• last year
00:00:00You could finish everything with your photographic memory, by the way, I already solved the alarm, it already works
00:00:15I thought you would have done it yourself, come in
00:00:19Please, ladies first, come in
00:00:22Oh, how kind of you
00:00:24What do you say?
00:00:25No, nothing, nothing, I speak alone
00:00:29Press it yourself, just in case
00:00:31No, no, I don't want to be responsible, no
00:00:34Or both at the same time
00:00:43As that poem says, the sins we have committed, we redeem them together
00:00:49I don't know him, I'm not interested
00:00:52I'm sure you recite it to your Bambi
00:00:54What do you say?
00:00:55And will you go out with your friend Gamzee tonight?
00:00:59Oh, and you'll see Fabri to... to work?
00:01:03Yes, we're going to work together, we'll be together and alone
00:01:08You alone?
00:01:09Yes, I've heard it well, you've emphasized it
00:01:11How curious, Sanem
00:01:13And after...
00:01:14After what or what?
00:01:15What are you going to do with your Bambi, I mean, with your friend Gamzee?
00:01:19Most likely I'll go home
00:01:21And you'll be alone?
00:01:22Yes, and then...
00:01:24Ah, well, maybe later I'll go with Mr. Fabri to have a drink
00:01:30I don't think so
00:01:33What do you mean you don't think so?
00:01:34No, I don't think I don't want to go out with you to drink something
00:01:39We'll do the same, you know?
00:01:41While we watch a movie, I'm sure Gamzee will bring a good bottle of wine
00:01:47Why not, damn it
00:01:49What do you say?
00:01:50I didn't say anything
00:01:52Uh, tell me, what kind of movie are you going to watch?
00:01:57Maybe a romantic one, Gamzee really likes that kind of movies
00:02:02Then you'll watch a movie together
00:02:04I thought he liked action movies
00:02:07No, not at all, she prefers romantic movies
00:02:14I don't want to go anywhere with Mr. Fabri, I really don't
00:02:17Well, don't go, you don't have to make sacrifices, Sanem
00:02:20Maybe we'll also watch a movie at the cinema, I don't know
00:02:24At the cinema, really?
00:02:26Well, it's late
00:02:29Look, I'm going to tell you this as friends, don't get the wrong idea
00:02:33Tomorrow we're going camping, and you won't want to be late
00:02:37Sure, and you tell me as a friend
00:02:39You're also going to watch a movie, so don't be late because we're going camping
00:02:44Don't be sad
00:03:09Have fun, friend
00:03:11You too, friend
00:03:16Excuse me
00:03:25Hello, Mr. Fabri?
00:03:27Yes, of course, of course
00:03:29I know I told you I was free tonight, but is there a way to change it?
00:03:36Miss Sanem, are you sick? Your voice sounds tired
00:03:40No, I'm not sick, I'm just tired
00:03:44It's just that I had a lot of work today, it was a very busy afternoon
00:03:47And tomorrow morning, because we're all going camping
00:03:51If you don't mind
00:03:53No, of course, there's no problem, health is the most important thing
00:03:57So, we'll start next week
00:03:59Okay, okay, see you next week
00:04:02Very well, then take care
00:04:04Thank you very much
00:04:12¿Le mando un mensaje?
00:04:15¿O le llamo? ¿Le mando un video? ¿O un audio?
00:04:18No, mejor un audio
00:04:19¿Qué haces? ¿Perdiste la cabeza?
00:04:22Tú no te metas, no empieces a confundirme como es tu costumbre
00:04:26Siento curiosidad
00:04:27¿Por qué le dirías?
00:04:31No te preocupes, seré profesional
00:04:34Espera un momento
00:04:40Por supuesto que no, pero está claro que...
00:04:42Zanem llamando
00:04:45Pero creo que tiene que ver con lo que le dijo a Soraya el otro día
00:04:48¿Y usted qué opina?
00:04:52Zanem, no te oigo, hay mucho ruido de fondo, así que no puedo escucharte
00:04:56Sal a un sitio donde no oiga la música, no te entiendo
00:05:05Zanem llamando
00:05:18Sorry, I called you by mistake
00:05:21¿Called you by mistake?
00:05:25It's just that there's music here
00:05:28I'm with Mr. Fabriz, we went out for dinner
00:05:31That's why it sounds so bad because of the music
00:05:34But weren't you going to work all night?
00:05:36I thought you were working, that's what you told me
00:05:39Well, it doesn't matter, so did you go out to dinner or a restaurant for music?
00:05:44It's just that I was a little hungry and we came here
00:05:48I understand, I understand
00:05:52Gamzee, don't pause the movie
00:05:54I'm on my way, it's an unimportant call
00:05:57Hey, are you hungry? If you want, we can order something to eat
00:06:01No, no
00:06:02Make yourself comfortable, you're at home
00:06:04I'm coming with you, make yourself comfortable
00:06:08Make yourself comfortable
00:06:10It looks like you're watching a movie, I didn't want to interrupt you
00:06:13Yes, you know, we're here watching a movie
00:06:16And you told her to make herself comfortable
00:06:20I don't know why you insist on the same thing
00:06:28Oh, Mr. Fabri, how nice!
00:06:31What is this, champagne?
00:06:33Wow, how elegant, I can't believe it
00:06:36Thank you very much, but I can't drink anymore
00:06:39Because if I don't, I'll get very stupid
00:06:42Do you think? Just one more?
00:06:45No problem?
00:06:46The truth is that I don't know
00:06:49Hey Gamzee, don't open that cheap bottle
00:06:51I have Spanish wine, that's better, it's for special occasions
00:06:54Special, it's for special people
00:06:56Open that bottle, bring it
00:06:59Excuse me?
00:07:01Spanish? Spanish wine?
00:07:03But didn't Gamzee like tea?
00:07:06I know because he served him a whole teapot
00:07:09If not, I wouldn't say it, that's why I remember, you know?
00:07:16Oh, Mr. Fabri, you really dance very well
00:07:19You have a lot of energy
00:07:21But tell me, where did you learn to dance so well?
00:07:25Well, of course, if you want, but it's just that...
00:07:28I don't dance very well, but if you insist, I'll go
00:07:31And now you started dancing, right?
00:07:33Yes, it's very fun, until dawn, we'll dance all night and I don't know what to do
00:07:42Daughter, turn down the volume, you can't hear anything
00:07:44We've been calling you, but you don't hear anything
00:07:46Besides, it's too late
00:07:54I can feel it on the way
00:07:56There's no need to be afraid
00:07:59People, they just seem to be afraid
00:08:03Are your parents there with you?
00:08:08No, it's just that the music is too loud
00:08:11Well, I'm going to hang up, I don't want to keep bothering you
00:08:15See you
00:08:17Yes, of course, from what I hear, you didn't go out with Fabri
00:08:21You're at home, so don't pretend, you're at home, I can tell
00:08:25It shows
00:08:28It shows a lot?
00:08:31You found me
00:08:37It was a joke
00:08:39Can't I make a joke?
00:08:41It's true
00:08:42We're not friends, we can't joke, Jan
00:08:45Well, you're still with your date
00:08:50I don't want to interrupt
00:08:51Yes, I was joking too
00:08:53You believed it, didn't you?
00:08:56What? It was a joke?
00:08:58Yours was also a joke?
00:09:01With Bamba, I mean Gamzee, he's not there with you?
00:09:07And the Spanish wine?
00:09:09There isn't
00:09:10As you say, great
00:09:13I mean, I mean, we'll camp tomorrow, so we can go to bed early
00:09:21Friends are on this occasion, and I don't want you to arrive very tired tomorrow
00:09:27Of course, I worry as a friend
00:09:30Of course, friend, of course
00:09:32Well, now I have to go
00:09:36So, see you tomorrow morning
00:09:42Sleep well, friend
00:09:44You too, friend
00:09:55What a professional you were
00:09:58Well, yes
00:10:01Very professional
00:10:13I loved the gift he gave you, what a beautiful necklace
00:10:16The truth is that you look very beautiful, friend
00:10:18Wow, it shows that Jan is still very in love with you
00:10:23He loves me
00:10:26He loved me
00:10:28I already told you that we're just friends
00:10:30For now
00:10:31But what else can I do, Aihan?
00:10:33He says he doesn't trust me, and he's right
00:10:37I already told you about my nightmare, and I can't forget it
00:10:42Well, I can't forget the fact that you two slept together, naughty
00:10:49Being close to him and trying to keep the distance is very difficult
00:10:54It costs me a lot of work, you know?
00:10:56And the worst of all
00:11:00That we will never be together again
00:11:03In love you can never say
00:11:06You just have to be patient
00:11:08I have no other option
00:11:11Well, she and I also decided to be friends
00:11:14So that we get to know each other little by little
00:11:17And so maybe we will fall in love with each other
00:11:20But we can't be together, friend
00:11:22We already saw that it doesn't work
00:11:28Do you want to come camping with us?
00:11:30Are you serious?
00:11:31Do you think I can go with you?
00:11:33Yes, of course
00:11:34They told us that we could invite friends if we wanted
00:11:37And you are the only friend I have
00:11:39Oh, Sanne
00:11:43Thank you very much
00:11:44And well, Jan is also my friend
00:11:48Maybe I can stay alone with JJ
00:11:51And I with Jan as friends
00:11:53We too, of course
00:11:55We are friends
00:11:57And they are our friends
00:12:03Shall we prepare the clothes?
00:12:05Very well, let's go
00:12:06Of course
00:12:09What do you think?
00:12:11We have to try the Compass material
00:12:14We are going to try everything we can
00:12:16To document the whole experience
00:12:19We will take notes and then we will comment on all the results
00:12:23This way we will be able to shape the campaign
00:12:26From the experience itself
00:12:28The one who has the best idea for the slogan
00:12:31Will be at the front of the project with me
00:12:33And will also receive a bonus
00:12:40We will work together
00:12:44I'm in practice, it's a great opportunity for me
00:12:47That's true, although it seems difficult because it's hard for you to concentrate
00:12:51Yes, you're right about that
00:12:53I always have it
00:13:01It's strong
00:13:04Why so much?
00:13:08I'm so sleepy
00:13:12Jan, why are you here?
00:13:16Oh no
00:13:18There it goes
00:13:23You know I trust you
00:13:25I hope you come up with a good slogan for this campaign
00:13:29If you focus and do your part
00:13:31I'm sure you'll get it
00:13:33Yes, I think so
00:13:34I love this idea of camping to work
00:13:37Really? Okay
00:13:39And hey, if you have any questions
00:13:41Don't be proud and ask me, okay?
00:13:44What questions am I going to have?
00:13:45Everything is very simple
00:13:46Don't worry, I won't ask you anything
00:13:48Yes, well, the first phase is
00:13:51Setting up the stores
00:13:53Let's see how you do it
00:13:54I want to see
00:13:57Oh, she's here
00:14:02Gamsay, good morning
00:14:03Good morning
00:14:04What is she doing here?
00:14:06That woman again?
00:14:07Hey, you and I have started thinking the same
00:14:10You said it, run
00:14:12Good morning
00:14:13Good morning
00:14:14Good morning
00:14:15What a surprise, we didn't know you were coming
00:14:18I wanted to be present while they tested the material
00:14:21In case I can solve any doubts
00:14:23Well, how kind of you
00:14:26If you want, I'll help you take all your things
00:14:29It's all in the car, thank you
00:14:31I'll take care of it
00:14:32Really? Okay, perfect
00:14:34See you later
00:14:38How did Gamsay know that we were coming to camp today?
