Fixies. Adventure Graphics A New Cartoons Lift

  • 2 months ago


00:00YetNovice. Channel for the whole family.
00:30Who's got such a big, big secret?
00:34Who's got such a big, big secret?
00:39Who's got such a big, big secret?
00:52Grandpa, Vasya, there's...
00:55Dim-Dim is going to the circus.
00:58So what?
00:59We want to go with him. Can we?
01:01No way.
01:02Alone? Without adults?
01:04How can we go without adults?
01:05Dim-Dim's parents...
01:07Be quiet. They won't notice us.
01:10Well, if Dim-Dim's parents are there...
01:14Let us in!
01:15Wait! I haven't said yes yet!
01:21Simka, Nolik, where are you?
01:23We're running late.
01:24Dim-Dim, hurry up!
01:26I'm coming!
01:27We're ready.
01:28Let's get in here.
01:33Oh, I see. We're going to the circus.
01:41What was that?
01:42I think the elevator's broken.
01:44Don't worry.
01:47I'm listening.
01:48We're stuck in the elevator.
01:50I see. Wait. The elevator will fix it in half an hour.
01:55That long?
01:56Now we're going to be late for sure.
01:59Dim-Dim, we're going to call Mom and Dad.
02:02They'll fix it.
02:05An elevator is needed in a big house to go up to the upper floors.
02:10When a person enters the elevator and presses the button,
02:14an electric motor turns on.
02:17It pulls the cable on which the elevator's cabin hangs.
02:20And the elevator goes to the right floor.
02:23But the other end of the cable, which is thrown over the wheel,
02:26is usually caught by a heavy load, a counterweight.
02:30It balances the elevator and helps the electric motor do its job.
02:40Hmm, what's the reason?
02:44I think something's stuck here.
02:48Yes, that's the reason.
02:50Let's fix it quickly, or we'll miss the whole circus.
02:53Well, we can arrange the circus ourselves.
02:57Attention! The performance is about to begin!
03:01In the arena of the circus, the rope-walkers!
03:29Don't look down!
03:31I'm not going to look down at all!
03:36The air gymnasts are performing!
04:07In the arena of the circus, the rope-walkers!
04:15I pressed the cable!
04:18I know what to do!
04:20A deadly trick under the dome of the circus!
04:24Katya, where are you going?
04:26To the electric motor!
04:30Do you know how to behave in the elevator?
04:34Let's start with the fact that little children should not ride the elevator alone.
04:39Only with adults and only with those they know.
04:43The first to enter the elevator cabin is an adult, and then a child.
04:48And you have to go the other way around.
04:51First a child, and then an adult.
04:55If you are going to go in the elevator with a dog,
04:58make sure that its tail or leash does not stick out of the door.
05:03And the last one.
05:05If the elevator suddenly stopped for some reason,
05:09do not try to get out of it yourself.
05:12Press the call button of the dispatcher,
05:15and wait for people to help you.
05:18Or kicks.
05:22I'm here!
05:24Turn it on!
05:29Oh, we fixed it.
05:31So fast!
05:33Now we have time.
05:34You shouldn't have worried.
05:37It's high here!
05:38Tim Timovich came to the circus without us.
05:41Don't be upset, Norik.
05:43Our circus was no worse.
05:45Right, daddy?
05:46Of course!
05:48Thank you!
05:50Who are you?
05:51What do you mean, who?
05:53I'm the one who fixed the elevator.
