02It's nice cool. Yeah, well close
00:45:05Came into a little money last month and got a big job coming up after that. I had to clean and retire for good
00:45:12Anyway, I gotta get to this hardware store. You mind if I park this here while I'm gone
00:45:17What kind of concierge would I be I said no
00:45:21And I will miss you dearly Ron
00:45:29That's why there's no footage of the killer walking to the door
00:45:35He didn't use it
00:45:39Jackpot, thank you
00:45:42Thanks, I know how the killer got into Jumani store
00:45:45He broke into it from next door and he cut through the wall. Yes. What how did you know?
00:45:52The Cleveland heist was also in a strip mall, which got me thinking so I reached out to the property manager
00:45:57Look what's next door. Here's a visual of the jewelry shop. Check the storefront next to it. I
00:46:03Think we need to go back to Jumani store and see what we might have missed
00:46:21Offices back here. Well, what's this?
00:46:41Guess it's no longer a theory. This is how the killer got in
00:46:54It's fresh paint. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and no security systems or cameras
00:47:02Hold on a minute
00:47:07I know that ring
00:47:09That's from the Cleveland case file
00:47:11Really? Well, let's ask him about it when he gets off the phone. Oh, hey, sorry about that. What can I do for you folks?
00:47:17I'm just curious about this ring here
00:47:19That's a good choice. She's a real beaut honey. What do you think about grabbing that for your mom's birthday?
00:47:25Mom would love that
00:47:30Probably more than we want to spend that I can give it to you for a good price
00:47:34I don't know. My mom already has a lot of Ruby jewelry. Do you have any other pieces like?
00:47:41Emeralds no emerald. Sorry what you see here is all I have
00:47:45You know what? Your mom's got all those rubies because she likes them. So let me just get her that hand. Okay snookums
00:47:54Well, will you take
00:47:58$100, but how about
00:48:08Loving dollars
00:48:10I'm loving
00:48:12Plus a free breakfast buffet at the region Kingsley
00:48:15It has six types of freshly squeezed juice delicious. Are you guys for real? What client would never go for it?
00:48:22He's your client. You know, I can't tell you that maybe this will change your mind
00:48:28Yeah, I knew it. I knew I could smoke up all over you. I don't sell hot goods. Then. What's his name?
00:48:46Nick Ray Patterson's ex-son-in-law
00:48:50Thanks a regular it's a good client of mine. He brings in good pieces
00:48:53Hey, has anyone else been acting suspicious around the store in the past few weeks maybe spending too much time not buying anything
00:48:59You know than you two
00:49:01No, no one get hired then quit right away. No, I
00:49:07Think it's time we paid Nick Ray a visit and we will need that ring for evidence could be hot
00:49:13What she said?
00:49:16Hey Tran
00:49:17I need a list of every jewelry store located in a strip mall within 20 miles from here that also has Beltram safes or
00:49:24Patterson security and check for any vacant shops next door or if anyone's recently applied for a renovation permit
00:49:32Thanks. So, what are we thinking?
00:49:35I'm thinking that they're gonna strike again
00:49:48CCTV footage from a store near Tremonti's
00:49:51It's grainy but shows us a suspect escaping on a motorcycle around the time of the break and now Nick Ray doesn't own a motorcycle
00:49:58At least not one that's registered with the DMV. No, that doesn't mean he couldn't have stolen one though
00:50:02It has to be involved. Why else would he be fencing stolen goods? Well, most likely cuz he's got a rap sheet
00:50:07He was busted last year for pawning stolen purses. Guess he figured he could make more money with jewelry
00:50:11So out of the 96 jewelry stores in Detroit 22 of them are in strip malls and only 10 of them got their safes from
00:50:18Patterson or Kojak. I've got trans still working with the permit office now that narrows it down
00:50:22I guess I should see if Nick has paid any of these a visit
00:50:28We could see be discreet I don't want to cause any panic
00:50:35Okay, when we get there let me do all the talking yeah, okay just wing it
00:50:39Yeah, right on
00:50:40you know the first rule of improv I
00:50:43Always build on what your fellow actor just said
00:50:45Right, but you're not gonna build on anything because I'm taking the lead here, right? I promise I won't talk. Thank you
00:51:00Hi, we are looking for wedding bands how fun when's the big day September?
