Coca-Cola Hbc Italia e Consorzio di bonifica veronese lanciano progetto di ricarica falde acquifere nel veronese

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Una collaborazione decennale finalizzata alla realizzazione di un’area forestale di infiltrazione nella zona di Alpo, in provincia di Verona, per favorire l’immissione di acqua nelle falde acquifere. L’hanno presentata oggi, nella sede di Confindustria Verona, Coca-Cola HBC Italia, principale produttore e distributore di prodotti a marchio The Coca-Cola Company in Italia, e il Consorzio di Bonifica Veronese, ente preposto alla gestione delle opere idrauliche e irrigue nel territorio della pianura veronese.


00:00In the headquarters of Confindustria Verona, Coca-Cola Hbc Italia and the consortium of Bonifica Veronese have announced a decade-long collaboration aimed at the realization of a forest infiltration area in the Alps, in the province of Verona, to facilitate the water intake into the aquifers. The project concerns an area of about 15,000 square meters of forested surface.
00:29The forest infiltration area is an area covered by trees, in which good water is put, which would be lost by going to the sea, to fill the underground faults.
00:40So, store it for the moment of need, intercepting it and preventing it from being lost by going to the sea.
00:48Certified Gold by Water Alliance, the Nogara plant in the province of Verona has invested since 2013 over 150 million euros in sustainability, with particular attention to the protection of the water resource.
01:00This project does something more and beyond, which does not directly impact on the plant, but on the water basin of the territory.
01:09The Nogara plant is the most important in Italy, but the largest in Europe in terms of production capacity, and we have focused on two areas.
01:17On the one hand, the responsible use of water, on the other hand, the packaging.
01:21We have worked for 100% recyclable packaging, produced in Nogara.
01:26We have worked to reduce the raw material, so we have tried to minimize the impact on the environment of our activities.
01:34A concrete project close to the territory, which gives back to the environment an indispensable resource such as water.
01:40It is a very balanced operation at the territorial level, very tangible, visible and measurable.
01:52I always say that any improvement is visible when it is measurable, and this is a concrete case.
01:59In addition to providing the entire load-bearing strip of the falda of these infiltration areas, the consortium aims to extend the time frame in which it is possible to recharge.
02:07And therefore to be able to make a derivation in the winter period, which is not allowed today, and we will ask the possibility to do it in the region, to load the falda also in all that period in which irrigation is not done, which still has a load-bearing effect of the falda, and therefore to start doing this path also during the winter period.
