Insane What If Scenarios You'll Want To Come True

  • 3 months ago
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00:00:00We're so used to the things our body does to keep us alive each day, that we barely
00:00:04ever think about the mechanisms of sleeping, talking, breathing, or even blinking.
00:00:10But, what would happen to your body if you stopped doing each of these things all of
00:00:14a sudden?
00:00:15How long would it be before it became a problem?
00:00:19Not that I have ever considered taking some sort of vow of silence, but I do sometimes
00:00:24wonder what would happen if I just stopped talking altogether.
00:00:28Would I lose my voice forever at one point?
00:00:32Let's look at what specialists at Columbia University have to say.
00:00:36First of all, our vocal cords are muscles, so they do need a workout every now and then
00:00:41to stay in shape.
00:00:42If you stopped speaking, these muscles would start to get weaker after a while.
00:00:47As a result, your voice would become quieter, and its pitch would get higher.
00:00:52Even worse, this might make it sound hollow, and basically, it would be harder for you
00:00:57to speak overall.
00:00:58In a way, it's one of those situations where if you don't use it, you lose it.
00:01:04Well, kind of.
00:01:06Luckily, breathing and eating would enter into the equation here.
00:01:11These processes would keep your muscles in some shape.
00:01:14Plus, no matter how long you kept silent, it wouldn't do any permanent damage.
00:01:20And once you started using your vocal cords again, your voice would be back.
00:01:25We all know what might happen if we stopped washing.
00:01:29We'd smell.
00:01:30But let's look at it from a scientific point of view.
00:01:33How about an experiment where a person stopped showering for a whole year?
00:01:39Depending on its type, a person's skin would initially become either extremely oily or
00:01:45very dry.
00:01:46The oiliest parts of their body, like behind the ears and the neck, would collect dust
00:01:51and pollutants, and even change color.
00:01:54As for their head, it would get very itchy because of all that skin buildup.
00:01:59And after such a long time of not having a proper cleaning routine, it could take weeks
00:02:04to get the skin back to normal.
00:02:08It may sound like a vacation of sorts, but let's look at what would happen if you never
00:02:12got out of bed.
00:02:15One of the first organs to feel the change would be our lungs.
00:02:19Without gravity to pull them down into their standard position, their lower part would
00:02:24But coughing every now and then would help to reduce this effect.
00:02:30Going further, you'd start to lose about 1% of your bone density with each passing week.
00:02:35This would make your bones more fragile.
00:02:38By the way, it's also the reason why astronauts, who can go for months without experiencing
00:02:43gravity, need to move around for at least two hours a day and make sure they have enough
00:02:47calcium in their diet.
00:02:51That same 1% would also apply to your muscle mass.
00:02:54You'd first start to see the effects of this lack of movement in your thighs and shoulders.
00:03:00The unused sugars that previously went to the muscles would start to build up in the
00:03:05blood system after about 10 days.
00:03:08After a whole month in bed, your heart would end up pumping 30% less blood with each beat.
00:03:13It would be less oxygen in your body, and you'd feel even more tired, which sounds kind
00:03:19of surprising.
00:03:20After all, you'd spend the entire month in bed.
00:03:26What would happen if you held your breath for too long?
00:03:29Let's have a look at the timeline.
00:03:31Firstly, the oxygen levels in your brain would decrease, followed by a higher level of carbon
00:03:39Usually your body gets rid of this gas pretty fast when you breathe out.
00:03:45After about 60 seconds, the cells in your body would start to behave differently than
00:03:49they normally do.
00:03:51All body parts would be affected by the sudden change.
00:03:54Your heart would start to beat irregularly.
00:03:57If you didn't begin to breathe even at this point, you'd most likely end up fainting.
00:04:04Similar to so many other mammals, we humans have a diving response.
00:04:08This is a built-in automated mechanism that you come equipped with.
00:04:13It makes sure that your brain always has enough oxygen, even in an emergency situation.
00:04:19This diving response starts working extra hard every time your face ends up in the water.
00:04:24But it can happen on dry land as well.
00:04:28Its main aim is to make sure your brain continues functioning, no matter the cost.
00:04:33So it orders your body to redirect all the blood from non-essential body parts, like
00:04:39legs or arms, to the brain.
00:04:43Now what would happen if you stopped blinking, or if you didn't blink frequently enough?
00:04:49Firstly, your corneas would likely increase in size.
00:04:54The cornea is the only part of your body that doesn't have a blood supply, but it still
00:04:59needs oxygen to function properly, and it gets it straight from the air.
00:05:05By the way, that's the reason why your cornea swells up, just a bit, when you sleep.
00:05:11But it goes back to normal in the morning.
00:05:14Then, your eyes would probably start to dry out because the tear film wouldn't get restored.
00:05:21What does this mean?
00:05:22Mostly, some pain and blurry vision.
00:05:27Chewing also helps with removing all dirt and dust from your eyes.
00:05:31If you stopped moving your eyelids, things would most likely get stuck in your eyes and
00:05:36cause serious damage.
00:05:39We take chewing for granted, don't you think so?
00:05:42But come to think of it, it's the first stage of digestion.
00:05:46Chewing helps your stomach to process the food you eat more easily by breaking it into
00:05:50smaller parts.
00:05:53Chewing less, or not at all, should you ever resort to a full liquid diet, might cause
00:05:59harm not only to your digestive system, but, surprisingly, to your jaw muscles as well.
00:06:05Without regular chewing movements, your facial features would change pretty soon.
00:06:12Chewing also lets your stomach know when it's time to increase its acidity so it can process
00:06:17food better.
00:06:20Your senses are a huge part of your day-to-day lives, and here's a neat trick that the human
00:06:25brain can do.
00:06:26When one sense is lost or damaged, another can become much more heightened.
00:06:32People with bad eyesight may be able to hear better, while those who have problems with
00:06:37their hearing might have some sort of enhanced vision.
00:06:41Recent research has shown that the brain can actually remodel itself, giving more power
00:06:46to other senses when one is damaged or missing.
00:06:51They notice this in microscopic roundworms.
00:06:54They have a peculiar behavior when they have a poor sense of touch.
00:06:58Then, their sense of smell becomes super sensitive, and they manage to seek out food sources with
00:07:04a very faint scent.
00:07:07Similarly, some visually impaired people have something in common with bats.
00:07:13Such people basically learn to use their boosted hearing to navigate the world more
00:07:19They make a series of rapid clicking noises.
00:07:22This is just how bats use their built-in sonar to find their way when there's no light.
00:07:29Your brain is home to 86 billion neurons.
00:07:31It shouldn't come as a surprise that it also has some sort of a backup plan when some of
00:07:36its parts fail, right?
00:07:40But then there's another question.
00:07:42Why aren't our senses heightened from the very beginning?
00:07:44I mean, we're obviously born with this capability, so why don't we just activate it by default?
00:07:52The explanation is a bit complex.
00:07:55Mostly, it all comes down to your body's inability to work really hard for extended periods of
00:08:02To be more precise, your body is always looking to obtain and maintain a certain balance in
00:08:08order to function properly.
00:08:11When one sense is deprived, another needs to be sharper.
00:08:15More so, all these changes in our senses, depending on the circumstances, appear to
00:08:20be reversible.
00:08:21This yet again illustrates the human body's need to function in harmony.
00:08:25Ah, it's a lovely day for a boat ride in the swamp.
00:08:29If not for these mosquitoes, then today would be perfect.
00:08:33For some reason, the mosquitoes keep getting bigger the further you go into the swamp.
00:08:38They started out as tiny, almost invisible insects, and can now be the size of your thumb.
00:08:43You can hear their buzzing as they whiz past you.
00:08:47You go deeper to investigate why they're so big.
00:08:49Eventually, you see a large cluster of mosquitoes the size of your hand buzzing around.
00:08:55They notice you and start flying towards you.
00:08:58You grab a branch and start swatting them away.
00:09:01You run back to your boat and try to escape, but they follow you, and some manage to land
00:09:06on you.
00:09:07You swat them away, but more mosquitoes pop out of nowhere, the size of a basketball.
00:09:13You start your boat and speed your way back to the mainland.
00:09:16As you arrive, you see everyone running away in a frenzy, panicking because of the giant
00:09:23Some of them are as big as a large dog.
00:09:26People are ducking under picnic tables, while some are running back to their cars and driving
00:09:32You get off the boat and run toward the closest grocery store, along with dozens of people.
00:09:36The employees lock up the gates, but the large glass panels show the mosquitoes multiplying.
00:09:42They're getting bigger and bigger until you can see one as big as a car zipping by, hit
00:09:47so strong that it landed on an empty car and crushed it.
00:09:52Everyone inside is ducking away out of fear.
00:09:54You try to calm everyone down and not make any noise.
00:09:58The mosquitoes are landing on the glass panel, blocking out the natural light.
00:10:02It's getting dark inside.
00:10:04Someone turns up the volume on the TV to the breaking news.
00:10:08Mosquitoes are flying rampant all across the continent, destroying natural resources and
00:10:13infiltrating cities.
00:10:15People are advised to stay indoors until further notice.
00:10:18The mosquitoes notice that there are people in the store, so they try to get in by force.
00:10:23A car-sized mosquito flies around in the sky, unaware of what's happening below.
00:10:29Everyone hears some noise coming from the back room.
00:10:31The employees realize they didn't lock the doors.
00:10:35A large mosquito enters and knocks down everything.
00:10:39Everyone runs around in a panic while throwing random stuff at it.
00:10:43Some people grab a fire extinguisher and spray it until it flies to the back room.
00:10:48Some employees lock the door and barricade it so that nothing can enter.
00:10:53Everyone waits nervously.
00:10:54The TV broadcasts some live coverage of how giant mosquitoes are flying everywhere.
00:10:59A helicopter is forced to land because the mosquitoes are flying around wildly in the
00:11:05Everyone shudders when they hear the sound of more mosquitoes buzzing around near the
00:11:09back door.
00:11:11Hours pass, and more mosquitoes keep coming endlessly.
00:11:15There are no people outside, and much of the urban and landscape design in the park is
00:11:19destroyed or overrun by giant insects.
00:11:23Some people eat whatever is available, while some are sleeping.
00:11:27A piece of breaking news interrupts the live coverage and shows that there will be armored
00:11:31buses ready to pick up people near the picnic site.
00:11:34However, the buses won't drive to hot spots since it'll be too dangerous.
00:11:39The only way to get on them is by being on the highway in two hours.
00:11:44Everyone tries to call their loved ones, but the cell towers have been knocked down, and
00:11:48no one can call anyone.
00:11:50The mosquito that broke in a while ago destroyed the only landline that was present.
00:11:54People are arguing about whether they should stay or go.
00:11:58More insects cover the only clear patches of the sky until the sun disappears.
00:12:03The people split into two parties, those who are leaving to catch the bus and those who
00:12:08want to stay.
00:12:09The employees know a back way that can quickly lead to the highway.
00:12:13The only problem is that it'll take around 20 minutes on foot, and there are no cars
00:12:17to use.
00:12:18The way is tricky.
00:12:20First, they would need to escape through the main entrance and head through the bushy forest
00:12:24behind the dumpsters.
00:12:26Over there, they can enter a building, possibly through the sewers, which will lead to the
00:12:30lake next to the highway.
00:12:33The first party decides to leave.
00:12:35They prepare supplies for the breakout.
00:12:37Every second, more mosquitoes arrive, covering the sky.
00:12:41They gear up with anything they can find to protect themselves.
00:12:45Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide that people breathe out, and they know that
00:12:49there's a source coming from the grocery store.
00:12:52Once everyone is ready, they get some makeshift torches and light them up.
00:12:56They add some barbecue fuel to keep the fire going.
00:13:00You're part of the party that is planning to escape.
00:13:02The doors open, and everyone makes a break for it behind the dumpster.
00:13:06Many mosquitoes try to attack you, but the smoke from the fire repels them.
00:13:11Every second, more mosquitoes are filling the sky and the environment.
00:13:15Many people end up running back into the store, since they couldn't make it past the dumpster
00:13:19to the other building.
00:13:21Eventually, the rest of the people, including yourself, run toward the building.
00:13:25But it's locked, and no one can break down the door.
00:13:29Plan B is to break the glass from a window and crawl inside.
00:13:32You grab a rock and smash the closest window.
00:13:36The only problem is that the mosquitoes can follow you inside.
00:13:40So without any options left, you pull through and run to the basement of the building to
00:13:44find the entrance to the sewer.
00:13:47You've found it, and everyone descends to the bottom.
00:13:50No mosquitoes in sight, just rats.
00:13:53You're walking knee-high in sewer water, with it flowing past you, but it's only a few minutes
00:13:58until you reach the river.
00:14:01Another problem is that the sewer isn't going to the lake, but somewhere deep into the sewer
00:14:06You follow it until you see what looks like an outlet.
00:14:09You make it out, and are near a water hole, where all the discarded sewage leads next
00:14:14to the swamp.
00:14:15The only problem is that you're not next to the highway anymore, and time is running out.
00:14:21More mosquitoes are swarming the air, but they don't bother buzzing next to you.
00:14:25You notice some cat-sized creatures floating on the water.
00:14:29These are baby mosquitoes, or the larvae, and they're coming your way!
00:14:34You and everyone else swim for your lives to the shore.
00:14:37A giant alpha mosquito soars into the air, and swoops down to try and grab someone, but
00:14:43it misses.
00:14:45Everyone makes it to the thick, swampy area, where no giant mosquitoes can enter.
00:14:49Everyone covers themselves with branches to protect themselves.
00:14:52Fifteen minutes until the armored bus arrives.
00:14:55Since the mosquitoes can't enter, this will be the best place to hide until then.
00:14:59Darkness falls, and still, no bus!
00:15:03It's been three hours, and nothing!
00:15:05The mosquitoes are still buzzing around, and everyone is getting uncomfortable under the
00:15:09thick bushes.
00:15:11After a while, everyone hears a roaring engine, and sees lights flashing on the highway!
00:15:16Everyone gets up and runs to the bus, but you stop them to not draw the mosquitoes'
00:15:22You volunteer to sneak out and stop the bus, and then everyone else can follow without
00:15:26drawing too much attention.
00:15:28You move a couple of branches, step over some tree bark, and crawl to the highway.
00:15:33You try to hold your breath, so that you won't make any heavy breathing sounds.
00:15:37You reach the side of the road, and wave your arms to stop the bus.
00:15:41It pulls over, and the door opens.
00:15:43You signal the rest of the people to follow, and they follow your lead.
00:15:47Everyone is inside and safe.
00:15:50Some mosquitoes notice, and start pecking on the bus, but the armor is sturdy.
00:15:55The bus drives off, looking for other people along the road, and suddenly, a Goliath lands
00:16:00in front of you!
00:16:01The bus stops, and sees a mosquito the size of a Boeing 747!
00:16:06It looks straight at you.
00:16:08It gets ready to attack, but the bus speeds under its legs and drives off.
00:16:13The mosquito takes off and tries to catch the bus, but you enter a tunnel to the other
00:16:17side of the mountain.
00:16:19After a few minutes, you reach an open area with no trees or buildings.
00:16:23The bus is speeding while dodging obstacles along the way.
00:16:27Finally, you notice you are near the grocery store where you were held up.
00:16:31The bus opens the door for everyone inside to be taken to a safe zone.
00:16:35You hear from the aid workers that the whole world is being overrun by these giant creatures.
00:16:41As you drive along, you see a hybrid mosquito that has two heads and a scorpion's tail!
00:16:48It's as tall as a Statue of Liberty, and it's ready to attack!
00:16:52Whatever is causing these mosquitoes to grow abnormally is also making them into hybrids
00:16:56and mutants, and you thought it was going to be a good Monday.
00:17:01You've finally done it!
00:17:02You've created a simulator that allows you to copy yourself into the apps on your phone
00:17:07to learn faster.