00:51:09We're actually looking for a watch my brother. He said he found one that he really likes
00:51:14The thing is I don't know what watch it is
00:51:16I don't know what story found it at but he installed safe. So he's in jewelry stores all the time and
00:51:22Maybe you've helped him
00:51:25That's it
00:51:28No, this is your entire selection I can get some more from the back speaking of the back is that where your safe is
00:51:34We're probably right that's where most stores keep them. I'm sorry
00:51:37My fiance is very into security and sometimes asks questions that can sound like she's prying
00:51:43She doesn't mean anything by it
00:51:45Do you have this model here on white gold? Mm-hmm
00:51:48Thank you
00:51:51All right, it's time to go we have to see the bell charm safe
00:51:54Oh wait, that's very rude. You should never put down your fiance in front of other people. Oh
00:51:59Really? I thought we discussed it. I was gonna take the lead on this
00:52:03I'll answer that
00:52:05After I receive an apology
00:52:16Is this the police I think I'm about to be robbed apologies generally start with I'm sorry
00:52:24Sorry to keep you waiting
00:52:26Yes, oh we don't have it in white gold
00:52:35What are you doing
00:52:38Everybody stand down. They're not here to rob the store rob it. Of course not. We're cops
00:52:51You know, I would say forget what I said about being discreet but it seems you already have
00:53:01Mm-hmm. Should we check out the other stores or just a second?
00:53:06Tran says he got a hit
00:53:16It's like they're doing some innovations
00:53:20Mr. White, what are you doing here? This is my new shop
00:53:23You just knocked this wall down to do a full expansion into the larger space next door. You sell jewelry
00:53:29Yeah, how do the two of you know each other Oh
00:53:32Mr. And mrs. White, this is my friend
00:53:37Dawson Beaks, I'm a detective with Detroit Metro PD. Oh, is there anything wrong on everything's fine
00:53:43I just I like to introduce myself to new business owners in the area. Oh, how nice
00:53:49Trust me to give him any business cards. This is VIP service Maddie. You really are a great concierge
00:53:56Thank you, she's quite wonderful. He's cute here
00:54:05Friends yeah friends. Yeah, we're friends
00:54:08Good friends make great husbands. Oh
00:54:11By the way, will you see Ron at the hotel anytime soon on the handyman? Yeah, he forgot his screwdriver
00:54:17Oh, you hired Ron. We bumped into him in the hotel elevator. We asked him to take over the entire rental
00:54:22It's been such a disaster, but he's retiring soon
00:54:28Mr. White safes all installed. Yeah, perfect. I'm just gonna get you to set the codes
00:54:32This is the panel. It's straightforward. Just plug in your codes and you're good to go. I'll walk through the functions Nick
00:54:38I'm detective Beaks. It's hoping we could have a word. I didn't do anything. Well, we still
00:54:47All right, sorry about this mr. And mrs. White
00:54:52Again I'm really sorry. Yeah
00:55:01Thank you
00:55:05Where you go dead of your neck
00:55:08Should I pick a copper back up? You're not any kind of cop
00:55:12Sorry, stay here
00:55:18You a puzzle guy, yeah calms me down
00:55:25Was a police officer Maddie and it's my partner Beaks
00:55:30So, where were you three nights ago home home
00:55:35Are you sure? Yeah, I'm sure that Amanda Bly's home on Boxer Street. Toby told me you came by I
00:55:42Don't know anything about stolen purses
00:55:45Look, this isn't about stolen purses Nick
00:55:48Okay, we have evidence that you were involved in the Tremonti Jewelry Store robbery possibly others
00:56:00Do my father-in-law tell you that I'd nothing to do with any robberies
00:56:06Whatever he said, it's a lie. That guy hates me. He's trying to get me thrown in jail
00:56:10So I can't get custody of my kid. Okay
00:56:13What was the last time you rode a motorcycle Nick back when I was still married to Olivia?
