Ngaji Dengan Wan - Aisyah ms 234 Hud 109 - 117 سورة هود

  • 3 months ago
Ngaji Al-Quran Dengan Wan Teh - Aisyah ms 234 Hud 109 - 117 سورة هود #ngaji #alquran #hud

Sediakan Al-Quran anda dan mari mengaji dengan cara yang betul Insha’Allah

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Maka janganlah engkau (wahai Muhammad) menaruh perasaan ragu-ragu tentang sia-sianya apa yang disembah oleh mereka yang musyrik itu. Mereka tidak menyembah melainkan sama seperti yang disembah oleh datuk nenek mereka yang musyrik dahulu. Dan sesungguhnya Kami akan menyempurnakan bagi mereka bahagian mereka (dari azab yang telah ditentukan) dengan tidak dikurangi.
(Janganlah engkau merasa bimbang wahai Muhammad tentang keingkaran kaummu) kerana sesungguhnya Kami telah memberikan kepada Nabi Musa Kitab Taurat, lalu berlaku pertentangan mengenainya. Dan kalau tidaklah kerana telah terdahulu kalimah ketetapan dari Tuhanmu (untuk menangguhkan hukuman hingga ke suatu masa yang tertentu), tentulah dijatuhkan hukuman azab dengan serta-merta kepada mereka. Dan sesungguhnya mereka masih menaruh perasaan ragu-ragu tentang (kebenaran Al-Quran) itu.
Dan sesungguhnya tiap-tiap seorang akan disempurnakan oleh Tuhanmu balasan amal mereka; sesungguhnya Allah Amat Mendalam pengetahuanNya tentang apa yang mereka kerjakan.
Oleh itu, hendaklah engkau (wahai Muhammad) sentiasa tetap teguh di atas jalan yang betul sebagaimana yang diperintahkan kepadamu, dan hendaklah orang-orang yang rujuk kembali kepada kebenaran mengikutmu berbuat demikian; dan janganlah kamu melampaui batas hukum-hukum Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Maha Melihat akan apa yang kamu kerjakan.
Dan janganlah kamu cenderung kepada orang-orang yang berlaku zalim maka (kalau kamu berlaku demikian), api neraka akan membakar kamu, sedang kamu tidak ada sebarang penolong pun yang lain dari Allah. Kemudian (dengan sebab kecenderungan kamu itu) kamu tidak akan mendapat pertolongan.
Dan dirikanlah sembahyang (wahai Muhammad, engkau dan umatmu), pada dua bahagian siang (pagi dan petang), dan pada waktu-waktu yang berhampiran dengannya dari waktu malam. Sesungguhnya amal-amal kebajikan (terutama sembahyang) itu menghapuskan kejahatan. Perintah-perintah Allah yang demikian adalah menjadi peringatan bagi orang-orang yang mahu beringat.
Dan sabarlah (wahai Muhammad, engkau dan umatmu, dalam mengerjakan suruhan Allah), kerana sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan menghilangkan pahala orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan.
Maka sepatutnya ada di antara umat yang telah dibinasakan dahulu daripada kamu itu, orang-orang yang berkelebihan akal fikiran yang melarang kaumnya dari perbuatan-perbuatan jahat di muka bumi tetapi sayang! Tida


00:00I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.
00:06In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
00:12So be not in doubt as to what these people worship.
00:22They worship nothing but as their forefathers worshipped before.
00:32And We will surely give them their share in full.
00:42And We gave Moses the Book, and it was written therein.
01:01And if it were not for a word from your Lord...
01:06What is this, a word from your Lord?
01:13I have heard this before.
01:18And if it were not for a word from your Lord,
01:26you would have been judged between them.
01:29And they are in a great dispute with one another.
01:35And every time your Lord will give them in full their deeds,
01:47He is well aware of what they do.
01:52And if it were not for a word from your Lord, you would have been judged between them.
01:57He is well aware of what they do.
02:04So be upright, as you have been commanded, and those who have repented with you, and do not transgress.
02:12He is well aware of what you do.
02:18And do not turn to the wrongdoers, lest the Fire should touch you.
02:27And you will have besides Allah no allies, nor will you be helped.
02:38And I will observe the prayer on both sides of the day.
02:41Repeat it. You can't sing it long.
02:45It's too short.
02:48And I will observe the prayer on both sides of the day.
02:53Yes, repeat it.
02:55And I will observe the prayer on both sides of the day and around the night.
03:05And I will observe the prayer on both sides of the day and around the night.
03:17Indeed, good deeds drive away evil.
03:23This is a reminder for those who remember.
03:38And be patient, for Allah does not waste the reward of those who do good.
03:45If it were not for the generations before you,
03:52those who remained would not have forbidden corruption on earth.
04:05They would not have forbidden corruption on earth, except a few.
04:21Except a few from those whom We saved.
04:28And those who were unjust followed what they were told, and they were criminals.
04:38And your Lord would not destroy the land unjustly, while its people are righteous.
04:48Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
04:52Peace be upon you.
04:54Peace be upon you.
04:58In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
05:05O Allah, we place you among the enemies of our enemies, and we seek refuge in You from their evil.
05:14O Allah, change their appearance, and separate their gatherings,
05:19and strengthen their speech, and shake their feet,
05:23and cast over them a dog from Your dogs.
05:28O All-Purifying, O All-Compelling, O All-Avenger, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,
05:39O Allah, O Renderer of the Book,
05:43O Companion of the Companions,
05:45O Defender of the Parties,
05:49Defeat them, defeat them, defeat them, and help us against them.
05:55And peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Master Muhammad.
06:00And all praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
06:18And peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Master Muhammad.
