• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Per le associazioni pazienti è fondamentale disporre di strumenti di comunicazione e di conoscenza delle Istituzioni per far sentire la propria voce e garantire quel processo di equità che dovrebbe essere alla base di ogni decisione pubblica che afferisce al mondo della salute”. Sono le parole di Monica Gibellini, government affairs, policy & patient engagement director di Johnson & Johnson Innovative medicine, partecipando all’evento ‘Il nuovo ruolo delle associazioni pazienti in ambito salute: nasce la Patient Association Academy”, durante il quale Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine ha presentato un nuovo modello di collaborazione tra le Associazioni Pazienti e le Organizzazioni Civiche operanti in diverse aree terapeutiche.


00:00What is the role of the Association of Patients?
00:05As in Johnson & Johnson, we believe that the Association of Patients is a fundamental interlocutor in the field of health processes.
00:13We are experiencing a real transformation, a maturation of health systems, both at the national and international level.
00:21The role of the Association of Patients is becoming more and more of a protagonist, of a co-decisor in the processes that affect the world of health.
00:31For this reason, as in Johnson & Johnson, we decided to start a path of listening that started about two years ago,
00:38where together with a group of Association of Patients we organized what was the Johnson & Johnson Patient Association Lab.
00:46At that point we listened to the needs that came from the Association of Patients
00:54and today, in the context of the Johnson & Johnson Week, we decided to launch the Academy
01:00so that the Association of Patients can have that toolbox that will allow them to interlocute in a prepared way,
01:09at the same level with the institutions and with all the decision-makers that affect the world of health,
01:16thanks to the skills they will acquire in the field of the Academy.
01:20It is an innovative approach. We wanted it not to be an Academy with only face-to-face lessons,
01:28but that there were also simulations with the institutions, precisely to put into practice what they have learned with the teachers.
01:36Expert teachers who will offer them practical techniques to best perform this task,
01:44which we also see from an institutional point of view, is gradually being strengthened in the field of the new regulation defined by the AIFA,
01:51in the field of law projects that see them more and more protagonists,
01:56and that therefore, when everything will be defined and uniformed at the Italian level,
02:00we hope that the contribution of Johnson & Johnson has also been useful to make their voice heard in an equitable way,
02:07together with that of all the other decision-makers of health processes.
