
  • 2 months ago
00:00So here I've got one of our big ol' male panther chameleons. He is oh crazy oh my gosh just that
00:06crazy tongue that just shot out. These guys are absolutely incredible not only because of the
00:10color how gorgeous all these patterns and these bright colors um but just because of the way that
00:16they can change color. So they don't necessarily change colors the way I put in front of purple
00:19polka dots he wouldn't change purple polka dots um but the way that they change their colors is by
00:25their cells expanding and contracting and kind of like octopus and stuff like that um so these guys
00:31they'll more do it towards emotion so if they're like really upset they usually get a really dark
00:35color and when they're nice and happy and super stoked they usually like color and just sort of
00:40ready to be like okay I can be seen I don't feel intimidated or anything um these guys he's looking
00:44for a worm right now um these guys love crickets they love worms they love we feed them roaches
00:50or goliath worms this big ol um green worm kind of looks a lot like him um I think I'm from
00:56Madagascar I think I already said that um these guys are absolutely oh he thinks he sees a worm
01:01these guys are absolutely cool you can see how his tail is prehensile so he has not only does
01:05he have crazy core but his tail is actually um uh holding him down and being able to oh my gosh
01:12what's it called um anchor him over here so he's able to sort of be able to move back and forth
01:16whichever way he what he needs he's looking uh for a worm right beyond the camera but he's not
01:22gonna get one there's no worm there oh he's oh he also wants the camera let's see if he can come
01:26and say hi now this one here whoa is that crazy he just struck at the camera again so this is
01:38actually a beautiful Madagascar adult male panther chameleon and you can see each eye is
01:49independently rotates that's why he can reach way out there and grab his food let me see if I can
01:54give him some food and show you how far he can shoot his tongue so let's see here this is crazy
02:00look at this
02:03here we go let's see is he in the mood is I got to get him to lock down so what he'll do
02:08you can always tell when he's ready see he's not really ready he's like enjoying that last worm
02:13but you can see he's hanging out with his feet they got little claws on the end of each feet
02:17to wrap around the branches and hold in the wind and they literally will move in a way when they
02:23walk that make it look like it's windy that way they always look like that's part of their
02:28camouflage their leaves now watch your tongue boom is that incredible they're just such amazing
02:34animals so you see look at look now putting them together the funny part is is they're similar but
02:41they're not this look look look look look look at the display and so when they live in trees
02:47the males do not like each other so they'll literally run each other off because you know
02:52what when the girls are around they don't want any other males around and I guess that's kind
02:57of normal huh so he's literally like he's literally like cold look at him change his color
03:02look at the white coming out is that incredible look at that he just changed right in front of
03:07our eyes is that amazing so chameleons literally dilate their skin in order to change their color
03:14it's like a pupil look at that it just turned white right now is that amazing I mean I don't
03:21know maybe you're not don't think maybe you think I'm like freaking out but then again if you if you
03:26watch the beginning of this video again you know I'm not freaking out