The First Snow of Winter www

  • 2 months ago


00:30Wow! Look at the size of that bird!
00:35Ha ha! He's not as tough as he looks!
00:38And neither are they.
00:44Come on, Puffy. Let's scare those gulls.
00:47Do we have to, Sean? They're not doing us any harm.
00:50Puffy, gulls are just stupid. They deserve to be scared.
00:54They have feelings, just like us.
00:56Well, the only feeling they're going to feel right now is panic!
01:00Get out!
01:05Get out of it!
01:10It works every time.
01:12Oh, Sean. What would your ma say?
01:15Sean! Sean! Where the devil is that boy?
01:19We'll be late to my great if he doesn't come home soon.
01:22At easy on the lad. He's just out having fun.
01:26Fun, is it? Well, isn't he his father's son?
01:29Sean's a duck running amok and you just sit there blowing your silly whistle.
01:33Sometimes the two of you...
01:35Keep your beak on now, Mother. He'll be home soon.
01:41We're ready, Mother.
01:43Oh, bless you, my dears.
01:45I'm glad we're not all feather brains in this family.
01:49Hey, Puffy, will you look at this?
01:58Hey, let's go for a slide.
02:00More like a fall, Sean.
02:02Go on, it's not that steep.
02:08Except for chickens.
02:10I think we should go home, Sean.
02:12Buck, buck, buck, buck! Buck, buck, buck, buck!
02:16Buck, buck, buck, buck! Buck, buck, buck, buck!
02:19They must be wondering where we are.
02:21Fine. You run back to your mammy and...
02:26And leave the heroics to me.
02:39Am I or am I not magnificent?
02:43Speechless, are you?
02:59Phew, that was close.
03:07I told you we should have gone home.
03:09What? I'd miss all that adventure.
03:12Hey, did you see the look on the face of that...
03:16Sean Seamus Aloysius Dermot Duck.
03:19What do you think you're doing?
03:21Oh, hello, Ma. Only playing.
03:24And have we forgotten what day it is today?
03:30It's flying south for the winter day, isn't it, Mrs Duck?
03:34So why aren't you at home getting ready?
03:36Bye, Sean.
03:38Bye, Puffy.
03:42And she'll see Puffy again in the spring.
03:45Couldn't we just stay here instead?
03:47Not with winter coming. It'll soon be too cold.
03:50We have to find somewhere warmer.
03:58Will there be gulls to chase when we get there?
04:02Now, pay attention, everyone.
04:04From now on, we must all stick closely together.
04:09I'm with you. You too, Sean.
04:12Yes, Ma.
04:14Now, where on earth's your father?
04:16Stand aside! Emergency landing!
04:19Gangway! Jump!
04:32Duck, did you get it?
04:35Nice landing, Dad.
04:38Sorry I'm late, Gang. I forgot me whistle.
04:41Oh, and we wouldn't want that now, would we?
04:43Look! Look at the sky!
04:48Oh, no. Would you look at that? It's started.
04:51We mustn't be left behind.
04:59All set, everyone?
05:12All cleared for take-off?
05:29Oh, boy!
05:40Come back!
05:42Come and play!
05:48Well, where's everyone gone?
05:51Ma? Ma, where are you?
05:55Ma? Ma, where are you?
05:59Can anyone hear me?
06:04Is that you, Ma?
06:07Ma? Is that you?
06:41Sean! Where's Sean?
06:43We've lost Sean! Sean!
06:45He must have taken a wrong turning in the cloud cover.
06:48No, relax, Mother. He's just dragging his wings a little.
06:51I'll go back and look for him.
06:53No, you stay with the little ones. I'll go and we'll catch you up.
07:14Pay on someone your own size.
07:24Ma! Come back!
07:28Don't leave me here!
07:46Good morning, Duck.
07:50It looks to me like your flight has been cancelled.
07:53Go away.
07:55Go away? And we have only just met.
07:58Now, then, where are your manners?
08:00Nostrum. Now, leave me alone. I'm all right.
08:04And I'm a Voli. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. All Right.
08:09The name is Sean.
08:13And you're not all right, are you?
08:16I think I've broken my wing.
08:19Now, that does present a bit of a dilemma, you see.
08:22A broken wing means no flying.
08:24And no flying means no flying south for the winter.
08:27And no flying south for the winter means...
08:29Well, it doesn't matter what that means for the moment.
08:32If you can't fly on your own, perhaps you just need a little help.
08:40Are you sure about this?
08:43Absolutely, absolutely.
08:45You are only talking to one of Ireland's greatest pilots.
08:48I've never heard of a roll flying before.
08:51It was in all the newspapers.
08:53We don't get all the newspapers.
08:56OK, now, after take-off, remember to flap your feet as hard as possible.
08:59And keep on flapping like the clappers
09:01till you see coconuts and palm trees.
09:03Now, off you go.
09:08Hmm, well, I do have another idea.
09:13Now, this is a little trick I learnt when I was an astronaut.
09:17See you next spring.
09:29Couldn't I just stay with you instead?
09:33Sean! Sean!
10:00Oh, no!
10:10How could I let this happen?
10:13If I hadn't let you fall behind, you wouldn't be...
10:20And now fly, the long beak, huh?
10:23Let me see. With this little splint here,
10:25your wings should mend in next to no time.
10:28I miss me mother.
10:30We all miss our mothers.
10:32But yours will be back soon enough, eh?
10:35In the spring, I expect.
10:37Will she, Foley?
10:39Oh, as soon as I can remember.
10:41Oh, dear.
10:43Oh, dear.
10:45Oh, dear.
10:47Will she, Foley?
10:49Oh, as sure as grass is musical.
10:51Oh, grass is just grass.
10:57Amazing, isn't it, huh?
