Temperatures reach new records in Delhi, India

  • 2 months ago
India is experiencing one of its hottest summers on record this year, placing massive strain on the Delhi Fire Services.


00:00Fire engine sirens blasting through the streets of New Delhi has become a common daily affair
00:06in the summer of 2024.
00:08The Indian capital has been plagued by sweltering heatwaves this year, with a record-breaking
00:1349 degrees Celsius reported in early June.
00:16There's no relief, even from the shade sometimes.
00:19In the afternoon I'm drinking five to six litres of water.
00:22I was feeling a little uneasy in the heat.
00:24I've worn a hat to protect my head because it was aching in the heat.
00:28The scorching weather has left the city's fire service stretched to its limit.
00:35In my 32-year-long career with Delhi Fire Services, this has been the hottest year with
00:39the most fire calls.
00:41We get at least 200 to 250 calls daily.
00:44My jawan are almost stretched out.
00:47They are not able to sleep.
00:48They are not, you know, take the rest.
00:49Man has to go inside and inhale the smoke and the heat and then, you know, you get tired
00:57Reports reporting fire have nearly doubled in the city of 20 million, especially from
01:01the older parts of Delhi crammed with shops, homes and poor electrical wiring.
01:05Experts say strained electrical systems raise the risk of overheating, especially when consumption
01:11exceeds the system's capacity.
01:13Depending on our experiences, more than 70% of causes of fire are electrical origins only.
01:22Firefighters have described having to work in doubly strenuous conditions.
01:26Most will work for 24 hours at a stretch before resting, while senior officers work
01:3072 hours straight.
01:32With pressure mounting under punishing heat, Delhi Fire Services are implementing change.
01:37By August, 350 firefighters in training will add to the department's existing force of
01:42around 1,800.
01:44The department will also be procuring smaller vehicles that can navigate Delhi's congested
01:49roads and even robots to reach hard-to-access areas.
01:52An emergency service pushed to its limits in the face of warming summers.
