Divorce The Billionaire Husband#drama

  • 2 months ago
Divorce The Billionaire Husbanddrama
00:00What are you doing?
00:07Who allowed you to touch?
00:16I'm sorry.
00:17This ring.
00:18What a girl, Vanessa.
00:23Must be clean and flouts.
00:24It can't be touched by a dirty woman like you.
00:27You said Vanessa?
00:28What do you think?
00:29But for you, do you deserve it?
00:31I'm your wife.
00:32Why are you treating me like this?
00:34Shut up.
00:35How dare you ask me why?
00:36You know very well how you became my wife.
00:39You climbed down to my bed and forced me to marry.
00:44It's fine, dear brother.
00:45I will not forget your disgusting face.
00:48Lucas, you misunderstood me.
00:50Stop acting.
00:52Get out.
00:53I got sick just by looking at you.
00:54Lucas, listen to me.
00:55What are you doing?
00:59You stabbed me.
01:00I was lucky you missed.
01:02It's a misunderstanding.
01:03Why don't you believe me?
01:07Too much.
01:08Too wet, woman.
01:09You were lucky only that she's dead, dear.
01:11Now repent.
01:12Otherwise, look at what you've done to Vanessa over the years.
01:16You've died a million times, too.
01:18I didn't do anything bad to her.
01:19I didn't do anything bad.
01:20Shut up.
01:21Vanessa's parents didn't sell you out.
01:23It wasn't my fault.
01:26Lucas, no.
01:31Wow, Taron.
01:32Why are you standing here like a stray dog?
01:34Don't you feel shame?
01:35It's a family matter.
01:37Not your place to interfere.
01:40And you, stranger.
01:46Soon you will understand.
01:47Hugh is stranger.
01:48What do you mean?
01:51I have good news to tell you.
01:53I'm pregnant with Lucas' first child.
01:56What are you talking about?
01:58Don't you understand, Taron?
02:00I'm pregnant.
02:01It's Lucas' kid.
02:03What's impossible about that?
02:05Lucas has always loved me.
02:07After all, in Lucas' heart, I was the one who saved him.
02:10And you are just a jealous woman who always kill me in a car accident.
02:14Vanessa, you know exactly what happened.
02:18So what?
02:19Lucas believed in me.
02:20But no one trusts you.
02:22I'm gonna let everyone knows who exactly you are.
02:26I'm so scared.
02:27Unfortunately, you won't have this chance.
02:30What do you mean?
02:31Tell me, Taron.
02:33What will Lucas' family do if you kill the first child of the Blackwell family?
02:38What do you want?
02:39Use your baby to frame me?
02:41How could I use my own baby?
02:43Are you faking your pregnancy?
02:46I'm not pregnant at all.
02:47And it doesn't matter anymore.
02:49Everyone has confirmed that I'm pregnant with Lucas' child.
02:52And this child is about to be killed by you in front of Lucas.
03:01Miss Preston, please.
03:02Don't hurt my baby.
03:07Why did you push Vanessa?
03:08You were too vicious.
03:11It wasn't me.
03:12I didn't do it.
03:13It was her.
03:15I saw you push her down.
03:17You still don't admit it.
03:23I'm scared.
03:24Be brave.
03:25No one will hurt you.
03:29Vanessa was weak after the car accident.
03:31Because of you.
03:32No one finally got this baby.
03:33How dare you push her.
03:34Vicious woman.
03:35Get out of here.
03:38You won't run.
03:39I don't want to see your disgusting face again.
03:43Help me.
03:44Don't worry, Vanessa.
03:45You'll be fine.
03:46I'll take you to the hospital.
03:49You better hope she's fine.
03:55You're pregnant for more than two months.
03:57Take care of yourself.
03:58I'm pregnant?
04:00Mom will protect you.
04:03You come with me to town for your sins.
04:06What the hell are you doing?
04:07You're hurting me.
04:08Vanessa's still waiting for you.
04:09And if it wasn't for you,
04:10she would not be bleeding out in the emergency room.