00:56:18Mr. Patterson, he's got a couple. We took him up north to Copper Harbor
00:56:20How did you get possession of a ruby ring connected to a heist back in Cleveland? I
00:56:26Want a lawyer Nick you're arresting me do it
00:56:34I can't leave you let Nick go
00:56:38Legally we had no choice
00:56:40Until we can prove that Nick is the one who actually stole the jewelry in the first place as his lawyer stated
00:56:46We can't hold him fine. Well, in the meantime, we should rule out the other suspects then it is interesting timing that Ron decides to
00:56:53Retire right after these stores are robbed and he's doing rentals in another
00:56:58It could be a convenient way to case a new jewelry store Ron. No, no way. I've known for years. It's a good guy
00:57:03You know between mrs. White and Nick and Ron. There's one common thread that we've been neglecting
00:57:12Me in my line of work, there's no coincidences, but man all roads just seem to lead right to Matty Moore. I
00:57:19Am in the hotel business and I want to tip line. I know people
00:57:22I know a lot of people probably more than you officer. It's detective. It's all right Maddie more to you
00:57:32Detective Beaks
00:57:34Really? Okay. Thank you trim
00:57:37Guess what conference Marcella Tremonti was attending in Atlanta the night her husband died
00:57:43Veterinarian conference
00:57:45Marcel is a vet
00:57:49Marcella Tremonti not only stands taking a lot of money from Tremonti's estate
00:57:52She's a vet with access to xyloprene and she would have known what heart meds her husband was on and that mixing them with xyloprene
00:57:58Would be lethal agreed
00:58:01On top of owning a motorcycle in the company that installed Tremonti safe
00:58:06Mr. Patterson made an incriminating call after you left
00:58:08He might be trying to frame Nick to get him out of his daughter and his grandson's life for good
00:58:12They could be doing this all on his own and
00:58:14Tried to make us think it was his ex-father-in-law to get back at his ex-wife
00:58:17It does have a history of stealing
00:58:19He installed the Tremonti safe had the ruby ring and according to his friend. Amanda is pretty handy. Okay, I'm gonna say
00:58:26Nick's number two Luke's number three
00:58:29And speaking of handy we still have Ron
00:58:31Look, he owns a cabin in Cleveland. He plans on retiring soon and recently came into some money
00:58:37Plus he's moonlighting for strangers who own jewelry stores
00:58:40Mmm, what was the last time you ate food?
00:58:43Move a murder investigation. Well, you still have to eat food
00:58:47Well, let's grab a pizza
00:58:50It's Ethan is it's a point office says he found something
00:58:58Thanks for letting us know I'll pass the tip on to editorial team
00:59:00Awesome you brought food. Yes. Hey, I have something cool to show you. I use my music editing software. You won't believe what I found
00:59:10Keep ignoring your dad. He might just show up here. I stepped in step off
00:59:15He just wants to check up on me
00:59:16Make sure I show up as a productive member of society and not a lazy bum with my guitar
00:59:20On that note, what was it that you want to show Maddie? Oh
00:59:23Something cool I did with the editing software
00:59:26That's a woman's voice how'd you do that? I ran the recording through some music editing software that allows me to separate audio tracks and reduce
00:59:32Distortion. Oh, it's brilliant
00:59:35There's more, you know, that's strange sound in the background
00:59:46Is that a cat
00:59:48No, what is it with you and cats? It's pretty good guess though. It's something that cries at the same frequency as a cat
00:59:56It's a baby
01:00:04Luke Patterson's daughter. She recently had a son Nick's, baby
01:00:08Luke showed me a photo of them the day illegal
01:00:10Accidentally he recorded it on his phone. I don't know if it's true. I don't think it's true. I don't think it's true
01:00:14I don't think it's true. I don't think it's true
01:00:17Accidentally he recorded his call
01:00:19And that's why she didn't want to answer any of your questions. She wanted to stop the robbery without ratting either one of them out
01:00:27Which one
01:00:34Olivia thanks for coming in. I don't know why Nick would tell you that my dad still owns his motorcycles
01:00:39He knows dad sold them a year ago. He helped him find the buyers
01:00:54Didn't know for sure if it was Nick or not
01:00:56So I didn't know what to say when the woman on the tip line started asking me a bunch of questions anonymously
01:01:05The day the Tramani jewelry store was robbed I
01:01:08Went over to the house Nick is staying at to talk to him about child support
01:01:11And this is the house that belongs to Amanda Blye. Yes, I got up to the front door
01:01:17You can't just take that much jewelry to a pawn shop. They're gonna suspect you stole it anyway
01:01:21We need to nail down the plan for tonight. Oh
01:01:24Hey, Olivia, I didn't hear you. No. Hi Toby is Nick around. Yeah, Nick. Come on. Um is Amanda here, too
01:01:34You want me to get Nick to come out?