00:17:08You plug your phone in, open Google, and put on a helmet with goggles to get a 360-degree
00:17:15After hooking them up, you call your sister to activate the machine.
00:17:21She's not answering you, so you head to her bedroom where you see her doing a TikTok dance
00:17:27You tease her for it and pester her to activate the machine downstairs.
00:17:31She follows you while still using TikTok.
00:17:34She gets upset and, without you looking, changes the homepage on your phone to TikTok.
00:17:40She then activates the machine.
00:17:42You're in the simulation, but something's wrong.
00:17:46You're going through a virtual wormhole.
00:17:49You see all kinds of apps circling you until you land flat on your face on a dark surface.
00:17:57You're scared.
00:17:58Your heart is thumping.
00:17:59You look around and see yourself in a room with a screen in front of you.
00:18:04It asks for your username.
00:18:05You shout all kinds of words, asking to let you out, but a red light blinks every time
00:18:10you do so.
00:18:12Every word you say is picked up by the screen, which then displays it as your username while
00:18:17asking you to accept it to proceed.
00:18:20You say accept, and the wall opens.
00:18:23Your username is letmeout.
00:18:27You exit and enter a futuristic city glittered with purple and blue lights and tall towers
00:18:33with screens showing TikTok videos nonstop.
00:18:37The tallest tower shows the most trending videos today.
00:18:40We'd like to continue helping you learn and giving you useful skill improvement tips.
00:18:44Got a thirst for knowledge?
00:18:46We've prepared four masterclasses on creating a 2D character animation from scratch, 10
00:18:52hours of video lessons, practical tasks using professional software, and additional materials
00:18:57that you can use with your own projects.
00:19:00While the other towers show other popular videos, you follow the road in front of you.
00:19:05It leads you into a crowd in the middle of a virtual Times Square.
00:19:09Everyone has a floating bubble above them with their username and bio written there.
00:19:14It also shows how many followers they have.
00:19:17Most of these people have just a handful of followers.
00:19:20They look like their profile pictures.
00:19:22Everyone is staring at you since you're the only one who looks not like an avatar, but
00:19:27like a real human.
00:19:30You see two people standing opposite each other without moving.
00:19:34You see the bubbles above each of them change.
00:19:37They are now following each other.
00:19:39Suddenly, everyone stops and stares at the girl as she becomes verified.
00:19:44A blue tick appears in her bubble, and she vanishes.
00:19:49You run up to the one who has just followed her and try to get some information.
00:19:53You're the only one talking out loud, while everyone else is communicating through direct
00:19:57messages in their inboxes.
00:19:59You realize that you have to stand still and wait for someone to accept your DM.
00:20:05The person you're talking to receives your message and blocks it.
00:20:09You try to initiate another dialogue, but the person freezes and then walks away.
00:20:16You realize some people are looking at you in a peculiar way.
00:20:19They start following you.
00:20:21They're everywhere.
00:20:22You start walking fast and disappear into a sea of people where they can't find you.
00:20:29After a while, you dip into an alley and find an underground cafe.
00:20:33You enter and see a bunch of people sitting around doing nothing.
00:20:38You try to talk to some of them, but they don't answer.
00:20:40Even weirder, they don't have faces.
00:20:43None of them have followers.
00:20:45They don't respond to anything.
00:20:47And if you try to communicate with them, they just spaz out some advertisements.
00:20:52You look at the screen in the room.
00:20:55It shows your face.
00:20:57TikTok is after you.
00:20:59You hear a knock on the door and dozens of people rush in.
00:21:02They're the internal security of TikTok, and they're after you.
00:21:07You exit through another room.
00:21:09Now you're inside a building where many of these bots are living.
00:21:13They're behind you and getting closer.
00:21:15You reach a dead end with a window in front of you.
00:21:18You turn around and see the security running straight at you.
00:21:23You have no choice but to jump out of the window.
00:21:26You get a running start and sprint through the glass.
00:21:30You land on the roof of a neighboring building.
00:21:33Every tower is now displaying your username and profile pic as wanted.
00:21:37You have no idea why they're after you.
00:21:41You make your way to another alley and hide in a dark corner.
00:21:45It seems you've lost them.
00:21:47You check your settings to see why you're the most wanted man on TikTok.
00:21:51It shows that you're an invalid user.
00:21:54The app thinks you're a glitch that's going to destroy the very fabric of TikTok.
00:22:01You know for a fact that it's just the cybersecurity of TikTok working to catch any bugs or attacks.
00:22:07You open your settings but you can't do anything since they blocked you.
00:22:11You open search and type in your sister's name.
00:22:14It turns out she's verified with a blue tick which will be difficult to track.
00:22:20You head back out and try to search for her.
00:22:22You hear some people walking around and quickly leave the alleyway.
00:22:26You get back to the crowd.
00:22:28You can't act hysterically anymore or you'll draw attention to yourself.
00:22:33You reach Hashtag Avenue where all the trending videos are.
00:22:37So far no one has noticed you.
00:22:39The most popular hashtags are at the top.
00:22:42It's quite a walk to get there.
00:22:44You browse through most of them but can't find your sister.
00:22:47Then you remember that she was dancing.
00:22:49So you check the hashtag dance and try to locate her.
00:22:53You find out that the video she was doing earlier is one of the most popular videos.
00:22:58You finally find her but the security stops you and chases you along Hashtag Avenue.
00:23:05You randomly appear in various trending videos.
00:23:08You reach a dead end and the security catches you.
00:23:11They escort you to a room where they try to get information out of you.
00:23:16They think you're a bot but you keep telling them that you invented the machine to copy
00:23:20yourself into TikTok virtually.
00:23:22They're not buying it.
00:23:24Eventually, they try to extract you but it's not working.
00:23:28They try to figure out what to do but they don't let you leave.
00:23:32While they're transporting you to another facility, you manage to slip out of their
00:23:35sight and sneak off to search for your sister.
00:23:39This time, you have to be on high alert.
00:23:43TikTok is searching for you.
00:23:45Users have seen you in hashtags so they're also on the lookout.
00:23:49Out of nowhere, large cameras pop out.
00:23:51They're trying to spot you.
00:23:53They slip up and you could be stuck in TikTok for good.
00:23:58You make one last attempt to get to your sister.
00:24:01You find a hat and a jacket to disguise yourself.
00:24:04Now it's impossible for you to interact with anyone since they can detect your activity
00:24:09but you have to take this chance for her to get you out.
00:24:13Eventually, you go back to Hashtag Avenue and head to your sister.
00:24:18You find some of the most popular TikTokers chilling together.
00:24:22Your sister is among them.
00:24:23There's a lot of security so you keep it low.
00:24:26After a while, you slowly approach her and take her aside.
00:24:30You activate the chat option and ask her to head downstairs to the basement and unplug
00:24:35you from the system.
00:24:38But before you can finish the last few words, the security guards rush over to you and start
00:24:43chasing you.
00:24:44But this time, all cameras are on you and there's no place to go.
00:24:49You surrender yourself to the security and they take you to a locked room you can't escape
00:24:55You sit there worried.
00:24:56You're bouncing your knees and rubbing your palms together.
00:24:59You have no idea if your sister has received the full message or not.
00:25:05Hours pass and no word from outside.
00:25:08You may have blown it.
00:25:09But suddenly, you get a notification from your sister.
00:25:13You try to type but nothing is working.
00:25:15You start feeling funny.
00:25:17Everything around is shaking.
00:25:19The walls start glitching and you see the real world.
00:25:23You get pulled into a wormhole and you wake up in your lab.
00:25:29You're breathing heavily, trying to piece the recent events together.
00:25:32You feel like you've been in TikTok for half a day, but apparently, it was less than half
00:25:37an hour.
00:25:38Your vision is clear and the first thing you see is your sister filming you with her phone.
00:25:44She's grinning from ear to ear, not knowing what you've actually gone through.
00:25:49The first thing you feel is some heaviness around your body, as if you're sleeping under
00:25:54a soft but weighted blanket.
00:25:56It feels nice and you're too lazy to do anything.
00:26:00Fortunately, you gather enough strength to move the blanket.
00:26:04You open your eyes and it's weird.
00:26:07You're surrounded by some blue glow.
00:26:10You want to rub your eyes and discover that you have tentacles instead of hands.
00:26:16How about skipping the part where you're terrified and can't believe you've turned into the Kraken?
00:26:22After a couple of days of existential horror, panic, and total madness, you finally calm
00:26:28Now, let's figure out what it's like to be the most terrifying ocean monster.
00:26:33So, that heavy blanket is water pressure.
00:26:36It's colossal at the depth where you're hiding.
00:26:39Few living beings can withstand it.
00:26:41Take a passenger car down there and it will burst apart under the heavy weight of the
00:26:47But you're the Kraken.
00:26:48You're more powerful than any car.
00:26:50Your body doesn't collapse in such conditions.
00:26:53Your thick elastic skin can withstand any pressure, and strong muscles allow you to
00:26:58move freely here.
00:27:00And here's the thing with the blue glow.
00:27:02You're so deep down that sunlight almost doesn't penetrate here.
00:27:06It's hard to tell where's up and down because of the water pressure.
00:27:10But fortunately, you have huge eyes that, like the lenses of a telescope, catch the
00:27:15light coming from the surface.
00:27:17An ordinary person can't see anything except darkness at this depth.
00:27:21But you have something like a night vision device built into your eyes, so you see this
00:27:25blue glow.
00:27:27There's almost nothing at this depth.
00:27:29It's only endless heavy emptiness.
00:27:32You can see a few fish and several wrecks of sunken ships.
00:27:37The sea creatures you meet here are pretty unusual.
00:27:39These are anglers and all sorts of transparent squid.
00:27:43Come to think of it, giant squid are your only friends here, and you're like a king
00:27:47to them.
00:27:48In general, hanging out close to the ocean floor is pretty boring.
00:27:52You sleep and eat, that's all.
00:27:54It would be best if you swam higher to get more snacks.
00:27:59You rise, and the water around you becomes brighter.
00:28:02More and more sunlight reaches this place, and you finally meet other inhabitants of
00:28:07the ocean.
00:28:08Turtles, sharks, jellyfish, octopuses, and stingrays dart away as soon as they notice
00:28:15All of them except jellyfish.
00:28:17They don't care.
00:28:18You look for a place to eat and notice a shoal of fish.
00:28:22Great, here's lunch!
00:28:26After you've eaten, you stay there, scaring fish and dolphins just for fun.
00:28:31You like the way you can control your tentacles.
00:28:33You have ten of them.
00:28:35It's impossible to put into words what you feel, but imagine that the fingers on your
00:28:39hands have become huge, like pool cubes.
00:28:43And it's incredible.
00:28:44You can extend your tentacles to be as long as a passenger Boeing.
00:28:48Also, you have suction cups on them.
00:28:50You can grab anything so tightly that no creature will slip away from you.
00:28:55Thanks to the tentacles, you swim fast.
00:28:58First, you move them in different directions, then press them together, propelling yourself
00:29:04Strong streams of water that you create push all the fish aside.
00:29:08You notice a blue whale.
00:29:10It's the largest mammal in the world.
00:29:12But next to you, it looks like a puppy.
00:29:16So you swim, eat, scare fish and other marine creatures, and that's it.
00:29:21Your life is kind of boring.
00:29:23And how long will it last?
00:29:24A hundred years?
00:29:25A thousand?
00:29:27You want to have some fun.
00:29:28So you swim up to the surface and get almost blinded by bright sunlight.
00:29:33You try to get used to it.
00:29:35The water is quiet.
00:29:37There's no wind.
00:29:38You look around and notice a tiny dot ahead.
00:29:41Wow, it's a large wooden fishing ship with sails.
00:29:45Finally, you'll have some fun.
00:29:47You can't wait to see people and tell them about yourself.
00:29:51So you're happily swimming toward it.
00:29:53But if someone was watching you, you'd probably look pretty scary.
00:29:57You get stuck in a fishing net.
00:30:00It's thin, so you easily tear it apart and rise to the surface.
00:30:04The people on the deck are terrified.
00:30:07They scream and run in different directions.
00:30:09Hey, guys, where are you going?
00:30:11I just want to hang out with you.
00:30:14They seem so small.
00:30:16Fishers throw harpoons and axes at you, but you don't feel any pain.
00:30:20You put one tentacle on the wooden deck and accidentally break it.
00:30:24The whole ship is fragile, like a matchbox.
00:30:27Okay, it's better not to touch it.
00:30:30You turn around and accidentally flip the ship over.
00:30:34All the people that were on board are now in the water.
00:30:37Fortunately, you have enough tentacles to save them all.
00:30:40You catch every fisher and see the horror in their eyes.
00:30:45Someone even faints.
00:30:47You put the ship back on the water and help the people return to the deck.
00:30:51Then you push the boat away and swim toward land.
00:30:54But you decide not to show yourself to people on the shore.
00:30:57Those sailors you saved will tell everyone how they survived meeting a giant monster.
00:31:03Everyone will talk about how terrible you are, but no one will mention that you also
00:31:07saved them.
00:31:08How unfair.
00:31:11You return to the ocean depths and fall asleep.
00:31:14Some strange sounds wake you up.
00:31:16It's like water dripping from a tap into a sink.
00:31:19You open your eyes and see faint flashes around.
00:31:22Oh, well, that's interesting.
00:31:25You swim up and realize that a thunderstorm has woken you up.
00:31:29It seems rather severe.
00:31:31The sky is black and the waves are huge.
00:31:34You notice a big vessel sailing amongst this chaos.
00:31:37This ship is different from the one you've seen before.
00:31:40It's made of iron and it has no sails because it's a modern cargo ship.
00:31:46It seems that you've been asleep for a couple of hundred years.
00:31:49The people on board notice you and fire a signal flare.
00:31:53A bright red light blinds you.
00:31:56You spread your tentacles and accidentally push the ship.
00:31:59It's heavy and doesn't flip over.
00:32:01It seems that technology was developing while you were sleeping.
00:32:05The storm is getting stronger.
00:32:06The ship is rolling from side to side.
00:32:09You try to hold it with your tentacles, but it scares the people on board.
00:32:13They scream and you understand their reaction.
00:32:16A colossal monster has come out of the black depths and grabbed their ship.
00:32:21It's unpleasant to see that they're afraid of you, so you decide to swim away.
00:32:26Offended, you're hiding close to the ocean floor.
00:32:30It turns out it's not much fun being the Kraken.
00:32:33You can only hang out with fish, but they can't talk.
00:32:37People are afraid of you and you don't want to make them uncomfortable.
00:32:40You feel so alone in this world.
00:32:42You eat your lunch and go back to sleep.
00:32:45Hey, Mr. Kraken, can you hear me?
00:32:49A voice says.
00:32:50You wake up and shudder, terrified.
00:32:52Who said that?
00:32:53Were all the stories about the flying Dutchman true?
00:32:57Have you just heard some phantom speaking to you?
00:32:59I understand you're confused, Mr. Kraken.
00:33:02So swim up to the surface and you'll find out everything.
00:33:06A few minutes later, you come out of the water and see a huge flying ship.
00:33:11It's floating right above the water.
00:33:14But the most fantastic thing is that people on the deck are not afraid of you.
00:33:18They look at you with interest and even with some sympathy.
00:33:23You notice a man in a strange helmet among them.
00:33:26Hi, it's me talking to you thanks to this telepathy device.
00:33:30You can think about anything, too, and I'll hear you.
00:33:34It's the 24th century.
00:33:36People have invented technologies for communicating with animals and fish.
00:33:40They found out that almost all creatures have no thoughts and live following their
00:33:46But then people detected some brain activity coming from the ocean depths.
00:33:50They discovered you.
00:33:53You seem to be one of the most intelligent beings on the planet, and people are very
00:33:57interested in communicating with you.
00:33:59Finally, the centuries of your loneliness are over.
00:34:03The food on the tables in the cruise ship's dining room seems freshly made.
00:34:07It looks like everyone just picked up and left.