00:14:42I told him on the phone
00:14:46On the phone?
00:14:50Did you say something?
00:14:51No, I didn't say anything
00:14:53We work in a campaign and a client from the company came to hire us
00:14:57But don't you think there will be problems?
00:15:00The other agencies won't see it as unfair competition
00:15:03We should kindly tell Gamsay to leave
00:15:07The agencies can test the products in advance
00:15:10We are in our right and they can also participate
00:15:14Compass Sport is open to all kinds of suggestions
00:15:18Gamsay is my friend and there's nothing wrong with her spending a day with us while we work here
00:15:23Of course, you're absolutely right
00:15:25And besides, it's none of my business
00:15:27I only give you my opinion to avoid possible problems
00:15:31And that's so that later there won't be any complaints about unfair competition
00:15:36Don't worry, none of that will happen
00:15:38Because Gamsay is not the one who decides in this company
00:15:41She belongs to another department
00:15:44Buongiorno! How are you, Jan?
00:15:47Mr. Fabri!
00:15:50I wasn't expecting you
00:15:52Aren't we partners?
00:15:55Yes, of course
00:15:58From now on, I'd like to be closer to the employees and all the projects
00:16:05I hope you don't find this difficult. This is not the city
00:16:09Don't worry about me, Jan
00:16:11It's not the first time I go camping
00:16:14In my college years I did mountaineering, I even climbed the Alps
00:16:18And I also do paragliding and I have a couple of medals in Windsor
00:16:23Is that enough for you?
00:16:26Wow, what a sportsman
00:16:28The truth is that you will help us a lot in this camp
00:16:31There are a couple of teams that will need you
00:16:34First help some and then the others, okay?
00:16:42I'm going to show you all the material we have and I'll explain it to you
00:16:57Oh Sanem, what am I going to do?
00:17:00JJ again has panic attacks
00:17:02That of being friends has only confused him
00:17:05Don't worry, all men get confused
00:17:07JJ is not the only one
00:17:10One question, who is that pretty girl who is with your friend?
00:17:14Bambi, Gamzee, a friend of Jan
00:17:17Oh, that's Bambi? What is she doing here?
00:17:20Well, Jan invited her, it seems that she is interested
00:17:22And I can't say anything because we are just friends
00:17:26Look, she's pretty
00:17:28Don't say nonsense
00:17:30You are more beautiful than her, don't be insecure
00:17:33Mr. Jan doesn't even look at her when you are
00:17:36Yes, you think?
00:17:38And I don't think the girl is interested in Jan
00:17:41My sixth sense tells me
00:17:44I also think that
00:17:48Hey, look what a nice hairstyle
00:17:51Let's look good and tonight you'll do my hair the same, right?
00:17:54Are you serious?
00:17:56Let's see the braids
00:17:57Are you sure?
00:17:58Come on, Camila
00:18:01Wow, from what I see, you are interested in sports
00:18:04Under the roof
00:18:06You mean outdoors, right?
00:18:08What did I say?
00:18:10Yes, outdoors, bravo, sorry
00:18:12I don't even know what I'm saying
00:18:14Before meeting Jan, I wasn't interested in any of that
00:18:18Actually, I didn't even like going camping
00:18:22She's interested in Jan
00:18:24Shut up, she's going to hear you
00:18:26Jan was very popular around me
00:18:28I had to think of an excuse to meet him
00:18:31Then I started to get interested in all that
00:18:34So I learned four things by heart and pretended to be a climber
00:18:39And he believed me
00:18:41Smart girl
00:18:43That's how we became friends
00:18:45But what a liar she is
00:18:47She's a fraud
00:18:49That girl has no idea about going camping
00:18:52You're right
00:18:54I find it incredible
00:18:57I find it incredible
00:18:59She must have made it all up
00:19:01Apparently, the only thing that girl is interested in is being with Jan
00:19:06Don't provoke me, Aifan
00:19:08We're in the middle of the forest and I don't want any trouble
00:19:11Open it
00:19:12But she said it was a long time ago
00:19:14Hold it
00:19:15That's why my sixth sense failed
00:19:17Sit down, let's go
00:19:22At that time I was dying to be close to Jan
00:19:25Because I really liked a friend of his
00:19:28And so I got used to camping and then I became a professional climber
00:19:32And I was even able to get a license
00:19:35And I'm also an outdoor sports instructor
00:19:39That's right
00:19:40Magnificent, bravo
00:19:44Hey, but you're going to be alone with us
00:19:47It's a secret
00:19:50Don't worry about me
00:19:53Gamzee, can you come here?
00:19:54I'm coming
00:20:00Oh, he's going again
00:20:02What were they talking about?
00:20:04It was just an anecdote
00:20:07I think you don't like the guy, do you, Jan?
00:20:12Not at all
00:20:14Well, I think he's very handsome
00:20:19Don't look at me like that, I like it
00:20:21He's a very charismatic guy
00:20:23Charismatic? Really?
00:20:26Then you better start learning Italian
00:20:33Sanen, calm down
00:20:35I can't say she's a liar
00:20:37How am I going to prove it to Jan?
00:20:41Where do I put this?
00:20:42Open it, open it from there
00:20:44Don't let go
00:21:02Hold it, hold it tight
00:21:07It's very complicated
00:21:12What kind of store is that?
00:21:15I see that finding a campaign store is not so easy for you
00:21:21On the contrary, it's pretty easy
00:21:23I'm almost done
00:21:24This goes here
00:21:27Gamzee, why are you doing that?
00:21:29You've already mastered it, look for a more difficult task
00:21:32I was teaching Sanen how to do it
00:21:35Although you have experience, it can be difficult for you to assemble it
00:21:38It is much better to learn
00:21:40I'm amazed
00:21:41I saw Gamzee turning around and I thought he didn't know how to set up the store
00:21:45But he's very skilled
00:21:47Did you install it?
00:21:48That's what Jan and JJ are doing
00:21:50I dedicate myself to more complicated tasks to learn a little bit of everything, you know?
00:21:54I'm sure that for you that's something very easy
00:21:57What I hope is that you think of a good slogan
00:22:01I'm going to see how I do with the store
00:22:03What I hope is that you think of a good slogan
00:22:07I'm going to see how I do with the store
00:22:10JJ, Ayhan, but it's very easy, it's very simple
00:22:13If you say so
00:22:14Leave it to me, I'll show you
00:22:17This goes here
00:22:18Wait, let me read the instructions
00:22:20Let him do it
00:22:22Do you want a tea?
00:22:23Let's go
00:22:25Very good, like that, yes
00:22:28Be careful
00:22:33Let's go
00:22:39I have it, everything is coldly calculated
00:22:41Jan, get out of the store, let's go
00:22:43You have to lift it inside
00:22:44What do you want? At least let me ask you
00:22:47Hey, here it says it's automatic
00:22:49How is it going to be automatic?
00:22:54You're doing it wrong
00:22:56Wait, Sanem
00:22:57I don't know why, but it's not like that
00:22:59I already told you not to do that, don't insist
00:23:03Sanem, we're going to drown
00:23:05I'm short of air
00:23:08What are you doing?
00:23:10Yes, it's almost assembled
00:23:12We just need some details
00:23:14Oh, I see
00:23:15Don't you want me to help you?
00:23:18Oh no, it's almost finished
00:23:19We're almost done assembling it
00:23:21Get out of there, okay?
00:23:22Yes, of course
00:23:23Get out
00:23:25Let's see, wait
00:23:26Wait a minute
00:23:27It's just that according to the instructions, it says we have to do
00:23:29Get out of there, I'll explain how it's assembled
00:23:31Okay, we're out
00:23:33Do you know how to assemble it?
00:23:34Of course, it's not the first time I've assembled one
00:23:38The first thing is to accommodate the rods
00:23:40Right, they're important
00:23:42Very good, I think we're done
00:24:03We did well
00:24:04Bravo, it's already in the store
00:24:06Although, they've helped us a lot
00:24:09And I thank you
00:24:11I feel capable of anything right now
00:24:15Exactly, Jan
00:24:16And that's what happened
00:24:18I don't believe you
00:24:20I see that Ms. Gamzee and Jan are very good friends
00:24:24I hadn't noticed
00:24:26Oh, no?
00:24:28Well, Jan is a winner
00:24:33And he has a lot of talent
00:24:37He's an exceptional man
00:24:40It's normal for him to attract so many women
00:24:45What's wrong?
00:24:46Are you jealous?
00:24:49Because it says
00:24:51One doesn't feel jealous of friends
00:24:54Oh, friendship
00:24:57It's the most difficult thing
00:25:00Because friendship is open to all possibilities
00:25:05Let's say it's open to both you and your friends
00:25:13Let's assemble the remaining ones
00:26:12Hello, everyone
00:26:15Our latest release is a portable GPS
00:26:18It has an improved voice guidance system
00:26:21We've organized a game
00:26:23Using the GPS and only that
00:26:26You have to pick up the flags placed on the trees
00:26:30And the one who picks up all of them in the shortest time possible will be the winner
00:26:35That's it
00:26:36The location of the flags
00:26:38They are inserted into the devices
00:26:40You can't use a map
00:26:43Who wants to play?
00:26:47Can I take one?
00:26:51I have it
00:26:52For what?
00:26:57I get dizzy with these lenses
00:26:59I'm sorry
00:27:00I'm sorry
00:27:01It's too much technology for me
00:27:07You don't have to test the GPS
00:27:09It's better if you just take the glasses and go take notes
00:27:13What are you insinuating?
00:27:15Tell me directly, Jan
00:27:17Me? Insinuating?
00:27:24These GPS are very complicated
00:27:26And you're not used to using them
00:27:28But whatever you want, do it
00:27:30Of course I understand
00:27:32I'm not used to camping or doing things outdoors
00:27:35I'm a useless person
00:27:37If you want to try them, at least don't go alone
00:27:40Did you hear me?
00:27:41Sorry, just a question
00:27:42I think I put the watch wrong
00:27:44Tell me how this works
00:27:46I want to be the winner
00:27:47Yes, let me explain it to you
00:27:49Very good
00:27:50This shows you the way back in case you get lost
00:27:53Here you see it
00:27:57You got it
00:27:58Thank you very much
00:27:59You're welcome
00:28:03It's going to be very easy
00:28:05Just focus on the goal
00:28:08And follow your instincts, okay?
00:28:12Very good
00:28:15Sanem, where are you going?
00:28:17I'm going to win and take the prize
00:28:19What? Wait for us, let's go
00:28:22I'm going
00:28:23You know you're being careless with me, rich girl
00:28:26Go north
00:28:30And where is that?
00:28:32I guess...
00:28:35I don't think it's that way
00:28:37I'm sure it's this way
00:28:38In 100 meters, turn east
00:28:40Yes, this way
00:28:41It's the instinct, it's very clear
00:28:45I'm proud to be a mountaineer
00:28:47And I don't know how many more nonsense
00:28:49You're moving away from your destiny
00:28:50Oh, what a course of mountaineering!
00:28:52What if I dive club?
00:28:53It seems that this girl knows everything
00:28:55Of course, rich girl
00:28:56Reading books is not enough
00:28:58You're moving away from your destiny
00:28:59I want you to know that I ran down the streets
00:29:01When you played with your dolls
00:29:02In your elegant apartment
00:29:04Honey, you're going to meet me
00:29:06I'll be the winner
00:29:08You're moving away from your destiny
00:29:13Go right heading southeast
00:29:21Where is the southeast?
