
  • 3 months ago
Maeve is browsing a high-end boutique to find a new look. She sets her eyes on a pricy dress and takes it to the dressing room. Opening the blinds slightly, she playfully instructs Harry, the salesman, to come in and help her with the zipper.

Harry comes into the dressing room and Maeve pins him to the wall, asking if she looks good in the new outfit. Timidly, Harry states that she is gorgeous.

Maeve smiles at him and suddenly starts screaming. She calls out, claiming that Harry is a pervert. He stormed into her dressing room and tried to take the dress off her…
00:00Excuse me, can you help me with that zipper?
00:07Do you see anyone else here?
00:16How do I look? Do you think that I'm good in the dress?
00:21You are very beautiful.
00:25Damn, now it's gonna be more difficult.
00:30Help me! Help me! Get out of me!
00:32Help me! Anybody?
00:34Help me! He's a pervert!
00:36Calm down!
00:38Sir, but I didn't do anything.
00:40She asked me to.
00:42He buggered into my changing room and he tried to pull my dress out.
00:46He's a pervert!
00:47Are you out of your mind?
00:50I'm calling the police.
00:52Anybody should know what is happening here.
00:54Is there some way we can solve this without the police?
00:59Nothing happened and maybe there is a way we can compensate you for this incident.
01:05You can take the dress that you tried on.
01:07Well, I don't know.
01:13And anything else you like here?
01:16Fire him.
01:18He's already been fired.
01:20What? But she dragged me into the changing room.
01:23One more word, Harry, and I will call the cops myself.
01:26Just take your things and get out of here!
01:29What about my salary?
01:32It will be used to compensate this lady for your awful behavior.
01:39I don't want to work in your crappy store anyway.
01:56You're early from work.
01:59Something happened?
02:02I got fired.
02:05What happened this time?
02:08This time it's really not my fault.
02:12I'm sorry, but my son is a slacker who can't take care of himself.
02:17It's my will.
02:19Are you leaving me nothing at all?
02:25No explanation?
02:30Are you gonna throw up with me too?
02:32Yeah, that's a good idea.
02:35Hey, I got something to tell you.
02:36You know what?
02:41Do you work here?
02:42Yeah, I work here.
02:43What do you do for a living?
02:48Do you work here too?
02:51My love!
02:52Baby, Robby!
02:56I see you.
02:57Hi, baby.
02:59My Robby, my love.
03:02Oh, yeah, Maeve, sorry for the introduction.
03:05Maeve, this is my son Harry.
03:06Harry, this is Maeve, my girlfriend.
03:09Oh, you and Robby's son?
03:11Wait, what?
03:14Oh, oh.
03:15Hey, Harry, talk to Maeve, would you?
03:16I gotta take this.
03:17Thanks, baby.
03:19Nice to meet you.
03:22Oh, it's a beautiful house.
03:24I would like to change these curtains here.
03:26My father will get rid of you as soon as I tell him you are a scammer.
03:29Do what you need to do, baby.
03:31Do you really think you are the first one in this house?
03:33What is this?
03:35What is this?
03:36Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
03:37Mind your own business.
03:40Oh, so your father, he deprive you of your inheritance?
03:45It's interesting.
03:47It's very interesting.
03:49So, what if I do that, you will have money too?
03:56What do you mean?
03:58Suppose that I will marry your father.
04:03And I can give you 20%.
04:09And you don't stand in my way.
04:13And you can even help me a little.
04:41Jesus, son.
04:42I thought we were being robbed.
04:44You scared me.
04:48What are you looking for?
04:51What are you doing with mom's engagement ring?
04:55I want her to surprise me.
04:58Are you going to propose to her?
05:02Listen, you gotta understand.
05:03This is my mother's engagement ring.
05:05Listen, you gotta understand.
05:06This is my mother's engagement ring.
05:09Before her death, she made you promise
05:12that you would only give it to someone you really love.
05:15Look, I wasn't going to, okay?
05:18But I realized this is it.
05:21I'm finally ready to love again.
05:23Look, Maeve is a great girl.
05:25She's smart, she's supportive, and she loves me back.
05:29I know you don't understand it, but you gotta understand.
05:31I'm ready to love again.
05:32I'm ready to do this.
05:33You really love her?
05:35You really love her?
05:39With all my heart.
05:42I think you will too.
06:00Good morning!
06:01Did your father already tell you how wonderful I am?
06:04I'm canceling our agreement.
06:09He loves you.
06:12What about money?
06:13We're talking about, you know...
06:14Either you stay away from my father yourself,
06:17or I will make you.
06:19Try it.
06:20Come on!
06:24Let's see how you get out of this.
06:29Good morning.
06:30I need to tell you something.
06:31That can wait.
06:32I need to get everything ready before Maeve arrives.
06:34Maeve is a scammer.
06:38She doesn't love you.
06:40She just wants your money.
06:43Don't be ridiculous.
06:44Dad, I'm sorry.
06:46I had an agreement with her about you.
06:48About money.
06:50Trust me, she's not the one you need.
06:56She offered you money?
06:58She offered you money?
07:02And you accepted it?
07:04If I don't interfere with your marriage.
07:08I realize I don't care about money.
07:10You can throw me out of this house, but...
07:13Please believe me.
07:15She doesn't love you.
07:24I didn't know you were capable of this.
07:28I'm not dating Maeve.
07:31I paid her to see if I could trust you.
07:33But why?
07:36You don't have any interest in studying.
07:39You only work to keep me off your back.
07:41I think you're just waiting around for me to die
07:43so you can live off my fortune.
07:49But you're still worth something.
07:51But you're still worth something.
08:00Are you leaving me one dollar?
08:03I don't understand.
08:06That's what I got when my parents died.
08:10I made millions off of that dollar.
08:13Well, you'd do the same.
08:16If you work hard.
08:19You know I'm ready.
08:21I will turn this dollar into billions.
08:24And top you.
08:30Now you can start by working as a courier for me.
08:41Well, I think you're gonna need some money soon,
08:43so you better get started.
08:45What do I need it for?
08:48Maeve asked for your number.
