Villain Initialization 《Fanpai Chushi Hua》 Ep 15 Multi Sub
TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team
00:25The patient's condition has changed.
00:27When did you find out?
00:28Three minutes ago.
00:29Three minutes ago.
00:34The values are normal.
00:36This is incredible.
00:38Hurry, check the patient's symptoms again.
00:43All indicators are normal.
00:44He's out of danger.
00:46That's great.
00:49I can't slack off anymore.
00:51I used to think
00:53everything was in my control.
00:56But in fact,
00:57once there's a mistake,
00:59it will be like an explosion in a hospital.
01:02A time-limit variation
01:04will cause a butterfly effect.
01:07In the end,
01:08it will affect the patient's mother and those around him.
01:12Is it really necessary
01:14to solve the Leafs?
01:17We're finally starting to sum up
01:18the reasons for the failure.
01:19The reason for the failure?
01:25A traitor should do
01:26what a traitor should do.
01:29Tell me, after you came back,
01:31did you do anything right?
01:33Didn't I solve Wang Zhiyuan?
01:36What about his gambling debts?
01:37What about his aunt's medical expenses?
01:39What about the cost of living after being discharged from the hospital?
01:41And what about dealing with Ye Zimu, Yu Bu,
01:43and Nest's equipment?
01:45I'm so worried!
01:47At present,
01:48the most important thing
01:50is only one thing.
01:53Get the money.
01:57With the information
01:58of those traitors in your head,
02:01even if you don't kill them,
02:02you can still get the information back.
02:05The range of influence is too large.
02:07It may cause trouble.
02:09There's nothing special about doing this,
02:11but it can solve the urgent problem.
02:14If I go in,
02:16what about my aunt?
02:19Then you go to the construction site to move bricks.
02:27Forget it.
02:28I'd better learn about the market on the underground website.
02:30Maybe I can find a way to make money.
02:36I didn't expect
02:38this place to be so boring ten years ago.
02:40It's normal for the traitors to slack off.
02:42After all, in this era,
02:43there are no real superheroes.
02:48there will be one.
02:49Who's to blame?
02:59There's such a good thing?
03:02are you really going to sell yourself?
03:04For Ke Wen,
03:06it's not worth a penny.
03:10the person who sent the invitation doesn't know.
03:16I don't know.
03:17I don't know.
03:18I don't know.
03:19I don't know.
03:20I don't know.
03:21I don't know.
03:22I don't know.
03:23I don't know.
03:24I don't know.
03:25I don't know.
03:26I don't know.
03:27I don't know.
03:28I don't know.
03:29I don't know.
03:30I don't know.
03:31I don't know.
03:32I don't know.
03:33I don't know.
03:34I don't know.
03:35I don't know.
03:36I don't know.
03:37I don't know.
03:38I don't know.
03:39I don't know.
03:40I don't know.
03:41I don't know.
03:42I don't know.
03:43I don't know.
03:44I don't know.
03:45I don't know.
03:46I don't know.
03:47I don't know.
03:48I don't know.
03:49I don't know.
03:50I don't know.
03:51I don't know.
03:52I don't know.
03:53I don't know.
03:54I don't know.
03:55I don't know.
03:56I don't know.
03:57I don't know.
03:58I don't know.
03:59I don't know.
04:00I don't know.
04:01I don't know.
04:02I don't know.
04:03I don't know.
04:04I don't know.
04:05I don't know.
04:06I don't know.
04:07I don't know.
04:08I don't know.
04:09I don't know.
04:10I don't know.
04:11I don't know.
04:12I don't know.
04:13I don't know.
04:14I don't know.
04:15I don't know.
04:16I don't know.
04:17I don't know.
04:18I don't know.
04:19I don't know.
04:20I don't know.
04:21I don't know.
04:22I don't know.
04:23I don't know.
04:24I don't know.
04:25I don't know.
04:26I don't know.
04:27I don't know.
04:28I don't know.
04:29I don't know.
04:30I don't know.
04:31I don't know.
04:32I don't know.
04:33I don't know.
04:34I don't know.
04:35I don't know.
04:36I don't know.
04:37I don't know.
04:38I don't know.
04:39I don't know.