00:29:23Turn right
00:29:25Turn right
00:29:26There's no path
00:29:28Turn right
00:29:29No, there's no path, messiah
00:29:31You're moving away from your destiny
00:29:34Are you sure you want to say left?
00:29:36Turn right
00:29:42What is that?
00:29:47Where am I?
00:29:52Speak, where am I?
00:29:54You're moving away from your destiny
00:29:56Look who's there
00:29:57I already know that
00:29:58But you tell me where I have to go
00:30:00She's completely lost
00:30:01I can't
00:30:11Can anyone hear me?
00:30:14I'm lost
00:30:15Is there anyone?
00:30:17What do I do now?
00:30:24What's that?
00:30:31What's that?
00:30:42Sanem, are you okay?
00:30:45I found her!
00:31:04I'm going to bring some ropes
00:31:51Are you okay?
00:31:53I'm dizzy
00:31:54Don't worry, it doesn't seem serious
00:31:56Calm down, don't be scared, okay?
00:31:58I'll get you out of here right away, okay?
00:32:01Can you get up?
00:32:03Can you walk?
00:32:14Are you okay? Are you dizzy?
00:32:17Don't move
00:32:18I have something to do, I won't be long
00:32:20Wait and we'll get out of here very soon, Sanem
00:32:23Don't worry
00:32:50Don't worry, okay?
00:32:52Now you just have to hold me tight
00:32:54Can you do it?
00:32:56Yes, I can
00:32:59Hold my neck tight, okay?
00:33:02And surround me with your legs
00:33:05That's it, very good
00:33:09Let's go
00:33:34It gave me...
00:33:36a lot of fear
00:33:37May you be safe
00:33:51Are you okay?
00:34:08Bring it here
00:34:09No, I don't believe in those things
00:34:10It doesn't matter, I'm good at this
00:34:12Give me your hand
00:34:13Now let's see
00:34:24In Italy we spend a lot of time in the mountains
00:34:26and I love that
00:34:28I love it too
00:34:33Are you better?
00:34:36You gave us a good scare
00:34:39Were you worried?
00:34:41I'm very sorry
00:34:44I don't want to lose sight of you
00:34:48Especially every time we go to the woods, right?
00:34:53I understand
00:35:06Coffee helps a lot
00:35:07when you have a day as exhausting as this
00:35:11Is tea good too?
00:35:13Turks don't like tea
00:35:14and we like coffee
00:35:17That's right
00:35:18Although this is thyme tea
00:35:22It's relaxing
00:35:23I think you should try it now
00:35:25Yes, of course
00:35:26I'll do it next time
00:35:35What was a hole doing in the middle of the forest?
00:35:37I don't understand
00:35:38That wasn't a hole
00:35:39It was the Great Canyon
00:35:40The question is, how did you not see it?
00:35:42How did you fall?
00:35:43Although, I better not ask you
00:35:46I'm sure
00:35:47it was the hunters
00:35:48to catch a bear
00:35:50And they married you
00:35:52I wouldn't miss my mother
00:35:54because I always cause trouble
00:36:00Do you want some tea?
00:36:01Of course
00:36:04Aren't you tired?
00:36:05Just hold my arm
00:36:08And I'll hold yours
00:36:09You can hold mine
00:36:10Yes, you have good support
00:36:16And then it turned red
00:36:17as if it were...
00:36:18Mr. Emre
00:36:19Mr. Emre is coming
00:36:25Here, drink it
00:36:26I'll be right back
00:36:32What are you doing here?
00:36:36Hello, dear brother
00:36:39Emre, what do you want?
00:36:41Can we talk in private?
00:36:43I don't want to talk to you
00:36:46Well, I have things to tell you
00:36:49I have news
00:36:50I don't care
00:36:51I don't want to know anything about you
00:36:53You and me
00:36:54have nothing in common
00:36:56Our mother
00:36:58We share a mother
00:37:00What does mom have to do with this?
00:37:02She knows what happened
00:37:04And what?
00:37:05She knows about the agency
00:37:06I don't care
00:37:08And I have her shares
00:37:11That's right
00:37:12So you can't kick me out, Can
00:37:15I have the same rights
00:37:16in the agency
00:37:17as you
00:37:19Get lost
00:37:20I think you don't understand
00:37:21You don't understand me
00:37:23You can't fire me
00:37:25I'll stay in the agency
00:37:26whether you like it
00:37:27or not
00:37:32To return to the agency
00:37:33you'll need more than those shares
00:37:35It won't be that easy
00:37:37Now get out of here, Emre
00:37:42Well, guys
00:37:44It's a great night
00:37:45to camp
00:37:46That's right
00:37:48The stars shine in the sky
00:37:49The air is clean
00:37:50and fresh
00:37:52And we're very happy
00:37:57Although I don't see them
00:37:58so happy
00:37:59But why did we come
00:38:00to camp, guys?
00:38:02To get inspired
00:38:03and think of new ideas
00:38:04What's going on?
00:38:05They're a little tense
00:38:06I understand
00:38:07But I have something
00:38:09that I think
00:38:10can help everyone
00:38:11Bring your cups
00:38:12Bring your cups
00:38:13Bring your cups
00:38:14Bring your cups
00:38:15Bring your cups
00:38:16Bring your cups
00:38:17Bring your cups
00:38:20Being in a quiet camp
00:38:21has become
00:38:22a great adventure
00:38:24Especially Mr. Emre's
00:38:25Here you go, Yeye
00:38:26Thank you
00:38:27Enjoy yourself
00:38:28You too
00:38:31Enjoy yourself
00:38:32Shut up, you pervert
00:38:33Oh, well
00:38:34I'm with a little alcohol
00:38:36Well, I can't drink alcohol
00:38:37I'm sleepy
00:38:38You're sleepy?
00:38:41I don't know
00:38:43But I didn't come here
00:38:44to sleep
00:38:48Does anyone want more?
00:38:52Oh, my head
00:38:55Jan, calm down
00:38:56Gamzee, did you see him?
00:38:58I told him I didn't want to see him
00:39:02Now he has my mother's actions
00:39:04Damn it
00:39:06Jan, calm down
00:39:07You have to breathe deeply
00:39:08Calm down
00:39:11Do you remember
00:39:12when we camped in the mountains?
00:39:14When I found out
00:39:15that my boyfriend was cheating on me
00:39:17He also showed up there
00:39:18to apologize to me
00:39:19as if nothing happened
00:39:21What did you tell me that night?
00:39:24We are...
00:39:26in the middle of nature
00:39:30Don't let that idiot
00:39:31ruin your night
00:39:32or something like that
00:39:34That's right
00:39:36And I listened to you
00:39:38In the same way
00:39:39I couldn't do anything about it
00:39:41But even so
00:39:42your words helped me a lot
00:39:43in that confusing moment
00:39:46Well, now apply it to you
00:39:48I don't know what problem
00:39:49you have with your brother
00:39:51But please listen to me, Jan
00:39:53This is not the place
00:39:54to solve it
00:39:56Let's be together again
00:39:57camping after many years
00:39:59away from the city
00:40:00from the skyscrapers
00:40:01and the chaos
00:40:03Please, enjoy it
00:40:11What do you want?
00:40:13Yes, you're right
00:40:15Yes, I know
00:40:18How do you feel?
00:40:21Good, thank you very much
00:40:26It seems that
00:40:27in difficult times
00:40:29you are by Jan's side
00:40:31You look very close
00:40:33We are a good team
00:40:38I was referring to Jan
00:40:40and Miss Gamze
00:40:42They get along very well
00:40:43It's just
00:40:44you have to see
00:40:45how fast he calmed him down
00:40:49Oh, really?
00:40:51I hadn't noticed that
00:40:53Well, you just have to observe well
00:41:00Since you haven't drunk anything
00:41:01I brought you a juice
00:41:03You must be thirsty
00:41:06Well, take this chair
00:41:07and sit down
00:41:08Oh, thank you
00:41:11You look pretty
00:41:11Thank you
00:41:13I feel a little dizzy
00:41:14I don't understand
00:41:17Don't leave anything
00:41:27Do you want us to go get something to drink?
00:41:30No, thank you
00:41:31You go ahead
00:41:32I'll be okay
00:41:33Very good
00:41:34I'll see you later
00:41:37Hey, it tastes weird
00:41:39It's just an organic juice
00:41:40I forgot that it tastes like fruit. Finish it.
00:41:44It has vitamins.
00:41:46Drink it.
00:41:48I'm going.
00:41:51Don't leave anything, okay? Drink, drink.
00:41:57What are you doing?
00:41:59I'm going for a walk.
00:42:01If you want, I'll go with you.
00:42:03Oh, it can't be. I always come at the wrong time.
00:42:10Let's go.
00:42:28What's wrong with me? I'm sleepy.
00:42:32But I can't sleep.
00:42:36Wolves, sheep.
00:42:38You don't sleep, Anel.
00:42:41There are wolves.
00:42:43And sheep.
00:42:47I'm going for a walk.
00:42:49Let's see if I can wake up.
00:42:54What will it be?
00:42:57I have your actions.
00:42:59So you can't kick me out.
00:43:02I have the same rights as you in the agency.
00:43:05Listen, get lost.
00:43:07I think you don't understand.
00:43:09You can't fire me.
00:43:16What a weird juice Deren gave me.
00:43:22But after a few drinks, you get used to it.
00:43:26Well, yes.
00:43:29Who is afraid to walk around here?
00:43:32I'm brave.
00:43:36That's good.
00:43:47Could it have been a wolf?
00:43:52Is it a wolf?
00:43:55There's a wolf near here.
00:43:59It's here.
00:44:01I'm scared.
00:44:03Let's go.
00:44:22Let's go.
00:44:24John, is that you, John?
00:44:27What are you doing here?
00:44:31taking a walk.
00:44:33Merging with nature.
00:44:36Were you drinking?
00:44:38It's juice.
00:44:40Juice, yes, of course.
00:44:42And are you sure that's juice?
00:44:44Yes, of course. Deren prepared it especially for me.
00:44:48Besides, what else do you want, boss?
00:44:51I don't think it's your business, right?
00:44:56Why did you leave the camp?
00:44:58Did you leave your friends alone?
00:45:01Bambi Gamzee.
00:45:03Sounds like a nickname.
00:45:06Tell me, why are you alone?
00:45:11It's not your style.
00:45:28Let's go.
00:45:58In fact,
00:46:00I thought you hadn't seen each other in a while.
00:46:03And you get along very well, it's obvious.
00:46:06You have a good relationship.
00:46:09You'll be very happy with her.
00:46:12I'm sure of it.
00:46:14It's time to go back.
00:46:18My friend is there.
00:46:20Don't worry, I can go back on my own.
00:46:23I'm sure of it.
00:46:25I'm sure of it.
00:46:26I can go back on my own.
00:46:28But you're right.
00:46:30It's not that, I'm just saying that
00:46:32you need to sleep, Sanem.
00:46:37The enemy never sleeps, it's a saying.
00:46:40Don't forget it.
00:46:42And now, what enemy are you referring to, Sanem?
00:46:44I think you've lived much more than you realize.
00:46:47I think.
00:46:49Look, pay close attention to me, okay?
00:46:53You're mine.
00:46:56That's all.
00:47:09What's this?
00:47:11Mr. Johnny Sanem?
00:47:30I'm so sorry.
00:47:32It wasn't my intention.
00:47:34Is what I'm seeing true?
00:47:36Or could it be the mushrooms from earlier?