00:34:10You panic and run outside to the main deck.
00:34:13There are plenty of slippers and sandals lying around, but no people around.
00:34:20You bend over the railing and see that the cruise ship is still moving.
00:34:24There's not a single staff member in sight.
00:34:28Your first guess is that they've all gathered somewhere for some reason, so you make your
00:34:31way to the captain.
00:34:33You walk through the long and maze-like corridors before you reach the control room.
00:34:37The door is wide open and someone has set the ship to cruise control.
00:34:42Some scenarios play out in your head.
00:34:46Scenario number one is that while you were asleep, everyone else woke up and decided
00:34:49to pull a prank on you, so they must be hiding somewhere on the ship.
00:34:53When you freak out because no one is around, they'll pop out of nowhere and surprise you
00:34:57with an awesome party and cake.
00:35:01The second scenario you come up with is that while everyone was enjoying their cruise,
00:35:05the ship accidentally entered the fourth dimension with everyone, including the animals
00:35:09on board.
00:35:10But then, why did they leave you behind?
00:35:14The third possible scenario is that everyone found a better cruise ship nearby and decided
00:35:18to abandon the ship for a better one.
00:35:21They just forgot to tell you, but why did they leave their stuff behind and their food
00:35:27You try to figure out what the controls mean, but it's just a bunch of random gizmos and
00:35:31flickering lights.
00:35:33There is no pop-up manual to study, but there is pretty fast Wi-Fi.
00:35:37You start your laptop and do a quick search on what some of these things mean.
00:35:42You quickly figure out that the ship is in safety mode and has automatic sensors to detect
00:35:46when the water gets too rough.
00:35:49You open up social media and try to contact some people, but your phone doesn't have a
00:35:55Only the laptop, which is connected via cable, works.
00:35:59There's a radio to contact the mainland.
00:36:01You ring in, but no one's answering.
00:36:03Suddenly, your notifications pop up.
00:36:06You look at photos of your friends on vacation or back home, but they're not there.
00:36:11Only the backdrop with no one in there.
00:36:14Everyone has officially disappeared, except you.
00:36:17You try one last time to contact the rest of the world, but nobody is answering.
00:36:22You check out some of the cruise details and find out that the ship will need around 11
00:36:26days until you reach the nearest dock.
00:36:29After looking at the map, you see a small remote island that's only 4 days' trip away.
00:36:34The cruise ship travels around 20 knots, which is around 23 miles an hour.
00:36:40Meanwhile, you discover the ship and enter some of the fancy places.
00:36:45The ads on TV just show an empty backdrop of the cruise ship without people, which makes
00:36:50it look quite lonely.
00:36:52On a 7-day cruise, a large ship can use over 9,000 pounds of lettuce and 45,000 pounds
00:36:58of eggs.
00:37:00In general, there are 2,000 steaks and 1,000 baked potatoes consumed per day on a cruise
00:37:05with more than 1,000 people.
00:37:08There is so much food and ingredients on the ship that you can technically last for years.
00:37:13You reach the receptionist's desk and talk over the intercom radio to make official announcements.
00:37:20Just the sound of crickets.
00:37:22Okay, if this is some kind of prank, it's not funny.
00:37:26You can come out now.
00:37:27I'm going to the under deck for some snacks.
00:37:30You wait for an answer, but no one is coming.
00:37:33You decide to go to the lower decks of the ship, but before you head down, you check
00:37:37out the ice skating rink with no one there.
00:37:40You slip on some ice skating shoes and go for a little spin.
00:37:43It feels good with no one to bother you or tell you what to do.
00:37:47After that, you check out the game room and play some arcade games.
00:37:51You use the coins from the counter and play for hours.
00:37:54The sun begins to set, so you decide to have a refreshing drink and enjoy the view.
00:37:59You sit on the top deck where only the VIPs are allowed and grab the biggest sunbed to
00:38:04lay on.
00:38:05It's so quiet that you can hear the ocean waves.
00:38:08You fall asleep there and wake up the next morning because of the bright sun.
00:38:12You walk around, trying to see what to do.
00:38:15You grab a golf club and start swinging.
00:38:17You get the balls into the ocean and keep playing until you get bored.
00:38:22You realize that you got sidetracked with the activities and want to go to the lower
00:38:25decks of the ship.
00:38:27You check out the staff-only entry with a pass that you found lying around.
00:38:32You start descending to the bottom.
00:38:33It's getting darker.
00:38:35The power isn't working, so you grab a flashlight and look through the rooms.
00:38:41Crew members usually live in a dorm-style room with shared bunk beds.
00:38:45They have a common area for eating staff meals and have access to other recreational activities.
00:38:51The kitchens that serve the main restaurants are also located in the bottom areas.
00:38:56All the rooms look the same.
00:38:57There's a lot of noise coming from the engine room, which makes it creepy.
00:39:02The pipes are clanking and popping sounds bust from random places.
00:39:05The lights are flickering.
00:39:08There are shadows following you as you're moving with the flashlight you picked up from
00:39:11one of the rooms.
00:39:12You're scared.
00:39:13You call out to see if there's anyone there, but all you hear is your own voice echoing
00:39:17through the corridors.
00:39:20You're lost.
00:39:21You try to find your way back to the top decks, but everything looks the same.
00:39:26You start running and panicking.
00:39:28You trip over something and lose your flashlight.
00:39:30It's very dark.
00:39:32You wave your arms around and try to find your way out.
00:39:35You put your hands on the wall and try to navigate around.
00:39:39You see a bright light at the end of the corridor.
00:39:41You walk towards there.
00:39:44You end up reaching one of the central kitchens with plenty of food lying around.
00:39:48There are dozens of fridges and a whole kitchen dedicated to desserts.
00:39:52Your stomach growls from hunger.
00:39:55You eat some of the most exotic and top-of-the-line food that can cost up to $1,000 per dish.
00:40:01You spend the next few days gobbling up the yummy treats, playing golf, and partying on
00:40:05the dance floor.
00:40:07Three days later, you maxed out most of the fun stuff of the cruise ship.
00:40:11While basking in the sun, you see an island in the distance.
00:40:14You grab your binoculars and notice the dock where the ship is heading to.
00:40:19You quickly head to the control center and see the map.
00:40:22It needs 30 minutes to arrive, but you don't know how to park the cruise ship.
00:40:28You end up lowering the anchor to stop the ship.
00:40:31You'll then use the rescue boats for rowing to the island.
00:40:34You gather some supplies and food and row.
00:40:38Maybe someone on the island can help you out.
00:40:41You descend and row to the shore.
00:40:43You enter the city, but it's empty.
00:40:46People have left their cars in the middle of the road during their commute.
00:40:49You head to the police station to see if you can get some answers, but nothing.
00:40:54Months later, you've explored the whole island and saved plenty of food from the cruise ship.
00:41:00After five years, you've taken complete control over the island and learned how to drive the
00:41:04cruise ship properly.
00:41:06You haven't seen a single person since that day on the cruise ship.
00:41:10It's like everyone picked up and evaporated.
00:41:13Ten years later, you're sitting in the radio tower.
00:41:16You have a full-grown beard and fields of crops all over the island.
00:41:20You haven't stepped foot on the cruise ship for three years.
00:41:23Suddenly, you catch some signal on the radio in Morse code.
00:41:28Someone from the mainland is trying to contact you.
00:41:31You decide to get back on the ship and make your way there.
00:41:35Michael is running down the street.
00:41:37He's in an absolute nightmare that has become a reality.
00:41:40He's passing by people.
00:41:42Their faces are strange, but Michael doesn't have time to see them.
00:41:46His heart is about to jump out of his chest.
00:41:49He runs into a dark alley, crashes against a trash can, and falls.
00:41:53He notices posters of people hanging on the walls.
00:41:56All those folks have insanely wide mouths.
00:42:00Huge triangular teeth protrude from these mouths.
00:42:03Michael gets up and sees two people on his way.
00:42:06They're a man and a woman.
00:42:07They look at Michael and smile with their big mouths exposing sharp daggers instead
00:42:12of teeth.
00:42:13They're slowly approaching Michael and smiling wider and wider.
00:42:17In their eyes, Michael sees nothing but an unquenchable hunger that they will probably
00:42:22satisfy in the next few seconds.
00:42:25Michael is about to pass out, but let's go back 20 minutes in time to find out what's
00:42:30happening here.
00:42:31A megalodon tooth is similar to a white shark's tooth, but much bigger.
00:42:35The average size is about the size of an adult's palm.
00:42:38An ordinary person has 32 teeth, so how big should a mouth's size be to fit 32 palms
00:42:45in two rows?
00:42:46It would definitely be a big mouth.
00:42:49That's what Michael thought, holding a megalodon tooth that he found last year off the coast
00:42:53of Florida.
00:42:55Archaeology is one of Michael's hobbies, but his main hobby has always been science.
00:43:01Michael has created a project that can simulate different ways of evolution.
00:43:05Millions of terabytes of data, hundreds of thousands of scientists around the world,
00:43:10dozens of research centers.
00:43:12All of this is needed to create the unique simulation program, and that's how it works.
00:43:17You can check any hypothesis with a computer.
00:43:20For example, you want to know what the world would look like without birds.
00:43:24The program studies all the data about birds' evolution and planet history.
00:43:28Then, it creates an accurate simulation based on this data.
00:43:33Michael puts on special glasses.
00:43:35The lenses connect to his brain through his eyes, and Michael moves into the virtual world.
00:43:41People live without airplanes on the planet without birds, because they had no one to
00:43:45inspire them to invent aviation.
00:43:48This world isn't highly developed, since people are divided by distance.
00:43:52Michael's sleeping body is in the lab, but his brain is sure he's in another world.
00:43:57After an hour, the program will disconnect Michael from the simulation automatically.
00:44:02Michael holds the big tooth and says out loud, what if people had megalodon teeth?
00:44:07He forgets he's wearing the glasses.
00:44:10The program recognizes Michael's speech and starts working.
00:44:13Theoretically, such a world is impossible.
00:44:16Michael believes the program won't succeed, but it successfully creates a simulation.
00:44:22It sends him there.
00:44:23Now, he needs to survive in a world with toothy people.
00:44:28For an hour.
00:44:29Two of them are approaching Michael.
00:44:31They're reaching out to him with their hands.
00:44:34Michael closes his eyes.
00:44:35He's afraid of physical sensations.
00:44:38His brain doesn't know that Michael is in a simulation, so the pain will be real.
00:44:42Hey dude, are you okay?
00:44:45The man asks.
00:44:46What scares you so much?
00:44:48The woman worries.
00:44:50Michael looks at them in surprise and replies, you!
00:44:53Toothy people look at each other and start laughing.
00:44:56They tell Michael that he is in the safest place in the universe.
00:44:59It's a planet inhabited by the kindest people.
00:45:03Michael doesn't believe them.
00:45:04Why do you have such teeth?
00:45:06And why are you so kind?
00:45:08He asks.
00:45:09Millions of years ago, when megalodons dominated the ocean, the ice age didn't happen.
00:45:15Giant sharks continued to swim in warm waters around the world.
00:45:18They multiplied more and more, and the population of all other marine life began to decrease.
00:45:24Then, the seas ran out of food.
00:45:27Ordinary fish swam away in shallow water to escape from megalodons.
00:45:31Then, they came out of the water for thousands of years.
00:45:35Big sharks also wanted to survive, so they started to come out of the ocean too.
00:45:40They evolved into upright creatures.
00:45:43Their fin and fishtail disappeared.
00:45:45Megalodons grew arms and legs, and their spine became straight.
00:45:49But something hadn't changed.
00:45:51Their jaws.
00:45:52They were the most formidable animals in the ocean.
00:45:55And then, they became the most dangerous creatures on land.
00:45:59No one could move them from the top of the food chain.
00:46:02Upright sharks began to spread all over the planet, even in the north.
00:46:06They adapted to the cold climate.
00:46:08Their smooth skin began to grow fur.
00:46:10They survived several cold eras, as well as times of drought.
00:46:15They became kings of the world, thanks to their sharp teeth and massive jaws.
00:46:19The anatomy of their bodies continued to change.
00:46:22Their skin became flakier.
00:46:24Hair began to grow on their heads.
00:46:26Nails appeared on their fingers.
00:46:28They completely turned into human beings, with giant mouths filled with sharp teeth.
00:46:34There was another thing they inherited from ancient sharks.
00:46:36A thirst for blood.
00:46:38The aggressive nature and desire to seize as much land as possible made these people
00:46:43the destroyers of the planet.
00:46:45They exterminated almost all other species of animals.
00:46:49Then they began to fight with each other.
00:46:51They were no winners in this planetary conflict.
00:46:54The world famine began.
00:46:55The descendants of the ancient sharks could no longer get enough food, because their unquenchable
00:47:00thirst destroyed all other animals.
00:47:04And when toothy people were on the verge of complete disappearance, when they nearly lost
00:47:08hope, they suddenly realized that life was possible only in harmony and happiness.
00:47:14People spent the next thousand years rebuilding the entire planet.
00:47:18They put laws in place restricting food consumption.
00:47:21Then they created artificial meat.
00:47:23It was a difficult transition, but they coped.
00:47:27They banned conflict and hate.
00:47:29They restored the wild animal world and developed a new civilization.
00:47:34They learned to solve any problems by supporting each other.
00:47:37Their aggressive nature became hidden deeply in their souls.
00:47:41But the big mouth and sharp teeth remained.
00:47:44These people seemed to be dangerous and ferocious monsters from the outside, especially when
00:47:48they smile.
00:47:49But behind this toothy smile, there's a kind and sympathetic heart.
00:47:54For millions of years, they had been using their teeth to, well, you know.
00:47:59Now they use these powerful jaws to process wood and cut metals.
00:48:04They also use their teeth as pliers.
00:48:06People hardly find a knife in any of their homes, because every person uses their teeth
00:48:11to cut food.
00:48:12They don't make axes.
00:48:14People can chop wood with their jaws.
00:48:16Cold, heat, metals, wood, glass, none of this could damage shark mouths.
00:48:22But then they discovered sugar.
00:48:24Cakes, sweets, and milk chocolate caused them some serious dental problems.
00:48:30Hundreds of dentists in each city were not enough to solve this issue.
00:48:34People were so dependent on their teeth that they had to become dentists themselves.
00:48:39Every citizen learned basic dentistry courses to be able to treat cavities on their own.
00:48:44The teeth culture had spread far beyond dental services.
00:48:47People started getting tattoos on their teeth.
00:48:50Many jaws look like canvases with colorful patterns and paintings.
00:48:54Someone covers their teeth with phosphorus.
00:48:57Just imagine this smile glowing in the dark.
00:49:00People train their jaw muscles with special devices.
00:49:04They put rubber pads on their teeth and then chew rubber balls to gain muscles.
00:49:09In addition to manicure and pedicure salons, people also visit salons for teeth sharpening.
00:49:15The sharper and stronger the teeth are, the kinder the people become.
00:49:19They always remember that even minor aggression can lead to big conflicts.
00:49:23It's like a match falling into a barrel of gasoline.
00:49:26That's why all people practice meditation and other techniques to be in harmony and peace.
00:49:32They're all very neat and like to take care of themselves.
00:49:35They love cosmetics and a healthy lifestyle.
00:49:37They never argue and never take risks.
00:49:41They always follow the rules.
00:49:43These people rarely get injured.
00:49:45Everyone lives in complete safety.
00:49:46They don't even have locks on their doors.
00:49:49The world seems too perfect.
00:49:51Nobody cries here.
00:49:52Nobody screams.
00:49:53They're all smiling and can't be sad for too long.
00:49:57So yes, Michael is kind of in a safe place.
00:50:01He walks down the street and sees happy people.
00:50:04Michael notices a small scratch on his palm.
00:50:07He got it when he fell in the alley.
00:50:09He looks at it and realizes that all the movement around has stopped.
00:50:13Hundreds of people freeze.
00:50:15They're all looking at Michael at his scratch.
