Imran Khan today update news

  • 3 months ago
Imran Khan Biggest News in Pak


00:00Possibilities against the government. Okay. Now another thing we must notice that right from the first prime minister of Pakistan
00:09The sitting prime ministers or the post prime ministers have always been jailed or mistreated
00:15Yes, Imran Khan should be no exception and I think he deserves what he got
00:20Okay, you are saying Imran Khan deserves what he got
00:24Would you quickly like to elaborate this in 30 seconds before I get Mona Alam to respond to this and bring in Gita Mohan
00:29Into this conversation. Why does Imran Khan deserve being pulled from the scruff of his neck and shoved into a vehicle gen ambassador?
00:39You know, he has done everything which a prime minister sitting prime minister should not do he encouraged as I mean
00:46director general ISI to
00:49Work against his own superiors. Yes, Rajwa who was the chief?
00:54When the chief retired because he did not support Imran Khan as Imran Khan wanted
01:00Imran Khan went hammer and tongs against him. He has not spared anyone nor
01:06Even the sitting chief of the army. Okay, so what do you expect?
01:12With me for a moment Rana Sanaullah the interior minister of Pakistan is just reacting. Let's quickly listen in to Rana Sanaullah
01:20It's on a million pound
01:24Joke, it's a creep on Korea's heart Arbor. Opaque. Okay. I love bug a combati
01:30Yeah, I come to have a canoe. Okay. Mutabaq. Yeah, Pakistan. Okay. I want key. Amanathi
01:39Or here a come to hey, yeah, Pakistan cake. Oh me Khazanah me. What was honey tea?
01:46UK key government a
01:48Pakistan key, Hakuna, Serap taqiyah
01:52or is Rackham key
01:54Komi, Khazanah me. What's he kill? Yeah, Joe? Hey, bo
01:59Mintazama's him to look who's came to look bad key
02:03beach me
02:05Imran Khan ka
02:07Joe a dala dala. Jiska name Shahzad Akbar ta
02:12Who beach me Aya?
02:15Us Dalal name, I mean the lady key
02:19or a soda, Joe have a tap I a
02:23Jiska, Nitya me
02:25Eka al-Qadr trust, but I again
02:29or us trust a name pay
02:32Joe had the creep on Koi
02:35Yanni, Us
02:36property key Malia, Joe a quick charge sort finja canal
02:41Sahaba me
02:42Or dosa Charlie's canal, Joe have a bunny gala me
02:46Ye property, Joe. Hey, yeah, but queda al-qadr trust a name pay Joe have a registered
02:54Akilla me hoga que a second is hot art. My belly many. Yippee press conference Karte hui
03:01yet a mom property key to see
03:05Onki, Urs property key registered documents
03:09Or but a down key in the car number
03:13many yuppie up key hitman the page key it a
03:17Horse hot
03:19Imran Khan, Yazico challenge. Yatha get um jabab do
03:23Key, yeah, al-qadr trust. Joe. Hey, yet. Omni is
03:29inscription, Koi, Joe have a
03:32Chopana, Kiliya, Joe have a
03:35Or us trust a syrup do he trustee in
03:40Imran Khan, Niazi, Uska trustee. Hey, or Uski, Alia, Motima
03:45Doke, Alaba, or Koi, Tisra trustee. Nay, hey
03:50Dosa Charlie's canal, Joe bunny gala me. Hey, whoa, Farah go geek a name pay Joe have a registered
03:57Yeah, total property, Joe. Hey
04:00Yeah, it's key, Malia, Joe have a
04:07Yes, I'll have a
04:09Joe have a key property leaky, or Uska, Alaba, do a repair
04:14Shahzad Akbar, Sabney, apnea, Dalali, Kalia
04:18Or we'll address a Joe have a do a repair a key
04:23Ojical to be me or London major have a Mojahed Araya
04:27to us Kaba
04:29war Akam, Jothi
04:31Us Rakam, Koko, Mikazani, Malani, Kiba, Jai
04:35Us Saath Arab, Kira, Kamco, Joe, hey
04:41Property tycoon, Kajo case Supreme Court
04:50So Rana, Sonola is the interior minister of Pakistan and he's giving details of that al-qadr trust where only Imran Khan and his wife
04:57Bushra BB are the two trustees in that case and there's allegation of massive
05:03Land-scam and corruption money corruption money that should have come to the coffers of the Pakistani government
05:09Went into private coffers of Imran Khan and that middleman Shahzad Akbar
05:15at least that is what the allegation is Imran Khan now will be questioned by the
05:19National Accountability Bureau court where this trial will take place
05:23I want to bring in India today's foreign affairs editor Geeta Mohan for more on this Geeta
05:27Does this smack of Vendetta because Imran Khan just got bail in seven cases earlier this morning?