00:47:43God, why am I the one who had to see them?
00:47:46I'm sure I'll be traumatized for life.
00:47:49Let's see if I don't get in trouble.
00:47:53Sanem, we...
00:47:54I know, we're just...
00:47:58I don't know how I kissed you,
00:48:00or where those words came from.
00:48:02I'm sure this game has something else.
00:48:04I don't feel well.
00:48:06I'm sorry, I'm begging you.
00:48:08I said it without thinking.
00:48:11You can't say without thinking
00:48:13what you really feel.
00:48:14Another secret I can't keep.
00:48:45Let's go.
00:48:47I'm sorry, John.
00:48:48Don't worry.
00:49:02You're right.
00:49:03It's not a bad idea.
00:49:06Hey, Jay!
00:49:07Jay, Jay, I'm here!
00:49:08What's going on with that crazy guy?
00:49:09Jay, Jay?
00:49:11He always does the same thing.
00:49:13Hey, come back!
00:49:15He's eating it like it's tea.
00:49:17What kind of game is this?
00:49:21Come here.
00:49:23Sit down, and don't move.
00:49:26Drop the bottle.
00:49:27Don't drink anymore.
00:49:28I'll bring you a cup of tea.
00:49:30Don't drink from that.
00:49:32As you wish.
00:49:34I swear I saw her.
00:49:35Good evening.
00:49:39Jay, Jay, stop!
00:49:40Ulysse, what new phobia does he have?
00:49:43What did I do?
00:49:46Jay, Jay!
00:49:51What did you do now?
00:49:53I don't know.
00:49:54I said things I shouldn't have.
00:49:56But it was all because of the juice.
00:49:58I don't know what I had.
00:50:00Don't blame others.
00:50:01He told you.
00:50:02You can't say without thinking
00:50:03what you really feel.
00:50:06There's a koala inside me
00:50:07that wants to grab John,
00:50:09but I won't let him.
00:50:11Yes, of course.
00:50:12As you say.
00:50:14And I won't let him.
00:50:18What kind of voice are you?
00:50:19An enemy voice?
00:50:21I want to talk to my voice.
00:50:24The inner voice, please.
00:50:26That comes out of me.
00:50:27The natural one.
00:50:35Find it.
00:50:38Find it yourself!
00:50:40Yes, find it!
00:50:41Take this.
00:50:42Yes, take this.
00:50:43Find it yourself!
00:50:44Hey, John!
00:50:45Find the slogan!
00:50:46It's okay, but sit down.
00:50:47Listen to me.
00:50:50Find it yourself!
00:50:54Compass is a compass!
00:50:56Well, Compass Sports
00:50:57tells its customers
00:50:58to exercise outdoors
00:51:00to where they have to go
00:51:02to find themselves.
00:51:04Find it yourself in nature!
00:51:06Compass, show me the place!
00:51:07Yes, of course.
00:51:09Sanem, look.
00:51:10It doesn't matter what you drank.
00:51:12Do it more often.
00:51:13Get the best out of yourself.
00:51:15Yes, yes.
00:51:16Oh, that's great!
00:51:17And the result?
00:51:18Good job, Sanem!
00:51:19Hey, we have a winner
00:51:20of the slogan!
00:51:23Find it yourself!
00:51:25Sanem just came up with it.
00:51:27Please, sign it.
00:51:28Thank you!
00:51:32As I told you,
00:51:33she will be working with me
00:51:34in the campaign.
00:51:36We will work
00:51:37in the project.
00:51:38In the project, of course.
00:51:39Oh, thank you.
00:51:40What a surprise!
00:51:41It's not for me.
00:51:42In fact,
00:51:43I was expecting it from you.
00:51:50Congratulations, Sanem!
00:51:51Thank you!
00:52:01In fact, I didn't think about it that much.
00:52:03It was an inspiration.
00:52:05Well, I think it's a good idea.
00:52:08After the wheel's invention.
00:52:13Congratulations, Sanem!
00:52:15I see you're lucky again.
00:52:17Thank you very much, Erin.
00:52:18In fact, it's all thanks to you.
00:52:20But don't trust luck,
00:52:22because organizing a project
00:52:23is very risky.
00:52:25You can't depend on luck.
00:52:28congratulations for your success
00:52:30and you can count on me
00:52:31to help you.
00:52:34I thought so too.
00:52:37I feel lucky
00:52:38to be able to work
00:52:39alongside Mr. Jan.
00:52:41I'm sure he'll teach me a lot of things,
00:52:44I would also go to you
00:52:45because I know you have
00:52:47a lot of talent, Erin.
00:52:49Thank you.
00:52:51You're welcome.
00:52:54Excuse me.
00:53:00The slogan reflects your intelligence.
00:53:02Simple and
00:53:09Oh, my friend,
00:53:11You're the best!
00:53:14But how did you do it?
00:53:15How did you come up with the slogan?
00:53:17How did you do it?
00:53:18Thanks to the juice.
00:53:20But where did the slogan come from?
00:53:22It was out of the blue.
00:53:23I was talking to myself
00:53:26I was thinking about the campaign
00:53:28and the ideas started to flow
00:53:30and I chose the one
00:53:31I thought was the best idea.
00:53:33You're brilliant.
00:53:34You have a great natural talent.
00:53:37Congratulations, Sanem.
00:53:38As a client,
00:53:39I shouldn't say this,
00:53:40but I have to admit
00:53:42we're on the right track.
00:53:45I don't know if it's good or bad,
00:53:47but it's our path.
00:53:49The idea is beautiful.
00:53:52You did it very well.
00:53:53Congratulations, Sanem.
00:53:55And only the idea is beautiful?
00:53:59Excuse me?
00:54:00Jan, we know each other
00:54:01and I can perfectly recognize
00:54:03that sparkle in your eyes.
00:54:05Oh, really?
00:54:07The mountain tiger, Jan Divit,
00:54:09fell in love with a domestic bird, didn't he?
00:54:14It's a very strange bird.
00:54:19Jan, Jan, did you know
00:54:20that the slogan of the campaign
00:54:22was mine?
00:54:28Jan, Jan!
00:54:31What's wrong?
00:54:33Is he crazy?
00:54:35We like hiring strange people.
00:54:37That's all.
00:54:39Jan, Jan!
00:54:41Jan, Jan, you're going to get me out of here!
00:54:43Stop screaming like a madman in the woods!
00:54:46You're making him scream!
00:54:49What are you all doing here?
00:54:51We already found the slogan,
00:54:52so we can go now.
00:54:54Come on, let's all go to bed
00:54:56and each in his own tent.
00:55:00Oh, they're making me scream!
00:55:02Do you think he'll run away from me?
00:55:04No, do you get that impression?
00:55:07Your feelings don't let you see clearly.
00:55:30I don't know.
00:55:53Since that day,
00:55:55the goddess began to weep in the arms of Ambar
00:55:58so that the waves would take her away
00:56:01and so her lover could find her one day.
00:56:18When she gave it to me,
00:56:19the woman told me,
00:56:21you gave me back my love,
00:56:23may it bring you good luck
00:56:25and I hope you find your love wherever you are.
00:56:47You're mine.
00:56:50That's all.
00:56:54That's all.
00:57:13I wanted to get some fresh air.
00:57:15I hope you didn't have nightmares.
00:57:18I can't sleep.
00:57:20What do you do when you wake up?
00:57:24It's early for me.
00:57:26I make sure the hyenas don't attack us.
00:57:38I feel what happened a while ago in the forest.
00:57:43According to the chorus,
00:57:45kids and drunkards always tell the truth.
00:57:50And you were there.
00:57:55An unknown number is calling.
00:58:00Mr. Jan?
00:58:01Yes, it's him.
00:58:02I'm calling from the hospital.
00:58:03Your brother had an accident.
00:58:12Okay, I'm on my way.
00:58:14What happened?
00:58:19Emre had an accident.
00:58:20I'm on my way to see him.
00:58:21I'll go with you.
00:58:22You'd better stay here
00:58:23and explain it to everyone tomorrow, please.
00:58:25I can't leave you alone anymore.
00:58:27I'll go with you, okay?
00:58:39Dr. Keren, please come to platform 3.
00:58:41Dr. Keren, please wait for him at platform 3.
00:58:45I'm sure your brother will be fine.
00:58:47It's my fault.
00:58:49Jan, you shouldn't blame yourself.
00:58:50I didn't want to listen to him, so I threw him out.
00:58:53He was upset
00:58:55and couldn't concentrate.
00:58:58It's all my fault.
00:59:00Mr. Jan,
00:59:01he's Dr. Emre.
00:59:03I'm his brother.
00:59:05Nice to meet you.
00:59:06He's out of danger.
00:59:07His brother has suffered a cut in the neck.
00:59:09We operated on him
00:59:10and his life is not in danger.
00:59:12He was very lucky.
00:59:14If the cut had caused the carotid artery,
00:59:16his brother would probably have died.
00:59:18Thank you very much, doctor.
00:59:19Can I see him?
00:59:21They took him to his room.
00:59:22What number?
00:59:25But he's sleeping because of the anesthesia.
00:59:27But you can see him.
00:59:28Thank you.
00:59:29I appreciate it.
00:59:30I hope he gets better.
00:59:31Come with me.
00:59:32Thank you.
00:59:48Thank you.
01:00:07I'm very happy.
01:00:08I'm glad he's okay.
01:00:10Me too.
01:00:22How are you?
01:00:23I'm fine.
01:00:25I'm glad you're okay.
01:00:27Yes, thank you very much, Anem.
01:00:29I'll wait for you outside.
01:00:37I'll call my sister.
01:00:39No, it's too late.
01:00:41Did he fall asleep?
01:00:45Well, I hope he gets better.
01:00:47Thank you very much, Anem.
01:00:51For coming with me and not leaving me alone.
01:00:54You're welcome.
01:00:56Whenever you need me,
01:00:58I'll be by your side.
01:01:03I'm going to bed.
01:01:05Good night.
01:01:07Good night.
01:01:10Do you want tea?
01:01:21Jan, please stop blaming yourself.
01:01:23He could have died, Anem.
01:01:26I wouldn't forgive him.
01:01:28They were both upset.
01:01:32How did we get here?
01:01:35I don't understand.
01:01:37Emre wasn't like that.
01:01:38How could he do all that?
01:01:40It's like he was someone else.
01:01:42I think Aylin is to blame.
01:01:44She's not a good person.
01:01:49She also hurt you.
01:01:53I can't forget what she did on your birthday.
01:01:57I'd rather forget it.
01:01:59I don't want resentment to be part of my life.
01:02:03And you should forget it too and leave it behind.
01:02:08everything you have,
01:02:10money, property, career,
01:02:13resentment will only make you lose it.
01:02:17But family is different.
01:02:20Even if they do something against you,
01:02:22you never leave it.
01:02:25But, Anem...
01:02:29I know it broke your heart.
01:02:32But you have to understand
01:02:33I know it broke your heart.
01:02:37What Emre did disappointed you a lot.
01:02:41But I think he learned his lesson after what happened.
01:02:48And he deserves a second chance.
01:02:52Like everyone else.
01:02:55Listen to him, Jan.
01:03:04Thank you.
01:03:08You make me feel better.
01:03:14Baby, this will make you feel better.
01:03:16Thank you.
01:03:23Is she okay?
01:03:25She's fine, don't worry.
01:03:27I hope she gets better.
01:03:29I hope so too.
01:03:31What happened?
01:03:33Sanem, I want to see Mr. Emre.
