• last year


00:00Oh, sweet home. Home, sweet home, honey, huh?
00:04Oh, it's not my home, it's yours.
00:07Will, you stop it!
00:11I've spent a lot of money on you.
00:15I've taken you to all the best resorts, you're based in luxury, and you're still not happy!
00:20What do you want from me? What do you want from me, Louis?
00:24All I want is at least five minutes without having to see your face.
00:30Five minutes.
00:33Let me go! What are you doing?
00:35Granting your wish!
00:37Are you crazy?
00:43Why? Why don't you love me? Why?
00:51You may think that I'm being capricious with my fiancé,
00:54but the thing is, I was forced to become his bride.
00:58Because of my father's debt.
01:00My name is Louise, and this is my love story.
01:10You can leave if you want, but then your daddy,
01:17your lovely daddy owes me the full debt,
01:23or he goes to jail.
01:29Like any girl, I just wanted to love, and be loved.
01:34Subscribe to this channel to see more love stories.
01:42My whole life had lost its taste and color.
01:46It became disgusting, like boiled broccoli.
01:59You don't like the food again?
02:02I do. Thanks.
02:10Louise, the future mother of my children, should eat healthy food.
02:18I was willing to eat a pound of broccoli if it let me see the one I really loved in Cal's place.
02:25Tony. I had to break up with him to save my father.
02:31At some point, I would be locked in a golden cage with Cal forever.
02:39Good afternoon, sir. My name is Tony, and I am your waiter.
02:43I couldn't say a word. What is he doing here?
02:47But I knew by one look in Tony's face that he was up to something.
02:52Something wrong?
02:55No, nothing.
03:00I'm sorry.
03:02Yeah, sure.
03:03Hey, listen, listen. I told you a thousand times.
03:08Have you lost your mind? Why are you here?
03:11I can be with you, but you can't forbid me.
03:14I can be with you, but you can't forbid me from just being around you.
03:19Well, then I forbid you. If Cal finds out what happened between us, then my father will go to jail.
03:24I'm not going to ruin your father's life.
03:27But I'm not going to leave you here alone either.
03:31You don't say. You have to get out from here right now.
03:36Try and leave me.
03:37Oh, I will. Don't even doubt it.
03:42Doubt what?
03:45Well, I refuse to eat here if this waiter serves us.
03:51Because, because he's Italian, you know.
03:55They always put their sauces, their cheeses everywhere and their curry and…
03:58Curry is Indian's piece. And Tony is a waiter, not a cook.
04:05You can go.
04:11Hey, baby. I want to meet up with you tonight. And about the dinner…
04:17Of course I wanted to be with Tony more than anything.
04:21But I had to play the role of the bride for someone else.
04:27I didn't leave my room for days.
04:30Even when my father came to visit, I only went out at night to eat something decent.
04:41You scared me.
04:44Why the hell did you sneak up on me?
04:47It's my job to make sure that all residents of the house are fed.
04:51Oh. Well, then you are not doing your job well.
04:56Because I'm always walking around hungry.
05:04What are you doing?
05:06I'm going to cook pasta caramellara for you.
05:08I'm going to cook pasta caramellara for you.
05:10I don't want your pasta.
05:15I'll feed you and go.
05:20The smell of spices and his smile revived everything in me with creative force.
05:28I could no longer resist my feelings.
05:31Every night we were together, but eventually our secret becomes clear.
05:36Louise! What the hell are you doing kissing the waiter?
05:40Sora, I…
05:41Daddy, daddy, he's not the waiter.
05:43That's the man that I left to save you.
05:45Are you out of your mind?
05:47Do you know what this could mean for our family?
05:51You must break up with him right now.
05:54I must? Really?
05:57Dad, I gave up my love for your sake.
06:00I put up with the man that I don't love for your sake.
06:03And all I have is only a few hours at night with the man that I really love.
06:07Do you want to take this away from me too?
06:09What sacrifices do I still have to make for my family?
06:13I'm losing my patience.
06:19I understood perfectly that Tony and I could have been discovered at any moment.
06:25And that our love had no future.
06:29But it's impossible to make myself love Cal.
06:47Why are you late for dinner?
06:51I'm not eating dinner today.
06:53Okay, sit down.
06:55Sit down.
06:57Louise, I said sit down.
07:09You know what I want more than anything right now?
07:17To love you the way you love me.
07:19It would solve all my problems and make me the happiest woman on earth.
07:24But that's impossible.
07:34I always get what I want.
07:36Cal, you used every way.
07:41Not all of them.
07:43You don't even know how much I love you.
07:47But the miracle Cal was counting on never happened.
07:51I don't feel anything.
07:53I'm your husband, you must love me.
07:55Cal, please.
07:58Leave her alone.
08:01What are you doing?
08:02She's my fiancée.
08:03She's a girl I love.
08:06You're not going to lay a finger on her again.
08:10Louise, I know what this is going to do to your father.
08:13But you're leaving with me now.
08:15Hey, you.
08:17Okay, okay, okay.
08:21Oh, dad.
08:24The police are on their way here.
08:26Oh, great.
08:28Now, you go to jail for years.
08:31That was fast, you started the fear behind my back.
08:34I don't think so.
08:36These two have been in love for a long time.
08:39Besides, I didn't call the police on him.
08:42What are you talking about?
08:43I told the police everything.
08:45I told them about debt.
08:47I told them that we've been playing cards for big money for years.
08:52I told them I owe you a lot of money.
08:55Oh, I'm sick.
08:57I'm sick of all your family.
08:59Get out of my house.
09:01Siri, call a lawyer.
09:10Daddy, we have to figure something out.
09:12There's nothing to figure out.
09:14I figured that after enough time, you'd learn to love Cal.
09:20And maybe my debt would be forgiven.
09:23But all I've done is ask you to give up your happiness for your family.
09:29I'm sorry for everything, Louise.
09:38You take good care of my daughter now.
09:40Now, both of you, get out of here.
09:43Go, sir.
09:45I've found my love.
09:47And I will always remember that sacrificing your happiness will not make those who love you happy.