05:33And he was arrested in the eighth case and not by the Islamabad police
05:37But by Pakistan Rangers and not taken to regular court, but to NAB court, which is headed by a former three-star general
05:44But the fact that the entire process was in contravention of rules, norms, their own penal code, the constitution
05:54We're looking at a political leader who was in court for a biometric process and look even if the Rangers had to come and
06:02and NAB him, they came without an arrest warrant, which means a warrant was not
06:07Secondly, the entire premises, the room where he was getting the biometric done, was brought down
06:15The windows were shattered, broken down and they entered for force. So this somehow does not really speak of how
06:25Imran Khan, who was back then propped up against Nawaz Sharif and Nawaz Sharif was ousted today
06:30Ironically Gaurav, it's Nawaz Sharif's younger brother, who is now in the army, who is now in the NAB court
06:37And he's been in the NAB court for seven years and he's been in the NAB court for seven years
06:41And he's been in the NAB court for seven years and he's been in the NAB court for seven years
06:45And he's been in the NAB court for seven years and he's been in the NAB court for seven years
06:49And he's been in the NAB court for seven years and he's been in the NAB court for seven years
06:53It's Nawaz Sharif's younger brother who stands by the army to take down Imran Khan
06:58So the political structure can completely tear itself down, they can tear each other apart
07:05But there's only one structure that stands strong and it's not in Islamabad, it's in Pindi
07:10So while you're talking about an arrest in custody, what were the rangers doing there?
07:15Why weren't the local police authorities there to nab him or arrest him if that were the case?
07:22Let me bring in quickly Mona Alam to respond to this
07:25And Mona, do you see this as a wider conspiracy?
07:29The fact that he was arrested not by Islamabad police but by rangers
07:33And taken immediately to Rawalpindi NAB court
07:36So that he cannot get relief from judiciary in Islamabad
07:42This is one thing that I've earlier pointed out
07:45I cannot rule out the fact that Imran Khan had reiterated his allegations
07:51sitting army officer immediately after he was arrested
07:54And I'd like to also mention to Ambassador Sahib
07:58Because he has mentioned that Imran Khan had done a lot of damage to Pakistan and its institutions
08:04But he's not the only one
08:07I clearly recall that when General Bajwa was the sitting army chief
08:10It was Nawaz Sharif who had pointed him out and who had called him out for his political engineering
08:17In a Gujranwala Jalsa of the PMLN
08:20And back in the day Nawaz Sharif was in London
08:22So he's still in London but that's when you know Nawaz Sharif was banned
08:28His speeches were banned
08:29And it was the same Imran Khan as the Prime Minister who used to you know
08:32Condemn Nawaz Sharif for maligning state institutions and maligning the army
08:37So you know it's a
08:40I don't know what sort of a better word
08:43It's a mockery that we see in continuous motion here in Pakistan
08:49Whoever is in the opposition always blames the army for being in trouble
08:55In their present day troubles
08:56And whoever is in the government always comes out as
08:59The major most defenders and frontline warriors of the army
09:03You know this is how it goes
09:05Mona what do you see happen in Pakistan over the next several hours and days
09:10And in different provinces of Pakistan
09:12In Punjab, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in Sindh and Balochistan
09:17Do you see a massive outpouring of Imran Khan supporters
09:22Do you see the police divided
09:23Or do you think PDM government will be able to control and contain everything
09:28I see havoc
09:31I pre-empt nothing which can be equated to solace
09:36Obviously this is very pre-emptive right now
09:39I do not see any betterment or any cooling down of the situation
09:44Unless and until the courts intervene into the matter
09:46Also you know there is a certain gravity attached to this particular case
09:49Because I have just followed it while speaking to you as well
09:53Certain further details that have come in