01:03:35He's in room 1016.
01:03:37Okay, I'll see you there.
01:03:41I just hope the doctor hasn't changed his mind at the last minute.
01:03:45Why would he change his mind if he's okay?
01:03:47Yes, thank God.
01:03:49But it was a very serious accident, Sanem.
01:03:51He could have died.
01:03:53And we were very scared.
01:03:55I hope that with this,
01:03:57Mr. Jan learned his lesson.
01:04:01I miss you.
01:04:03Gülis told me everything.
01:04:05Poor Mr. Emre went to the camp and they argued.
01:04:08And Mr. Jan kicked him out.
01:04:10I'm not surprised he had the accident.
01:04:12And do you know what Jan felt?
01:04:14When he heard about the accident, he came right away.
01:04:17And he was devastated.
01:04:19You don't know that, do you?
01:04:21If you had called me last night, I would have known.
01:04:25What are you doing?
01:04:27It doesn't matter. I just hope they make up.
01:04:29Don't worry, girls.
01:04:31We're ready.
01:04:33I'll take care of everything.
01:04:39Well, leave me at home and go.
01:04:42How do you want me to go?
01:04:44I'm not going to leave you alone the first day.
01:04:46If you don't need me at the agency,
01:04:48I can stay with Mr. Emre.
01:04:50Of course, if you think it's okay.
01:04:52Yes, it's a good idea.
01:04:54Then I'll take you home.
01:04:56Very well.
01:04:58Sanem, hey, aren't you sleepy?
01:05:00If you're not tired and you can work,
01:05:01I'd like to change my clothes,
01:05:03but then I'll go to the agency.
01:05:05Are you going?
01:05:07Yes, but you run the project.
01:05:09Therefore, it is your responsibility and I trust you.
01:05:11I'm going to run it?
01:05:15I'll take you home and leave.
01:05:26Good morning.
01:05:28Miss Sanem?
01:05:31Mr. Yeye.
01:05:33Is there anything you want to tell me, Sanem?
01:05:40No? Are you sure?
01:05:42No, nothing.
01:05:44I slept very little, but it doesn't matter.
01:05:50Sanem, I saw you kissing Mr. Yan...
01:05:53Oh, listen to me one more word.
01:05:55I saw you, I saw you, I saw you.
01:05:57What did you give me? Shut up or they'll hear you.
01:05:59In the beautiful forest, I saw you kissing him.
01:06:01Hey, Yeye, shut up now.
01:06:03I don't love you, I saw you.
01:06:05Hey, Yeye, Yeye.
01:06:07I was kissing you.
01:06:09If you don't shut up, I'll tell everyone that you like Yan
01:06:11and that you received a box from your town full of things
01:06:13with his photo, you understand?
01:06:22Why did you kiss?
01:06:23It was an accident.
01:06:25You tripped and fell in his mouth, didn't you?
01:06:27Do you want to forget the subject?
01:06:29Mr. El Rey was about to die.
01:06:34You're right, Sanem.
01:06:37Life is very short and you have to take advantage of it.
01:06:41Therefore, enjoy your love freely.
01:06:45You have really helped me.
01:06:47You opened my mind.
01:06:49I feel very free now.
01:06:51Well, I'm very happy.
01:06:53Thank you.
01:06:55But don't tell me.
01:06:57Say it to Yan.
01:07:01Good morning.
01:07:03Good morning.
01:07:05Ah, he's finally here.
01:07:08Good morning, Yan.
01:07:10Good morning, Deren.
01:07:12I already explained the situation to the boys,
01:07:14so if you want, we can start working right away.
01:07:16Thank you very much for everything, Deren.
01:07:18Well, I have to stay calm, calm.
01:07:21We've been through a difficult time,
01:07:23but we've overcome it.
01:07:25El Rey is fine and they gave it high.
01:07:27Thank you all very much for your support.
01:07:30Let's hope they finish recovering soon.
01:07:32Mr. Yan, I want to ask you
01:07:34if there will be a change in the calendar
01:07:36of work with Compass.
01:07:38No, there will be no change.
01:07:40Let's speed up the pace.
01:07:42We will continue to work.
01:07:44What was the slogan, friends?
01:07:49Let's recognize the creator of the slogan
01:07:51as it deserves.
01:07:53A round of applause for Zanem.
01:08:00While some kiss, others applaud.
01:08:02It's Nico.
01:08:04It's okay, I'll do it.
01:08:06I'll shut up, I promise.
01:08:08It's over.
01:08:12Come on, guys, that's enough.
01:08:13Let's get back to work.
01:08:15Because after all,
01:08:17work is more important than the slogan,
01:08:19isn't it?
01:08:21And we already tested the products of the brand
01:08:23in our campaign.
01:08:25I think we already know them quite well
01:08:27and we have work because tomorrow
01:08:29is the presentation with the client.
01:08:31As I promised,
01:08:33the campaign will be directed by the person
01:08:35who created the slogan.
01:08:37So the coordinator this time
01:08:39will not be Deren.
01:08:41This time it will be Zanem.
01:08:46Sure, no problem.
01:08:48You promised.
01:08:50If you allow me,
01:08:52I have some words prepared for this occasion.
01:08:54I hope it's not another of your puzzles.
01:08:56It's about you, boss, and Zanem.
01:08:58In the forest ...
01:09:00I'm going to call Aihan to tell her
01:09:02that I'm in charge of the campaign.
01:09:04Well, in the forest, you said there would be a prize
01:09:06for whoever goes with the slogan.
01:09:08I would like to know what that prize is
01:09:10and that's why I'm asking you.
01:09:11You'll find out in secret.
01:09:13We'll finish the campaign first
01:09:15and then I'll give Zanem his prize, okay?
01:09:17Hey, Zanem, would you like to say hello
01:09:19to the people on your team?
01:09:21Yes, of course.
01:09:24Good morning, everyone.
01:09:26I'm the coordinator of the project.
01:09:30Come on.
01:09:32Well, I have to say
01:09:34that they are all brilliant.
01:09:36You are lucky to have such a good team.
01:09:38Thank you, sir.
01:09:39I'm the coordinator.
01:09:46Look, Miss Zanem,
01:09:48I have an idea.
01:09:50And I think it's very good.
01:09:52Don't tell me.
01:09:54I would love to believe you.
01:10:00It's horrible.
01:10:02It's disgusting.
01:10:04Miss Zanem,
01:10:06what do you think of this?
01:10:09Miss Zanem, I already checked it.
01:10:11Well, it's not right.
01:10:13Check it four more times.
01:10:16And if necessary, check it ten times.
01:10:18Nobody has a drop of talent.
01:10:20Miss Zanem.
01:10:24I already printed the images for Compass Sport.
01:10:26I know I can trust you.
01:10:28Thank you very much, Zanem.
01:10:30I'm sure you did a great job.
01:10:32Why does this look so bad?
01:10:34Are you trying to blind me
01:10:35with such a pixelated photo?
01:10:37Miss Zanem.
01:10:39Miss Zanem.
01:10:41From here to the end of this room,
01:10:43you are all dismissed.
01:10:45Pick up your things.
01:10:47Move, everyone out of here.
01:10:49What are you waiting for? Move.
01:10:52Please, I have three children, Miss Zanem.
01:10:54God bless you, but that's not my business.
01:10:56This is not a family business.
01:10:58Quickly, what are you waiting for?
01:11:00What can I do? I'm going to work.
01:11:02Turn around and say that you are dismissed.
01:11:03You are dismissed.
01:11:05And where is my coffee and the new one?
01:11:08My name is not the new one.
01:11:10My name is Deren.
01:11:12Here is your coffee at 88 degrees.
01:11:15But I told you I wanted it with 89, Deren.
01:11:18I'm Deren, Miss Zanem.
01:11:20I don't care.
01:11:22What is it?
01:11:24It's the document you asked for, Miss Zanem.
01:11:26Here, it's cold.
01:11:29Let's see.
01:11:36My eyes hurt, Meryn.
01:11:38And if only there were some flaws,
01:11:40but this is a real mess, Oren.
01:11:43But my name is Deren.
01:11:45Well, don't tell me.
01:11:47I don't like it.
01:11:49At all.
01:11:51At all?
01:11:53It's not good, Demet.
01:11:55It's a very bad job.
01:11:57You don't work well.
01:11:59This coffee is bad and so is this.
01:12:01Everything is bad.
01:12:03I'm going to call you the new one.
01:12:07What's wrong, Deren?
01:12:09Why do you do to others
01:12:11what you don't want them to do to you?
01:12:13And tell me why.
01:12:15Tell me.
01:12:21It's a magnificent job.
01:12:25Did you like it?
01:12:27Look, sometimes I start to think
01:12:29and I can't imagine this agency
01:12:31without you around here.
01:12:33Don't you think I deserve a dinner?
01:12:35Sure, just you and me.
01:12:37Yes, we can go to the movies
01:12:39and then to a bar.
01:12:41We'll go to the Maldives of Honeymoon.
01:12:46What's wrong with you?
01:12:48Did you notice?
01:12:50Deren looks a little strange.
01:12:52Yes, that's because
01:12:54she thinks she can lose her job.
01:12:56That's why, there's no other reason.
01:13:03Everybody to work!
01:13:14You burned yourself.
01:13:16Yes, I saw it.
01:13:18It will go away in a couple of minutes.
01:13:20Be patient.
01:13:22I will.
01:13:24Put saliva, like this.
01:13:26Are you better?
01:13:29I will.
01:13:39You serve tea so elegantly.
01:13:41I think it wasn't you
01:13:43who made the tea.
01:13:45How did you know?
01:13:47Well, the color is different from yours.
01:13:51The color is different?
01:13:55What are you looking at?
01:13:57I'm looking for inspiration.
01:13:59Get to work.
01:14:01Stop looking.
01:14:08It doesn't taste the same
01:14:10if it doesn't have your touch.
01:14:12It's different.
01:14:14The tea?
01:14:18I miss that smell a lot.
01:14:20Of the tea?
01:14:24The same flavor
01:14:26in the lips.
01:14:31The lips?
01:14:33Yes, that flavor.
01:14:36I feel very strange
01:14:38when you whisper to my ears like that.
01:14:40Do you want me to make you a coffee
01:14:42or should we drink something else?
01:14:44No, I don't think
01:14:46you should drink anything else, Anem.
01:14:48It confuses you
01:14:50and then it's not you
01:14:52and you do things you regret.
01:14:54But I don't regret it.
01:14:58Of course.
01:15:00I regretted it
01:15:02for getting drunk
01:15:04and bothering people.
01:15:06That's what they said.
01:15:08But I don't remember much.
01:15:10You got drunk and you don't remember.
01:15:12It's a cliché, but it's true.
01:15:15I don't hear anything.
01:15:18We should get together.
01:15:24There are four more companies
01:15:26that are our rivals.
01:15:28We should see what we do.
01:15:30So let's go to my office.
01:15:34It's very important.
01:15:38Let's go.
01:15:42Tell me, dear coordinator,
01:15:44why didn't you like the image they sent you?
01:15:46And be honest, please.
01:15:48Very sexist.
01:15:50We don't need something like that.
01:15:52By the way, we should change the color here.
01:15:55Wait a second.
01:15:57This is getting out of control.
01:15:59But calm down, Deren.
01:16:03Control yourself or you'll go crazy.
01:16:07My chakras are hurting.
01:16:09My stomach hurts.
01:16:13Look, the prints are already in my office.
01:16:15Start examining them.