00:50:18Saliva is flowing out of their toothy mouths.
00:50:21Their pupils are dilating.
00:50:23It seems the shark instinct has awakened.
00:50:26Now Michael has no chance to escape.
00:50:29And at this moment, the program throws him out of the simulation.
00:50:35It was just a couple of hours before midnight.
00:50:38Some of the 2200 passengers of a large, luxurious ocean liner
00:50:42were still partying in the beautiful first class lounges.
00:50:45The rest were asleep in their beds.
00:50:47Some of them in spacious cabins filled with paintings
00:50:50and decorated with ornate carvings.
00:50:53Others in tiny rooms below sea level.
00:50:56All of these people had only one thing in common.
00:50:58On that chilly April night, all of them were heading
00:51:01from Southampton in England to New York City.
00:51:05The ship was called the Titanic,
00:51:07and at that time, it was considered unsinkable.
00:51:10At the very beginning of the journey,
00:51:12the liner nearly collided with the steamship New York.
00:51:15Luckily, the Titanic managed to pass by the other vessel
00:51:19with several feet to spare.
00:51:20A common sigh of relief escaped the passengers
00:51:23crowding the liner's decks.
00:51:25Little did they know what was awaiting them
00:51:27in the near future.
00:51:29Several days later, when the ship was already
00:51:31in the North Atlantic Ocean,
00:51:33370 miles away from Newfoundland,
00:51:36the unthinkable happened.
00:51:38At about 11.40 p.m. on April 14th,
00:51:41those who were still awake were knocked over
00:51:44by some mysterious and powerful force.
00:51:47Passengers who were already in their beds
00:51:49got catapulted to the floor.
00:51:51Screams and total confusion.
00:51:54Months before the disaster struck,
00:51:56a ginormous chunk of ice had broken away
00:51:58from a glacier in southwest Greenland.
00:52:01It was made of the snow that had fallen
00:52:03about 100,000 years ago,
00:52:05when mammoths were still roaming the planet.
00:52:09When the iceberg just started its journey,
00:52:11it was a huge thing.
00:52:13Almost 1,700 feet long,
00:52:15it also weighed 75 million tons.
00:52:18But then it floated much further to the south than normal,
00:52:22right into the area the Titanic had to cross
00:52:25on its way to North America.
00:52:27Even after melting into the water for months,
00:52:30the iceberg still weighed an impressive
00:52:32one and a half million tons.
00:52:34Its top part was towering over the water
00:52:36for almost 100 feet.
00:52:38Even so, it looked harmless
00:52:40next to the massive ocean liner,
00:52:42but only at first glance.
00:52:44What people saw was just a tiny part
00:52:47of a jumbo piece of ice.
00:52:49The largest part of any iceberg
00:52:50is hidden under the surface,
00:52:52with a mere one-tenth visible above the water.
00:52:56The Titanic iceberg wasn't an exception.
00:52:59The moment the ship collided with it,
00:53:01the vessel was doomed.
00:53:03Unable to divert its course,
00:53:04it crashed into the ice,
00:53:06rupturing at least five of its hull compartments.
00:53:09They immediately started to fill with water,
00:53:11which then flooded each succeeding compartment.
00:53:14The front of the ship started to sink.
00:53:16This raised the back part almost vertically into the air,
00:53:20and then, with a deafening roar,
00:53:22the liner broke in half.
00:53:24The rest is history.
00:53:26But what if what we know about the disaster is not true?
00:53:30What if the ship hadn't been wrecked by an iceberg?
00:53:33What if it had been something more treacherous
00:53:36and way more alive that sank the Titanic?
00:53:39Far, far beneath the surface,
00:53:41in the ocean's dim, dark depths,
00:53:44a shadow lurks.
00:53:46Imagine an enormous creature,
00:53:48round, flat, and full of arms,
00:53:50or rather, powerful tentacles.
00:53:53It resembles a giant squid or octopus,
00:53:56but much, much bigger.
00:53:57Its descriptions go from as long as ten ships
00:54:01to a mile and a half long.
00:54:03Rumor has it unlucky sailors sometimes mistake
00:54:06the sea monster for an island.
00:54:08But instead of stepping on dry land,
00:54:11they're dragged down into the ocean.
00:54:13These people meet the Kraken,
00:54:15a legendary creature feared
00:54:17by everyone who sets off on a sea voyage.
00:54:20Usually, the Kraken haunts the seas
00:54:22off the coasts of Norway through Iceland
00:54:24and all the way to Greenland.
00:54:26Who knows what has brought the beast
00:54:28further away from home?
00:54:30The waters of the North Atlantic are just as chilly,
00:54:33and the creature feels good and curious.
00:54:36Once it notices the Titanic,
00:54:38the ship has no chances to escape its attention.
00:54:42It's dark.
00:54:43That's why those on the ocean liner
00:54:45don't notice the first alarm bells.
00:54:47The water around the ship starts to bubble.
00:54:50If you strain your ears,
00:54:51you can hear bizarre gurgling sounds.
00:54:54If you strain your eyes,
00:54:56you can see thousands of fish and jellyfish
00:54:58rising to the surface.
00:55:00They feel something's up down below.
00:55:03But even if someone on the Titanic
00:55:05noticed this hectic activity,
00:55:07they wouldn't have time to get out of the way
00:55:10of the horrifying beast.
00:55:12Its enormous size and super long and strong tentacles
00:55:15turn it into a predator you can't escape.
00:55:18A nine-year-old boy standing on the deck
00:55:21knows nothing about the sea monster.
00:55:23He's just watching countless small islands
00:55:25rising out of the sea very, very slowly.
00:55:29The kid doesn't understand why,
00:55:31but all the blood in his body suddenly runs cold.
00:55:35Hundreds of tiny fish are leaping about
00:55:37in the pools between these sandbanks.
00:55:40But soon they roll off into the water
00:55:42over the sides of the ginormous something.
00:55:46Several sharp points appear above the surface.
00:55:49The intrigued boy thinks they look like horns.
00:55:52They keep growing thicker and thicker
00:55:54the higher they rise.
00:55:56Soon they're towering over the massive Titanic,
00:55:59dwarfing the ship.
00:56:00These horns are the Kraken's dreaded arms.
00:56:03The boy is paralyzed by fear,
00:56:06but then he spots the monster's eye.
00:56:09It's as big as an elephant.
00:56:10It makes the kid come to his senses and dash away,
00:56:14screaming like there's no tomorrow.
00:56:16The boy's shouting attracts people.
00:56:18They gather along the ship's side,
00:56:20trying to spot what scared the child so much.
00:56:23And then they see.
00:56:25First one, then more and more passengers
00:56:28and crew members lean over the railing
00:56:30to get a better look.
00:56:31They aren't being careless.
00:56:32They're just in shock.
00:56:34Indeed, it's hard to believe your eyes
00:56:36when they tell you a dreaded beast
00:56:38is about to attack the ship you're on.
00:56:40Plus, it's dark and no one can see clearly
00:56:43what that huge shadow is.
00:56:45But the next several minutes prove it's not a mirage.
00:56:49All of a sudden, the creature rises,
00:56:51one of its monstrous arms,
00:56:53and stretches it toward the vessel.
00:56:55It might very well be longer than the liner's entire hull.
00:56:59Women start screaming and fainting.
00:57:01Men seem to be just as terrified.
00:57:03Those who have managed to keep their heads clear
00:57:06sweep up kids and run for shelter.
00:57:09That's when the first powerful hit shakes the vessel.
00:57:12The Kraken's had enough waiting.
00:57:13It's ready for action.
00:57:15Panic engulfs people on board the Titanic.
00:57:18Running around aimlessly and screaming,
00:57:21they create chaos that makes the beast
00:57:23even more interested.
00:57:25Normally, the monster just wants to be left alone.
00:57:28It rests deep down on the ocean floor,
00:57:31using its long tentacles to tether itself to the bottom
00:57:34and lazily hunt for food.
00:57:36It only rises to the surface
00:57:38when the weather's unusually warm
00:57:40or when it gets disturbed.
00:57:42The Titanic is probably too massive and loud.
00:57:46It draws the creature out of its slumber.
00:57:49When the beast gets to the surface
00:57:50and sees a large glistening boat,
00:57:53wow, the thing mesmerizes the creature.
00:57:56It holds out one of its tentacles
00:57:58to touch the unusual construction.
00:58:00The material is hard,
00:58:02and the beast wonders if the thing will break when squeezed.
00:58:06Without wasting much time,
00:58:07it wraps several arms around the ship
00:58:09and tries to squish it.
00:58:11Tiny creatures fussing around, falling overboard,
00:58:14and making annoying high-pitched noises
00:58:17start to irritate the Kraken.
00:58:19It's getting angry.
00:58:21Easing its grip, the monster circles the Titanic
00:58:23several times, getting ready for the next attack.
00:58:27This time, the strike is much stronger.
00:58:30It bends the metal and makes it brittle.
00:58:32One more movement of a deaf tentacle,
00:58:34and the ship starts to fill with water.
00:58:37The Kraken retreats,
00:58:38as if to enjoy the results of its efforts.
00:58:41But then, it notices the ship trying to speed up
00:58:44in futile attempts to put some distance
00:58:46between itself and the monster.
00:58:49People on board the Titanic heave a sigh of relief.
00:58:52The beast is nowhere in sight.
00:58:54Little do they know that the Kraken
00:58:56never lets its toys get away.
00:58:59The ship is beginning to slow down.
00:59:01Its rear part is slowly lifting up,
00:59:04and the front is going down underwater.
00:59:06Passengers and crew members are falling over onto the decks.
00:59:10Most of them are too scared to make a sound.
00:59:13That's why everything's happening
00:59:14in almost complete eerie silence.
00:59:18Until the ship breaks into two parts under its own weight.
00:59:21The crash is so powerful
00:59:23that it scares away even the Kraken.
00:59:25Spooked, the beast dives back into the ocean,
00:59:28which creates a massive boiling whirlpool in that spot.
00:59:32The suction is dragging what's left of the Titanic
00:59:35to the depths of the ocean.
00:59:37The most tragic thing here, though,
00:59:39the Kraken isn't even interested in people on board the ship.
00:59:43This creature is content to munch on fish.
00:59:45It doesn't need bigger prey.
00:59:47It's the animal's curiosity
00:59:49that's now pulling the huge ship down to the bottom.
00:59:53Does the majestic liner have any hope?
00:59:56I think you know the answer.
01:00:00You wake up, but don't hurry to open your eyes.
01:00:04On one hand, you feel surprisingly well-rested.
01:00:07On the other, your body feels strangely stiff.
01:00:10Ah, that must be because you fell asleep
01:00:13not on your comfy bed, but lying on...
01:00:16Wait, what is it exactly you're lying on?
01:00:19You sit up and finally look around.
01:00:21There isn't much to see because you're surrounded
01:00:23by almost complete darkness.
01:00:26Ah, it started yesterday.
01:00:29You were driving home when you heard some news on the radio.
01:00:32One of the largest shopping malls in your area
01:00:34was closing for good.
01:00:36It had something to do with bankruptcy or relocation.
01:00:39You don't really care.
01:00:41What you pay attention to, though,
01:00:43is the words 90% discount on everything.
01:00:46Ah, the shopping mall is quite far from the city,
01:00:49but you decide it's worth making a detour.
01:00:52You rummage in your memory a bit more.
01:00:55You recall going from one store to another,
01:00:57choosing, paying, your bags getting heavier
01:01:00and more numerous,
01:01:01and then you remember that fateful moment.
01:01:04You got so tired that a bench in a quiet nook
01:01:07on the first floor seemed like the best place to have a nap.
01:01:11You must've fallen asleep, and it suddenly dawns on you.
01:01:15They haven't noticed you and locked you inside.
01:01:18You relax a bit.
01:01:20How bad can it be?
01:01:22It's unlikely such a huge shopping mall
01:01:24with hundreds of stores and all kinds of entertainment
01:01:27will be abandoned all at once,
01:01:30which means some staff members will arrive soon
01:01:32and let you out.
01:01:34You reach into your pocket and fish out your phone.
01:01:37Hmm, 11 a.m.
01:01:39It's late enough for the workers to be already in the mall.
01:01:43Then, finally, it occurs to you
01:01:45that you don't have to wander around in the dark.
01:01:48One press of your thumb
01:01:49and the flashlight on your phone is on.
01:01:52Ah, much better.
01:01:54It takes you more than an hour to explore the mall.
01:01:56Not a living soul.
01:01:59You feel a bit disheartened.
01:02:01Anyway, you're getting tired
01:02:03of wandering in the dark all alone.
01:02:05Time to call for help.
01:02:07You unlock your phone,
01:02:08finger lingering over your best friend's name,
01:02:11and then you realize one thing.
01:02:14You've been dreaming of getting
01:02:16into such a situation for ages.
01:02:18You're locked in a mall with no one around.
01:02:21You can do anything you want.
01:02:24That's how you make the most terrible mistake in your life.
01:02:27You switch on airplane mode on your phone
01:02:30so that no one bothers you and go have some fun.
01:02:34You need to figure out how to turn on the lights.
01:02:36No switches you come across seem to work.
01:02:39Apparently, before leaving the mall,
01:02:41they shut off the electrical power.
01:02:43But there must be a backup power generator
01:02:46in such a large building.
01:02:48After searching for what seems to be hours,
01:02:51you see what you've been looking for.
01:02:53After some fumbling, the light is on.
01:02:56It's not as bright as when the mall is open,
01:02:58but it's still something.
01:02:59Time to have fun.
01:03:02You don't need to think where to go first,
01:03:04not with how loudly your stomach is rumbling.
01:03:08You start with a sandwich
01:03:10just to make the annoying growling a bit quieter.
01:03:13After you're done, you get a shopping cart
01:03:15and start to walk down the aisles.
01:03:17Everything that catches your eye goes into the cart.
01:03:21Finally, you're sure you won't be left starving.
01:03:24Strangely, it happens when you can't cram
01:03:26anything else into your cart.
01:03:28You find a pretty cafe, choose a table,
01:03:31and begin your feast.
01:03:32Half an hour later, you realize you've overeaten.
01:03:36Time to go explore other stores.
01:03:39By the evening, you've tried on dozens of clothes.
01:03:42It's settled then.
01:03:43You'll change your style dramatically
01:03:45once you're out of the mall.
01:03:47Expensive clothes suit you so much better.
01:03:51You've picked a presence for your friends and relatives.
01:03:54You've played arcade games.
01:03:56You've tasted all 33 flavors in the ice cream parlor.
01:04:00You can now navigate the food court with your eyes closed.
01:04:04You found a gym with tons of curious equipment
01:04:07that left you intrigued.
01:04:09And you've made sure there's no one but you
01:04:11in the entire building.
01:04:13By 11 PM, you're exhausted.
01:04:16You go to a furniture store and fall down
01:04:18on the first bed on your way.
01:04:20You don't feel like switching off the light
01:04:22and staying in the darkness of a huge empty mall.
01:04:26Tomorrow, you promise yourself, tomorrow you'll go home.
01:04:29Even if no one comes to open the mall,
01:04:32you'll call your family.
01:04:33In the morning, nothing seems to have changed.
01:04:36No opening doors, no voices, nothing.
01:04:39OK then, time to call for help.
01:04:42You reach into your pocket to dig out your phone
01:04:44and your blood runs cold.
01:04:47After hours of searching around, you
01:04:49have to accept a horrifying truth.
01:04:52You've lost your only hope to be rescued.
01:04:55Several more hours and you have to admit there's
01:04:57no way to get out of the mall.
01:05:00Whoever locked it made sure every single door or window
01:05:03was tightly closed.
01:05:05You rush to the electronics store
01:05:07and only see empty shelves.
01:05:09What were the odds of this happening
01:05:11with the only store you needed, no less?
01:05:14Well, it seems you're stuck here.
01:05:17You've been doing yoga for years.
