• last year


00:00Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team www.tombridersteam.com
00:20時空能遇見 彼岸的明天 風把陽光降落在身邊 時空能遇見 彼岸的明天 風把陽光降落在身邊
00:27不禁說離別 怎麼懂思念 用結智懷到永遠 不禁說離別 怎麼懂思念 用結智懷到永遠
00:34當螢火照亮 彼岸的明天 交換的話要多輾轉 才開出成全
00:45迎親緣卻也找到 要去的終點 突然間時空倒流 連夢都錯過步驟 也嘗嘗莫名邂逅 幻想是新的預謀
00:56就縱橫無憂無愁 看他們中間轟隆 像勝利加點溫柔 才跳進愛的結晶
01:06日落蔚藍的天空 要赤裸 黑暗的夢就不要醒來
01:19當螢火照亮 彼岸的明天 交換的話要多輾轉 才開出成全
01:30迎親緣卻也找到 要去的終點
02:00孤卿橋被老爺的手下親自押回來的 現在被重兵看管 沒有老爺的允許誰也不准去
02:18小姐 您就別蹚這趟渾水了
02:22少爺被綁 孤卿橋入獄 段譽哥哥
02:27這都亂套了 少爺一定知道那天發生了什麼事 我要去找他
02:33小姐 段小少爺還沒醒呢
02:36那我去上京寺給少爺祈福 求佛菩薩好好保佑 他快快痊癒
02:42還有 你挑些藥材和補品給段府送去 一定要挑最好的
02:51小少爺 是若一來晚了 若一會跪在這裡 直到您醒過來 如果您有三長兩短 若一自會隨您去的
03:08小少爺 先走 小少爺
03:13小少爺 若一在這呢 你不會死的 沒事了 若一不會讓你再陷入危險了 沒事了 小少爺
03:22喂 有人嗎 有沒有人 吵什麼吵啊 嚷嚷什麼呢 有完沒完啊 大哥 你們救到段少爺了嗎
03:32你看你早知如此何必當初啊 怕死你別做綁架的事啊
03:36我就想問問段少爺他現在怎麼樣了 聽說段府的人找到他了 應該沒什麼事
03:41太好了 那少爺的事 大哥 我想見一下段譽 您能幫我傳個話嗎
03:48你有完沒完啊 你知道這是哪嗎 這是官府的大牢 不是你家
03:53不是的 不是的 我和段家人可能有點誤會 您等我去跟他們說清楚了就好了 這樣也不用辛苦您在這站著了
04:01我說你都進大牢了 你說這些都沒有用 你就踏踏實實在牢裡待著 等候發落就得
04:08行行行 我都懂 電視劇裡都是這麼演的 那勞煩您去一趟清風樓 就報我的名字
04:15到時候不管要多少銀兩他們都給你 我就想見一下段譽 沒有別的要求
04:20你這個錢啊 我倒是想著 不過去清風樓這兒 我恐怕還沒那個福分 你還是老實待著吧
04:32大哥 你剛剛說的話什麼意思啊 清風樓 清風樓怎麼了
04:37是段家七先生帶的話 段家家主交代下來的 辦好了 有賞
04:42有賞 曉得明白了 放心 清風樓 清風樓怎麼了 來人 在 把他押出去 是 去哪兒 上刑
05:00找不著 為什麼綁架段家少爺 我也少抽你幾鞭子 咱們做個交換
05:07你們這是屈打成招 獨露私刑 我要割你們 段家家主有令 我們也是聽命辦事 段家家主 段 段譽知道嗎
05:21都什麼時候了 你還想著段公主啊 您現在可是綁架他侄子的人 我沒有綁架他 我們是一起被綁架的
05:29你們聽 一起被綁架的 太可笑了 那為什麼就你一個人在這受刑 頭兒 怎麼了
05:53知府大人有令 提審顧清橋今天到此為止 押後再審
05:59客官 你能不能快一點啊 行了 賬啊 你自己慢慢算 把現銀都給我裝上
06:07老爺 您要是把錢都拿走了 我們這個月的進貨和夥計們的月錢怎麼辦啊
06:12我女兒現在官府生死未卜 我得拿著錢去救命啊 以後的事我自有辦法 大不了我把宅子抵了 差不了你們錢的
06:22是 老爺
06:24官爺 各位官爺 來得正好 別愣著 快點 鄙人正準備去
06:31去哪兒啊 酷掌櫃 楊春風 你給我滾出去
06:39呸 有你這麼當掌櫃的嗎 來者都是客 我告訴你 你要這麼著 這戚風樓可真幹到頭了啊
06:47我呸 要不是你血口噴人 我女兒現在能身陷大牢 這筆賬我遲早要跟你算 咱們走著瞧
06:57好 咱們騎驢看賬本走著瞧 但是呢我今天心情好 不跟你一般見識 我今天來是有事 通知你一聲
07:06你給我屁就放 放完趕緊滾 戚風樓不歡迎你
07:11不歡迎我是嗎 我今天就要告訴你 戚風樓從此不歡迎的人是你
07:18你說什麼呢 你做夢呢嗎你
07:22杜大人都交代了 看見了吧 從現在起 這兒一個米粒都不能少 戚風樓被官府查封了
07:31查封了 這兒的一切都有可能是杜清橋勾結曼陀教的罪證 所以這兒的所有東西跟你已經沒有關係了
07:42官爺們別愣著了 趕緊動手早點完事跟杜大人覆密去啦 你一個老混蛋
07:49快 查封戚風樓 把客人都轟出去 是
07:57來 杜汝你更不像 我活的不知道有多好 我告訴你嘛 杜大人已經把這戚風樓全權交給我打理了 你放心 我肯定打理的比你好 我跟你也不一樣
08:13我告訴你 但凡你要是吃得起飯 我還是歡迎你的
08:16這一切一定是你在背後搗的鬼 你太卑鄙了你
