• 3 months ago
00:00:00So turn to Revelation 1, Revelation 1.
00:00:20In Revelation 1 verse 8, the Bible says, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the
00:00:27ending, said the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
00:00:32Skip down to verse 11, saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, and what
00:00:39thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia, and
00:00:44to Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and to Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto
00:00:50Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.
00:00:54Skip down to verse 17, and when I saw him, this is John, he's seeing the Lord Jesus Christ,
00:01:02I fell at his feet as dead, and he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, fear not,
00:01:08I am the first and the last, I am he that liveth and was dead, and behold, I am alive
00:01:13forevermore, amen, and have the keys of hell and of death.
00:01:19Skip down to Revelation 22, Revelation 22, verse 12, last chapter and last book of the
00:01:34Bible, and behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according
00:01:40as his work shall be, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the
00:01:48So Jesus constantly says he's the beginning and the end, and that's what the Alpha is,
00:01:52it's the Greek letter, the first letter in the Greek alphabet, and Omega is the last.
00:01:58So the title of the sermon is Jesus, the beginning, Jesus, the beginning, so go to Genesis 1.
00:02:08So I was sitting there thinking about Jesus, and looking at the book of Hebrews, and I
00:02:15was sitting there thinking about, when you realize that everything is about the Lord
00:02:21Jesus Christ, and you start reading the Bible over again, you'll just see stuff just glare
00:02:27and blare at you, and there's about 11 things, really 12 in the book of Genesis, and this
00:02:33is an exhaustive list, you can go through it, and you can find other things, but these
00:02:38are the things that jumped out at me is Genesis 1.1, Genesis 1.1, in the beginning, God created
00:02:45the heaven and the earth, this is what separates the King James Bible from the other Bibles,
00:02:52because first he created the heaven, which is the third heaven, where God lives, and
00:02:58the angels, and the earth, not the heavens, but it says God, and a lot of people think,
00:03:07and you tell them, say that's what Jesus did, and they'll say no, Jesus was not, he didn't
00:03:12do that, that's God the Father, but go to John 1, we've got to understand, the Old Testament
00:03:20is there for a reason, but the New Testament is something we should be looking through
00:03:26the Old Testament with a lens, and every time you have somebody that brings up prophecy
00:03:32in the Old Testament, like one of the guys I listen to on YouTube, he was talking about
00:03:37Gog and Magog, and he was reading it out of Ezekiel, well if he would read it out of Revelation,
00:03:4221, he'll realize that that's over a thousand years away, but whatever, I don't listen to
00:03:48him for his biblical content, but just his information on what's going on in the world.
00:03:54Look at John 1.1, in the beginning was the Word, talking about Jesus, and the Word was
00:04:00with God, and the Word was God, some of these new Bible versions, they say that the Word
00:04:07was a God, no he's the God, because he's Jesus Christ.
00:04:12The same was in the beginning with God, so just to picture this, you've got the Lord
00:04:16Jesus Christ, he's standing next to God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, they're all there,
00:04:22and there's nothing there, it's just void, there's no earth, there's no heaven, it's
00:04:26just darkness, there's nothing there.
00:04:30And the same was beginning with God, all things were made by him, and without him was not
00:04:37anything made that was made, in him was life, and the life was the light of men.
00:04:43So you say, well that could just be God the Father, okay, go to Colossians 1.
00:04:48There's three places in the Bible, John 1, Colossians 1, Hebrews 1, that talks about
00:04:54Jesus being the creator of everything.
00:04:57Colossians is a little bit easier to decipher.
00:05:03You could say, well that's God the Father, it's not really talking about Jesus Christ.
00:05:07Okay, look at Colossians 1.13, who has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated
00:05:15us into the kingdom of his dear son, and then there's a colon, in whom we have redemption
00:05:22through his blood, even the forgiveness of his sins, of sins, who is the image of the
00:05:30invisible God, who is that?
