ALBA-TCP extraordinary meeting denounces coup attempt in Bolivia

  • 3 months ago
The Bolivarian Alliance for The Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA-TCP) held an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday to denounce the attempted coup d'état in Bolivia. teleSUR


00:00The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our Americas, Albatizipi, held an extraordinary
00:04meeting on Wednesday to denounce the attempted coup d'etat in Bolivia. During the meeting,
00:09the President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, highlighted the spontaneous reaction of citizens to defend
00:15democracy and social organizations during the coup acts in Murillo Square. He also rejected
00:21the military repression of the popular resistance that left 14 people wounded by firearms.
00:27In this regard, he detailed that the Bolivian justice had ordered administrative measures
00:32and house arrests in accordance with what is established by law. For their part,
00:37the members of the Alliance expressed their unconditional support for the government of
00:41Bolivian President Luis Arce, while rejecting the advance of the ultra-right in the region.
00:52Disinformation and well-orchestrated campaigns seek to erode confidence in the legitimate
00:57and constitutional government through fake news. The right-wing and conservative nationalism
01:02seek to impose the matrix that it was not a coup, it was a self-coup.
01:17As they imposed the narrative that it was not a coup but a fraud to justify the overthrow of
01:21the then President Evo Morales in 2019. In this sense, it is fundamental to recover the democratic
01:29values of the rule of law and to reject the fundamentalism and warlordism that lead us.
01:34We categorically reject the narrative that there was no military coup d'etat.
01:38Those who promote this narrative nationally and internationally represent interests that
01:53are distant from the interests of the government and the plurinational state of Bolivia and the
01:57Bolivian people themselves, promoting the installation of a fascist government in our
02:02continent. For his part, the President of Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel said that if the ultra-right
02:08wing achieves its objectives in letting America peace will end and the persecution of social
02:13leaders will return. For this reason, he emphasized the need to protect the progressive governments
02:18of the region. The ultra-right uses this polarization to attack popular governments
02:26by means of manipulation and deceit. They seek to hinder their policies of social development
02:30and the advances achieved as a result of decades of struggle of the people.
02:35If they achieve their objectives, there will be no calm times ahead, repression and persecution
02:40of social leaders will come. There will come the atrocious neoliberalism, the surrender of natural
02:46resources to transnational corporations. New lost decades will come and the setback of all
02:58the advances in integration will be intensified. We see and know that a halt is possible if we
03:03continue to bet on unity with respect for diversity. Our peoples know it. This explains
03:09the spontaneous mobilization that immediately came to defend President Lucho, even though
03:13the lives of these people were at risk. A government of progressive and popular
03:23orientation must defend itself in tight unity against the powerful adversaries it brings with
03:28it. It is up to all of us to promote solidarity and cooperation in the region, complying strictly,
03:33directly or indirectly, in the affairs of attempts of any other state, but unhesitatingly supporting
03:38progressive governments. Also, the Prime Minister of San Vincente and the Grenadines, Ralph
03:44Gonsalves, stated that the attempt at coup d'etat in Bolivia was aimed at strengthening imperialism
03:50and the application of unequal economy policies in the region.
03:57And when we have a democratically elected government, and this democratic government
04:01is progressive and anti-imperialist, whether by design or not,
04:06the actions of the coup perpetrators are actions designed to strengthen imperialism,
04:22to strengthen an unequal economic policy. Therefore,
04:35I am not surprised that pro-imperialist governments around the world,
04:43including in Latin America, applaud this coup. Fortunately,
05:00there are enough people in Latin America and the world and of course in Alba who are united in
05:04denouncing this anti-democratic act and the violence inherent in a coup d'etat.
05:11The representative of the government of Nicaragua expressed that the country denounces the attempted
05:16coup d'etat in Bolivia as well as the paramilitary maneuvers and movements
05:20that took place in the center of the Bolivian capital.
05:27The government of reconciliation and national unity of our blessed,
05:31dignified and always free Nicaragua denounces to the world the new attempted coup d'etat that is
05:36being experienced in Bolivia, where the yearnings of tranquility, security,
05:41peace and democracy of the people have been shaken.
05:52We denounce the maneuver and paramilitary movements that are developing in the center
05:56of the Bolivian capital, La Paz, in an attempt to intimidate the efforts of the people of that
06:02brother country to transcend and advance in their own paths according to their own democratic models
06:07and the inspirations and rights to create their own destiny without interference or
06:11interventions of any kind from Nicaragua, which has overcome a history of aggression and foreign
06:25interventions. We express our clear and decisive solidarity with this brotherly people, with its
06:30president, comrade Luis Arce, with vice president David Chocqueyhuanca and with brother Evo Morales,
06:36the president and social and popular leader of this great people.
06:42President Nicolás Maduro denounced that violent actions were also being carried out in Venezuela
06:47with the support of Colombian paramilitaries and expressed his full support for Bolivia and ALBA-TCP.
06:55What we are going to achieve, what the people is going to achieve is a great victory.
07:00They did it in the state of Teixeira. They don't know us yet.
07:16We are plagued by Colombian paramilitarism. They want to generate violence. They wanted
07:21to take over Teixeira and the rest of Venezuela.
07:36Violence here and violence there. Today it is a safe and peaceful state,
07:41and I can say from the state of Teixeira to my brothers and sisters of ALBA,
07:51to receive all the support from the people of Venezuela to the right road of ALBA.
08:02We are waging a battle where Bolivia has given an example of dignity and capacity to respond.