01:05:19You've been studying to remain calm no matter what.
01:05:23That's why you give yourself five minutes
01:05:25to run around and scream.
01:05:27Then you try to think reasonably.
01:05:30You seem to have everything you need.
01:05:32Food, clothes, books, a laundry, and so many bathrooms
01:05:36you can visit a new one every day.
01:05:38You even have your own movie theater
01:05:40that can seat hundreds of people,
01:05:42a ball pit, and arcade games.
01:05:44It can't be so hard to stay on your own for a week or two.
01:05:48After all, they have to be looking for you out there.
01:05:52After coming to this conclusion, you
01:05:54start making yourself comfortable.
01:05:56You spot a cozy corner in the furniture store
01:05:59and choose the softest bed you can find to put there.
01:06:03After hours of sweating and grunting,
01:06:05you finally have an Ikea-style apartment
01:06:07you've been dreaming about.
01:06:09If you have to wait, you'll wait in comfort.
01:06:12Several months have passed, and you feel down in the dumps.
01:06:16But loneliness isn't the only reason
01:06:18why you're that miserable.
01:06:20The main issue is a lack of sunlight.
01:06:23You learn the hard way how important
01:06:25getting enough sun is.
01:06:27You become moody.
01:06:28Well, moodier than you used to be.
01:06:30Your days and nights got a bit messed up.
01:06:33You find it hard to fall asleep, and even harder to wake up.
01:06:38You don't have to worry about your health too much
01:06:39after stumbling upon tanning beds.
01:06:42Now, you regularly get your tiny doses
01:06:44of UV light that help your body produce vitamin D.
01:06:49But the most horrifying discovery?
01:06:51You gain too much unwanted weight.
01:06:54On second thought, extra inches around your waist
01:06:57might have nothing to do with no sunlight.
01:07:00Your recent obsession with supermarket snack shelves
01:07:02might be to blame.
01:07:04On the bright side, you can easily
01:07:06go and pick another piece of clothing
01:07:08once you grow out of a smaller size.
01:07:11Not everyone is lucky to have such an opportunity.
01:07:14And still, when you realize you've
01:07:16put on enough weight to start worrying about a new wardrobe,
01:07:20you go to the gym.
01:07:22Everyday physical activity makes you feel much better.
01:07:25Surprisingly, you also become more cheerful,
01:07:28just like you used to be before the whole mall situation.
01:07:33But it can't help you with how lonely you feel.
01:07:36You've taken up talking to yourself.
01:07:39In the morning, you'd complain about the mattress
01:07:41that needs replacing.
01:07:42In the afternoon, you'd loudly wonder
01:07:45where you'd like to have lunch, in the supermarket
01:07:48or maybe in the supermarket.
01:07:50Before going to bed, you wish yourself the sweetest dreams.
01:07:54It doesn't bother you too much, but you still
01:07:56hope you'll get rescued soon enough.
01:07:59It's been a bit more than a year since you were locked away
01:08:01in the giant shopping mall.
01:08:03You have come to compare yourself
01:08:05with a person living on an uninhabited island.
01:08:08This island has comfortable furniture, a huge choice
01:08:12of designer clothing, almost unlimited supplies of food.
01:08:16There are no people, but also you
01:08:19don't have to hide from wild animals and venomous snakes.
01:08:22So all in all, it's not that bad, right?
01:08:27You work in a large nature reserve
01:08:28that's home to more than 1,000 species of animals.
01:08:31At night, you drive through the territory in a Jeep
01:08:34to see if everything's OK.
01:08:36Most of the animals are sleeping.
01:08:39Suddenly, you hear the monkeys screaming.
01:08:42They jump from branch to branch.
01:08:44A herd of horses runs out of the forest.
01:08:46They look worried too.
01:08:48You hear many animals crying.
01:08:50Looks like some unknown strange thing
01:08:52has woken up and horrified the whole reserve.
01:08:55You see a flash in the night sky.
01:08:57It's a meteorite, and it's flying right towards you.
01:09:01You get in the car, hit the gas, and drive away
01:09:03as far as possible.
01:09:05The space rock falls right in front of you
01:09:08and throws your vehicle to the side.
01:09:10You pass out.
01:09:13The fallen meteorite emits some strange yellow energy.
01:09:16You're inside an overturned car, unconscious.
01:09:20All the animals have calmed down.
01:09:22Thousands of them silently approach the meteorite.
01:09:25Its energy envelops you and all the animals around.
01:09:29The more energy comes out, the smaller
01:09:32the space stone becomes.
01:09:34By the morning, the meteorite dissolves in the air.
01:09:37It has absorbed the animal powers
01:09:39and passed them on to you.
01:09:43You wake up in the grass near the car,
01:09:45surrounded by several people.
01:09:47These are the reserve employees and some guys in black suits.
01:09:51They study the crater in the ground
01:09:53and ask you what happened.
01:09:54You tell them about the meteorite,
01:09:56and they order you to go with them.
01:10:00One of them grabs you tightly by the shoulder.
01:10:02You don't like it, and you want to break out.
01:10:05Two men in black are holding you.
01:10:07You get angry and feel your muscles increase,
01:10:10and your skin becomes covered with fur.
01:10:13You quickly push the men away and roar.
01:10:16Your nails have turned into claws.
01:10:18You've received a bear's powers.
01:10:20Now you're just as strong and fierce.
01:10:23Agents in black are following you.
01:10:25You run away into the forest.
01:10:27You want to be faster and feel your spine changing its shape.
01:10:33Now you're running very fast on all fours.
01:10:36You've got the power of a cheetah, the fastest
01:10:38animal on Earth.
01:10:40You're hiding in the forest.
01:10:41The agents are far behind you.
01:10:45You hear a helicopter from above.
01:10:47It shines a bright spotlight beam.
01:10:49Oh, no.
01:10:50They've noticed you.
01:10:51Agents use a megaphone to ask you to stop,
01:10:54but you know what awaits you.
01:10:56Labs, experiments, life in a cage.
01:10:59You've seen a lot of movies about it, so you won't just give up.
01:11:02You run out of the forest.
01:11:04They release darts at you.
01:11:06You quickly run to a large lake and dive inside.
01:11:09Webbing has grown on your arms and legs.
01:11:12Your feet are like flippers.
01:11:13Your legs fuse into one big tail, and you are now a walrus.
01:11:18You quickly swim across the lake and come ashore on the other side.
01:11:23Several cars and motorcycles are circling the lake
01:11:26to catch up with you.
01:11:27There's another forest ahead, but this time it's too dense.
01:11:31There's not enough space to develop great speed,
01:11:34but you can get the strength of a monkey.
01:11:37Your hands get longer, and your fingers become stronger.
01:11:40You jump up a tree, climb to the top, and inspect the reserve.
01:11:44You need to go south and get to a small town to eat and drink.
01:11:50After a couple of hours, you reach the reserve's border.
01:11:54Now you have to jump over a high fence.
01:11:56Your legs are getting strong.
01:11:58You jump like a kangaroo, but it's not high enough.
01:12:02You fall to the ground.
01:12:03The helicopter catches up to you.
01:12:06You get lizard powers.
01:12:08You get sticky scales on your palms.
01:12:10You quickly climb the concrete wall and jump to the other side.
01:12:15You find yourself in the tall grass.
01:12:18Agents are coming to you from all sides.
01:12:20You're thinking about a snake.
01:12:23Your arms and legs fuse with your body.
01:12:25Now you can crawl.
01:12:26You pass all the people and find yourself on the road.
01:12:31You see a car in the distance.
01:12:33Raise your hand and ask it to stop.
01:12:35Oh no, it's the agent's vehicle.
01:12:38They surround you.
01:12:39The searchlight from the helicopter
01:12:40is shining right on you.
01:12:42You have nowhere to go.
01:12:45But you don't really have to go.
01:12:47Your clothes tear on your back.
01:12:49Huge wings grow out of your shoulder blades.
01:12:52You rise into the air.
01:12:53It's pretty cold here, but the feathers on your body
01:12:56protect you from the wind.
01:12:57Great, you can fly.
01:12:59It's incredible.
01:13:02You feel like someone has pinched you from behind.
01:13:05It's a dart.
01:13:06They got you.
01:13:07You want to sleep and fly down.
01:13:10You make a hard landing near a small wooden house.
01:13:13Agents are running after you.
01:13:14You get the powers of another animal and pass out.
01:13:19People in black are searching the house territory
01:13:22but can't find you.
01:13:23Maybe the dart with the sleeping pill didn't work on you.
01:13:26After a few minutes, they leave.
01:13:29Meanwhile, you're sleeping peacefully
01:13:31against the wall of the house.
01:13:32At the last second, you managed to get chameleon powers.
01:13:36You merged with the wall and became invisible.
01:13:41You sleep for a couple more hours.
01:13:43The dawn breaks.
01:13:44A rusty rover pulls into the yard.
01:13:47Some old man and a dog come out of there.
01:13:50It runs up to you and starts licking your face.
01:13:52The old man realizes that there's an invisible person
01:13:55in front of him.
01:13:56You come to your senses and tell the old man
01:13:59what happened to you.
01:14:01He gives you some food and clean clothes.
01:14:04You thank him and go away.
01:14:06Now you need to leave the country as soon as possible.
01:14:09You're thinking of a bat.
01:14:11Your legs become overgrown with wings and webbing.
01:14:14You have fangs.
01:14:17You fly without seeing anything.
01:14:19Your eyesight has gotten worse
01:14:20but your hearing is just fantastic.
01:14:23You have echolocation power
01:14:25and can emit ultrasounds at a high frequency.
01:14:28Somewhere in the distance,
01:14:29you hear a scream of a familiar person.
01:14:32Oh no, it's that old man.
01:14:34The agents attacked him.
01:14:36You turn around and fly straight to the house.
01:14:39One of the agents sees you.
01:14:40He's screaming in terror.
01:14:42You land and think about a rhino.
01:14:45Your body becomes enormous and your nose gets longer.
01:14:48You accelerate and knock down several agents.
01:14:51Then you turn over their car,
01:14:54run into the house and pull out the old man.
01:14:56He gets on your back as you're now a horse
01:14:59and you ride far away from there.
01:15:03You reach the mountains.
01:15:04The old man looks tired but grateful for the adventure.
01:15:07You can't share his joy
01:15:09because you don't know how it will end.
01:15:11You ask the old man to hide
01:15:13while you distract the pursuers.
01:15:16You're thinking of an animal.
01:15:18Your legs and arms turn into hooves.
01:15:20You're jumping up a cliff like a mountain goat.
01:15:24They can't get you here.
01:15:25But at that moment, the helicopter appears again.
01:15:28The agent is aiming a dart at you.
01:15:30Needles are growing on your back.
01:15:32You've got porcupine powers.
01:15:35You release a couple of needles into the agent.
01:15:37It distracts him for a few minutes.
01:15:40At this moment, a cougar jumps at you out of nowhere.
01:15:43It scratches you with its claws.
01:15:45You think about a lion and get its powers.
01:15:49You get on your back feet and growl loudly.
01:15:52The cougar gets scared and runs away.
01:15:55The helicopter is flying up.
01:15:57You speed up, jump off a cliff
01:16:00and get the powers of the fastest bird in the world,
01:16:03the peregrine falcon.
01:16:05You dive down at great speed
01:16:06and land in the forest.
01:16:08Now you need to find the old man.
01:16:10You have a nose like a dog.
01:16:12Now you can smell your friend and walk towards him.
01:16:15At this moment, you come up with an excellent plan
01:16:18for how to stop those people in black.
01:16:27Is it possible for a planet to have not one, not two,
01:16:31but many suns?
01:16:33Let's imagine what would happen to us
01:16:35if the sun suddenly decided to break
01:16:37into a bunch of small stars.
01:16:40During the search for Earth-like planets
01:16:42throughout the universe,
01:16:43scientists have discovered that systems of two
01:16:45or even three stars are not actually that rare.
01:16:49Many of them even have planets in their habitable zones.
01:16:52Almost half of these planets could contain life.
01:16:55Can't wait to ask these guys about the sunsets.
01:17:00Scientists even suggest that our sun wasn't always lonely.
01:17:04It could have had a companion star called Nemesis.
01:17:08They've noticed that mass extinctions on Earth
01:17:11occur every 27 million years.
01:17:13It's like a cycle.
01:17:15So they turned to the stars to find out
01:17:17what the reason might be.
01:17:19And then they assumed that it was a star
01:17:21that left our sun a long time ago,
01:17:24but it still affects us.
01:17:27Nemesis could be located about 1.5 light years from us.
01:17:31It may not sound like a lot,
01:17:33but it's actually almost 9 trillion miles.
01:17:35That's gonna be a fun car trip.
01:17:3750 million years long.
01:17:41Anyway, every time Nemesis passes its orbit,
01:17:44it can affect the Oort cloud.
01:17:46The Oort cloud is an area surrounding our solar system
01:17:50in which comets are formed.
01:17:51Its existence hasn't yet been proven,
01:17:54but scientists are pretty sure about it.
01:17:57So comets form inside this cloud
01:18:00and then relocate to our solar system.
01:18:03Even being very far away,
01:18:04the second star in the system
01:18:06can have a great influence on it.
01:18:10But what about systems with four or even more stars?
01:18:14Is it even possible?
01:18:15Actually, yeah.
01:18:17But the more celestial bodies you add to the system,
01:18:20the more difficult it becomes.
01:18:22The orbits grow unstable.
01:18:24It's gonna be as chaotic as can be.
01:18:27In stellar mechanics,
01:18:29it's called the three-body problem.
01:18:31It says that it's very difficult
01:18:33to predict the orbits of bodies in such systems.
01:18:36In most cases, they turn out to be very random and unique.
01:18:41Isaac Newton was the first to have noticed it.
01:18:44He tried to apply his gravitational discoveries
01:18:46to the Earth, the moon, and the sun.
01:18:49He found himself with quite a struggle.
01:18:51It wasn't easy to understand how three stellar objects
01:18:54orbit so stably around each other.
01:18:57And that's just a planet and a satellite.
01:18:59How about including several stars?
01:19:02I wouldn't envy those who will have to calculate all this.
01:19:05Oh, right, it's me.
01:19:08Anyway, we know that triple star systems
01:19:11are ridiculously chaotic.
01:19:13But what about systems with more stars?
01:19:16They're very, very rare.
01:19:18In 2021, NASA discovered a star system
01:19:22of as many as six stars.
01:19:24That's just crazy.
01:19:25Of course, there are no planets in it, but who knows?
01:19:29Maybe one day we'll find such a system too.
01:19:32In such worlds, the gravity dance is very complex.
01:19:36It takes very specific conditions
01:19:38to hold everything together.
01:19:39It's like walking on a tightrope over an abyss.
01:19:43With all this in mind, let's try to imagine
01:19:46what would happen if the sun suddenly turned
01:19:48into several small stars.
01:19:50Oh, we're going to need a very detailed simulation.
01:19:54No, probably even a dozen simulations
01:19:57to make this thing work,
01:19:58because otherwise we'd only have a few options.
01:20:02Option one, we divide the sun into five to 10 tiny suns.
01:20:07Now we'll scatter these guys not far from each other.
01:20:10They'll destroy our system in a couple of hours.
01:20:13Yeah, all star systems, including ours,
01:20:17are in constant motion across the universe.
01:20:19So they'll crash into each other almost immediately.
01:20:23This collision will lead to the creation of a supernova.
01:20:26Our system will turn into a beautiful, colorful nebula.
01:20:30For us, it will happen in just a couple of minutes.
01:20:33We won't even have time to feel anything.
01:20:35And all the planets in the X solar system
01:20:38will immediately turn into sparkling space dust.
01:20:41Um, but it's not the best option for us, right?
01:20:45Let's see if it can go any other way.
01:20:48Option two, since they can't be located
01:20:51so close to each other,
01:20:53let's try to set them as far away as possible.
01:20:55And in this case, they'll just leave, buh-bye.