01:16:21I'll sit down and review them.
01:16:22They are very good pictures.
01:16:25So, the campaign...
01:16:27Do you have any suggestions?
01:16:29What ideas do you have for this?
01:16:31I think we should emphasize
01:16:33that all products are available to all people,
01:16:35that they are easy to use,
01:16:37that both men, women and children
01:16:39can use their products.
01:16:41I like this image.
01:16:43Much more than this one.
01:16:45But the client prefers the other one.
01:16:47That's what they told me.
01:16:49Well, I don't like obeying other people's rules.
01:16:50The great saying of Jan.
01:16:52A tough guy.
01:16:54Really tough.
01:16:56He is my mentor.
01:17:00So, surprise me.
01:17:02Very well.
01:17:04I want to change the logo in this way.
01:17:06Discover yourself.
01:17:08I think the logo goes very well here.
01:17:12Of course.
01:17:14Of course.
01:17:20Discover yourself.
01:17:50Discover yourself.
01:18:20Here we have...
01:18:25What's going on?
01:18:27You seem a little upset.
01:18:29No, no, no.
01:18:31I just wanted to know how things were going.
01:18:33Very well.
01:18:35Do you want to check it?
01:18:39Jan, I'm working on the project
01:18:41with the guys outside.
01:18:43And I wonder
01:18:45if there is something new
01:18:47that we need to know
01:18:48about your sister, so...
01:18:50Yes, it's true, Coordinator.
01:18:52Yes, ask her.
01:18:54You have her in front of you.
01:18:56Yes, I'm the Coordinator.
01:19:00What exactly do you want?
01:19:06We need feedback
01:19:08so we can keep working.
01:19:10So far, everything is in order.
01:19:12There is nothing to report.
01:19:14Beren, everything is going well.
01:19:18You'll see.
01:19:22That's great.
01:19:24I'm impressed.
01:19:26There is no doubt that Sanem
01:19:28is always full of surprises.
01:19:30Everyone at the agency is surprised
01:19:32because how is it possible
01:19:34that a messenger
01:19:36who started serving coffee
01:19:38was able to get to such an important position
01:19:40in such a short time?
01:19:42It's the American dream.
01:19:44That's what the campaign is about.
01:19:46To change your life.
01:19:48That's right.
01:19:50Jan, do you want me to organize
01:19:52a work meeting?
01:19:54Do it.
01:19:58But we won't slow down, Beren.
01:20:00We'll work on some ideas
01:20:02and we'll let you know when we're ready.
01:20:04Don't worry.
01:20:06Is that for the spectators?
01:20:08That's right.
01:20:10But didn't the client like
01:20:12the other image
01:20:14during the previous presentation?
01:20:16You're right,
01:20:18in the instincts
01:20:20of Sanem.
01:20:22It's under control.
01:20:24Don't worry.
01:20:26I'm not worried about that.
01:20:28Jan, if you don't need anything,
01:20:30I'll be working in my office.
01:20:33Well, I do need something.
01:20:35You see that thing?
01:20:37Who put it there?
01:20:39I don't like it.
01:20:41It's really horrible.
01:20:43It doesn't match the place.
01:20:45Can you take it from here, please?
01:20:46I'll take it.
01:20:48It won't bother you to work.
01:20:55No, no, no.
01:20:57Don't take it, Beren.
01:20:59I can't believe she took it.
01:21:01Do you know where I can find Miss Sanem?
01:21:04I haven't seen her,
01:21:06but I'm sure she's with Mr. Jan.
01:21:08In Mr. Jan's office?
01:21:10Miss Sanem!
01:21:12I was asking about you.
01:21:13I wanted to tell you something,
01:21:15but I didn't want to do it over the phone.
01:21:18Okay, tell me.
01:21:20I think it's best if I say it directly.
01:21:24I shouldn't be going around.
01:21:26Miss Sanem, I'm very worried.
01:21:29Why? What's going on?
01:21:31I think she's cheating on me with the perfume.
01:21:35No way.
01:21:37Lately I've had a lot of work.
01:21:39Excuse me.
01:21:40Of course.
01:21:42But we also have our own deadlines,
01:21:44and the truth is we're running very late.
01:21:47So in order not to waste any more time,
01:21:50I think it would be best if you gave us your personal perfume.
01:21:57But I already told you I can't give you my perfume.
01:22:01Listen to me.
01:22:03You should keep in mind that this isn't a game.
01:22:06We made a big investment.
01:22:08A big investment.
01:22:10Millions of dollars.
01:22:12I imagine, and I don't have to remind you,
01:22:15that I was the one who saved the agency from bankruptcy.
01:22:17The employees.
01:22:19Your families.
01:22:21You understand what I mean, right?
01:22:24I understand.
01:22:28You have until tomorrow to give me a positive answer.
01:22:33I'll see you tomorrow.
01:22:35Take care.
01:22:43Are you okay? What am I talking to you about?
01:22:46He wants my personal perfume. He doesn't want to accept another one.
01:22:49You told him no?
01:22:51I did.
01:22:53But I couldn't convince him. He insisted a lot.
01:22:57I won't let you do something you don't want to do because of me.
01:23:01Do you understand? I'll fix it.
01:23:03You won't give him your perfume.
01:23:06Don't worry.
01:23:08Go to work.
01:23:10I'll leave this in the file.
01:23:15This one.
01:23:16This one or this one?
01:23:17This one.
01:23:18This one? Are you sure?
01:23:19Yes, this one.
01:23:20This one?
01:23:21This one.
01:23:22Good. I like this one a lot.
01:23:24You didn't study any of this, but you have an eye and an incredible intuition, did you know that?
01:23:28Imagine if I had studied.
01:23:30That's what I'm saying.
01:23:32You went to the university with Gamzee, right?
01:23:34You connect ideas.
01:23:36Yes, I met her there.
01:23:40So that's why you're so close.
01:23:43Actually, I was very close to her boyfriend.
01:23:46Really? She had a boyfriend?
01:23:49At that time she had a boyfriend and I got along very well with him.
01:23:53So you were friends with Gamzee's ex-boyfriend?
01:23:58Yes, you could say he was my best friend.
01:24:01And he was your best friend?
01:24:04I see.
01:24:05Oh yeah?
01:24:07I think it would be better if you answer the question you have in your head and that you have not yet dared to ask me.
01:24:13I had nothing with Gamzee.
01:24:16But why did you give me this explanation about that?
01:24:18I just asked a simple question.
01:24:21I thought you were anxious to know, but you didn't have the courage to ask.
01:24:26That's why I said it.
01:24:27It was nothing.
01:24:28Yes, maybe it wasn't necessary.
01:24:30But I felt that.
01:24:32I just wanted you to know.
01:24:34Find out.
01:24:35Very good.
01:24:36Good slogan.
01:24:38Very good idea.
01:24:39Jan, we have guests.
01:24:41Hi Jan, look who came with me.
01:24:44The director of Compass Sports.
01:24:45Say hi, Jan.
01:24:46Welcome, I'm Jan DeVitt.
01:24:48I'm Da'San Jack.
01:24:50It's a pleasure to meet you.
01:24:51Give me five.
01:24:54Very good.
01:24:55I present to you Sanem, the coordinator of the project.
01:24:58Really? It's a pleasure to meet you, Sanem.
01:25:00Give me five, please.
01:25:04Sit down.
01:25:06Zeyda, let me tell you something important.
01:25:08I think FIC Diarica is the company closest to achieving the goal.
01:25:12It looks very good.
01:25:13I think the results will fascinate you.
01:25:18Of course.
01:25:19Jan is an expert in extreme sports.
01:25:22It doesn't look like white-collar sports.
01:25:25Of course you are not a typical director of tie and suit.
01:25:31You've never been.
01:25:32It's true.
01:25:33In addition, he has climbed many mountains.
01:25:35He is a great climber.
01:25:38Do you like climbing?
01:25:40I can't believe it.
01:25:41Me too.
01:25:43Do you reach the top or do you do hiking?
01:25:46Last month I climbed to the top of Manzori.
01:25:49Allora, Manzori, Dici, Torenta, the Italian region.
01:25:54What part do you know?
01:25:56They are speaking in Italian, right?
01:25:58I already realized.
01:26:01I walked around the village of Loteto alone.
01:26:04It was wonderful.
01:26:05I can't believe it.
01:26:06It's the truth.
01:26:07Yes, it's the truth.
01:26:09I understand.
01:26:10Jan, don't you think you're making me lose track of the conversation?
01:26:13You also know how to speak Italian, right?
01:26:16Well, I don't know how to speak it, but I understand it well.
01:26:19I liked it.
01:26:20I liked it.
01:26:21Now I'm nervous because I'm alone with Natura.
01:26:24Yes, I understand.
01:26:25I understand.
01:26:29What a beautiful photo.
01:26:30Did you take it?
01:26:31Which photo?
01:26:32That one?
01:26:34Yes, of course.
01:26:35It's Sri Lanka.
01:26:36I stayed three months and took some photos.
01:26:38Have you ever climbed an elephant?
01:26:39I did it and it was incredible.
01:26:41Oh, I think that's a great experience.
01:26:44No, I wouldn't do it and I didn't do it because I'm against the use of elephants for commercial purposes.
01:26:49But why?
01:26:50Because they have them in shelters where they train them to transport tourists and keep them away from their environment.
01:26:58I photographed them to be able to publish it and for people to become aware of what they do with elephants.
01:27:04And it was very influential.
01:27:06Yes, when I read the article, I was very impressed.
01:27:09I am also against the abuse of animals in that way.
01:27:12I think they don't deserve to be treated that way.
01:27:15I think we must do everything possible to stop this type of crime.
01:27:19As you can see, he is a noble-hearted Tarzan.
01:27:22It's not that he's my boss, but Jan has a big heart.
01:27:26We know that.
01:27:27You're incredible.
01:27:28It looks like you came out of a fairy tale.
01:27:31I was impressed by the Sinaraja Reserve.
01:27:33Did you know that UNESCO has declared it a biosphere reserve?
01:27:37Of course, I know.
01:27:38It's a protected area.
01:27:39Apparently, you two have a lot in common.
01:27:42Yes, a little.
01:27:44A little?
01:27:45Zeyda seems to have a soul of a traveler.
01:27:48Maybe they had already met on a trip?
01:27:54If so, I would surely remember.
01:27:57But it's never too late.
01:27:59Now they know each other.
01:28:00Hey, Jan, I'm really sorry to have to interrupt this interesting conversation,
01:28:04but shouldn't we talk more about work, the project, the campaign?
01:28:08Yes, of course.
01:28:09It's true.
01:28:11And we're not going to solve the problems of the world now?
01:28:14There are many.
01:28:15Then let's talk about work.
01:28:18We don't need to talk.
01:28:20I've seen what I needed.
01:28:22I just wanted to meet the companies that will be in the competition.
01:28:26I would like to see your presentation as soon as possible.
01:28:28Of course.
01:28:30Do you want us to go eat something, Sanem?
01:28:33Why are you asking me?
01:28:34Shouldn't you ask our guests?
01:28:37You've been working a lot today, and I'm sure you've consumed a lot of energy.
01:28:42And for that reason, I thought maybe you were hungry,
01:28:46and that's why I asked you first.
01:28:50Let's go eat?
01:28:51Oh, I'd love to, but we have another meeting with other companies.
01:28:55But we'll go later.
01:28:57Very well, we'll go whenever you want.
01:28:59Well, it's time to go.
01:29:01Yes, they're already late.