04:40I don't know.
04:41I don't know.
04:42I don't know.
04:45You want to be on one-month leave?
04:47Lin Chen,
04:49does Qiaoyi's love
04:51make you tired already?
04:55I just come back to take care of Madam.
04:59I decide.
05:01As your best friend,
05:03I will quit my favorite
05:06and lie for you.
05:07So do I.
05:09I think you are looking for aeo
05:11找理由躲开月考吧 Let's find a reason to avoid the monthly exam.
05:13啊 凌晨 你怎么能质疑我们俩之间真挚的友谊呢 Lin Chen, how can you question our sincere friendship?
05:20凌晨 你在哪儿呢 凌晨 你在哪儿呢 Lin Chen, where are you?
05:22我听说你要请假 I heard you're on leave.
05:24你搞毛啊 What are you doing?
05:27凌晨 我发现了 Lin Chen, I found out.
05:29只要尽可能地平平淡淡无感 只要尽可能地平平淡淡无感 As long as I can stay calm,
05:31我就很少会有情绪波动 I will rarely have mood swings.
05:34只要情绪波动减少 我就 As long as the mood swings decrease,
05:35我就 I will...
05:39我们去别的地方说 Let's go somewhere else.
05:44自从那天之后 我的无感就变得十分敏锐 Ever since that day, my senselessness has become very sharp.
05:47周围人说的话我都听得一清二楚 I can understand what people around me are saying.
05:50戴着香皂耳塞都没有什么用 It's no use wearing a mask.
05:55而且 我能感觉到身体里有一股巨大的能量 And I can feel a huge energy in my body.
06:00只要我情绪激动 它们就会不受控制 As long as I'm emotional, they will be out of control.
06:06本来还以为再次进化带来的影响 I thought the effect of evolution
06:08会让她有段时间无法理性思考 would make her unable to think rationally for a while.
06:12没想到短短几天 她就适应成这样 I didn't expect her to adapt so quickly.
06:16凌晨 你现在是唯一一个知道我有超能力的人 Lin Chen, you're the only one who knows I have superpowers.
06:21那也不代表我要在这里听你废话 That doesn't mean I have to listen to your nonsense here.
06:25我 我不知道接下来怎么办 I... I don't know what to do next.
06:29出生以来 这是第一次我感觉自己好像完全脱离了控制 Since I was born, this is the first time I feel like I've completely lost control.
06:34就像 就像这样 Just like this.
06:50你现在都已经摔不死了 你还有什么不满足的 You can't even fall to your death now. What's there to be unsatisfied about?
06:54我怕我控制不好我的力量 最好伤害到身边的人 I'm afraid I can't control my power, and I'll end up hurting the people around me.
06:58那又怎么样 So what?
07:00现在这个世界对你来说就是个大型游乐场 The world is a big playground for you now.
07:02你完全可以为所欲为 You can do whatever you want.
07:05想干什么就干什么 You can do whatever you want.
07:19对了 小陈 你姨父人呢 By the way, Chen, where's your adoptive father?
07:22消失了 He's gone.
07:24那他去哪里了 你知道吗 Where did he go? Do you know?
07:28事到如今您还关心他 You still care about him now?
07:30没有 I don't.
07:32我离婚协议书都准备好了 我等着他签字呢 I've prepared the divorce agreement. I'm waiting for him to sign it.
07:38交给我吧 我帮您解决 Leave it to me. I'll take care of it.
07:48我把王志远送进了地下工厂 I sent Wang Zhiyuan to the underground factory.
07:51就是不知道他现在还有没有力气签字 I just don't know if he has the strength to sign it now.
07:55走开点 没什么 给老子起来 Get out of the way. It's nothing. Get up for me.
07:59实在不行 只要他宣告失踪 一样能办理 It's not going to work. As long as he says he's missing, it's going to work.
08:05对了 小陈 这次的医药费我这儿还有些存款呢 By the way, Chen, I still have some money in my account for the medical expenses.
08:10您别操心这个了 好好养身体 Don't worry about it. Just take care of yourself.
08:15小陈 对不起 离婚这件事拖得太久 都没有给你一个像样的童年 Chen, I'm sorry. I haven't given you a good childhood for too long.