01:01:37Nick Olivia's here to see you
01:01:44Nick came out to talk to you
01:01:47Did you ask him about the conversation you overheard?
01:01:49I didn't want him to think I was eavesdropping and honestly if he was going to rob a jewelry store
01:01:55I didn't want to get involved
01:01:57So you're not sure if he was talking to someone inside the house or on the phone the day the Tramani store was robbed
01:02:03My dad called and he said we have a big problem
01:02:08That night he came over and he said he was worried Nick may be going to prison for the rest of his life
01:02:13That was the call. Yeah
01:02:16Did you tell your dad about the conversation you overheard of course
01:02:20He's the one who advised me to call the tip line anonymously, Olivia
01:02:23Do you know if Nick has access to a drug called xyloprene?
01:02:27What is that?
01:02:29It's a sedative. It's used on animals
01:02:31Not that I know of but his doting roommate Amanda and her boyfriend Toby work at a pet store
01:02:45You can learn a lot from spurned exes I should have guessed that it was Olivia the call
01:02:53Speaks open up
01:03:08Can't do that without a warrant
01:03:17Well, we have expanded our investigation welcome to the suspect list Amanda and Toby
01:03:22well, if you think Samantha's interest in Nick may be romantic, but
01:03:25She Nick and Toby may be partners in crime
01:03:29It's possible, but we can't jump to any conclusions till we have solid evidence
01:03:34Hey beaks
01:03:36Here's the address for the paws and Wesker's pet clinic. Thank you
01:03:39Yeah, I spoke to the GM says that Amanda Bly scheduled to work 5 to 11 tonight
01:03:44All right. Oh, and I'm Marcel. Let's do for questioning in a few hours, right? Thank you
01:03:53Do you want to play a good cop or a bad cop?
01:03:56Actually have to work at the hotel this afternoon
01:03:58Yeah, my boss wasn't thrilled when I
01:04:02Left without telling her the other day. Yeah. No, of course I
01:04:06Get it. I'll interview Marcel and Amanda myself
01:04:09Let me know you find out
01:04:34Hardy, it's Matt even to find
01:04:37Cheryl mentioned she was divorced
01:04:39Do you know her ex's name? Yeah, Benjamin Benson finally got fed up and left about a year ago. Why do you happen to worry?
01:04:45It works. He's a math teacher the high school right here in the corner
01:04:50Perfect I
01:04:53Never tried to hide the fact that I'm a vet the difference would it make
01:04:58You have direct access to a number of medications including the one that killed your husband
01:05:03You don't think that that makes a difference
01:05:08In my clinic I have strict protocols
01:05:12Regarding the dispensing of meds every mil is accounted for. Well, we'll certainly look into that
01:05:21Your alibi checks out
01:05:24What are you sure that there isn't something you're not telling me perhaps you hired someone
01:05:28And what would be my motive? I am happy in my life and my career
01:05:34So is my husband despite the irreconcilable differences
01:05:42Thank you for your time
01:05:43You're free to go. So that's it
01:05:47That's it for now
01:05:52Simba you're home little guy
01:05:55So, where was he Cheryl's mother's house?