01:29:03It's been a pleasure having you visit us.
01:29:06Goodbye, Hansel.
01:29:07Goodbye, Jan.
01:29:09See you.
01:29:12It was a pleasure to meet you.
01:29:14See you, Sanem.
01:29:15I'll walk you out.
01:29:16See you at the door.
01:29:18See you later, Zeyda.
01:29:20Go ahead.
01:29:22Does she think I'm a glutton or what?
01:29:25Why do you say that?
01:29:27You're hungry, you're hungry.
01:29:29And if they mention anything about food, you always ask me.
01:29:32I explained the reason to you.
01:29:33You worked a lot, so I chose to give you priority.
01:29:37And besides, I'm just worried as a friend.
01:29:42Like a friend.
01:29:43Well, I'm hungry.
01:29:45It's just that with everything you said...
01:29:47Yes, of course.
01:29:48Let's go.
01:29:49Let's go.
01:29:50But you didn't have to flirt while they were talking.
01:30:13Do you like it?
01:30:14A lot.
01:30:15I can tell.
01:30:16You ate it very quickly.
01:30:17You know what?
01:30:18Every time I come here, I see the same people eating around here.
01:30:21This is a place that many people know.
01:30:23Good evening.
01:30:24How are you?
01:30:25Good evening.
01:30:26I've eaten here many times.
01:30:27Do you like the place?
01:30:29Thank you very much.
01:30:30Bon appetit.
01:30:31Bon appetit.
01:30:32Bon appetit.
01:30:33Thank you.
01:30:34Bon appetit.
01:30:35Thank you.
01:30:36This is the best fish I've ever eaten in my life.
01:30:38And why do you think I brought you to this place?
01:30:41I really like coming here.
01:30:43And I thought maybe you would like it too.
01:30:46After that travel conference around the world,
01:30:49I thought you would take me to eat lobster or something more exotic.
01:30:52So, after talking about all my trips,
01:30:54you were hoping I would take you to a fine and elegant restaurant or something like that.
01:30:57To eat lobster and those things, right?
01:31:00That's nothing compared to this fish with anchovies.
01:31:03You can only find the tastiest fish here.
01:31:07I can't tell you that,
01:31:08because I haven't eaten any other food other than Turkish food.
01:31:11But I would like to travel the world and try other flavors.
01:31:14You don't miss much,
01:31:15when it comes to cooking.
01:31:19But I had already told you before,
01:31:20sometime ago,
01:31:21that I could take you on a trip.
01:31:24Around the world, if you wanted.
01:31:26Around the whole world?
01:31:27Wherever you wanted.
01:31:30But, in order to do that,
01:31:33we need money.
01:31:34Don't worry,
01:31:35I can pay the bill tonight,
01:31:38to travel around the world,
01:31:39we will need more money.
01:31:41We need the campaign.
01:31:44I will get it, don't worry.
01:31:47Will you do it?
01:31:48That's right.
01:31:51Do you want another Sanem?
01:31:54Of course.
01:31:56Hi, Mom.
01:32:09Dad, what happened?
01:32:10We have a problem,
01:32:11an emergency.
01:32:12If you want answers,
01:32:13ask him.
01:32:14Enough, Taniat.
01:32:15Why don't you wash the clothes, too?
01:32:17I don't want to.
01:32:18I don't want to.
01:32:19I don't want to.
01:32:20I don't want to.
01:32:21I don't want to.
01:32:22I don't want to.
01:32:23I don't want to.
01:32:24You, the clothes,
01:32:25is also your clothes.
01:32:26There is the clothes,
01:32:27the washing machine,
01:32:28the detergent,
01:32:29the softener,
01:32:30but maybe you don't even know
01:32:31where those things are.
01:32:32Very well, Mevkiveh.
01:32:33I can cook,
01:32:34wash the dishes,
01:32:35wash the clothes,
01:32:36and do the cleaning,
01:32:37and from now on,
01:32:38you will be the husband.
01:32:41Don't interrupt, Sanem.
01:32:42I am the support of this family.
01:32:44I have responsibilities,
01:32:45and I want to be respected.
01:32:47I'm tired.
01:32:51Dad, get away.
01:32:52I'm tired.
01:32:53The presidency of the association
01:32:54is one thing, Mevkiveh,
01:32:55but I am the president
01:32:56of this house.
01:32:57Don't do it.
01:32:58Dad, be careful.
01:32:59And you still tell me to be careful.
01:33:01What should I be careful of?
01:33:08Now he won't talk to you.
01:33:11I told you.
01:33:12I wish my sister was here.
01:33:14She is the one who knows
01:33:15how to speak her language.
01:33:16I understand something,
01:33:17but only basic expressions, Dad.
01:33:23Don't listen to me.
01:33:24I was a little angry, Mevkiveh.
01:33:26Of course I can wash.
01:33:27Once I put the clothes in the bathroom,
01:33:28and I carved it with the broom,
01:33:29very hard.
01:33:30In the end,
01:33:31all the clothes came out
01:33:32clean and shiny, Mevkiveh.
01:33:34Dad, no.
01:33:35It's too late.
01:33:36Oh, don't worry.
01:33:37I'll take care of
01:33:38doing all the housework,
01:33:39and when you see the house,
01:33:40it will be like new.
01:33:45Mevkiveh can't answer
01:33:46right now.
01:33:47Try later.
01:33:49Call her again.
01:33:53Ah, the line is busy.
01:33:54Try it again.
01:33:59It sounds, but there is no answer.
01:34:02You scare the gazelle.
01:34:03We'd better go very slowly.
01:34:05Follow me.
01:34:06We'll go very slowly.
01:34:08Dad, I suggest you go.
01:34:10I'm leaving.
01:34:17He doesn't answer.
01:34:28Sanem, how are you?
01:34:30And Mr. Henry?
01:34:31He is better.
01:34:34How is he, Mr. Jan?
01:34:35Does he feel guilty?
01:34:37Of course not, Leila,
01:34:39because he is not guilty of anything.
01:34:41I hope Mr. Henry
01:34:42learned the lesson well.
01:34:52this breakfast was delicious.
01:34:54Did you make the eggs too?
01:34:59Ah, she says she did.
01:35:00Ah, so she's cooked because she's calmer.
01:35:03Wait a minute, I think she'll say something else.
01:35:06She says, I got up at 5.30
01:35:08to be able to cook the eggs, Nihat.
01:35:10Yes, that.
01:35:41You're overreacting.
01:35:42I've already apologized to you a thousand times.
01:35:46Maybe I should find another interpreter
01:35:47because I have to go.
01:35:48Me too.
01:35:50I have to go.
01:35:51I have a presentation today.
01:35:52I'm going to change and go to work.
01:35:53Bye, Mom.
01:35:56I should go too.
01:35:57I'm not going to talk to anyone who doesn't want to talk to me.
01:36:05I brought you a cup of tea.
01:36:06Thank you, Anem.
01:36:08This is not for you.
01:36:09I know you prefer coffee, but...
01:36:12enjoy it.
01:36:15You're always drinking coffee, Eren.
01:36:17Drink this tea, for a change.
01:36:19Thank you very much for bringing it to me.
01:36:21You're welcome.
01:36:27It's very good.
01:36:28Make it well.
01:36:31Well, I'm leaving.
01:36:32Enjoy it.
01:36:33Thank you.
01:36:35Gather the team, okay?
01:36:37To give one last review.
01:36:39Very good.
01:37:09Very good job.
01:37:10I trust in this project, and I'm sure we'll win.
01:37:13Yes, we are the best.
01:37:15Mr. Yang, I want to congratulate you.
01:37:17It's an excellent campaign.
01:37:19I thank you all for your work, especially Anem.
01:37:22Thank you very much.
01:37:23I promised you that whoever created the best slogan
01:37:27would receive a gift.
01:37:29That's why now I'm going to make a delivery
01:37:32of the best slogan I've ever created.
01:37:35Yes, it's true.
01:37:36He said it in the camp.
01:37:37It's what he promised.
01:37:39But we haven't signed the contract yet.
01:37:41I don't think there will be a problem.
01:37:43I'm convinced that we will win this campaign.
01:37:46You deserve it anyway.
01:37:51Thank you very much.
01:37:53They are keys.
01:37:54What will they be?
01:38:01Yang, it's beautiful, I really love it.
01:38:04I'm glad you liked it.
01:38:05It's my style.
01:38:07You're welcome.
01:38:13I do not understand what happens.
01:38:15I do not understand.
01:38:16Who were you talking to?
01:38:18I'm talking to you.
01:38:20It's beautiful, I really love it.
01:38:22I'm glad you like it.
01:38:24Should we turn it on?
01:38:26Yes, of course.
01:38:40You drive it much better than me.
01:38:42You better hold on tight.
01:38:44Is that okay?
01:39:02That was a great gift.
01:39:04It's beautiful, thank you very much.
01:39:06I hope you enjoy it.
01:39:08Yes, I will.
01:39:10I just hope that now you don't ask me to take you everywhere.
01:39:12I'm not like that.
01:39:14Are you capable?
01:39:16Listen, if you don't want to do it,
01:39:18you'll have to teach me how to drive it.
01:39:20Okay, I'll teach you. It's a deal.
01:39:24Yes, I'll do it.
01:39:26I'll be with Deren. Bye.
01:39:38He gave me a beautiful red motorcycle.
01:39:40You should see it.
01:39:42I'm so happy for you.
01:39:44You know, when I saw that box,
01:39:46I thought it was a ring
01:39:48that was going to be declared in front of everyone.
01:39:50Don't make it up.
01:39:52But of course, you're just friends.
01:39:54It's very strange because you see the chemistry between you two.
01:39:56Yes, I know.
01:39:58There's a lot of chemistry between us.
01:40:00I try to stay away from him, but I can't.
01:40:02It's like the universe wants us to be together.
01:40:04That's because no one can escape true love.
01:40:08Are you okay?
01:40:10Because I notice you're very happy.
01:40:12You're not in a bad mood anymore.
01:40:14I was talking to Mr. Emre.
01:40:16He and Mr. Jan talked yesterday
01:40:18and solved all your problems.
01:40:22Yes. I'm very happy for them.
01:40:24Come on, hug me.
01:40:26Yes, well...
01:40:28Little sister.
01:40:30Hey, let me go.
01:40:34I can't.
01:40:36It's great that we're sisters.
01:40:38We don't have to argue again, okay?
01:40:40Okay, whatever you say.
01:40:44Won't you give me some love?
01:40:56How are you, Anem?
01:40:58Where's Jan?
01:41:00He's with Deren. What happened?
01:41:04Yes, follow me. I'll take you with him.
01:41:06Come on.
01:41:08Very well.
01:41:10Mr. Jan has a visitor.
01:41:12Jan, we have to talk and it's urgent.
01:41:16What's wrong?
01:41:18Why are you so worried?
01:41:20It's very likely that you have a spy
01:41:22here at your agency.
01:41:24But what are you saying?
01:41:26We met with an agency there.
01:41:28All the ideas they presented to us,
01:41:30the slogan and images,
01:41:32is what you created.
01:41:34Absolutely everything.
01:41:36Damn it!
01:41:38How is it possible, Sanem?
01:41:40First of all,
01:41:42I want you to present the campaign to me, please.
01:41:44Yes, of course, right now.
01:41:46Seyda, are you suspecting us?
01:41:48Of course not.
01:41:50I just want to know exactly what they stole.
01:41:52Okay, I understand.
01:41:54Let's go to the meeting room.