09:56It was a real estate tycoon, Malik Riaz whom you may have heard of
10:00It was you know a case attached to him
10:02And there was a certain advantage
10:04I think 500 billion
10:08That was the advantage that Imran Khan had given him
10:10As the Prime Minister of Pakistan
10:12When he was accused by the Supreme Court
10:15And when a certain amount, this particular amount
10:18Was to be extracted from Malik Riaz
10:20So Imran Khan through his former aide Faizad Akbar
10:24Of which even Rana Sannaullah has spoken of
10:27And he has mysteriously disappeared
10:30He is out of sight
10:31Even before the ouster of Imran Khan
10:33I thought that he may have heard it from somewhere
10:36That Imran Khan is going to be removed from power anytime soon
10:39So he fled from the country
10:40He is nowhere in sight
10:42And through Faizad Akbar, Imran Khan had done a settlement for Malik Riaz
10:47And he had intervened this you know to the Britain laws
10:50And here in Pakistan he got that amount waived off for Malik Riaz
10:54So this was a big big favour, huge favour
10:57And they are saying that you know they had created
10:58No but did Imran Khan benefit financially as is the allegation
11:02The Al-Qadir Trust, Imran Khan's Al-Qadir Trust
11:07Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi, his wife are the only two trustees
11:10Did they benefit financially in a big way
11:13Also land in Banigala was land allotted to Imran Khan
11:18Did he benefit financially from a land
11:21That was meant for a residential complex
11:23Became Imran Khan's land
11:29This is exactly what the allegation is
11:31And this is exactly what I said that you know
11:33These are very serious allegations in nature
11:36One cannot say and one can never say a logical personal
11:39Or a rational person would never come up with
11:41Defenses like is that you know these were petty allegations
11:44And these are political victimization of Imran Khan
11:49These are indeed serious matters
11:50But you know this has happened in 2019
11:54The case is of 2019
11:55But unfortunately it's being taken up in 2023
11:58That too when Imran Khan is ousted from power
12:00So this is what you know doesn't add up
12:02If there are allegations they should be addressed
12:04Immediately right there and then
12:06And I don't know why the institutions just fail to stand up
12:10To whatever allegations that come up against him
12:13And they kind of wait for that individual to move out of power
12:16So that you know they can use those cases to
12:19Put them arrest or put them behind bars
12:22And also this doesn't come as a surprise that
12:24Why is it happening just a day after Imran Khan took certain names from the army
12:28If indeed you know that matter of naming certain individuals from the army
12:33If indeed that was a that was a serious matter or a serious concern
12:36Or if this was the you know the true reason of his arrest
12:40Then I think it should have been very open and clear
12:43They shouldn't have arrested him as a pretext of another NAB case
12:47They should have arrested him on this
12:49But let me bring in Ambassador Dogra and Geeta Mohan one by one on this
12:52And Mona stay with us because you can give us a better picture
12:54Of what's happening on ground right now
12:56General just Ambassador Dogra just yesterday
13:00The General Nasir was also named Faizal Nasir DGC of Pakistan ISI
13:06And in Pakistan naming a serving two-star general
13:10That to somebody who's involved with interior internal security of Pakistan
13:15Naming him threatening to name an ISI brigadier
13:19Saying that there were three shooters
13:20And case against those shooters is being weakened
13:23The man who shot at him was actually somebody who's not a madman
13:28Or a religiously indoctrinated man
13:30You heard Imran Khan's allegations
13:32They're about six and a half minutes long
13:34Very very serious ambassador and serious ramifications for ISI
13:40Well serious ramifications for ISI
13:42But more than that the fact is that
13:46Imran Khan was dragging everyone opposed to him in mud
13:51When army stopped supporting him
13:54He said army is corrupt
13:56Its officers are corrupt
13:57He called as you said a major general a murderer
14:01A major general who was plotting to kill him