08:50Don't go yet. She's a watchers. Yeah
08:56By any good yeah, yeah, you know what can you make one? Oh, yeah
09:14Yeah, yeah, yeah
09:22One of them. Well, but I'm sure that you can't be sure don't shoot. This is my don't mail
09:29Hey, what a child
09:31Good. What about that?
09:36Don't go there lol, it's all up. Hey, she don't don't die
09:54Yeah, it's really loud
09:57Don't you?
09:58You will hold on. Well, no one's gonna show you what it was. It's a man to a job
10:04You go stand
10:06Come and just
10:09Try to earn
10:14You would something water, do you?
10:32Who can tell me?
10:38So go tell you
10:41You can't see
10:43I'm going to turn to come back for me or don't you?
10:46Are you seeing?
10:49You watch who didn't waste a day
10:53For me, don't you?
10:58You can see
11:09So I guess
11:12You just go each other
11:22So you can't
11:25You just said that yeah
11:28Shimon teach you
11:30Don't sit down
11:37So much for him that you're who's far away but I'll talk I should
11:42We'll be hiding you
11:45You blow that won't show
11:47It's good to tell you
11:59What show you mean
12:04Some of them can't
12:07It's my man to a job
12:13You can't believe me you can you can you can you can you can you
12:21What we've done
12:25To change so I think I'll say I'll show the show
12:36What's I should make a show
12:41What you like oh dear you don't know what I'd see you don't
12:45She waited me
12:50What you mean we could each and don't tell the new are you yeah
12:55You owe you don't tend to the lead
13:00Even she owe me to go to
13:04Joke a room honey. Did you finish it?
13:10What are you
13:14Why are you a watch and it's worth it
13:20Do you see
13:24Do you see
13:28Do you see
13:30Sure, she's been
13:33That y'all quite
13:34She don't quite tell me tell me
13:38You know you're so sick. What does it say? So that don't be telling me. Yeah, what's it? What?
13:43Gucci chill
13:53But I need to do that when you sent your money to eat you don't go so
13:59What we chose you don't need me. Yes, I am Sheila
14:03So you're mean when we're young. What kind of shit are you doing?
14:08How about we go?
