Cohen Seeks Supreme Court Intervention in Lawsuit Against Trump 'No President Should Ever Weaponize the DOJ'

  • 3 months ago
Cohen Seeks Supreme Court Intervention in Lawsuit Against Trump 'No President Should Ever Weaponize the DOJ'


00:00With that backdrop, our colleague Jim Sciuto is reporting that NATO officials and U.S. allies
00:05have doubts that Joe Biden can get reelected and that they are bracing for a possibility of
00:10what they consider to be enormous change in the U.S. role in NATO. If Trump is reelected,
00:16will he reduce the U.S. role in NATO? He has said he's made a lot of passing comments about it,
00:23said that if countries in Europe aren't paying their fair share, that Russia and Putin can do
00:27whatever they want to them, things like that. How do you think that these domestic politics
00:32could potentially affect the global stage?
00:37Well, they're affecting everybody, Jessica. Whenever I travel abroad, whether it's Europe
00:41or Asia, the first question always asked is, you know, what's the status of the race? What
00:45will Trump do? How does he look upon our country, this alliance, whatever the case may be? And
00:50those fears have only grown exponentially here in the last few weeks. And, you know,
00:54we wake up this morning, we see new polls saying that states that were in a lean Democratic
00:59bucket are now toss-ups, and ones that were likely Democratic are now leans. And they see
01:03these. They see the momentum. They see Joe Biden's disastrous debate, and they're bracing,
01:08bracing for what may come. And look, if they believe, if you are to believe what
01:12President Trump says, he says he will not support Ukraine. He has threatened in the past to
01:17withdraw from NATO. And he can do any number of other things. And, of course, that's just our
01:22European allies. I'm sure our allies in South Korea and Japan recall what happened the first
01:27term. And some of the messaging he delivered there are concerned as well, because they are
01:31facing off against a more ambitious and aggressive China as well. And just quickly, before I let you
01:37go, does that concern you? Well, yeah, it deeply concerns me, because, look, the world is under
01:44a lot of stress these days. There's conflict breaking out everywhere. President Biden is
01:48right. This is an era where the democracies are facing off against the autocracies of the world.
01:53And the world requires American leadership. And if we don't lead, that vacuum will be filled by
01:59somebody else. And we don't want it filled by China or Russia. America needs to lead on the
02:03world stage. Bearing that leadership is a heavy burden, I know. But it's very important if we
02:09want to maintain a stable, prosperous, global order, one that is based on our values and
02:14interests, much like we have the last 75 years for the next 75 years going forward.
02:19Yeah, there's a lot at stake.