08:24没事 姨妈 我现在挺好的 It's okay, Auntie. I'm fine now.
08:30好什么呀 你看你现在 一副快四十岁的样子 What do you mean you're fine? You look like you're almost forty.
08:36会有这么明显吗 Is it that obvious?
08:38别人家的小孩都会跟家长撒娇 你从来没跟我撒过娇吧 The children of other families will act cute to their parents. You've never done that to me.
08:53嗯 Yes.
09:03就是这儿了 李四 掌握着富贵街所有地下赌场和高利贷生物 很多人都被他搞得家破人亡 他和他的手下个个都是亡命之徒 至今逍遥法外 He and his subordinates are all deserters and are still on the run.
09:18这帮人实在是太坏了 Those people are too bad.
09:20嗯 李四这帮人的确是罪大恶极 但我之所以拿他们开刀 主要还是因为他就是王志远的债主 先把欠上的钱还上吧 死穷鬼 姨妈的医药费 王志远的赌债 今天一并解决 First of all, the medical expenses of Auntie and Wang Zhiyuan's gambling debts will be settled today.
09:46首先 让叶子牧穿上潘洛斯的制服 然后再偷偷录下他的战斗过程 而在他解决李四的同时 我顺带吞掉赌场的赃款 最后再用潘洛斯的绝面视频在地下网站上好一轮羊毛 哈哈哈哈 我简直就是个天才 哈哈哈哈 我简直就是个天才 哈哈哈哈 我简直就是个天才 哈哈哈哈 我简直就是个天才 哈哈哈哈 我简直就是个天才 哈哈哈哈 我简直就是个天才 我简直就是个天才 我简直就是个天才 我简直就是个天才 我简直就是个天才 我简直就是个天才 我简直就是个天才 我简直就是个天才 我简直就是
10:46I don't know what you're thinking. If it's someone else fighting with these bad guys, it's very likely that there will be casualties. So now is not the time to hesitate, and you also designed a uniform for me. You won't hurt me.
11:04In short, leave it to me.
11:17I'm not weak.
11:19My name is Fake Hero. A year ago, I was secretly sent to investigate the case of Li Si's suspected smuggling weapons. Tonight is the time to kill all these bastards.
11:29You, give me the phone.
11:35What's wrong, boss?
11:36The phone is broken.
11:38Take your delivery.
11:47Take your delivery?
11:53I'm done. I, Fake Hero, am going to die here today.
11:58I've long seen something wrong with you.
12:03Who is it?
12:16Just do it.
12:47What should I do? Do I have to use my own ability? Oh, my God. Is it time to kill them? Dad, what should I do? Dad.
13:06Ye Zimu really doesn't dare to use superpowers. Forget it. I'd better take the money and leave.
13:16There's a twist.
13:27You're really a traitor. What? Aren't you afraid of death?
13:33Of course I'm afraid. But if I back down, who's going to protect those innocent people?
13:39That's right. If I'm afraid of using superpowers, afraid of hurting them too much, what about those innocent people?
13:48I'm sorry. It might hurt a little next.
14:09Lin Chen, look. None of them are dead.
14:20Guys, thank you so much. My mission is finally completed.
14:27What mission? What's this?
14:35There are still three pieces here.
14:39Thank you for your help. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to get the money so smoothly.
14:45Damn it.
14:46I'm afraid you're going to get revenge. Don't worry. It's safe with us.
14:54By the way, this is 300,000 yuan. Thank you again for your advice.
15:00Hero, are you a hero?
15:09I can control my power. It's amazing.
15:14I got it. I'm going to use my superpowers to help those in need.
15:20Lin Chen, I can finally be with you.
15:25Don't do that.
15:33Zimu, do you know what time it is?
15:35Yes, dad. I'll be right back.
15:38I'm sorry. I have something to do at home. I have to go.
15:42Okay. Take care.
15:45I'll lock him up when I get home.
15:47But he seems to have forgotten about the bonus.
15:51Then I won't be polite.
15:53Anyway, it's up to you in the end.
16:05Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team
16:35Subbers Alina, Katherine, Sophia
17:05Rebirth of Shopping Addict
17:35Rebirth of Shopping Addict