01:41:56I'll take you.
01:42:02Jan, calm down.
01:42:04I think you understand very well
01:42:06why I'm like this.
01:42:08I'm going to control myself.
01:42:10Calm down, okay?
01:42:12But this is too much, you understand?
01:42:14I can't stand it anymore.
01:42:16Like you said,
01:42:18we have to stay calm.
01:42:20Don't worry, we'll find the culprit.
01:42:22You're right.
01:42:24They're waiting for us.
01:42:38And that's all.
01:42:40This is our campaign.
01:42:46Gullis, I'm very nervous.
01:42:48I need to know if they'll give us the campaign.
01:42:50I'm nervous too.
01:42:54I love it.
01:42:56I love it.
01:42:58I love it.
01:43:00I love it.
01:43:02I love it.
01:43:04I love it.
01:43:06I love it.
01:43:10I have to say that it's...
01:43:12exactly the same
01:43:14that the other agency presented.
01:43:16And in these cases,
01:43:18I usually choose
01:43:20the agency that did
01:43:22the presentation first.
01:43:24But I trust you and Gamzee.
01:43:26It's yours.
01:43:28Good job.
01:43:36Very good. Thank you.
01:43:40Thank you.
01:43:54I was dancing.
01:43:58Hi, how are you?
01:44:00Look at those two.
01:44:02They're getting me a little jealous.
01:44:06The truth is that if you look at them,
01:44:08they make a nice couple.
01:44:10Don't you think?
01:44:12It's true.
01:44:14Why don't you shut up?
01:44:18I'm going to get more tea.
01:44:28It's time to go.
01:44:30Okay, fine.
01:44:32By the way,
01:44:34hurry up.
01:44:36I need you to campaign this list as soon as possible.
01:44:38Of course, don't worry. Everything is under control.
01:44:40We're working 100% on this project.
01:44:42Don't worry.
01:44:44Very good.
01:44:46I'll give you the details of the payment.
01:44:48I'll make the transfer today.
01:44:52I really appreciate the trust you've had in our team.
01:44:54I mean it.
01:44:56You're welcome.
01:44:58But find that spy.
01:45:00It's very dangerous, don't you think?
01:45:02I'm worried about this.
01:45:04I'll take care of it personally.
01:45:06Okay, bye.
01:45:22I wonder who it could be.
01:45:24Come on,
01:45:26stop worrying.
01:45:28Enjoy the party, Sanem.
01:45:30JJ, how can I not worry?
01:45:32We have a spy in the company.
01:45:34Of course.
01:45:36When I'm partying, I forget everything.
01:45:38Who could it be?
01:45:40It could be anyone.
01:45:42It could even be one of us.
01:45:44Don't talk nonsense, please.
01:45:46He's looking at us.
01:45:48He's looking at us.
01:45:50Calm down.
01:45:52Maybe he heard us.
01:45:54Act normal.
01:45:56How do you want me to act normal?
01:45:58Do you see anything normal in all this?
01:46:00Am I going to act normal?
01:46:02I can't calm down.
01:46:04He's looking at us.
01:46:06I confessed a crime we haven't committed.
01:46:08They're going to judge us and then fire us.
01:46:10Stop drawing attention.
01:46:12He's looking at you.
01:46:14Stop doing that, JJ.
01:46:16Act normal.
01:46:18Do you think I'm acting normal?
01:46:30Didn't you hear me?
01:46:32Sorry, I was thinking about other things.
01:46:34What were you saying?
01:46:36Maybe we should install cameras in the offices.
01:46:38We'll take more precautions
01:46:40and check the laptops.
01:46:42Maybe we'll find the spy.
01:46:50What are you doing here?
01:46:52I came to see you.
01:46:54If you have time, we could go to dinner.
01:46:56I'm glad to see you,
01:46:58but it's not the best time.
01:47:00And now what?
01:47:02Emre, I would like to welcome you
01:47:04with better spirits,
01:47:06but the truth is,
01:47:08today hasn't been a good day.
01:47:10But what's going on?
01:47:12We organized an excellent campaign,
01:47:14but we found out that someone
01:47:16stole our entire project.
01:47:18Are you serious?
01:47:20Let's go to my office.
01:47:22Of course,
01:47:24but first I'll go get something
01:47:26from my office and I'll catch up with you.
01:47:36Mr. Emre, welcome.
01:47:38Hello, Leila.
01:47:40How are you?
01:47:42Fine, and you?
01:47:44Great, I'm glad to see you.
01:47:46Emre, this situation,
01:47:48with the spy, brings me some memories.
01:47:50It's possible that Aileen is involved in this.
01:47:54But how could she be spying on us?
01:47:56She could if she had
01:47:58someone in the office,
01:48:00but it would be impossible.
01:48:04Don't worry,
01:48:06we'll figure it out.
01:48:08Very well.
01:48:10Well, I'm leaving.
01:48:12Take care, Mr. Emre.
01:48:18It can't be.
01:48:20I think Jan suspects me.
01:48:22She's looking at me all the time,
01:48:24and when I talked to Deren,
01:48:26she was also looking at me.
01:48:28You have to act normal.
01:48:30That's what you told me.
01:48:32Just don't raise any suspicions.
01:48:34I'm worried she'll look at me that way.
01:48:36Something bad is going to happen to me.
01:48:38I can feel it.
01:48:40Deren, come with me.
01:48:42Right away.
01:48:44Something's wrong.
01:48:46Can you bring me the folders
01:48:48from my office?
01:48:50Don't worry.
01:48:52Now go.
01:48:54She asked you for her folders.
01:48:56It's okay.
01:48:58Don't worry.
01:49:04Act normal.
01:49:16Let's go.
01:49:26Mr. Emre?
01:49:32I was waiting for Deren.
01:49:36I came for your folders.
01:49:38It must be these.
01:49:42Mr. Fabri?
01:49:44Ms. Sanem,
01:49:46can we talk for a moment?
01:49:50Hello, Emre.
01:49:52I'm sorry about your accident.
01:49:54I was going to the hospital,
01:49:56but I see you're better.
01:49:58Yes, I'm better.
01:50:00I'm really glad to see you here.
01:50:02I hope Jan and you are well now.
01:50:04That's right.
01:50:08I'm glad.
01:50:10I'm really glad.
01:50:12Are you celebrating something,
01:50:14or what's going on?
01:50:16We got the Compass campaign.
01:50:20That's great.
01:50:22That's great.
01:50:26If you're working on that,
01:50:28I'm sure the campaign will be very successful.
01:50:30Thank you.
01:50:32You're welcome.
01:50:34Emre, I need to talk to Ms. Sanem
01:50:36for a moment.
01:50:38Yes, of course.
01:50:40See you later.
01:50:48I think I was pretty clear yesterday,
01:50:50Ms. Sanem.
01:50:52I want your perfume.
01:50:54And I told you
01:50:56I wasn't going to give you my perfume.
01:51:00We have an agreement.
01:51:02And unfortunately,
01:51:04you're putting me in a difficult situation,
01:51:06but I want you to keep your word.
01:51:10First of all,
01:51:14I need you
01:51:16to sign this contract.
01:51:20A contract?
01:51:22It's nothing more than
01:51:24a normal procedure.
01:51:26It's used to formalize
01:51:28an agreement like this.
01:51:30Mr. Fabri.
01:51:34Thank you, Jan.
01:51:36I was talking to Sanem,
01:51:38because as you know,
01:51:40I can't talk to her
01:51:42anywhere else.
01:51:44She's been busy coordinating
01:51:46our latest campaign.
01:51:48I understand.
01:51:50Of course, and I haven't complained.
01:51:52By the way, congratulations.
01:51:54You did it.
01:51:58we did it.
01:52:00It's the custom.
01:52:02Thank you, sir.
01:52:04Hey, what's that?
01:52:06A contract from Mr. Fabri.
01:52:08As I explained to the young lady,
01:52:10it's just to make this formal.
01:52:12So if you sign it,
01:52:14I won't take up any more of your time.
01:52:18What you call something formal
01:52:20seems like a very strict contract,
01:52:22and it can't be signed lightly.
01:52:24I think Sanem should show it to our lawyer.
01:52:26He'll advise her to sign it.
01:52:28As you wish.
01:52:30You don't trust me, do you?
01:52:32It's just to make it formal.
01:52:34I understand.
01:52:36I understand very well.
01:52:38You are doing
01:52:40everything possible
01:52:42so that Miss Sanem
01:52:44can't or wants to sign
01:52:46this contract.
01:52:48But there's something I don't understand.
01:52:50What's your interest in that?
01:52:52I'm interested in what affects Sanem.
01:52:54I wish you had shown
01:52:56that interest
01:52:58before she sold me
01:53:00her perfume
01:53:02so you wouldn't go bankrupt.
01:53:04She did that without my knowledge.
01:53:06If it were up to me,
01:53:08that wouldn't have happened.
01:53:10Well, it's done.
01:53:12A promise is a promise,
01:53:14and that's how it is.
01:53:16And that's why Sanem will create a new perfume for you.
01:53:18Of course not, Jan.
01:53:20I don't want a new one.
01:53:22We won't agree.
01:53:24I have no intention
01:53:26of agreeing with you, Jan.
01:53:28So, please,
01:53:30let's settle this between her and me.
01:53:32You don't understand,
01:53:34so I'll make it clearer.
01:53:36I can't let her do
01:53:38anything she doesn't want to.
01:53:40Wait here.
01:53:42Wait here.
01:53:46It seems there was only
01:53:48one communication problem here,
01:53:50right, Sanem?
01:53:52We'll fix it.
01:53:54There you are.
01:53:56What will the boy do, Jan?
01:54:04What you paid for the perfume.
01:54:12Jan, but...
01:54:14we only got an advance.
01:54:16We need it.
01:54:18Please, Deren, don't meddle.
01:54:20Mr. Jan, let me fix it.
01:54:22Here it says $400,000.
01:54:24It's the price
01:54:26I bought the shares at.
01:54:28But I...
01:54:34I want double this.
01:54:38What? Double?
01:54:40It's the procedure
01:54:42our company has followed, Jan.
01:54:44Did you hear that?
01:54:46He said double.
01:54:48Mr. Van...
01:54:50Calm down, please.
01:54:52Hey, hey, Sanem.
01:54:54No, no, give it to me.
01:54:56Don't sign that.
01:54:58The double?
01:55:00The double?
01:55:06Jan, please don't do that.
01:55:08I beg you.
01:55:12Think about it, please.
01:55:14Here, it's the double.
01:55:16No, don't do that, Jan.
01:55:28But, Mr. Jan, why did you do that?
01:55:34Your perfume is mine.
01:55:36Do you understand that, Sanem?
01:55:48Take that double.
01:55:50Now get out!
01:56:02Mr. Jan, why did you do that?
01:56:08Your perfume is mine.
01:56:10Do you understand that, Sanem?
01:56:46A couple of hours ago,
01:56:48you thought Jan suspected you.
01:56:50What happened to you?
01:56:52No, she doesn't suspect me.
01:56:54I'm sure.
01:56:56And how can you be so sure?
01:56:58Didn't you see
01:57:00how she defended me
01:57:02from Mr. Fabri?
01:57:04And then she told me,
01:57:06that perfume you're wearing
01:57:08is mine.
01:57:10It has nothing to do with you.
01:57:12It's just a fight between men.
01:57:14You're really bad.
01:57:16Where are you from?
01:57:18Go away! You know what?
01:57:20Go away!
01:57:22She likes my perfume.