14:10You wait. You'll see. She was a cheetah
14:19Yes, I should have you look at me like that near you
14:24What's I gave you sand and she can't call you sorry to how one side
14:36Don't know
14:41You could tell you
14:45Do what don't go see
15:00What the fuck
15:40When Julia some of them
15:43Shifu there's a man
15:44She was wrong
15:52Quite you guys
15:59Rougou chinchilla, you're such a long time. What don't you dash? What can you make one?
16:10I love that guy's mama
16:12I don't quite you think that fool
16:23What's up your law? Do you?
16:56My nice man you're just a kid you're not you know when she else I thought I saw
17:00What we shall do we're trying to get you all you can show John, don't you?
17:04I'm sure you're a nice child. So you don't show me. Thank you
17:07She's nice. She's not done. Yeah, that's it. Do you have that? Yeah, you mean you're sure
17:14Christian, who are you?
17:16Oh, you don't change that you see not to get sick. So I'm John you
17:20What's that English? Oh, she's done and you can tell
17:23That's good. You can tell
17:27Shama, yes, I'll let you tell
17:30Make sure you don't see me. You should some show
17:35Senor, how you go to shake out? I'm shot. Don't judge. Oh, yeah, it's good. I found one time
17:41That's a man. Come on
17:43Show John some of the law
17:45She's a big bush. I don't know how she'll show us a kiss in some shit man. She's in
17:50What I'll do with both in this issue is wrong
17:53She's a young John. So she's a show. She's a big boy
17:58But she had you and you're in terms of you can see him
18:01So you thought you're fine. She doesn't see me only can see me
18:05What don't you do she's already true. So you don't listen to me. She's in
18:10She's in some you can pay and don't some of y'all. She's a good thing. She'll show you anything. She's not
18:16She only like that. I don't think she's
18:19Sincerely didn't wait. She's a slow. You can't
18:22Tell us all don't tell you how much like a long time ago. Be a coach. I'm sure man. He'd you did me
18:30Because she's in her son's hood. I don't think you're going to tell us. Oh, yeah, it's really quick. It's not your son
18:37She's in her place. I'm going to show you what I'm going to show you what I'm going to show you what I'm going to show you
18:45Sure, so when did that you don't know she might use you eat you don't leave that's all
18:49Then beating this and should make you see look at what you should do that don't you might
18:54So you don't want to do that
18:56Don't tell me that you should tell you could tell this is
18:59Sir, I could not put the June
19:01She's a little bit. Yeah, don't listen to
19:05Hey, but it's not possible for us to let her take the risk. If the election is not coming, then Miss Gu's life is not
19:11I've already expected the situation today. This is probably the worst of all the situations
19:17I found a group of experts in the gang and took Xiao Qiao away when he was on the move
19:24The master is bold. You are bolder than the master. You are really a brother. Is there a better way?
19:30Well, I've been locking him up and I can't save him, but now there's a good chance so I have to make it
19:39This is the only chance Xiao Qiao can live. I'm going to send him to a place where no one knows
19:48Heroism and love for children. My story is not so long
19:55I've never seen the result of Shen Gong's illusion
19:59Maybe the Holy Blood will not destroy the Duan family. The key is not in the reverse nature, but in how I choose to choose the Duan family or Miss Gu
20:11I don't want the Duan family to die
20:15I'm not going to kill you. I'm not going to kill you
20:21I'm not going to kill you. I'm not going to kill you
20:32Miss Du
20:35Young master
20:36I'm here
20:41Young master, you're awake. Ruo Yuan, why are you here? You're finally awake. You're worried about us
20:50Gu Qingqiao is still in the hands of Mantuo
20:53Oh, you're so hurt that you want to run out. You haven't eaten for days. Come on, have some ginseng soup
21:01Oh, yeah, go ahead. Go ahead. Take someone to get Gu Qingqiao out. We can't leave him alone