14:03He called every opposition politician corrupt
14:07He himself was Teflon quoted
14:10What Mona Alam is saying
14:11Why was this case of corruption against him not taken up
14:15When he was the Prime Minister
14:17When the case was taken up
14:20Only to be written off as absolutely normal deal
14:25By the cabinet committee of the government under Imran
14:29So now that he's no longer the Prime Minister
14:32Naturally the government of the day will bring out the full details
14:36Which is what Rana Sanahullah has done just a few moments back
14:40But more than that Imran Khan was Teflon quoted all through
14:45No charges would stick to him
14:47The second strategy he adopted while in opposition earlier
14:51And as Prime Minister was to recruit virtually
14:56The youth of Pakistan
14:58Especially those belonging to an army background
15:01The sons of army officers and army jawans
15:05So that they could stand for him
15:07Even against their own families who were serving members of the army
15:11That is what complicated the situation
15:13So if Imran Khan has been arrested by NAB
15:17He's got poetic justice
15:19Because he misused NAB to arrest everyone
15:22Be it Nawaz Sharif or his daughter
15:25And he mistreated them
15:26Yes Mariam Nawaz was also treated in custody as was Shahbaz Sharif
15:31But before I bring in Mona for more on what's happening on ground
15:35Geeta, one Lakshman Rekha in Pakistan
15:38Is that you do not talk ill of the Pakistan army
15:41And Imran Khan crossed that red line
15:44But on ground his supporters are saying
15:47Unless you come out on the streets right now
15:49You will never be free
15:51His supporters are taking to the streets
15:54What are you picking up?
15:55What's happening on ground?
15:57Is there an apprehension that there would be riots in Pakistan
16:01And not just in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
16:03But even in the Punjab province
16:07Well interesting Gaurav that you start with red line
16:10The red line for Pakistan has been
16:12That do not cross the line with the Pakistani army
16:16But the PTI officials, leaders and people very close to Imran Khan
16:23Are saying that the army that has now crossed the red line for PTI
16:28You've never heard this kind of language before
16:31Never seen the kind of protest that we are seeing against the army
16:35Well there was one during Musharraf time
16:37And when he took on the judiciary
16:40But this is a different picture altogether
16:42We're talking about politics and political parties over here
16:45And people rallying around a political party
16:48Despite what you say Gaurav
16:50Imran Khan still pulls crowds
16:52I have been following his Jalsas and his rallies
16:56They still gather a huge number of people
16:59Wherever he does those rallies
17:02So he's still a crowd puller
17:03Certainly a threat
17:05Not just to the political dispensation
17:07But particularly to the establishment
17:11Having said that there's news that's just coming in
17:13This is from NAB officials Gaurav
17:16And this is of importance to us
17:18Because to everybody
17:20Because now what the NAB is saying
17:22Is that NAB has arrested former Prime Minister Imran Khan
17:25In the Al-Qadir Trust case
17:27Which is what Mona also some time ago was talking about
17:31But this is a statement that's now coming in from the NAB officials
17:34The arrest has been made after fulfilling
17:36The lawful procedures of inquiry
17:39And investigation conducted by NAB
17:42During the process of inquiry investigation
17:44Several call-up notices were issued
17:46To the former Prime Minister and his wife
17:48Who were both trustees of Al-Qadir Trust
17:51Basically Gaurav
17:53The NAB statement over here
17:55Or officials from NAB
17:57Who sent out these details to the media
18:00Are saying that they followed procedure
18:03And it's only according to procedure
18:05That this arrest or detaining of
18:09Because we do not know what the technical term is
18:13But yes, NAB is saying that
18:15They've arrested him after warrants were issued
18:18Not once but more than one time
18:21And they ignored it
18:23Last 30 seconds
18:25You know first Ambassador Dogra and then Mona Alam
18:27Do you see Pakistan
18:29Do you see riots break out in Pakistan?