01:05:59Yeah, Benjamin said Cheryl routinely takes the cats to her mother's. So I figure I pay that woman a visit and
01:06:05She was very apologetic
01:06:07And didn't she gave me symbol book. Thank you so much. My pleasure
01:06:12Oh, and I guess I owe you the reward too now
01:06:15I don't have a five grand at this particular moment, but I can make payment clear. No, we're boring necessary
01:06:20Reuniting loved ones is a reward enough
01:06:22Maddie I can't tell you how much this means. I thought no one cared
01:06:30People care more than you realize sometimes
01:06:53Hey, how's the ankle? Oh
01:06:59Hi detective, all right
01:07:02It's not great
01:07:05You know injuries like that can take a long time. I
01:07:11My doctor says it won't ever be the same
01:07:15What can I help you with
01:07:18Are you familiar with xyloprene
01:07:23Maybe Nick asked you to steal some for him run the vet works out of the office back there
01:07:34Nick is in some pretty big trouble
01:07:37And I would hate for you to get caught up in that just because you stole some drugs for him
01:07:44Amanda Toby takes the world of you. I
01:07:48Know he does
01:07:51Don't make a mistake that could send you to jail
01:07:54Now the truth goes a long way with me
01:07:57Just tell me what you know
01:08:05Nick asked me to steal him some xyloprene, but I said no, okay. He asked Toby to but he refused
01:08:14And how long has Toby been working here a
01:08:17couple months I
01:08:19Helped him get the job
01:08:21He's actually coming in soon to take there's my shift cuz I have to go home and study
01:08:47This is white
01:08:53Mrs. White are you all right? I'm sure that appeared more dramatic than it should have
01:08:58I am just exhausted is all opening a new store is
01:09:02No joke
01:09:04Where's mr. White?
01:09:05He's still at the store
01:09:07Between the first shipment of jewelry arriving early and that's not being remotely close to opening and the issue with the safe
01:09:13He was interrupted all day
01:09:17Issues with a safe
01:09:19Apparently that man who installed it didn't write down a number or something
01:09:25Kojak sent someone back over
01:09:27It's all taken care of now, which means finally time for a
01:09:32hot bath and a glass of wine I
01:09:35Will send up a bottle of Kaepernick. Oh, you are the best. Oh
01:10:00Think I stole a drug from the vet to give to Nick no way
01:10:05If you did just tell the truth, you don't know Nick anything. I am telling the truth
01:10:14You're welcome to search my house our lockers
01:10:18Whatever you want, right Toby
01:10:23Yeah, anyway
01:10:26There are my keys
01:10:41That's that's not mine I'm gonna need you to come with me no station now
01:10:50Toby wait
01:11:08You have arrived at national
01:11:16Detective Beaks need an APB on one Toby Sims black motorcycle traveling south on Whitmore Drive
01:11:27Mr. White mr. White departing a store 1022 p.m.
01:11:41Suspect was last seen on the road near abandoned warehouse on Robb Fields near 28 copy that on my way
01:12:03Detective Beaks, I'm at the warehouse. I have a motorcycle in sight pursuing on foot requesting backup
01:12:11Detective Beaks leave a message. They're at it again. I'm just outside the baggage of the pedestrials. Call me
01:12:23Destroyed Metro PD trans speaking officer chance Maddie Moore. I need to speak to Captain Island. I think she's gone for the day
01:12:29Do you want her voicemail? No, no. No, wait. My phone's about to die saying cops out of Nashville's on 28 days
01:12:34That's about to be a robbery
01:12:35Hello, but did you get that?