00:05:33That's the Lord Jesus Christ, the firstborn of every creature, for by him were all things
00:05:38created that are in heaven, that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones
00:05:45or dominions or principalities or powers, all things were created by him and for him,
00:05:51and he is before all things, and by him all things consist, and he is the head of the
00:05:57body and the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, and in all things
00:06:03he might have the preeminence, for it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness
00:06:09dwell, and having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him, to reconcile all things
00:06:17unto himself, by him I say, whether they be things in the earth or things in heaven.
00:06:23So the Bible makes it clear in Colossians, and in John, and in Genesis 1, it says God,
00:06:29but the person who has created everything is the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:06:34Go to Hebrews 1, in Hebrews 1, look at verse 1, Hebrews 1, 1, God who at sundry times and
00:06:44diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last
00:06:50days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom he also
00:06:58made the worlds.
00:07:01Go back to Genesis 1, so that's the first one, Genesis 1, 1, I mean you don't have to
00:07:06go very far in there to find Jesus, and some people say, well Jesus' name is not mentioned,
00:07:12okay, I get that, and I had a Muslim guy one time, he said, well Jesus, they didn't
00:07:20even know his name in the Old Testament, okay, they just knew him as Lord, that's not a hard
00:07:24thing to figure out, Genesis 1, 26, and God said, let us make man in our image, after
00:07:33our likeness, there's your trinity right there, our, and people don't get this, especially
00:07:41the Jews, they don't understand it, they think, well God is one man, no, God is the
00:07:46Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, it wouldn't make sense for God to say, let us make man
00:07:52in our image, if it was one person, I know we're confused with pronouns this day and
00:07:56time, and there's individuals that want to be called plural people for whatever reason,
00:08:02maybe they got demons in them, I don't know, but that's what a psalmist, there's more than
00:08:07one person, it's the trinity, this is the first example of the trinity, and let them
00:08:14have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air, over the cattle and over
00:08:18all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, so God created
00:08:24man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he
00:08:32them, so it's clear the Bible tells us that we were created in the image of God, well
00:08:40who is that?
00:08:41Well nobody knows who God the Father looks like, nobody knows, there's a Holy Spirit,
00:08:46nobody's seen him, so the only person that somebody could look if they went back in a
00:08:50time machine to back when Jesus walked on this earth, they would say that they were
00:08:54created in the image of Jesus Christ.
00:08:58Number three, go to Genesis 2 verse 24, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother
00:09:08and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh, and they were both naked, the
00:09:14man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
00:09:17So the Bible's telling us that a man should leave his father and his mother, his parents,
00:09:23and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh, and you say what does that have
00:09:26to do with Jesus?
00:09:27Well go to Ephesians 5, keep your finger on Genesis, we're coming back, go to Ephesians
00:09:33So sometimes the Bible gives us a surface meaning, so the surface meaning, and Jesus
00:09:41reiterates this in Matthew and Mark, that God created male and female, and he did that
00:09:48that a male would leave his family members and cleave unto his wife, and then they would
00:09:53create their own family.
00:09:56But that's not the only meaning, the meaning we're looking at is look at Ephesians 5 verse
00:10:0325, Ephesians 5 verse 25, the Bible says, Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ
00:10:15also loved the church.
00:10:16So the example Jesus Christ has given, all the way back in Genesis, is that we should
00:10:25love our wives just like Jesus Christ loved the church and gave himself for it, that he
00:10:31might sanctify and cleanse it with a washing of water by the word, that he might present
00:10:36it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such stain, but that
00:10:43it should be holy and without blemish.
00:10:46So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies, he that loveth his wife loveth
00:10:52For no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, even as the Lord the church.
00:10:58We are members of his body, of his flesh and of his bones, for this cause.
00:11:03So he goes in this big explanation about the relationship between Jesus Christ and the
00:11:10church, that he gave his life for the church and he loves the church, but also the church
00:11:15should love Christ because he gave his life for it.