04:12Even if she's dead,
04:13what does it have to do with me?
04:15You were just as vicious as ever.
04:16I didn't do anything to her
04:17and now she fell and framed me.
04:18She even faked her pregnancy.
04:20Why don't you trust me?
04:21Trust you?
04:22How am I supposed to trust you?
04:23Who drove Vanessa to death because of jazz?
04:26Now Vanessa is in the emergency room.
04:28And the only blood compatible with her is yours.
04:30And if you have any questions,
04:31you will immediately go with me to donate blood.
04:34She's a liar.
04:35If she's going to die, let her die.
04:38You have no right to criticize her.
04:40It's useless for you to quibble.
04:41You will hurt everything.
04:43I don't want to hurt anything.
04:44Why should I go?
04:46What's wrong with me?
04:47I just want her to die.
04:50You have to pay the price.
04:51If you didn't have the same blood type as Vanessa,
04:53do you think I would have let you off so easily?
04:55I've told you.
04:56I didn't do it.
04:57I can't give her another transfusion.
04:59You're still a lowly pet.
05:01Well, you'll trust me.
05:07You guys,
05:08throw her down.
05:09Throw her blood.
05:10Lucas, I'm begging you.
05:11I really can't.
05:12I'm pregnant.
05:13Are you kidding me?
05:14Do you think I'm stupid?
05:15Stop crying.
05:16You're not going to give Vanessa a blood transfusion.
05:17Throw her blood as much as you can.
05:19Lucas, I'm a baby.
05:20You're going to kill him.
05:21That's good.
05:22Use your baby
05:23to pay for Vanessa's pain.
05:24What are you doing?
05:25Throw her blood.
05:36Mr. Blackwood,
05:37do you really want to continue?
05:38She will really die.
05:39It's better if she stays.
05:40Vanessa's life matters,
05:41but not mine nor the baby's.
05:42You deserve to be compared to Vanessa.
05:44You are tough.
05:45You are a vicious woman.
05:46You are dying.
05:47I hate you.
05:48It seems that we still haven't drawn enough blood.
05:50You guys keep drawing.
05:55I'm sorry, Miss Preston.
05:57You're severely ischemic
05:58and can no longer provide basic nutrition for your child.
06:01The child is gone.
06:03I'm sorry.
06:07Miss Preston,
06:08I'm sorry.
06:09I didn't expect you to be pregnant, too.
06:11Get out of here.
06:12I don't want to see you.
06:13Terran, you cold-blooded animal.
06:15Vanessa apologized to you.
06:16How dare you yell at her?
06:18My baby is gone.
06:19I didn't know you were pregnant.
06:21Or what?
06:23did you even listen to me when I begged you?
06:24You only have Vanessa in your eyes.
06:26You care about me even a little bit?
06:29it's my fault.
06:30You can't blame Lucas.
06:34What are you doing?
06:35I want her to pay for my child.
06:40I'm fine.
06:41If hitting me would make Miss Preston feel better,
06:43then let her hit me.
06:44That's enough, Terran.
06:45You wouldn't have lost the baby
06:47if you hadn't pushed Vanessa and caused her to bleed out.
06:49This is all your own fault.
06:54Blood bag?
06:56is this what you call a massive permeation of miscarriage?
06:58What blood bag?
06:59I don't know, Lucas.
07:00That's enough.
07:01You still think I'm making a scene?
07:02Or what?
07:03What could a blood bag prove?
07:04I knew you'd say that.
07:06Get in here.
07:07Get in here.
07:10Here's the doctor I brought in.
07:12We'll find out if Vanessa is pregnant.
07:14No, no, no, no.
07:16I know you don't like me,
07:17but you can't blame me.
07:18I just lost so much blood.
07:20Everyone saw that.
07:21How can I fake it?
07:23The doctor will check it out,
07:25whether you're pregnant or not.
07:26Lucas, Lucas.
07:28It's okay, Vanessa.
07:29I'm here.
07:30They won't do anything to you.