01:20:59Their gravitational force is too weak
01:21:01to hold everything together.
01:21:03The little suns will simply leave the solar system,
01:21:06flying into space in random directions.
01:21:09After that, the rest of the planets
01:21:11will descend from their orbits,
01:21:13including poor little us, of course.
01:21:15We'll become a so-called rogue planet.
01:21:18At first, we won't even realize
01:21:20that the planet has gone out of orbit,
01:21:22and we won't have time to do anything
01:21:23before it gets incredibly cold.
01:21:26What a sad and poetic end.
01:21:28In general, none of these outcomes sounds very fun.
01:21:33Oh, all right, we still have the last option.
01:21:36Our main problem is that we make
01:21:38each of these little stars the same mass.
01:21:41But just take a look at all these multi-star systems
01:21:44that we've already discovered.
01:21:46You'll see that none of them look like
01:21:48a bunch of glowing balls together.
01:21:50Instead, there are a couple of large stars there,
01:21:53and the rest, the small ones, are orbiting around them.
01:21:56So how about two large stars and two small ones?
01:22:00What will the Earth look like then?
01:22:02Well, its orbit will become terribly unstable.
01:22:07We'll shake back and forth.
01:22:09Wouldn't recommend it, honestly.
01:22:11We know what this can lead to,
01:22:12because, and that's just crazy,
01:22:14this has already happened to us once.
01:22:17Yes, about 70,000 years ago,
01:22:20a lone star visited our solar system.
01:22:23It was a red dwarf called Scholz.
01:22:25A red dwarf is a very small and cold star,
01:22:28if you count 14,000 degrees Fahrenheit as cold, of course.
01:22:32But it's considered the weakest and coldest type of star,
01:22:36so it probably didn't look that big and bright in the sky.
01:22:40At that time, our ancestors, Homo sapiens,
01:22:43were already there living their lives.
01:22:45And can you imagine?
01:22:47They saw another star in the sky approaching the sun.
01:22:50I wonder what that looked like.
01:22:53And then Scholz bypassed the sun
01:22:55and flew somewhere further to surf space.
01:22:58You weren't expecting some kind of disaster, were you?
01:23:01If it had happened, you wouldn't have had a chance
01:23:03to watch this video right now.
01:23:05But from this story, we can see what happens to the Earth
01:23:09during such stellar events.
01:23:10At that time, a huge amount of volcanic activity
01:23:13unfolded on our planet.
01:23:15We also got some meteor showers that almost wiped us out.
01:23:19Our ancestors sure had it rough.
01:23:21Something similar will happen
01:23:23on our hypothetical planet with four suns,
01:23:26but on a much greater scale.
01:23:28Constant volcanic activity, earthquakes, and tsunamis.
01:23:35In addition, the length of a day will change,
01:23:38as well as the length of all seasons,
01:23:40and a year as a whole.
01:23:42They won't be stable anymore
01:23:43due to the regular changes in gravitation.
01:23:46In other words, you'll never know when to expect
01:23:49an annual winter or hot summer.
01:23:51And when we are precisely in the middle between two stars,
01:23:54there won't be any nights at all.
01:23:57They'll illuminate both parts of our planet,
01:23:59and we'll have to sleep in bright sunlight.
01:24:02And if you think this is a bad thing,
01:24:04keep in mind that we'll also be attacked
01:24:07by much more ultraviolet rays and solar winds
01:24:10because of our four suns.
01:24:12Their color will also change.
01:24:14They'll become red dwarfs,
01:24:16looking distinctly orange scarlet in the sky.
01:24:19We'll also get many more solar eclipses,
01:24:22except instead of the moon,
01:24:24the sun would be eclipsed by another sun.
01:24:27It would probably just get a little darker.
01:24:31To be honest, it's unlikely that anything
01:24:33would survive on Earth after all this.
01:24:36I mean, it is possible,
01:24:37but please run a hundred simulations yourself
01:24:40if you wanna make sure.
01:24:42But theoretically,
01:24:43we could survive in a simple binary star system.
01:24:46For example, in one that consists
01:24:48of two stars close to each other.
01:24:50Each of them would have to be two times smaller
01:24:52than our sun.
01:24:54That would be the perfect scenario.
01:24:56And it's quite possible in the future.
01:24:59NASA is currently working on a plan
01:25:01to relocate our descendants to Proxima Centauri B.
01:25:05That's a planet near the closest star system to our sun,
01:25:08Alpha Centauri.
01:25:10And who knows?
01:25:11Maybe one day in the future,
01:25:13we'll really move there.
01:25:14Then we'll see what it's like to live with several suns.
01:25:20Wow, what's going on?
01:25:21Everything seems to be moving so fast.
01:25:24You're going through a wormhole of some kind
01:25:26and can't stop.
01:25:27You're moving faster and faster
01:25:29until you see the light at the end.
01:25:31Suddenly, it's all black.
01:25:34You wake up after a few seconds in a pixelated world.
01:25:37You're in some kind of forest
01:25:39surrounded by giant trees and rocks.
01:25:41You get up and look around you.
01:25:43There's wind, but you can't feel it on your skin.
01:25:47You look at your hands and see that you're wearing gauntlets.
01:25:50There's a button on your left hand that shows your avatar.
01:25:53You click it and you see yourself protected
01:25:55with a full outfit and stats.
01:25:58Looks like you're wearing a rogue desert outfit
01:26:00with a shawl covering your face.
01:26:03There's an option that shows a selection of skins.
01:26:06You go through them and see a bunch of wacky clothes
01:26:09for all occasions and scenarios.
01:26:11You realize that the outfit you're wearing
01:26:13doesn't match the environment,
01:26:15so you select something suitable,
01:26:17a robe with a hood to cover your hair.
01:26:20After changing your skin,
01:26:22you walk around the area
01:26:23and try to see if there's anyone around.
01:26:25You hear some noise coming from
01:26:27what appears to be a small village.
01:26:29You head over there and start walking among the crowd.
01:26:33You can see everyone's profile and stats
01:26:35through your avatar.
01:26:36You get a notification.
01:26:40You enrolled in an experimental program
01:26:42to be in this virtual world for 365 days.
01:26:46After completing the experiment,
01:26:48they reward you with $5 million
01:26:50if you find the secret treasure.
01:26:52According to the organizers,
01:26:54it will take a year to find it.
01:26:56The clock starts ticking.
01:26:57The first 10 people who find the treasure
01:26:59will win the prize.
01:27:01You approach different kiosks
01:27:03to try and find a way to interact,
01:27:05but nothing is working.
01:27:07After walking for a while,
01:27:09you get a notification
01:27:10that someone from the experiment is nearby.
01:27:13They're not too far on the map,
01:27:15but it doesn't tell you who they are
01:27:17or what they look like.
01:27:19You approach the character
01:27:20and see that it's a female Madge
01:27:22dressed in a flashy way.
01:27:24Before you say anything,
01:27:26she tells you that every conversation is recorded,
01:27:29so you have to be careful.
01:27:31She shows you some features that you missed.
01:27:34She has the option to transport you
01:27:35to other metaverses.
01:27:37She opens a portal
01:27:38and takes you to a randomly generated reality
01:27:41through a wormhole
01:27:42similar to the one you went through
01:27:44on your way here.
01:27:45You close your eyes
01:27:46and wake up in some empty city.
01:27:49It's raining heavily.
01:27:51You get a notification
01:27:52that you're in an unknown area of the metaverse.
01:27:55You change your clothes
01:27:56to blend in with the environment
01:27:58and snoop around.
01:27:59You get to the town square
01:28:01and see that this place
01:28:02is on the dark side of the metaverse.
01:28:05The girl took you off course
01:28:06to delay you from finding the treasure.
01:28:09You can't find the girl who took you here,
01:28:11and for some reason,
01:28:12you can't transport to another metaverse.
01:28:15Another notification pops up
01:28:17showing you that two more people
01:28:19from the experiment are nearby.
01:28:21You start walking,
01:28:22keeping your head to the ground.
01:28:24You bump into someone from the experiment
01:28:26looking like a giant lizard.
01:28:29He interacts with you
01:28:30and tells you that this place isn't safe
01:28:32and you should go with him.
01:28:34Your gut feeling tells you not to trust him.
01:28:37He takes you to a back alley
01:28:39and you immediately realize
01:28:40that something isn't right.
01:28:42After repeatedly tapping on the button,
01:28:44you're taken to a futuristic-looking city
01:28:46with thousands of users.
01:28:48Your costume draws a lot of attention,
01:28:50so you immediately change
01:28:52into something modern to blend in.
01:28:54You explore the city
01:28:55and see many familiar brands
01:28:57from the real world.
01:28:59The metaverse earns income
01:29:00through innovative advertising,
01:29:02which targets users
01:29:03who have similar interests.
01:29:05Many of these ads show products
01:29:07that you can buy in this virtual world
01:29:09and use them.
01:29:10You check your balance
01:29:11and see that you have enough crypto coins
01:29:13to buy plenty of things.
01:29:15But the experiment only provides you
01:29:17with a certain quota per day.
01:29:19If you violate any terms or rules,
01:29:21then your quota will be reduced.
01:29:23And just like in the real world,
01:29:25you need currency to survive in the metaverse.
01:29:29You don't need food or water here.
01:29:31In this world,
01:29:32they want you to buy advertised items
01:29:34to progress.
01:29:35You find out that there are other people
01:29:37in the experiment
01:29:38attending an exclusive party
01:29:40with some celebrities.
01:29:41But the only way to get inside
01:29:43is to buy a special pair of shoes as NFTs.
01:29:47These are non-fungible tokens
01:29:49that determine you
01:29:50as the real owner of this item,
01:29:52even though there might be
01:29:53plenty of them around.
01:29:54They're registered to your name
01:29:56in the public domain.
01:29:57The big problem is that they cost a lot.
01:30:00You can't wait until your quota increases,
01:30:03so you find a creative way to enter.
01:30:05After a while,
01:30:06you see someone who is about to attend the party
01:30:09and engage with him.
01:30:10He accepts,
01:30:11and you propose trading one of your valuable skins
01:30:14for his shoes.
01:30:16After negotiating,
01:30:17he finally agrees,
01:30:18and you get the shoes to enter.
01:30:21You're automatically accepted
01:30:22and try to mingle.
01:30:24The theme of the party is hip-hop,
01:30:26so you change skins for the occasion
01:30:28and try to find more people like you.
01:30:31No luck.
01:30:32You find an ornament,
01:30:33which is your first clue
01:30:34to getting closer to the prize.
01:30:37The people at the party notice
01:30:38that you're in the experiment
01:30:40and try to kick you out.
01:30:42But after dodging the security,
01:30:44you grab the ornament and break into safety.
01:30:47The ornament reads that for the next few months,
01:30:50you'll have to visit the four corners of the Earth.
01:30:53You just can't jump into any metaverse randomly.
01:30:56It has to be adjacent ones.
01:30:58So, one by one,
01:31:00you head to different parts of the metaverse
01:31:02to search for clues collecting precious NFTs
01:31:05and trading them with random users
01:31:07to unlock other places.
01:31:09You visit places from scorching deserts
01:31:12to candy lands
01:31:13and everything else in between.
01:31:16A few months later,
01:31:17you finally complete the quest for the ornament.
01:31:20You're in the final spot,
01:31:21which is a sky town in the clouds.
01:31:24Everything is powered by the wind and giant birds.
01:31:28You get a notification of a clue that reads,
01:31:31you're closer to the prize.
01:31:32You have to cross the threshold of reality
01:31:35to find the treasure.
01:31:37You scratch your head in confusion,
01:31:39trying to understand what it could mean.
01:31:41Suddenly, you see the girl
01:31:43who took you to the dangerous metaverse town.
01:31:46She is one of the few people
01:31:47who reached as far as you did.
01:31:49She then disappears into the crowd.
01:31:52You can't let her beat you.
01:31:54So you start chasing her.
01:31:56You can spot her running through the crowd.
01:31:58You get caught up with some people
01:32:00who initiate a conversation with you.
01:32:02She gets on a giant eagle and flies away.
01:32:06You spend the next couple of months
01:32:07trying to figure out where to go.
01:32:10You revisit some of the old places
01:32:12to see if you missed out on anything.
01:32:14Only a month left until the experiment ends.
01:32:17Then you realize that you've been doing it wrong
01:32:20the whole time.
01:32:22You teleport to a random location
01:32:24and get into the wormhole.
01:32:27Now you're on the threshold of reality.
01:32:30So while you're floating through space,
01:32:32you stop the teleportation halfway
01:32:34and freeze there.
01:32:36You open your stats
01:32:37and see that you can't access anything
01:32:40except one hidden button.
01:32:42You've canceled many trips halfway,
01:32:44but this option wasn't available before.
01:32:46You click it and find yourself in the land
01:32:49between reality and virtual space.
01:32:51You're in the Limboverse.
01:32:54Everything here seems so real.
01:32:56You can even smell and feel objects and temperatures.
01:32:59But the landscape is flipping
01:33:01and you're trying to jump across
01:33:03the floating marble tiles to reach the diamond.
01:33:06There's a fire underneath you.
01:33:08You try to remember that this isn't real
01:33:10and nothing will happen.
01:33:12You jump across until you finally reach the end.
01:33:15The virtual space starts glitching
01:33:17as you approach the diamond.
01:33:19You grab it and add it to your inventory.
01:33:22You read a message, the treasure is in you.
01:33:25A secret menu opens
01:33:27and reveals the $5 million in your bank account
01:33:30and a sign out option.
01:33:32You tap on it.
01:33:33Another wormhole takes you back to reality.
01:33:37You take off your VR glasses
01:33:39and see your bank account filled with the prize money.
01:33:42You look around and notice the rest of the volunteers
01:33:44still in the game.
01:33:46After checking the time,
01:33:47you find out that you were in the metaverse
01:33:49for only 12 hours,
01:33:51even though it felt like a year out there.
01:33:56Is it possible to put out the sun?
01:33:59For example, what would happen
01:34:01if we poured all of the Earth's oceans on it
01:34:04or even more water?
01:34:06Well, let's find out.
01:34:08The universe is a place full of mysteries.
01:34:11Since ancient times,
01:34:12scientists have been arguing about how space works,
01:34:16but none of us has ever doubted the existence of one thing,
01:34:20the sun.
01:34:21Ah, the center of our solar system.
01:34:24It's big, bright, and immortal?
01:34:26Nah, not really.
01:34:28Actually, the sun is just an ordinary star.
01:34:31It consists of 75% hydrogen,
01:34:34a little helium,
01:34:35and a pinch of other heavy elements.
01:34:38Gravity holds it all together.
01:34:40But in around 5 billion years,
01:34:42the life cycle of the sun will come to an end.
01:34:45The hydrogen inside it will run out.
01:34:48Our star will begin to grow gradually,
01:34:50and you can't even imagine just how big it will become.
01:34:54And then it will start eating all the nearby planets.
01:34:58That's when we'll regret being so close to it.
01:35:00After eating us all,
01:35:02the star will remain a red giant
01:35:04for another billion years or so.
01:35:06And then, sooner or later,
01:35:08it will begin to shrink and fade,
01:35:10turning into a white dwarf.
01:35:12In the end, nothing will remain of it
01:35:14but a bright and colorful planetary nebula.
01:35:17But don't get scared.
01:35:19Right now, the sun is in the middle of its life cycle.
01:35:21It was born about 4.5 billion years ago
01:35:24and about the same amount of time remains.
01:35:27Fortunately, we were born during the star's best
01:35:29and most stable period.
01:35:31In other words, there's no reason to worry.
01:35:34So let's find one.
01:35:37How about speeding up the sun's life cycle
01:35:39with the help of water?
01:35:41We'll try to collect all the water on Earth
01:35:44and pour it onto the sun.
01:35:46First, we'll need a bucket.
01:35:47No, not this one.
01:35:48We'll need a really, really big bucket.