21:12Gu Qingqiao, what's wrong with Gu Qingqiao
21:18Ruo Yun is also in the Duan family
21:32Are you feeling better? Dad, hurry up and go after Mantuo. Gu Qingqiao is still in their hands
21:39You've been in a coma for days and there's something you don't know
21:42Gu Qingqiao and Mantuo kidnapped you and hurt you and almost couldn't get you back. Fortunately, Duan Yu appeared in time to save your life
21:51No, it's not like that
21:54Gu Qingqiao and I were kidnapped together
21:57The only reason I was able to escape was because he covered me up or I would have died in the hands of Mantuo
22:03I also find it strange that Gu Qingqiao colluded with the evil sect to kidnap Shaoyi. That's right
22:09Dad, don't listen to the nonsense
22:12Gu Qingqiao is my life saver
22:14Didn't you teach me to repay kindness? We have to save him. I'm going to tell my dad the truth. We can't let them kill the good guy
22:21What's wrong with killing Gu Qingqiao? He's going to be executed tomorrow
22:27What are you kidding? I'm going to save him. Don't mess with me
22:35Who the hell is fooling
22:37What did he do? You listen to me
22:41Gu Qingqiao and Mantuo are trying to kidnap and murder our young master Duan. The government has already committed a crime
22:47I'm leaving. Ruoyun, don't go
22:52Dad, it's not like that. I know what's going on. He's not like that
22:58Dad, we can't do this. What can't we do? Son
23:02He's the enemy of our family. He's the one who's going to destroy our family with the Holy Blood
23:08You're a star. He's a fool. How could he be a star? Dad, you must have made a mistake
23:15I'm leaving. Ruoyun, don't go. Ruoyun, take care
23:24Dad, you can't betray your family. You've been teaching me to be righteous since I was a kid
23:31Dad, we can't do this. We really can't do this. You're not wrong about any of this
23:39But you don't have to think about anything right now. Just stay at home
23:44Dad. Ruoyun. Yes. Dad. Keep an eye on him. Don't let him out of this room. Yes
23:52Dad, Gu Qingqiao is innocent. Young master, please calm down. Young master, be careful of your wound
24:03Mom, maybe I'll never see you again until I die
24:14So, I'm going to go to the bathroom.
24:21I'll be right back.
24:27I'm going to go to the bathroom.
24:35I'm going to go to the bathroom.
24:42I'm going to go to the bathroom.
25:01He said he would come to save you.
25:14He's so young. He's going to be beheaded tomorrow.
25:16So, what's the big deal?
25:19Mr. Duan. Mr. Duan.
25:21I'm here to visit him.
25:31I'm sorry.
26:01Mr. Duan, I didn't expect the braised pork to be the meal you gave me.
26:08It's not my cooking. I can't eat it.
26:11Xiao Qiao, don't be like this.
26:19What should I do?
26:21Cry and beg you to let me go?
26:27I have no choice.
26:30No, no, no.
26:32Falling in love with you is my own business.
26:38I made this braised pork myself.
26:47But Mr. Duan, this braised pork is really salty.
26:52From tomorrow, everything will be fine.
26:56I will make everything go back to normal.
27:03Maybe this is the best result.
27:15It's getting late. I'm leaving.
27:27Xiao Qiao.
27:29Xiao Qiao.
27:31Xiao Qiao, what's wrong?
27:33This food is poisonous.
27:37Xiao Qiao.
27:39Xiao Qiao.
27:42Xiao Qiao.
27:45Mr. Duan, you can't take her away.
27:47Get out of the way.
27:48She's a criminal. She will die in prison.
27:50Get out of the way.
27:51If she dies today, you will die with her.
27:56Xiao Qiao.
28:08It's strange. Why isn't anyone here?
28:20Xiao Qiao, we're almost at the clinic. Hang in there.
28:26Xiao Qiao, hang in there.
28:28I won't let you die.
28:29You can't die now.
28:31You can't die here.
28:33Wait for me.
28:35Mr. Duan.
28:40You're so cruel.
28:43Do you have to let me die in front of everyone
28:45for you to give up?
28:47Can't you just let me die in peace?
28:54Xiao Qiao.
28:55Duan Yu.
28:57You're trapped.
29:02The food is poisonous.
29:04Duan Yu.
29:06Why don't you just surrender?
29:12If you go any further,
29:15I'll kill you.
29:17Xiao Qiao.
29:23Give me the old man Qing Yi Ling.
29:30Xiao Qiao.
29:31Don't come any closer.