01:12:41That's Jules
01:12:58Come tell me your side of the story
01:13:05This isn't worth it Toby
01:13:09Look I didn't rob that store
01:13:13Then why is there a dark gun in your locker I
01:13:16Don't know
01:13:18Someone set me up
01:13:21If it was a setup then just come out and talk to me about it
01:13:26No, no, you're just gonna you're just gonna arrest me like last time
01:13:32Not if you didn't do it Toby I'm not interested in putting the wrong person away
01:13:41Any second now this place is gonna be crawling with cops
01:13:58Swear I I've never shot a dart gun in my life
01:15:08All right, I'm gonna meet you down the station take your statement, okay, okay
01:15:36They're at it again, I'm just outside the baggage the financials call me
01:15:41Jules no activity and back to the station
01:16:15Mm-hmm. That's one way to avoid alarms
01:16:55Just cleared that 211 beast no one was there
01:18:42Never meant to hurt anyone you have to believe me
01:18:45Tony was an accident. I didn't know this. I would kill him. It's just insensitive. You don't understand
01:18:50My grandparents raised me and now it's just me and my grandmother Amanda. Why don't you let her go and we can talk about it?
01:18:57You want to talk?
01:18:58Okay, let's talk about the fact that my only chance of graduating and having a decent life was my track scholarship and now it's gone
01:19:05Yeah, how am I supposed to pay for all this with a minimum-wage pet store job? I can't so that's why you did it
01:19:10I was going to stop
01:19:12Then the bank was gonna foreclose on my grandmother's house
01:19:15Couldn't lose that too, man. I want to help you if you let me
01:19:20It's too late
01:19:23For what it's worth
01:19:25Nick and Toby had nothing to do with this. I told Nick we were bonding my grandmother's jewelry and he believed it or at least pretended to
01:19:58Okay start over you are under arrest you have the right to remain silent anything you say can be used against you in a court
01:20:05of law
01:20:11Attorney right? Yeah
01:20:13You the right to an attorney can't afford one. What will be appointed for you?
01:20:18Do you understand these rights seriously?
01:20:21Who are you?
01:20:23That's reserved police officer Manny Moore
01:20:30How what go gentle on my ankle officers take her away
01:20:37Thanks, Maddie
01:20:42We got her captain, huh, I
01:20:45Really? Hope this was done legally Deeks. Oh, yes, ma'am
01:20:48Pretty sure it was
01:20:50For the most part you two work well together
01:20:53Hope to see you again, Maddie
01:21:05You must feel sorry for
01:21:07You know in this line of work you come across all sorts of sociopaths psychopaths narcissists, but
01:21:16Most of the time it's just the everyday people who lose their way. Well in some cases pompous para drunk know-it-alls
01:21:25You forgot distrusting
01:21:28I'm just glad she confessed to everything. It's almost like she was relieved. It was over
01:21:33How'd you break into the safes?
01:21:35Well anytime Nick would install one
01:21:36She'd put on one of his uniform shirts and then she'd show back up at the store pretending that they forgot to write down a
01:21:41serial number
01:21:42She'd install these
01:21:46Tiny cameras motion activated if you weren't looking for them, they'd be easily missed
01:21:51Anytime anyone punched a code into the safe. She recorded it and then she'd retrieve them along with the jewelry
01:21:56We've recovered over 400,000 and stolen diamonds and jewels from her home. What about the xyloprene? She stole it
01:22:03That's why she got Toby a job at the pet store so she could pin it on him when she had to lovely
01:22:11Yeah, young love I guess poor thing is Toby doing okay, he'll be all right he's on the right path
01:22:16Well, you did it you stopped for his homicide case. I had a little help. Oh
01:22:22Just a little huh?
01:22:25Hey Maddie
01:22:26Captain Island asked me to give this to you before you left. Thank you
01:22:33The taser what just kidding. It's a handbook. I
01:22:37Bet I already know most of what's in here. Well read it. Anyways
01:22:40Do it for me. I wrote more. Well done. Two one nine. Oh
01:22:45Sorry detective
01:22:48You're him
01:22:50two one nine
01:22:54You're him I used to be when do I get a number do I get to choose my own because my lucky numbers eight
01:23:03Oh my gosh, come here
01:23:05Come here
01:23:07My little guy, what are you doing down there, huh?
01:23:09I bet you're hungry, aren't you?
01:23:13By the way, once I finish my paperwork in there
01:23:16I'll look into that tip with the missing cats
01:23:20Yeah, I solved it what do you mean you solved it
01:23:27Are you just gonna keep that kitten you mean detective possum beaks