01:35:51The one that can contain
01:35:52around 326 million cubic miles of water.
01:35:57It will be equal in size
01:35:58to the distance from Washington to Chicago.
01:36:01Or if we can only find ordinary buckets,
01:36:04there should be around 70 quintillion of them.
01:36:07This is a number with 18 zeros.
01:36:11Okay, imagine that we magically got that many buckets.
01:36:14It's time to put out the sun.
01:36:16We splash the star with all this water and nothing?
01:36:21Oh, just look at this.
01:36:22The sun has probably felt sorry for us
01:36:24and produced one little solar flare.
01:36:28It turns out that all water on Earth
01:36:30is actually just a pathetic drop for the sun.
01:36:33People often underestimate
01:36:35how much bigger the sun really is than our planet.
01:36:38In reality, it can fit more than 1,003,000 Earths.
01:36:43So yes, the sun won't go out or even get colder.
01:36:47It won't even notice that we've done something.
01:36:48But let's not give up.
01:36:50We really want the sun to go out for some reason.
01:36:52What happens if we pour just enough water on it?
01:36:55And how much is this enough?
01:36:58Remember our quintillions of buckets?
01:37:00Well, we actually need about 370 octillions of them.
01:37:05This number has 27 zeros.
01:37:08It's hard to even imagine.
01:37:09So let's just say that it's a lot of water.
01:37:12Now, let's splash it all over the sun again.
01:37:15Wow, just look at the steam.
01:37:17But the sun hasn't gone out again.
01:37:19On the contrary, it said thank you
01:37:21and suddenly became much bigger and brighter.
01:37:23What's happening?
01:37:25You see, the sun isn't actually a campfire.
01:37:28Inside bonfires, candle flames,
01:37:31there's a chemical combustion.
01:37:32When we pour water on the fire,
01:37:34the water absorbs the heat of the flame
01:37:36and cools it to such an extent
01:37:38that it can no longer maintain the burning reaction.
01:37:41It also blocks the fire's access to oxygen.
01:37:44Water basically stops the chemical process.
01:37:47But the burning of the sun isn't the same reaction.
01:37:50Even though we say it burns, it's not entirely true.
01:37:54What happens there is called nuclear fusion.
01:37:57It's one of the most violent
01:37:59and craziest reactions in the universe.
01:38:02There are many layers of hydrogen going deep into the sun.
01:38:07If you take four hydrogen atoms and ram them together,
01:38:09you're left with an atom of helium.
01:38:12When we talk about the sun,
01:38:13the process is a little more complicated.
01:38:16When the star tries to carry out that fusion,
01:38:19positive protons repel each other.
01:38:21It takes a lot of force and energy
01:38:24to somehow squeeze them together.
01:38:27Fortunately, there's a magical force in space.
01:38:29It's gravity.
01:38:31The sun takes up 99.8% of all the mass of the solar system.
01:38:36Pretty heavy, right?
01:38:37And all this mass is what holds the sun together
01:38:40with the help of an incredible gravitational force.
01:38:45So gravity takes quadrillions of these little hydrogen atoms
01:38:48and pushes them together every second of every day.
01:38:52And when they collide, they release some energy.
01:38:54So unlike fire, the sun doesn't need oxygen to live.
01:38:59It needs hydrogen.
01:39:01And we all know that water is H2O.
01:39:04It consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
01:39:07So this is literally fuel for the sun.
01:39:10It's like trying to put out a fire with gasoline.
01:39:13More importantly, the extra mass added by water
01:39:16will make the sun heavier.
01:39:18Now gravity says, thank you for your help.
01:39:21And then it starts to collide protons
01:39:23with each other even faster.
01:39:25And thanks to this, the synthesis speeds up.
01:39:29Great, we've made the sun incredibly strong
01:39:31and now it has eaten us,
01:39:33along with other nearby planets.
01:39:35And if we keep adding water,
01:39:37the sun will sooner or later collapse in on itself.
01:39:41It will blow off its outer layers and become a black hole.
01:39:46Now it will pull inside absolutely everything around.
01:39:49Good job, guys.
01:39:51Let's press rewind because clearly
01:39:53our water experiment was a mistake.
01:39:55One small solar flare sounds much better.
01:39:58All right, we're back to our usual calm sun.
01:40:01But it seems like there's something that we've forgotten.
01:40:06Well, apparently water was critically important
01:40:09for life on Earth.
01:40:10Who would have thought?
01:40:12Now there's a huge amount of unmoving fish
01:40:14and other marine creatures lying around
01:40:16where the oceans used to be.
01:40:18Poor things.
01:40:20As for deep sea creatures,
01:40:21they simply didn't withstand
01:40:23such a sharp change in pressure.
01:40:25Algae and corals have also dried up.
01:40:28Wait a minute, weren't they responsible
01:40:30for producing 50 to 80% of the world's oxygen?
01:40:33Oops, it's time to put on some oxygen masks.
01:40:37And how are things on dry land?
01:40:39I mean, now everything is just land.
01:40:42But you get the point.
01:40:43Wow, this whole place is lit.
01:40:45And I mean it literally.
01:40:47If there are no oceans,
01:40:48then there are no clouds or rain.
01:40:51Now there are forest fires everywhere.
01:40:53Poor animals have to escape and leave their homes.
01:40:56Oh my.
01:40:58And it's not like they'll be able to find a new home
01:41:00because all plants, of course, will dry up quickly.
01:41:03There will be literally no place
01:41:05for living left on the planet.
01:41:06So now Earth looks like a giant desert.
01:41:10But people have been living in deserts
01:41:11for thousands of years, right?
01:41:13Maybe they'll know what to do.
01:41:15They won't.
01:41:16After all, people in the desert also need to drink.
01:41:19So now there's total chaos everywhere
01:41:22and survivors fight for the last drops of water.
01:41:25If there are any survivors at all.
01:41:27In fact, no matter how much they fight for resources,
01:41:30their fate is sealed.
01:41:32The ocean absorbs a huge amount of CO2
01:41:36and the heat coming from the sun.
01:41:37They also distribute this heat throughout the planet,
01:41:40making it pleasant to live on.
01:41:42But once they're gone,
01:41:43the temperatures will quickly jump
01:41:45to 250 degrees Fahrenheit and above.
01:41:49But even if we forget about the high temperatures,
01:41:51now we have no clouds.
01:41:53And they helped us too
01:41:54by not letting through solar radiation.
01:41:57So we're also under the direct impact of the sun's rays.
01:42:01Our last hope is icebergs.
01:42:03Now that everything is terribly hot, they've melted.
01:42:06And maybe they'll be the last hope for humanity.
01:42:09But that cool solar flare was definitely worth it.
01:42:13Silly humans.
01:42:16It's one of the most intriguing locations in the world.
01:42:20Covered in darkness and miles underwater,
01:42:23this extreme environment is home
01:42:25to some unusual creatures and phenomena.
01:42:28It's called the Mariana Trench,
01:42:30and it's the deepest oceanic trench on Earth.
01:42:33No wonder it's been so difficult to explore.
01:42:36Because of the risky conditions,
01:42:37people aren't able to explore this location
01:42:40without proper equipment.
01:42:41But what would happen if we threw a steel ball down there?
01:42:46Let's start with some basics.
01:42:48How did they first discover
01:42:49this enormously deep hole in the ocean?
01:42:52HMS Challenger identified it back in 1875.
01:42:56The ship had some pretty fancy sounding equipment
01:42:58for its time, but it wasn't nearly good enough
01:43:00to be able to fully explore the trench.
01:43:03Some decades later, in 1951, another ship,
01:43:07the HMS Challenger II,
01:43:09came back to the location better equipped.
01:43:11The vessel featured an echo sounder
01:43:14and was able to take accurate measurements
01:43:16of what seemed to be the deepest point
01:43:18on the surface of our planet.
01:43:20If you were to look at it in 2D,
01:43:23you'd see the trench measures 1,500 miles in length
01:43:25and 43 miles in width on average.
01:43:28It also looks sort of like a crescent-shaped scar
01:43:31when you observe it from above.
01:43:33Nothing out of the ordinary so far, right?
01:43:35Well, if you were to stretch a wire
01:43:37from the surface of the ocean
01:43:39to the trench's deepest point,
01:43:41it would measure a staggering seven miles.
01:43:44If we were able to physically move Mount Everest,
01:43:46which is the Earth's tallest mountain,
01:43:48to cover the Mariana Trench,
01:43:50it still wouldn't be enough,
01:43:51falling short by about a mile.
01:43:55Because the Mariana Trench is so deep,
01:43:57it's almost completely covered in darkness
01:44:00as light can barely get through
01:44:02to such extreme distances underwater.
01:44:04The temperature isn't any friendlier either,
01:44:07just a few degrees above freezing.
01:44:09But the most dangerous feature of them all
01:44:11is the water pressure.
01:44:13Right at the deepest point of the trench,
01:44:15the amount of pressure is about 1,000 times higher
01:44:18than the standard atmospheric pressure.
01:44:22Not a lot of people ever attempted to descend
01:44:25into the Mariana Trench.
01:44:26In fact, the first organized attempt
01:44:29took place more than 60 years ago.
01:44:31It was done by Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh
01:44:34in a submersible.
01:44:36They only spent about five hours on their descent
01:44:39and a mere 20 minutes at the bottom.
01:44:42Alas, they weren't able to take any pictures.
01:44:44Until these two scientists were able to descend,
01:44:47specialists believed there was little to no chance
01:44:50that life could exist down there given the conditions,
01:44:53most notably the extreme pressure.
01:44:55But while at the bottom,
01:44:57the submersible's floodlight caught sight of a creature.
01:45:00It was a very flat one indeed.
01:45:04As you can imagine, resources here are very scarce.
01:45:07What kind of creatures live down here?
01:45:09And how do they survive given the harsh environment?
01:45:12Surprisingly, there is quite an abundance of wildlife
01:45:16living in the Mariana Trench.
01:45:18Some of these creatures fall back on chemicals to survive,
01:45:21like methane or sulfur,
01:45:23while other kinds of fish nibble at the marine life
01:45:25that's, well, weaker than them on the food chain.
01:45:28The most common creatures found here are xenophiophores,
01:45:32amphipods, and small sea cucumbers.
01:45:37Some of them adapted by hardening up their shell
01:45:39using aluminum harnessed from the seawater.
01:45:42Smaller creatures, like microbes,
01:45:44adapted by feeding on the chemicals emitted
01:45:47when the seawater hits the underwater rocks.
01:45:50They consider the Mariana snailfish
01:45:52the rock star of the area in terms of wildlife.
01:45:55They're small, ranging from three to nine inches,
01:45:58translucent, and lacking any scales.
01:46:00But they're the top beast of prey in the area.
01:46:05It's no wonder some people started to believe
01:46:07that the ancient megalodon might still be living here.
01:46:10What was a megalodon, you might be wondering?
01:46:12It was the largest predator ever known
01:46:15in our planet's history,
01:46:16basically the biggest and nastiest shark ever to have lived.
01:46:20Scientists believe it's been extinct for quite some time,
01:46:23and the idea that it might still be hiding
01:46:25in the Mariana Trench
01:46:27doesn't have a lot of supporting information.
01:46:29The megalodon would have needed to learn
01:46:31to navigate in complete darkness.
01:46:33It would either have to be bioluminescent
01:46:35or evolve to have massive eyes.
01:46:38More so, because of its school bus-like size,
01:46:40the megalodon would have needed a lot to eat.
01:46:43Microbes and small snailfish
01:46:45just wouldn't have done the trick.
01:46:48If a steel ball were to be dropped in the trench,
01:46:51what would be its effect on it?
01:46:52Would the ball be strong enough to sustain such pressure?
01:46:55Let's look at the science here.
01:46:58If we assume it's a solid steel ball,
01:47:01the pressure found at the bottom of the trench
01:47:03wouldn't be enough to really affect it
01:47:04and cause permanent damage.
01:47:06It would take it a solid 12 minutes
01:47:08to reach the bottom of the ocean, though.
01:47:12What about the temperature?
01:47:13Well, it turns out that the difference in temperature
01:47:16on the surface and at the bottom of the trench
01:47:18is quite impressive,
01:47:19a difference of about 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
01:47:23So, it would cause the ball to shrink a bit,
01:47:26but yet again, once the ball returns to the surface,
01:47:29it would simply come back to normal.
01:47:33Should the ball get stuck there,
01:47:34there's another interesting question to answer.
01:47:37Would corrosion affect it?
01:47:39Corrosion of steel is highly dependent
01:47:41on the amount of oxygen in the water.
01:47:43The amount of oxygen dissolved in water
01:47:45remains constant at depths greater than three miles.
01:47:48I'll spare you the math,
01:47:50but it would take more than 10,000 years
01:47:52for the steel ball to completely rust under the sea.
01:47:57I can't help but wonder, though,
01:47:59what would it take us humans
01:48:00to be able to survive at such extreme depths?
01:48:03Let's look at what was used in the past
01:48:05to explore this mysterious location.
01:48:09The first thing we would need
01:48:10is something called syntactic foam.
01:48:13Because it's the only material
01:48:15that can both float and resist
01:48:17the amount of pressure found here.
01:48:19Without this sort of protection,
01:48:20our lungs would rapidly collapse here.
01:48:23More so, the pressure from the water
01:48:25would push liquid into our mouths,
01:48:27replacing the much-needed oxygen with water.
01:48:31Then, there would be the much-needed ability
01:48:34to be able to come back to the surface
01:48:36should anything not go as planned.
01:48:39The ship that went for a deep dive here
01:48:41had 1,000-pound steel weights attached to it
01:48:44so it would ensure its sinkage.
01:48:46These weights were connected to the ship
01:48:48by a special type of wire
01:48:49that had an increased corroding time
01:48:51of 11 to 13 hours in seawater,
01:48:54just in case something went wrong down there,
01:48:56and they'd have to bounce back faster.
01:48:59Given the harsh conditions here,
01:49:01the problem of oxygen supply is really important, too.
01:49:05Any vessel looking to descend
01:49:07would need to consider some sort of device
01:49:09that can recycle the air
01:49:11in order to reduce the amount of oxygen
01:49:13that needs to be transported down there.
01:49:16And the last, but definitely not the least,
01:49:18of all problems would be electricity.
01:49:21There surely isn't a power socket down there
01:49:23for you to charge your phone,
01:49:24so there needs to be enough battery life
01:49:27to support all the necessary equipment,
01:49:29communication, oxygen supply,
01:49:31lighting devices, and so on.
01:49:34None of these problems
01:49:35seem to be quite the challenge anymore,
01:49:37since, as of recently,
01:49:39you can buy a tour of the Mariana Trench.
01:49:42Three lucky individuals were part of such a project
01:49:44back in 2020.
01:49:47They were submerged in a 3.5-inch-thick titanium sphere.
01:49:51This ensured that they didn't feel any pressure changes
01:49:54and physiological stresses whatsoever.
01:49:56Each of the guests took part in an individual trip
01:49:59that had an estimated length of about 14 hours.
01:50:02The descent itself took over four hours.
01:50:05Once they reached the bottom,
01:50:07they got the chance to witness
01:50:08some of the most extraordinary creatures on the planet.
01:50:11Then it was time to start the four-hour ascent
01:50:14back to the surface.
01:50:16You can feel the waves brushing up against you.
01:50:19You wake up and see that you're a giant
01:50:22standing up on two feet in the sea.
01:50:25So much water starts dripping down like rain.
01:50:29You're way taller than the Statue of Liberty.
01:50:32You look at your hands
01:50:33and compare them to a small hot dog stand below you.
01:50:37You pick it up and fit it on the palm of your hand
01:50:40before crushing it by accident.
01:50:43Suddenly, you feel a slight sting on your ankle.
01:50:46You look down and see that some people are shoving you away,
01:50:50while most people are running away in fear.
01:50:53Some are taking pictures of you,
01:50:55while others are shouting at you to go away.