10:59A simple blade of grass, and you can knock an old tune out of it.
11:03Oh, can I have a go?
11:05Of course. Just hold the grass there, fill your cheeks and blow.
11:13A little more blow, I think.
11:43This is fun!
12:09What's that, Foley?
12:11Oh, no. It's a snowflake.
12:14When there's one, there's usually more to follow.
12:19They tickle!
12:21That's not all they do.
12:23Come on.
12:30But why are you so worried about snowflakes?
12:33Shouldn't they seem harmless enough?
12:35Snowflakes are harmless, but snow is another thing entirely.
12:39We've got to find you a warm hidey-hole before they begin to gang up on us.
12:44There, now. What do you think?
12:48It's broken.
12:49Of course it's broken.
12:51If it was working, there'd be a danger of people taking it out to sea.
12:54Ugh, it smells of seaweed.
12:57It's the perfect vessel for a voyage to the spring.
13:02Once we've fixed that, of course.
13:06Step aboard, son, and settle in.
13:09In the morning, we'll go shopping for supplies.
13:19You're just a bunch of rats with perms.
13:22Are those your tails, or is someone paying you to dust the branches?
13:33Thanks, fellas. All donations welcome.
13:36Ducks don't eat nuts and berries.
13:39Ducks don't eat nuts and berries.
13:42As of today, you do.
13:55What are you doing?
13:57Collecting wool, son, to keep you warm.
14:00Did I ever tell you about the time I was a cowboy?
14:10Something on your mind, Sean?
14:12I've been thinking.
14:14No, nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'd encourage it.
14:18Am I a bad duck?
14:20No. As far as I can tell, you do the duck thing very well.
14:25Then why didn't my parents come looking for me?
14:29Perhaps they didn't want me anymore.
14:32Perhaps they...
14:36Save the talking bit for later. Quick, under here!
14:43No, not him!
14:45I gather you've met before.
15:24And another thing, if you are what you eat, then you are all just nuts!
15:36That was brilliant, Foley!
15:39Which reminds me, did I ever tell you about the time
15:42I was pursued by a vole-eating tiger?
15:53Peek up, son!
15:55I managed to acquire a few more snacks from our squirrel friends.
15:59There, that little lot you keep.
16:02You mean keep us going?
16:05You, us, what's the difference?
16:08You're not going to leave me, are you?
16:11Uh, no.
16:13About that, I've been meaning to have a word or three.
16:16The thing is, well, ducks is ducks, and voles are...
16:24You're supposed to fly south for the winter, and I'm supposed to fly north for the winter.
16:30You're supposed to fly south for the winter, and me, I'm supposed to sleep.
16:37As a matter of fact, it's well past my bedtime already.
16:41I ought to be hitting the hole.
16:43Take me with you, Foley. I can sleep too.
16:46Not in a burrow in the ground.
16:48No, no, and not for five months.
16:51I'm sorry, it's just nature's way.
16:54But Foley, I won't survive without you.
16:57Of course you will.
16:59You've got food and warmth, and you're Sean.
17:04Sean's our natural survivors.
17:07I could sleep for ages if you told me a very boring bedtime story.
17:12You'd only be up every hour asking me for a glass of water.
17:24You take care of yourself, okay?
17:27And look out for the lambs.
17:29Lambs mean spring, and spring means...
19:21Puffy! Wake up!
19:24Sean? Is that you?
19:27Oh, you're frozen stiff. Come with me. We've got to get you warm.
19:44What happened to you?
19:46There's so many birds and so much seeing. I lost me ma and dad.
19:51Oh, take it easy, Puffy. Surely you'll be as good as new in no time.
19:55I'll take care of you.
19:57Thanks, Sean.
19:59And when you're well again, I'll show you how to play music with just a plate of grass.
20:05You've always been smart, Sean.
20:08No, I haven't, Puffy. But I'm learning.
20:49Puffy? Puffy! Wake up! Come and see!
20:59Puffy! Don't you know what this means?
21:02Lambs mean spring and spring means...
21:06We made it! We made it!
21:09Puffy! Puffy!
21:12Puffy! Puffy!
21:22Come on, Puffy. We know a great place to watch our families coming home.
21:46Hurry, Sean!
22:05Oh, no!
22:22Look out below!
22:24Patrol to the rescue!
22:30Morning! You came back!
22:32I needed a spot of exercise after such a long sleep.
22:37Boys, I think you'd better make yourselves scarce.
22:45That was your best shot.
22:47But Bawdy...
22:58Run, Sian! He's spotted you!
23:15I can't fly!
24:12Come on, wake up, Rowley.
24:16Please wake up.
24:19Rowley, I did it.
24:21I can fly again.
24:24I can fly!
24:27You should have seen me, Rowley.
24:29I beat the fox. I flew!
24:39Didn't I tell you? If you flapped your feet hard enough, one day you'd make it.
24:44Oh, Foley, you're alive!
24:48Look at the sky, Sian.
24:58There's my mom and dad!
25:05And there's mine!
25:09Oh, I'm sorry.
25:11I thought you were...
25:13Hey, guys, remember me?
25:15I'm Sian.
25:17Have you seen my parents?
25:21Has anyone seen my parents?
25:35They didn't come back.
25:55Why are we always the last to leave and the last to return?
25:59We couldn't set off without me whistle.
26:01Ma! Dad! It's me!
26:04It's me!
26:06It can't be!
26:09It can't be!
26:10It's Sian!
26:17I thought the fox had got you.
26:29Ah, don't you just love the happy ending?
26:32Isn't he his father's son?
26:46Hey, Foley, would you mind very much if I didn't stay with you next winter?
26:52I guess I'll have to find myself another dancing partner, though.
27:35The Spring's Eternal
27:38It's a place for you and I