I Lied to the Shrine Maiden Mocking That I Don't Get Any Girls That I Got a Girlfriend…

  • 2 months ago
I Lied to the Shrine Maiden Mocking That I Don't Get Any Girls That I Got a Girlfriend…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00I'm Naoto Ikeda, a 17-year-old introvert going to Koiwa High.
00:05Love diving into romance novels.
00:08Please, oh please, God! Hook me up with an awesome girlfriend!
00:13Here we go again, huh? Guy never learns every single day.
00:21Huh? That voice...
00:24Hey, what's up?
00:27Whoa, did you hear that just now?
00:30Yep, all of them.
00:33Aw, man!
00:35This here is Reina Takano.
00:37Not in my class, but also a Koiwa High student.
00:41Keeps everyone at arm's length, always flying alone at school.
00:46That's why she's known as the lone wolf tough girl around here.
00:50People call her that.
00:52Well, at least she chats normally here.
00:56Met Reina a month ago. Phew, finished today's prayers.
01:01Huh? Who's that? Shrine maiden, huh?
01:04Wow, she's flashy.
01:07Huh? What'd you just say?
01:09Weird for a blonde to be a shrine maiden, huh?
01:13Whoa, you're Reina from the Koiwa High!
01:17Who the heck are you?
01:19That uniform? From my school, right?
01:22Saves me some talking.
01:25Listen up. This is strictly between us.
01:28If I catch wind of you spilling about me being a shrine maiden, well...
01:33What'll happen?
01:36I'll rip away something precious to you, buddy.
01:43Eek! What in the world?
01:46Later found out, Reina's the daughter of the family that owns this shrine.
01:51After school, she helps out as a shrine maiden for the family business.
01:56Maybe it's cuz I swing by every day.
01:59We became a lot closer compared to back then. Yeah.
02:03What are you mumbling about?
02:06Oh, it's nothing.
02:09By the way, you that desperate for a girlfriend?
02:13Uh, yeah. So what?
02:16It's just, you're so thirsty for love, even though you're no catch.
02:22Ugh, no need to rub it in.
02:25Instead of coming here all the time, how about fixing up that appearance and personality of yours?
02:32Shut up! Just leave me alone!
02:35Or, could it be you're coming here to see me?
02:40No way! It's not like that!
02:43Always teasing. I'll show her once I get a girlfriend!
02:48Next day.
02:49Hey Naoto! Perfect timing! Help me carry this stuff!
02:54Huh? Again?
02:57Don't wanna? Isn't that the vice president's duty too?
03:02Ugh, fine.
03:04Uzami Uraari is the queen bee in our class.
03:08And also, the class president.
03:10She volunteered, but she passes all the work to me, the vice president.
03:15Because of my can't-say-no nature, I'm stuck being her lackey.
03:21It's heavy. Come on, Uzami, lend a hand.
03:25Nope. Gonna make a girl carry something that heavy? Not cool.
03:31Always like this, man.
03:33A few minutes later.
03:35Thanks! You saved my life!
03:39Phew. My arms and back are totally wrecked.
03:44By the way, I heard from someone in our class that-
03:50Is it true you're praying for love at a shrine every day?
03:55Wha- how did you-
03:58Haha! Not like it's a thank you or anything. Let me borrow your phone for a sec.
04:04Huh? What are you up to?
04:07Okay, look.
04:11How's that? Snapping a pic with me, it's an honor, right?
04:16Might be the first and last time you get a photo with a girl.
04:20Geez, have a heart.
04:23Alright! Catch you later!
04:26Don't go doing anything weird with it!
04:29Who'd do that? I wouldn't. Seriously.
04:35Then, a few days later, while I was visiting the shrine as usual-
04:40Woah! What's up? Praying to the gods again?
04:45You really can't catch a break with the ladies, poor guy.
04:49Ugh. Seriously, just leave me alone.
04:53Always teasing me.
04:55Right! I got a good idea!
04:58Um, actually, I got myself a girlfriend. See?
05:05Lying is lame, but this should show her.
05:08R-really? You got a girlfriend?
05:13G-g-good for you! C-congrats!
05:18Wait, why are you crying?
05:21I-I'm not crying! Just got a bit of sunset in my eye.
05:26What a cheesy line!
05:29Hmph! Well, do your best not to get dumped too soon! See ya!
05:35Oh, hey. What's going on? Why is Reina crying?
05:41The more I thought about it, the less sense it made.
05:44So I planned to ask her properly the next time we met.
05:48But the next day after school, things took a sudden turn.
05:52Alright, time for another prayer at the shrine.
05:55Huh? It's kinda noisy.
05:58Hey, look! She waiting for someone?
06:01Oh no! Maybe she's gonna fight someone!
06:05Oh! Finally, you're here!
06:09Reina! What's up? Rare for you to approach me at school.
06:14I got something to discuss. Can you spare a sec?
06:21Then she took me to...
06:24Behind the school building? How cliche.
06:28Sorry, I don't have much money.
06:31Who said anything about extortion?
06:34It's not? Then...
06:36Eek! Please, not my face!
06:39Like I'd do that!
06:43Please, just once. Go on a date with me?
06:47W-wait, a date?
06:50Changed your mind about hanging out with someone like me?
06:53N-no, it's not like that. I was surprised, but it's a huge honor.
06:59Alright then.
07:01Yeah, got it. Let's go on a date.
07:04Glad you didn't refuse.
07:07But you've already got a girlfriend. Is this really okay?
07:12Oh shoot, I forgot about that.
07:15I-it's fine. She's a chill girlfriend. She'll understand.
07:20Huh. I see.
07:24Uh-oh. With this, I'm gonna look like a player or something.
07:29And so, on the day of the date...
07:32Sorry, I'm a little late.
07:35No, I just got here too.
07:37Wait, who are you?
07:40Uh, weird, huh?
07:43No, it looks great on you. Just a bit surprising.
07:47Hey, you're not getting the wrong idea or something.
07:52I'm not a scary, flashy girl, right? This hair's all natural.
07:57Huh? Really?
07:59My grandma's British, you know?
08:02According to Reina, apparently, because of her hair color,
08:06Reina used to get into a lot of trouble and it got her tangled up.
08:11While she was trying to get rid of all that, rumors started flying.
08:15And before she knew it, she became the lone wolf everyone talks about.
08:20Well, being alone's easier. It's no biggie. Come on, let's go.
08:26Whoa, don't drag me like that!
08:29Later, at Reina's request, we watched a movie.
08:33Checked out this hot romance flick, but the story was kinda different from what we expected.
08:40What was that? That thing did the thing and then...
08:46Calm down, it's a mess in there.
08:50But wait, huh? Is that...
08:55Mommy! Where are you?
09:04Hey, hey, what's going on?
09:08Hmm, probably lost, huh?
09:12Mommy suddenly disappeared.
09:18Can't help it. Let's find your mom together. You good, Naoto?
09:25Of course, can't just turn a blind eye.
09:29An hour later...
09:31Thanks, guys! Bye-bye!
09:34Don't get lost anymore!
09:36Glad we found her mom. Reina's really kind, surprisingly.
09:41Sorry for making you tag along.
09:45No, it's nothing.
09:49That wasn't me!
09:52It's getting late. Hey, why don't you come over for dinner? Since you're here and all.
10:00But won't it bother your parents?
10:03Nah, they're cool. My parents don't sweat the small stuff.
10:07Alright, if you say so.
10:11So, ended up visiting her house, but...
10:14This is a girls' room. Smells really nice.
10:18But seriously, where's Reina? Said she was gonna change and disappeared.
10:24Sorry for the wait.
10:26Oh, finally. Wait, why are you in a shrine maiden outfit?
10:31Well, cause you like it, right? Since you're always hitting up the shrine, I thought this might be your thing.
10:40No way! Don't have any ulterior motives, okay?
10:44So, you hate it?
10:48Don't hate it, but actually, I really, really like it.
10:54Good. I like you too, Naoto.
10:59Everyone always avoided me, but you were cool with me.
11:05You made me happy. I started caring more and more about you.
11:11Whoa, Reina, hold up!
11:14I thought it was gonna be our last date, but I just can't give up on you.
11:21Could I be your girlfriend?
11:27That's not cool ethically. You're a shrine maiden, right?
11:31Serving the gods and all, is that okay?
11:34It's fine, cause the only one I'm serving is you. Just you.
11:40Wait, what are you saying?
11:43After that, managed to pull Reina aside.
11:47I'm sorry.
11:49Wait, what are you saying?
11:52After that, managed to pull Reina aside and explain the situation properly.
11:58I'm really sorry. It was just a spur of the moment thing. You gotta forgive me.
12:04So, Uzami, right? She's not your girlfriend?
12:10A beauty like her doesn't match with me.
12:15But, taking a pic together means you guys are close, right?
12:20Huh? I don't know. We work together a lot for the committee stuff.
12:26Hmm, I guess that's how it is. Alright, decided.
12:31Huh? What's going on?
12:34I'm gonna step up my game even more from now on. You don't have a girl, so it's cool, right?
12:41Huh? But I haven't given an answer yet.
12:45Don't sweat that. I'm gonna make you totally fall for me. So you can tell me your answer when the time comes.
12:55After that, Reina started chatting me up more at school.
13:00Look at this. I got up early to make this for you.
13:04Wow, looks super tasty. You're really good at cooking, huh?
13:09Hehe, well, yeah.
13:12Alright then, here comes the plane.
13:18How is it? Good?
13:20Yeah, real good.
13:22Ah, glad to hear that.
13:25Ah, super cute. Feels like I wanna protect that smile.
13:30On another day...
13:32When it's time, I'll wake you up. Sleep tight.
13:36But I feel bad letting you...
13:39What? Can't sleep alone?
13:42Then should I sing a lullaby right by your ear?
13:46That's not a bad idea. Plus, a lap pillow is the best!
13:51Around a month later, totally started paying more attention to Reina.
13:56The way I see it, it's just a matter of time before he falls for me.
14:01Um, anyway, you're kinda close. Your arm is...
14:05Yeah, I'm doing it on purpose. Cause only you get this treatment.
14:11Ugh, that's kinda unfair.
14:15Hey, aren't those two oddly close lately?
14:19Probably just that. A scary girl feeding a stray cat or something.
14:24But lately, Reina's been kinda nice.
14:29Huh, boring, whatever.
14:32I can't let a loner punk steal the spotlight from me, the queen bee.
14:37Besides, even though I've already set him up as a convenient little lackey.
14:42Got it! I've got a good idea.
14:46One morning, a few days later...
14:49The atmosphere in the classroom felt different.
14:52Hey, did you hear that?
14:54That girl from the other class, Reina, crushed Tokisukuhai's bakiyama.
15:00Seriously? She's really something.
15:03What's going on? There's no way Reina would do something like that.
15:08During lunch break that day...
15:10It's fine. Rumors like that usually disappear in no time.
15:15I think I got the wrong idea.
15:19I thought I was used to being alone.
15:22But being with you now too is fun, and I got carried away.
15:28It's better if I'm not around you.
15:31Otherwise they'll start talking smack about you too, right?
15:35That's not right! Even if that happens, I don't...
15:39Nope. While I'm at school, don't talk to me anymore. Agreed?
15:45I mean, is that okay with you?
15:47What's the problem? We're just going back to how things were.
15:52Alright then. It's a promise.
15:55This isn't right.
15:57After that, Reina became distant again, just like before.
16:02Reina, can I talk to you?
16:06You hear me, right? Come on, answer me!
16:13Since then, even though I've come to the shrine countless times, we haven't crossed paths even once.
16:20We're just passing by each other.
16:23Guess I'm still stuck without giving an answer to her.
16:26Man, what do I even think about Reina?
16:29No time for overthinking. Gotta get something done first!
16:34The next day after school, decided to head to Reina's classroom to finally talk.
16:41Wait, don't run away! I want to talk to you properly, Reina!
16:47Hey, Naoto! Better not chat with that kind of girl, you know!
16:54Huh? Uzami?
16:56Beating up guys from other schools is scary.
17:00Wonder which student she'll have a brawl with next.
17:03How's she talking? Could it be that Uzami...
17:07Oh? Finally caught on, huh?
17:12How could you? Why'd you do that?
17:15Come on! Couldn't stand seeing her get more attention than me, you know.
17:20For that reason?
17:23It's not just that. She's using those luring eyes on my Naoto.
17:30Wait! What does that mean?
17:34You always wanted a girlfriend, right?
17:37Sure, I could be that for you.
17:40Huh? Why are you...
17:42Imagine this. The hottest girl in class is your girl?
17:48Other guys would be so jealous, don't you think?
17:52Hey, how are you feeling right now?
17:56When the guy you like gets taken away right in front of you?
18:00Come on, how do you feel?
18:04Hey, stop being silent and say something!
18:08Are you gonna cry? Are ya? Hey, come on!
18:14No, in the first place, I'm not planning on dating someone like you.
18:18What? What's that supposed to mean? I said I'd date you!
18:24Sorry, but people with mean personalities like yours...
18:28Also, I like someone else.
18:31What? Whatever! I'm not even serious about this, I'm telling you!
18:38Guess that hit her hard.
18:41Hey, Naoto...
18:45Hey, Naoto...
18:50About that person you mentioned earlier...
18:53Oh, yeah, right. Don't worry, I've made up my mind properly.
19:00This isn't the right place. Let's move somewhere else.
19:04Later on, we move behind the school building.
19:08Sorry for not giving you the answer.
19:11I like you, Reina. I want you to be my girlfriend.
19:15Huh? Is that okay? I'm kinda rough sometimes, and I can be pretty clingy.
19:22I want you, Reina. When you confessed, I was confused.
19:27But the more time we spent together, the more I liked you. That's why.
19:32I'm happy. I like you, Naoto, a lot. Please let me be your girlfriend.
19:39Yeah, I like you too. Let's always be together.
19:44Yeah, of course.
19:47And so, we started dating.
19:50Rumors about Reina cleared up completely, and she made some good friends.
19:54Meanwhile, Uzami...
19:56got caught spreading fake rumors and lost her popularity,
20:01spending her days alone in school.
20:04Thank you, God. Thanks to you, I got an awesome girlfriend.
20:09Were you praying for something again?
20:12No, just reporting to God.
20:15Always so faithful, huh? How about getting some amulets or something for once?
20:21Oh, sounds good. What kind of amulet should I get?
20:25Got any recommendations?
20:28I've got one. How about a charm for fertility?
20:35Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction, and it's exactly like that.
20:40Gotta cherish these connections that God gave us.
