
  • 3 months ago
A parking lot employee with a heart of gold gave a beautiful bouquet of flower to a rich girl and confessed his love for her. Spoiler alert: it didn't go as planned! As the arrogant chick was making the poor guy, another man walked in. He turned out to be quite gallant and cunning, and decided to teach the girl a valuable lesson about humility.....
00:00These are for you.
00:04Who are they from?
00:08From me?
00:12I wanted to tell you for a long time.
00:16Ever since I saw you for the first time,
00:20I can't stop thinking about you and
00:24you know you're such a
00:28such a woman.
00:32I love you.
00:44wait a second.
00:48Could you just repeat it one more time? I just want to show it to my friends.
00:52Because it's really funny. Why are you doing this?
01:00guess who is trying to hit on me?
01:04A parking guy.
01:08LOL. These servants definitely have some nerve.
01:12Fade away.
01:16You should treat people as you want
01:20to be treated.
01:24Funny. He's not the bad guy, actually.
01:28Just not good enough for such a beautiful girl.
01:32And you? Are you good enough?
01:36My name is Leo.
01:40I work here in this building on the top floor.
01:48Nice to meet you, Kate. Nice to meet you.
01:52How about a couple of hours?
01:56Always a pleasure.
02:00I'll see you outside.
02:04Thank you.
02:08Hey, more champagne.
02:12So, tell me something
02:16about yourself, about your work.
02:20Why everyone in your office calls you five million?
02:24Well, that's because
02:28that's my lowest income for my deals.
02:40I like you so much.
02:44I don't blame you for that.
02:50Whoa, whoa, whoa.
02:54What are you doing?
02:58You're asking for champagne?
03:02Yes, but why don't you wear white gloves?
03:06Gloves, sir?
03:10Yes, a waiter should wear white gloves.
03:14But I serve you all the time without them.
03:18I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
03:22I'm sorry, sir.
03:26What are you doing? You're supposed to wash your hands first.
03:30I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just a minute.
03:38I love messing around with him.
03:42I must admit, I need to learn so much from you.
03:58Such a lovely evening, isn't it?
04:02I dream about it all the time.
04:06I'm sorry, work.
04:10Yeah, sure.
04:16Excuse me, miss.
04:24Of course we can pay the bill.
04:28My boyfriend will come in a minute and he'll pay you.
04:50We can call the police or...
05:02So, guys, let's start with page number one.
05:06I want to see Leo.
05:10I'm sorry, what's going on?
05:14I'm sorry, what's going on here? Who are you?
05:18I had a dinner last night with your employee, Leo 5 million.
05:22Leo 5 what? Million.
05:26Now I start to understand, are you out of your mind? He works for you.
05:30This is ridiculous, I know nobody called Leo, whatever you call him.
05:34Listen, where's our security? Security!
05:38I'm leaving already.
05:42Excuse me.
05:50Where's the guy I left last night with?
05:54That's confidential information.
06:02I overreacted. I'm sorry.
06:06Are you serious?
06:10Of course. Maybe you know where he lives?
06:14I can't tell you.
06:18I don't know, I'm just a parking guy.
06:22So maybe you know where his car is?
06:30I do.
06:34I'll teach you how to pay the bill.
06:38Stop it.
06:42Get your dirty hands off me.
06:46What the hell?
06:50Listen. It's you again, you crazy woman.
06:54Stay out of here. This is Leo's car.
06:58Do you remember Leo? He apparently doesn't work for you.
07:02What are you talking about? That's my car.
07:06It's yours?
07:10Listen, I'm sick of you. I'm calling the cops right now.
07:14Get your dirty hands off me.
07:18That was great.
07:22Did you get that, Bob? Yep.
07:26You. It's everything because of you, Leo.
07:30I will never forgive you.
07:34Steve, I don't know any Leo.
07:38Do you know any Leo, Jenny?
07:42It doesn't ring a bell.
07:46And you. Why did you point this car? Why did you lie to me?
07:50I said I'm sorry. He did not lie to you.
07:54I'm really driving this car, but as a driver.
07:58And secondly, I think your apology was insincere.
08:02What do you think, Jimmy?
08:06Sincerity is when you make something from your heart
08:10and you don't expect anything in return, Kate.
08:14You didn't even try to be sincere.
08:18Remember, princess.
08:22Treat others like you want to be treated.
08:26There is no other way.
08:30I'm sorry.