01:50:58You take a step to the main road
01:51:00and crush a car with no one inside.
01:51:03The people below you disperse like ants.
01:51:06You walk further into the city
01:51:08and notice there's a huge wall
01:51:10surrounding the rest of the city.
01:51:12You walk towards the city,
01:51:14crushing everything below you on your way.
01:51:17You see other giants stand up on the horizon near the sea
01:51:21and walk toward the barricaded city.
01:51:24Something is calling all of you to go there.
01:51:27Many people stand on the wall and sound the alarm.
01:51:31More people join them to defend the wall.
01:51:33Others evacuate and hide in tiny holes.
01:51:37You notice some of the giants have very odd features
01:51:41and disproportionate limbs.
01:51:43Some are walking on all fours,
01:51:45while some have really long arms that can reach anything.
01:51:49You move a bit
01:51:50when you accidentally almost step on someone.
01:51:54She stands still.
01:51:55You pick her up and put her on your eye level.
01:51:58Both of you are maintaining eye contact.
01:52:01You place her on your shoulder
01:52:03while the other giants walk past you towards the city.
01:52:07They push and shove you while you're standing still.
01:52:10They break through the wall without any effort
01:52:13and ruin the city.
01:52:15For some reason, you snap out of this trance
01:52:18that was drawing you to the city.
01:52:20You turn around and head back to the sea
01:52:23with the woman still on your shoulder.
01:52:25You reach the deepest end of the sea
01:52:27and are still walking.
01:52:29The woman is scared and doesn't know what to do.
01:52:32You place her on a small island and stare at her.
01:52:36She can't see the sun because your head is in the way.
01:52:40For a while, you leave her there while you bask in the sun,
01:52:44trying to make sense of why you're on this planet
01:52:47and what made you want to save this woman.
01:52:50Nighttime comes and you're feeling sleepy.
01:52:53The woman falls asleep under a tree.
01:52:55You stand still while the waves rock you back and forth.
01:52:59Suddenly, the waves get rougher
01:53:02and you feel something moving in the water.
01:53:04You look around, but it's too dark to see what's going on.
01:53:08You quickly pick up the woman
01:53:10and place her on your shoulder.
01:53:12She wakes up.
01:53:13You see the giants swimming and walking towards you,
01:53:18They start chasing you, trying to catch up with you.
01:53:21You walk as fast as you can,
01:53:23disturbing the water and breaking the ocean floor.
01:53:27You see a cargo ship in front of you
01:53:29and move it aside carefully not to damage it.
01:53:33But the giants chasing after you
01:53:34don't seem to care about the ship
01:53:37and sink it while trying to get to you.
01:53:40You feel you've reached shallower grounds
01:53:42and so you start running.
01:53:44You're in a new country that's been leveled by the giants.
01:53:48The buildings are completely flat
01:53:50and the debris is scattered like small breadcrumbs.
01:53:54In the distance, you can see some more giants
01:53:57waking up by the beach and staring at you.
01:54:00They can smell the human on your shoulder
01:54:03and start chasing you.
01:54:05They're also strange looking and have unusual features.
01:54:09There's no place to hide in the open,
01:54:11so you head to the mountains.
01:54:14Over there, you can hide in the valley
01:54:16near a large waterfall.
01:54:18You notice that your skin starts changing color
01:54:21and you blend in with the environment.
01:54:24Every giant has a unique feature for them to discover.
01:54:27Apparently, yours is changing your skin color.
01:54:31The woman on your shoulder is asleep.
01:54:33You look at her and start feeling a sense of sympathy,
01:54:37like looking at a pet.
01:54:39You're not the same as the other giants.
01:54:41You don't crave destruction,
01:54:43but instead want to help humans.
01:54:46You hear some giants walking in the distance.
01:54:49You take a peek and see some new giants
01:54:51that are three times bigger than you.
01:54:54They're patrolling around looking for you
01:54:57and they're getting closer.
01:54:59You accidentally make some noise and they spot you.
01:55:02They start running after you.
01:55:04You get up and start running away.
01:55:07You're sprinting through some rough terrain.
01:55:10Some other giants jump in front of you
01:55:12while the ones chasing you stand behind you.
01:55:15You're surrounded by five giants
01:55:17that are all three times bigger than you.
01:55:20You place the woman down in a safe place
01:55:22and prepare to protect yourself.
01:55:25They try to tackle you from all sides,
01:55:27but you jump and dodge them.
01:55:29The biggest one gets his hands on you
01:55:31and tries to pin you down,
01:55:33but you slip out and push him away.
01:55:36The rest of them try to catch you,
01:55:38but you move and avoid their grasp.
01:55:40You see a steep cliff
01:55:42and head over there while they're following you.
01:55:45You have your back to the cliff
01:55:47while they're inching their way to you.
01:55:49They jump at you, but you duck down.
01:55:51They fall over the cliff and into the ocean.
01:55:55The biggest one is still there
01:55:57since it knew what you were up to.
01:55:59One-on-one, you have no chance against him.
01:56:02You can smell the woman trying to run away
01:56:05into a stampede of giants heading your way.
01:56:08Your skin color changes
01:56:10and you slip through the alpha giant
01:56:12and rush to the woman to save her.
01:56:14The alpha isn't as fast as you,
01:56:16so you can easily outrun it,
01:56:18but the stampede is about to trample her.
01:56:22You jump in front of them and catch the woman.
01:56:25The other giants are startled and angry
01:56:27because you saved the woman.
01:56:29All of the giants know about you now
01:56:31and are out to get you.
01:56:34A few days later and they seem to be off your tail.
01:56:37You're now in the middle of the desert.
01:56:39The woman is still on your shoulder.
01:56:41She built herself a small shelter
01:56:43where she could sleep without being disturbed.
01:56:46You're trying your best to get out of the desert
01:56:48since anyone can spot you.
01:56:50You're tired and are in need of water.
01:56:53You're barely carrying your feet in the sand.
01:56:56You sit down trying to keep your head up,
01:56:59but the sun is too intense.
01:57:01You're sweating a lot and it's dripping down on the woman.
01:57:05She tries to speak with you,
01:57:06but you can't understand what she's saying.
01:57:09You're getting weaker and can't move anymore.
01:57:12It's only noon, so the sun is at its peak.
01:57:15You create a shady spot for the woman with your hand
01:57:18to protect her from the burning sun.
01:57:21The day passes and the night arrives.
01:57:24You spent all day in the sun
01:57:26and are now in the desert cold.
01:57:29It's freezing.
01:57:30You cup the woman and put your other hand on top
01:57:33to create a warm dome to protect her from the cold wind.
01:57:37It's pitch dark and you don't know where you're going.
01:57:41You just keep walking
01:57:42and stepping on sand dunes everywhere you go.
01:57:46It's daytime again.
01:57:47You see a large footprint of a giant like no other.
01:57:51Looks like it's even bigger than the huge one by the cliff.
01:57:55You run away as fast as you can,
01:57:57but there's nowhere to hide.
01:57:59Suddenly, you see it standing still.
01:58:02It towers over every other giant you've ever encountered.
01:58:06It's sleeping and gaining energy from the sun.
01:58:09Some giants are accustomed to different climates and terrains.
01:58:13This one is tall,
01:58:15and it can reach the sun for more sunlight.
01:58:18You tiptoe around it, making sure not to wake it,
01:58:22but it can feel everything around it.
01:58:24It's startled and starts chasing you
01:58:27until you reach the ocean.
01:58:29He isn't a fan of water, so he stays on the surface,
01:58:32screaming at you as you swim off.
01:58:37About 8 billion inhabitants of planet Earth
01:58:40found out the same terrible news in one day.
01:58:43Someone saw it on TV.
01:58:45Others heard it on the phone while scrolling through social media
01:58:48or listening to music.
01:58:49Some witnessed this news in a dream while sleeping.
01:58:52Someone's voice said it in all languages
01:58:54to ensure everyone understood it.
01:58:57I have good news and bad news for you.
01:58:59Let's start with the bad news.
01:59:01You're all characters in YouTube videos
01:59:03in which your planet gets into a situation
01:59:05where the moon breaks in half.
01:59:07For the audience, it will be a hypothetical story,
01:59:10but for you, these events will become a reality.
01:59:13The good news is that...
01:59:15I was joking.
01:59:16There is no good news.
01:59:17But don't worry, the apocalypse won't start on your planet.
01:59:20Maybe just a little bit.
01:59:22Have a nice day!
01:59:24At first, the entire population panics.
01:59:27Then, a few days later, everyone calms down.
01:59:29Maybe it was a mass hallucination,
01:59:31and the moon will be all right.
01:59:33But at this moment, scientists have discovered the danger.
01:59:36A colossal meteorite is flying towards us
01:59:39from the distant depths of space.
01:59:41This meteorite is super fast and pretty flat,
01:59:44but has sharp edges.
01:59:46Fortunately, it will miss the Earth by a few thousand miles,
01:59:49but the moon won't be that lucky.
01:59:51The meteorite flies through our Earth's only natural satellite
01:59:55directly in the middle.
01:59:56So, it passes through the moon,
01:59:58sweeps past our planet,
02:00:00and flies away into distant space.
02:00:02At this moment, all people can't take their eyes off the moon.
02:00:07The meteorite cuts it perfectly in half,
02:00:09gently, clearly, painlessly.
02:00:12So, what shall we do now?
02:00:14Will the Earth survive this?
02:00:16Our satellite breaks into two equal parts.
02:00:19But, fortunately, they don't fly away from each other.
02:00:22The moon's great gravity attracts them back like a magnet.
02:00:25Scientists are sure that the parts will connect
02:00:27in a couple of billion years,
02:00:29and the moon will become the same as it used to be.
02:00:32But the coolest thing is that people won't feel any changes.
02:00:35Everyone around the world will celebrate this good news.
02:00:38The voice was wrong.
02:00:40But then, another problem appears.
02:00:42A massive meteorite in the form of a shoe
02:00:45is flying from the deepest space to us.
02:00:49It enters our solar system and approaches the Earth at high speed.
02:00:53The space boot crashes into one half of the moon and then flies away.
02:00:57Now, the moon is definitely breaking into two parts.
02:01:00The first half remains in the same place.
02:01:03The second one is flying towards us.
02:01:06A small meteor shower begins on Earth
02:01:08because of the falling moon fragments.
02:01:10But it's not so bad.
02:01:11Most of these rocks are burning up in the atmosphere.
02:01:14But almost the entire split-off half
02:01:16is falling apart around the orbit of our planet.
02:01:19It forms a stone belt.
02:01:23Now the Earth is like Saturn.
02:01:25Rotating fragments destroy part of our artificial satellites.
02:01:29Communication and the Internet work inconsistently.
02:01:32It takes people a couple of years to restore a stable connection.
02:01:37The International Space Station no longer exists.
02:01:40Luckily, all the astronauts managed to return to Earth
02:01:43before half the moon got to them.
02:01:45So, moon rocks are flying around the planet
02:01:48and people see half the moon in the sky.
02:01:50Life doesn't change much for the first few days.
02:01:52But those who live on the coast of the seas and oceans
02:01:55notice the consequences.
02:01:57The moon used to influence the tides.
02:01:59It was flying around the Earth and made oceans take an oval shape.
02:02:03There were tides on the side where the moon was closer.
02:02:06There were ebbs on the opposite side.
02:02:08But now this schedule is wrong.
02:02:11Half of the moon attracts less water.
02:02:13Yes, the moon lost half its weight and began approaching the Earth.
02:02:17But its gravitational force has become weaker.
02:02:22Seabirds, many species of fish, sea turtles
02:02:25and other coastal animals may not survive these changes.
02:02:29Their natural instincts associated with the moon
02:02:31help them determine the time for getting food, breeding and flying south.
02:02:37For example, tiny turtles expect a strong tide in the morning.
02:02:40They run to the water, but the water doesn't reach them.
02:02:43Turtles can't hide in the ocean in time and become dinner for seagulls.
02:02:48Crabs can't lay eggs because the tide has started earlier than usual.
02:02:52Wolves go mad in the woods.
02:02:54They howl loudly every night and can't stop.
02:02:57The whole natural world can't understand what's going on.
02:03:02The human body is also feeling some discomfort.
02:03:05Many people have low and high blood pressure
02:03:08and some experience severe headaches.
02:03:11Half of the moon changes the entire ecosystem of the planet.
02:03:14Adapting to new conditions will take several tens, maybe hundreds of years.
02:03:20A couple of weeks pass and people notice the days are now shorter.
02:03:24The moon always slowed the Earth's rotation and made one day last 24 hours.
02:03:29The Earth is spinning faster now.
02:03:32The night and the morning come earlier than everyone is used to.
02:03:37Earth rotation speed has increased and reduced the number of hours per day to 15.
02:03:42People suffer from insomnia or oversleeping.
02:03:45The body needs time to get used to it.
02:03:48Work schedules are changing all over the world.
02:03:51Previously, people came to the office at 9 and left at 6.
02:03:54Now, they arrive at 7 and leave at 2 p.m.
02:03:58Sleep time got shorter and people are really sad because of this.
02:04:04Progress slows down because the short working time.
02:04:07The technologies of the future are now 20 to 30 years late.
02:04:11Hourly pay remains the same, so bosses now pay less for fewer working hours.
02:04:16The whole moon stabilized the weather and climate on the planet.
02:04:20Look at Mars.
02:04:21It has two small moons.
02:04:23They quickly spin around it and rock Mars around on its axis.
02:04:27As a result, strong winds, sandstorms and thunderstorms often happen on the red planet.
02:04:34Now the half of the moon that approached us takes the Earth out of stable rotation.
02:04:39This changes the seasonal temperatures in the world.
02:04:41It even gets hotter in hot places.
02:04:43And snowstorms are raging in cold regions.
02:04:46There are short massive downpours instead of sunny weather.
02:04:50A typical breeze can grow into a hurricane and small waves into a tsunami.
02:04:56The seasons are changing faster now.
02:04:58Winters are colder and summers are hotter.
02:05:03Changing the rotation of the planet affects the Earth's magnetic field.
02:05:06Since the compass and navigation systems are unstable now, we need to recalculate where
02:05:11the north and south are.
02:05:14Birds can't fly south to wait out the winter since they don't know what direction to fly.
02:05:18Their inner compass is broken.
02:05:22Several hundred years have passed.
02:05:24People are entirely accustomed to the new conditions on Earth.
02:05:27New species of animals and fish have appeared.
02:05:31Birds can navigate the sky by the moon again.
02:05:33The planet's economy has been restored.
02:05:36Hourly wages have become higher.
02:05:38People now get enough sleep from 5 to 6 hours a day and work for 4 to 5 hours.
02:05:44The reduction of day and night has also affected the entertainment industry.
02:05:50Movies now last 1 hour.
02:05:52One episode of some TV series lasts 30 minutes.
02:05:55Life goes faster.
02:05:57An average person now lives to be 96 years old.
02:06:00In fact, the passage of time hasn't changed at all.
02:06:03Its calculus did.
02:06:06Several thousand years have passed.
02:06:08People look different now.
02:06:10Now they have big eyes that absorb more light.
02:06:13Half of the moon doesn't shine as bright as the whole thing.
02:06:16So the nights have become darker.
02:06:19It took the human eye a couple of thousand years to develop the ability to see clearly
02:06:23in this new dark.
02:06:26Animals need to navigate better in these conditions so their eyes have become larger and more
02:06:32During all this time, people have cleared the orbit of moon rocks.
02:06:36Several space stations fly around our planet.
02:06:39And again, people hear this strange voice that once told them that they were all characters
02:06:43in one hypothetical YouTube video.
02:06:46This time, the voice says,
02:06:47Your story ends because the video ends.
02:06:50I'm sorry.
02:06:51Good night.
02:06:52That's it for today.
02:06:54So hey, if you pacified your curiosity, then give the video a like and share it with your
02:06:59Or if you want more, just click on these videos and stay on the Bright Side!