07:31Miss Desmond was not pregnant,
07:32acting not miscarried.
07:36I don't know.
07:37Dr. Otis told me I'm pregnant.
07:39Yes, Dr. Otis.
07:40What the hell's going on?
07:41Well, Miss Desmond did
07:43preliminary exam,
07:45and maybe, maybe it was misdiagnosed.
07:49Dr. Otis, please explain it.
07:51Well, progesterone rupture
07:53will also cause massive hemorrhage.
07:55Maybe that is why we misdiagnosed.
07:57Lucas, I really don't know.
07:58I believe everything the doctor says.
08:00Vanessa, you clean up yourself.
08:03That's enough.
08:04You have one now,
08:05and I don't want to see you in this hospital again.
08:07Yes, yes.
08:10Vanessa, get up.
08:11The floor is cold.
08:14You still trust her?
08:15Do you really think there are
08:16so many coincidences in this world?
08:18That's enough.
08:19Vanessa's already weak,
08:20and you still want to torture her like this.
08:22What are you thinking?
08:24So not being loved means that nothing is right.
08:27I was too obsessed with right and wrong.
08:31But I forgot that sometimes
08:32what matters is not right or wrong,
08:34but what you're more willing to believe.
08:35Lucas, let's get divorced.
08:37Taryn, are you crazy?
08:38How dare you divorce me?
08:40I've never been more sober than I am right now.
08:42Lucas, I'm divorcing you.
08:44Okay, don't regret it.
08:47Our baby's dead,
08:48and you don't have anything to say?
08:50Taryn, baby's dead.
08:52Why do you keep bringing it up?
08:53Come on.
08:54What do you want from this baby?
08:55You can't give me what I want.
08:57I want my baby back.
08:59And I want you to take my blood from Vanessa.
09:00Can you do that?
09:01Don't be so pushy.
09:02I've given you enough.
09:03Then there's nothing more to say.
09:14Give me back my grandson.
09:16I didn't kill your grandson.
09:18You killed my grandson.
09:20I want you dead.
09:21You're trying to kill off the Blackwell family.
09:25I didn't kill your grandson.
09:26Then how did Vanessa miss Jerry?
09:28It's Vanessa.
09:29If it wasn't for her,
09:30would I have lost my baby?
09:33What baby?
09:34She pretended to be pregnant
09:35to force me to divorce.
09:36And I was pregnant, and now?
09:38Sir, the first child of the Blackwell family
09:40has been killed by her.
09:41Oh no, sorry.
09:42By all of you.
09:43No, Taryn, you must be lying to me.
09:45All of you were really blind.
09:47All by Vanessa.
09:51Don't go.
09:52Explain yourself to me.
09:53Let me go.
09:54How dare you.
09:55I'll ask Lucas to divorce you.
09:57Yeah, go ahead.
10:00You just don't like me,
10:01and you're trying to force me to divorce your son.
10:03Aren't you?
10:04Now look at this.
10:05We're divorced.
10:06Aren't you satisfied?
10:13It's written on this paper.
10:14I have nothing to do with the Blackwell family.
10:22Lucas, get back here.
10:24Taryn, she's crazy.
10:32Who let you go?
10:33What more do you want?
10:34Even if you two are divorced,
10:35you still have to pay for my grandson.
10:39Let go of me.
10:40Let me go.
10:41Let me go.
10:43Where are you?
10:44Apologize to my mom.
10:46For what?
10:47You need to explain to your family
10:48that you're divorced.
10:49We're already divorced.
10:51You can't take Blackwell family's thing with you.
10:53I don't want anything of you.
10:55Then show me.
10:56Open the case
10:57if you didn't take anything from Blackwell family.
10:58Get in, mom.
10:59Let her go.
11:00I can't let her off so easily.
11:01Are you done?
11:02I don't want anything of this stuff.
11:04All of them for you.
11:05This can't be done
11:06because what you're wearing
11:07all belongs to Blackwell family.
11:09Everything for you.
