Ngaji Dengan Wan - Imran ms 273 An-Nahl 55 - 64 سورة النحل

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Ngaji Al-Quran Online Dengan Wan Teh - Imran ms 273 An-Nahl 55 - 64 سورة النحل #ngaji #alquran #annahl

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Langgan sekarang & mari mengaji Al-Quran


00:00I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.
00:04In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
00:07They disbelieve in what We have given them,
00:12so enjoy yourselves, for you will come to know.
00:16And they assign to that which they do not know
00:20a share of that which We have provided them.
00:24By Allah, you will surely be asked about that which you used to invent.
00:30And they assign to Allah the daughters, exalted is He,
00:36and to them is that which they desire.
00:39And when He gives them the good news of a female,
00:47his face will be dark, and he will be angry.
00:54He will turn away from the people from the evil of that which He has given them.
01:01Ayyumsikuhu ala hunin amyadussu fitturab.
01:18Alasa ma yahkumun lillazina la yu'minuna bil-akhirati masalussu
01:29Lillazina la yu'minuna bil-akhirati masalussu
01:36Walillahi almasalu al-a'la wa huwa al-azizu al-hakim
01:43Walaw yu'akhizu Allah un-nasa bi-zulmihim ma taraka alayha min-dabbatin
01:53walakin yu'akhiruhum ila ajalin musamma.
01:58Fa iza ja'a ajaluhum la yastakhiruna sa'atan wa la yastakdimun.
02:09Wa yaj'aluna lillahi ma yakrahun.
02:13Wa tasifu al-sinatuhumul kaziba anna lahumul husna.
02:34La jara ma anna lahumun nara wa anna hum mufratun.
02:41Allah laqad arsalna ila umamin min qablika fa zayyana lahumus shaytanu a'malahum.
02:57Fa huwa waliyuhumul yawma wa lahum azabun alim.
03:03Ma anzalna alayka al-kitaba illa litubayyinah lahumul laziqhtalafu fihi wahudan wa rahmatan li qawmin yu'minun.
03:20Sadaqallahul Azeem
03:23Bye One
03:43Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
03:46Allahumma inna naja'aluka fee nuhuri a'da'ina wa na'udhu bika min shururihim
03:55Allahumma baddid shamlahum wa farriq jam'ahum
04:00wa shaddid kalimatahum wa zalzil aqdamahum
04:04wa sallit alayhim kalban min kilabik
04:08Ya Qahhar, Ya Jabbar, Ya Mutaqim, Ya Allah, Ya Allah, Ya Allah
04:19Allahumma Ya Muzil al-Kitab
04:23Wa Ya Mujriy al-Sahab
04:26Wa Ya Hazim al-Ahzab
04:29Ihzim hum, Ihzim hum, Ihzim hum wa ansurna alayhim
04:36Wa sallallahu wa sallam ala Sayyidina Muhammad
04:41Walhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin
