• 3 months ago
Quran pak ki tilawat
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New Baby video
00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:06In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:11Why do they ask
00:16About the great news
00:20About which they differ?
00:24No, they know
00:28They are deaf as people
00:33Have We not made the mountains a resting-place?
00:37And the mountains a resting-place?
00:41And We have created you in pairs
00:45And We have made your sleep a resting-place
00:49And We have made the night a clothing
00:53And We have made the day and the night-time
00:57And We have built above you seven strong mountains
01:03And We have placed in one valley
01:09And We have sent down rain from the mountains
01:17That We may bring therein grain and vegetation
01:22And gardens of abundance
01:26Verily, the Day of Judgement is a appointed time
01:31The Day when they will be raised from their graves, and you will come together
01:37And the heaven will be opened, and it will be like a gate
01:43And the mountains will be broken, and it will be like a wall
01:49Verily, Hell will be a prison
01:55For the transgressors
01:59They will be dressed therein in rags
02:03They will not taste therein anything good or drink
02:09Except boiling water and wine
02:14As compensation for their transgressions
02:18Verily, they used to make no account
02:23But they denied Our signs with falsehood
02:28And everything We have enumerated is accounted for
02:33So taste, but We will not increase you in punishment
02:39Verily, for the righteous is a place of refuge
02:44Gardens and grapevines
02:48And cupboards of gold
02:51And a cup of pure wine
02:56They will not hear therein any lies or falsehood
03:02As a reward from your Lord, a righteous account
03:10Lord of the heavens and the earth
03:13What is between them and the Most Merciful
03:16They have no power over it
03:20On the Day when the angels will stand in rows
03:26And they will not be defeated except he to whom the Most Merciful permits and says,
03:33That is the right day
03:38So whoever wills, he will return to his Lord
03:45Verily, We have prepared a near punishment
03:53On the Day when he will look at those who have put their hands forward
03:58And the disbeliever will say, I wish I was dust
04:04Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