29:47Xiao Qiao.
30:17Xiao Qiao.
30:28I really hope
30:30I won't see you again.
30:48Xiao Qiao.
30:50Xiao Qiao.
31:17Young Master! Young Master!
31:19Young Master, are you okay?
31:26Young Master.
31:32Thank you.
31:35It's a lie.
31:37It's a lie.
31:39Master, don't be angry.
31:41It's not entirely your fault.
31:43Li Ying's escape
31:45still needs help.
31:47It must be the Right Guardian.
31:49We were too careless.
31:51We wanted to investigate Sheng Xuan Men
31:53but we ignored his relationship with Mantuo Sect.
31:55We need to think about this again.
32:00Please help me.
32:02How can I help you
32:05if I can't help your heart?
32:07I'll give you a chance to make amends.
32:10Go after Gu Qing Qiao.
32:12I want to see her alive
32:14or dead.
32:17That's great.
32:19The document to execute Qiao Qiao has been removed.
32:24Will Qiao Qiao be fine?
32:27No matter what,
32:29she will survive.
32:33You've suffered a lot these days.
32:36Everyone who could leave has left.
32:38Now that Qiao Qiao is fine,
32:40I'll stay and wait for her.
32:42You and Ah Da
32:43should live your own life.
32:46there's nothing valuable
32:48in this house.
32:51I found this.
32:53I don't think Qiao Qiao will need it.
32:56You can exchange it for some money
32:58to do some small business.
33:00Master, this is too expensive.
33:02I can't take it.
33:03And Miss is not back yet.
33:04We won't leave no matter what.
33:06Take it.
33:07I won't leave.
33:10I can't support you.
33:16If you stay,
33:18you'll drag me down.
33:20You should leave.
33:25I promised Miss
33:26that I would take good care of you.
33:28Now that Miss is not back yet,
33:30we can't leave you alone.
33:34the Gu family has always been good to us.
33:36Ah Da and I saved a lot of money.
33:40Is it almost noon?
33:41Ah Da, go and cook.
33:45Master, have a seat.
33:47Search the house.
33:48Don't let anyone in.
33:52Master Guan,
33:53what are you doing?
33:55You've searched the whole house.
33:58The suspect Gu Qingxiao escaped.
34:00There's no evidence.
34:01How dare you hide the fugitive
34:03and commit the same crime as her?
34:07Did you hear that?
34:08Qiao Qiao escaped.
34:12That's great.
34:15let's ask Ah Da to cook.
34:18Let's eat meat.
34:19Let's go.
34:20Let's go.
34:23Is she crazy?
34:25Let's eat meat.
34:26Let's eat meat.
34:44Let's eat meat.
34:45Let's eat meat.
34:46Let's eat meat.
34:47Let's eat meat.
34:48Let's eat meat.
34:49Let's eat meat.
34:50Let's eat meat.
34:51Let's eat meat.
34:52Let's eat meat.
34:53Let's eat meat.
34:54Let's eat meat.
34:55Let's eat meat.
34:56Let's eat meat.
34:57Let's eat meat.
34:58Let's eat meat.
34:59Let's eat meat.
35:00Let's eat meat.
35:01Let's eat meat.
35:02Let's eat meat.
35:03Let's eat meat.
35:04Let's eat meat.
35:05Let's eat meat.
35:06Let's eat meat.
35:07Let's eat meat.
35:08Let's eat meat.
35:09Let's eat meat.
35:10Let's eat meat.
35:11Let's eat meat.
35:12Let's eat meat.
35:13Let's eat meat.
35:14Let's eat meat.
35:15Let's eat meat.
35:16Let's eat meat.
35:17Let's eat meat.
35:18Let's eat meat.
35:19Let's eat meat.
35:20Let's eat meat.
35:21Let's eat meat.
35:22Let's eat meat.
35:23Let's eat meat.
35:24Let's eat meat.
35:25Let's eat meat.
35:26Let's eat meat.
35:27Let's eat meat.
35:28Let's eat meat.
35:29Let's eat meat.
35:30Let's eat meat.
35:31Let's eat meat.
35:32Let's eat meat.