18:30Do you see violence in Pakistan?
18:32Or will the police and the army
18:34Ambassador Dogra you first
18:35Will they be able to contain the situation?
18:38Well immediately yes
18:40There'll be riots, there'll be violence
18:42And there'll be some confrontation
18:44With the security forces
18:45But eventually army will take control
18:50And they'll all be gone
18:51I think army will stay firm this time
18:54The army will stay firm this time
18:55And Mona Imran Khan became powerful
18:58Because the army backed him
19:00It was Project Imran
19:02Minus the army
19:03Or is the army also divided?
19:04We are told a section of the judiciary
19:06And especially the Chief Justice of Pakistan
19:08Is very pro Imran Khan
19:09But is the army also divided
19:11Like the judiciary and the society
19:13And the police in Pakistan?
19:15I don't really think so
19:16The judiciary is very evidently divided
19:19And you know they've explicitly mentioned
19:21This in their legal orders too
19:23And their rulings too
19:25But I don't think there's any division
19:27As far as the establishment is concerned
19:29Because the ISI or the army chief
19:31You know they've time and again
19:34Reiterated the establishment of rule of law
19:37And that they stand with
19:38The democratically elected government
19:40This is what they've always said
19:42And even though aside their statements
19:45If I go with letter and spirit
19:48It's very evident that there's no bifurcation
19:50No divisions within them whatsoever
19:53And I think Imran Khan may have gone
19:55A little below the point
19:57Beyond the red line
19:59When he had you know
20:00Named and changed certain individuals
20:02From the army
20:03Having said that
20:04I do not appreciate
20:05Civilian prime ministers
20:06Going through these ordeals
20:08Again and again in our history
20:09And that is the bottom line of it
20:11Well you know from across the border
20:14Okay we are getting more reactions
20:15Okay Shah Mehmood Qureshi
20:17Imran Khan party leader
20:18And former foreign minister reacting
20:19Let's listen in
20:57So you heard Shah Mehmood Qureshi
21:09There former foreign minister of Pakistan
21:11Is a leader of Pakistan
21:12He was hoping to be
21:15Second in command after Imran Khan
21:17But that's not happening
21:18Imran Khan had already put a system in place
21:20That six leaders of his party
21:22Will now guide the protesters
21:24And no one leader
21:25After Imran Khan
21:27Does that also show
21:28The captain's nervousness
21:29Or do we see
21:33From the Pakistan army
21:35Anytime soon
21:35We'll be tracking that story
21:37Very very closely
21:38Ambassador Dogra, Mona Alam, Geeta Mohan
21:40And Shiva Roor for joining me here
21:41On this five live special
21:43Many thanks
21:44We leave you with these images of Pakistan
21:46Coming up next
21:48We get you more from
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21:50Top BJP leaders
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21:53Hours before elections
21:54It's show by Karan Laje
21:56Who's leading the Hanuman Chalisa protest
21:58In Bengaluru
21:58And Chief Minister Basavraj Bhumai
22:00In Bhubli
22:02Will Bajrangbali be the game changer
22:04For the BJP
22:06That story and lots more
22:07Coming up next
22:08Who will rule the Vithana Sodha
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22:33Sharp rise of the BJP
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22:4610th May 6pm onwards
22:48Only on India Today TV