11:18Get out of the way.
11:19Lucas, stop her.
11:21She killed my grandchild.
11:22Vanessa is not pregnant, mom.
11:25Taryn is telling the truth.
11:26Mom, I'll explain to you later.
11:29she never gonna back to our Blackwell family.
11:32I just don't understand.
11:34For so many years,
11:35she refused to leave.
11:36And now,
11:37she want to leave so easily.
11:38Maybe she got someone else.
11:39Mom, what are you talking about?
11:40I'm just saying.
11:42Look, Lucas.
11:44Who is she waiting for?
11:58You bitch.
11:59I was wondering
12:00why you want to divorce with my son so easily.
12:02But now I know.
12:03Because you have affair with another man.
12:05Genius bitch.
12:06I have nothing to do with the Blackwell family anymore.
12:08Even I'm dating with someone else.
12:10It's none of your business.
12:12Discipline your mother.
12:14you're in such a hurry to divorce me
12:15because of this man?
12:16It's none of your business.
12:17Any man is better than you.
12:19Did you really have affairs with this man?
12:21Yesterday, you were pretending to be affectionate with me.
12:23And now you can go home with.
12:25And now...
12:26Shut up.
12:28Oh, Lucas.
12:30You really want to make it worse?
12:32I didn't know how.
12:33Did you love me?
12:34Love you?
12:35What do you want to think?
12:36Ben, don't embarrass yourself here.
12:37Just go.
12:38And we will never see each other again.
12:40Let's go.
12:43Damn, Taryn.
12:44She was so arrogant and rude.
12:46Mom, I've already divorced her.
12:47So stop making trouble.
12:48Oh, so who am I doing this for?
13:17Why are you crying?
13:18What happened?
13:19What happened to you?
13:21I know.
13:22I'm sorry.
13:23But he's just a man.
13:25My dear granddaughter.
13:26Grandpa will find you a dozen handsome guys.
13:31Don't be afraid.
13:32You can marry whoever you want.
13:35I don't want to get married, Grandpa.
13:37I don't want to get married again.
13:41Well, then.
13:42Tonight, I will inherit the family business to you.
13:45In the future, the Preston family's business will be handed over to you.
13:52There's a banquet tonight.
13:53Take Taryn there.
13:54I want everyone to know how outstanding Taryn of our Preston family is.
13:59She will be inheriting our family business.
14:02And she will be there.
14:09I heard that Tom Tycoon Preston family will also be here.
14:12This is about the survival of the Blackwell family.
14:14And you must be careful what you say.
14:17Don't worry, Lucas.
14:18I will not make you embarrassed.
14:25Is that Taryn?
14:27What is she doing here?
14:29Is Derek beside her?
14:31I've heard that Derek has always won Playboy.
14:34Do they have already cheated on Taryn?
14:38She deserved to be cheated.
14:40Never mind.
14:41Let's go in.
14:43Hey, did you see that?
14:45That lady seems to be wearing the most expensive set of Roy jewelry.
14:48Worth more than 10 million.
14:50I see it. I see it.
14:51Look at her.
14:52She's full of high-definition clothes.
14:54Which family's daughter is she?
14:56She's so rich.
15:00Taryn, why didn't I realize you were such a bitch?
15:04To see Lucas, you sold your body.
15:06You are filthy.
15:07How filthy can I be?
15:09Even you treat trash like I don't want as a treasure.
15:13Do you think you are better than me?
15:15Derek is nice to you and willing to spend money on you.
15:17It seems that you work really hard in life.
15:21People with filthy thoughts look everything filthy.
15:23Remember it?
15:24You are just a mistress.
15:27Taryn, who are you calling a mistress?
15:29Lucas and I are in love.
15:31Besides, we are getting married soon.
15:33Not like you.
15:34An assembly mistress.
15:36Wow, you really like your mother.
15:38I like to be a mistress.
15:40I'm warning.
15:41Watch your mouth.
15:42If you dare to provoke me again, I'll tear you to pieces.