35:33Let's eat meat.
35:34Let's eat meat.
35:35Let's eat meat.
35:36Let's eat meat.
35:37Let's eat meat.
35:38Let's eat meat.
35:39Let's eat meat.
35:40Let's eat meat.
35:41Let's eat meat.
35:42Let's eat meat.
35:43Let's eat meat.
35:44Let's eat meat.
35:45Let's eat meat.
35:46Let's eat meat.
35:47Let's eat meat.
35:48Let's eat meat.
35:49Let's eat meat.
35:50Let's eat meat.
35:51Let's eat meat.
35:52Let's eat meat.
35:53Let's eat meat.
35:54Let's eat meat.
35:55Let's eat meat.
35:56Let's eat meat.
35:57Let's eat meat.
35:58Let's eat meat.
35:59Let's eat meat.
36:00Let's eat meat.
36:01Let's eat meat.
36:02Let's eat meat.
36:03Let's eat meat.
36:04Let's eat meat.
36:05Let's eat meat.
36:06Let's eat meat.
36:07Let's eat meat.
36:08Let's eat meat.
36:09Let's eat meat.
36:10Let's eat meat.
36:11Let's eat meat.
36:12Let's eat meat.
36:13Let's eat meat.
36:14Let's eat meat.
36:15Let's eat meat.
36:16Let's see.
36:17How are they?
36:18How do I go to the village?
36:19I'm scared.
36:20What should we do?
36:21Come on, let's go.
36:24Come on.
36:25Come on.
36:26What do we do?
36:27Follow them.
36:28Go to the English forest,
36:29you go that way.
36:30Go to the Westland.
36:31Go to the Westland.
36:34Go to the Westland.
36:36Go to the Westland.
36:38Let's go the Westland.
36:39Come on.
36:40I heard that you ran away from the prison, so I added some meat dishes.
36:49I want to go back.
36:51No, your family is now surrounded by the government.
36:54And there are all the whistleblowers in Changqing City.
36:56You can't go back.
36:58Don't worry, your father is really fine.
37:00And there are two people around him.
37:03It must be Dongqi and Ada.
37:06I really don't know how to repay them for their kindness.
37:11All right, I think you have almost recovered.
37:14Hurry up and pack up and leave here.
37:17What's wrong again?
37:20Who are you?
37:21Lu Zisheng.
37:23You are a little Mantua caretaker.
37:25How can you have such a natural ability?
37:27You can go anywhere you want.
37:30You come and go freely.
37:33I come and go freely?
37:34Then why did I stay in your wine cellar for so long?
37:37And I have to rely on you, a little caretaker's daughter, to take me out of the city.
37:40Then you came to me again and again and saved me.
37:45Who are you?
37:49Listen carefully.
37:51I only say this once.
37:54It doesn't matter who I am.
37:56The important thing is who you are.
38:00I don't believe you anymore.
38:10It turns out that Duan Yu doesn't believe me anymore.
38:30In the forest.
38:35The moonlight pulls the shadow.
38:44I walk in the darkness.
38:52Smelling the lonely scent.
38:56One heart, one person.
38:58Never leave.
38:59The first moment of pain.
39:03Where is my heart now?
39:07Who wants to lock up the shackles?
39:16Who can't see through the confusion of fear?
39:20Who can't see who is really blind?
39:24Who can't see who is really blind?
39:28Blurred dream.
39:30Left a hole.
39:33The world turns into my love.
39:37It's your outline.
39:39No way.
39:41I look at the wind and shadow.
39:44Between you and me.
39:48Your desire.
39:55Love is a dream.
39:57I want to know who you really are.
40:08I ask the six years.
40:09Are you turning your face?
40:12The golden eyes.
40:15I have been alone for a long time.
40:17A lifetime of deep sleep.
40:19Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
40:49It's hard to sleep in the hot wind
40:52I'm waiting for the red thread to be tied
40:56If the ending is like the beginning of the sea
40:59As you wish
41:31手轻奉献 心浮水无偏浅
41:37伴随的小小故事 多款更浅
41:43你在人间 惹烽烟难眠
41:57你在人间 惹烽烟难眠