15:45Taryn, I'd like to see how you are going to treat Vanessa.
15:49Lucas, it's my fault.
15:50It's not Taryn.
15:51Stop defending.
15:52I saw it.
15:53Taryn, you are bullying Vanessa.
15:56When I gave her a blood transfusion?
15:58Never disrespect Vanessa again.
16:00Then please discipline her.
16:01Vanessa, if you don't know how to talk, then it's better to shut up.
16:04If I hear you insult me and my family again, it's going to take more than a slap.
16:09Did I ask you to leave?
16:11Taryn, you slapped Vanessa and don't even apologize.
16:14Why are you so angry?
16:15Well, what do you want?
16:17Apologize to Vanessa.
16:19Was she with you?
16:21How dare you push me to the limit.
16:24Okay, I apologize.
16:26Miss Preston, I won't make things difficult for you.
16:29As long as you apologize, I will forgive you.
16:31Miss Desmond, a drink to make amends.
16:34Is that enough?
16:38I'm sorry.
16:39I'm sorry.
16:40Is this sorry enough?
16:43What's up?
16:44You're not satisfied?
16:45Can I get you another drink?
16:46That's enough, Taryn.
16:47Don't go too far.
16:48All right?
16:49Oh, yeah?
16:50What are you going to do?
16:51Be rude?
16:52The terrifying CEO of the Black Belt Group wanted to hit me?
16:55Don't force me.
16:59Apologize to Vanessa.
17:00The Shandong is coming down.
17:02Get out of the way.
17:15Taryn, are you okay?
17:21Taryn, what are you doing?
17:23What am I doing?
17:24Did you see?
17:25Vanessa just pushed me and almost killed me.
17:27It was an accident.
17:28I lost my footing.
17:29I can't hear you.
17:30Besides, you're fine.
17:32Mr. Black Belt, please be aware that Taryn is not someone you dare to mess with.
17:37Taryn, you're great.
17:38I was wondering why you're so confident and dare to challenge me.
17:40It turned out that you had hooked up with the Preston family.
17:43Unfortunately, Taryn is just a dog raised by Mr. Preston and is not qualified to inherit Mr. Preston's wealth.
17:50Your choice is wrong.
17:51What are you talking about?
17:53Watch your mouth.
17:55Am I wrong?
17:56Are you so desperate without me?
17:57Mr. Black Belt, even if I'm dog, I'm a member of Preston family.
18:01Please, show some respect.
18:02Maybe I'll remember our old love and let it go.
18:05Let it go?
18:06So my baby die in vain?
18:07Lucas, Vanessa owe me and it's never gonna be wiped out.
18:11If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have lost my baby.
18:15It's all my fault.
18:16Don't blame Lucas.
18:17Hit me.
18:18Let me think of that baby.
18:19If it makes you feel better.
18:20Why are you pretending?
18:21Where was the arrogant look just now?
18:22Hate you?
18:23Are you worthy of me?
18:24Even if you die, you won't dispel the hatred in my heart.
18:38I'm taking you to the hospital.
18:41Lucas, please don't blame Karen.
18:43She's just upset.
18:44After all, she lost her baby because of me.
18:46Don't blame her.
18:47Vanessa, you're just too kind.
18:51I'm dizzy, Lucas.
18:54Karen, you have gone too far.
18:56Go on.
19:01Yes, baby's gone and it's wife.
19:03But what does this have to do with Vanessa?
19:05Lucas, you're so full of yourself.
19:07The car has arrived.
19:08You better hope Vanessa's okay or I'm gonna make her pay.
19:10Well, I hope Vanessa doesn't make it through the night.
19:17Mr. Blackwall, Karen is a member of Princeton family.
19:20If you dare to hurt her, the Princeton family will never spare you.
19:24Get out of the way.
19:25Get out of here.
19:30It's really out of line.
19:31Don't take it personally.
19:33I'm fine as long as you don't get bullied.
19:35Lucas, you humiliated me today.
19:38And one day, I'll make you pay.