00:11:19And then it says, for this cause, so he's saying, in the same manner shall a man leave
00:11:24his father and his mother and shall be joined unto his wife, and they too shall be one flesh.
00:11:32And then he says, this is a great mystery.
00:11:33Why is it a great mystery?
00:11:35Because Paul wasn't married.
00:11:37Paul never had that relationship.
00:11:39So he doesn't know it.
00:11:40He said, this is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
00:11:44He's telling us the spiritual aspect where Jesus talks more about the spiritual and the
00:11:51representation of the physical aspect that a husband, a man leaves his father and mother
00:11:57and he gets his wife and they cleave together and make one flesh.
00:12:02And that's what it's talking about is the representation that Jesus Christ and the church
00:12:09I'll go back to Genesis, Genesis three.
00:12:18Genesis three, look at verse seven, Genesis three, seven.
00:12:24This is right after the serpent begals Eve, but Adam, he sins and they eat of the tree.
00:12:35The only tree out there does all these other plants and trees out there in the garden is
00:12:39only one that God said, don't touch this.
00:12:42And they do that.
00:12:43And Satan does that.
00:12:44He, he tempts them in verse seven, the eyes of them both were open and they knew, and
00:12:50they knew that they were naked and they sowed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons.
00:12:55So if you go up to 225, you'll see that they were both naked, but they did not know that
00:13:02or they were not ashamed of it.
00:13:04So they might've been, they might've known it, but they were not ashamed of their nakedness
00:13:10because they did not have that.
00:13:12Their eyes spiritually was not open.
00:13:14They had not sinned yet until this happened.
00:13:17When they knew that, then they tried to cover their own nakedness with fig leaves together
00:13:25to make themselves aprons.
00:13:30Go to verse seven, I mean, sorry, go to verse 15.
00:13:35And then what happens?
00:13:36Well, they hide from God.
00:13:37God finds them in verse 15 and I will put enmity between thee and the woman.
00:13:45What is enmity?
00:13:46Well, it's, it's anger.
00:13:48It's being an enemy against, he's talking to the Satan, the serpent and between thy
00:13:56seed and her seed.
00:13:58I don't know if you know this, but Satan hates you.
00:14:03Not just because you're a Christian, but he hates all people because they're created in
00:14:07the image of God.
00:14:08He hates human beings.
00:14:10He uses them to get what he needs to get done, but then he discards them and he don't care.
00:14:16He'll find somebody else to do his, his, his work.
00:14:19That's why there's enmity between thee and the woman.
00:14:22Who's the woman?
00:14:23Eve, the mother of all living things.
00:14:27In between thy seed and her seed, it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his
00:14:36This is a prophecy about the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:14:39Keep your finger there and go to John 13.
00:14:43Notice the Bible says, shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel.
00:14:51John 13, John 13, 18, the Bible says, I speak not of you all.
00:15:15I know whom I've chosen, but that the scripture may be fulfilled.
00:15:20He that eateth bread with me has lifted up his heel against me.
00:15:25So what is he talking about?
00:15:27Well, in the book of John, he's talking about Judas Iscariot is going to lift his heel against
00:15:35That's what he's talking about.
00:15:36He that eateth bread with me has lifted up his heel, talking about the heel of his palm.
00:15:42You remember when, uh, when they were, when Jesus was talking to the Pharisees and the
00:15:47Sadducees right before he was crucified, they took the heel of his hand and hit him
00:15:52with it.
00:15:53And that's what it's talking about.
00:15:54Taking up the heel.
00:15:55Now, Judas Iscariot didn't exactly do that, but he paid these men to do that.
00:16:00So that's why it's saying taking up the heel, uh, against him.
00:16:04But look at Romans 16, Romans 16.
00:16:15Romans 16 verse 20.
00:16:19The Bible says, and the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet.
00:16:26The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
00:16:30So this goes all the way back to Genesis.
00:16:32It's a prophecy that God's going to bruise Satan under our feet in the end times.
00:16:40Get back to Genesis, uh, three.
00:16:44So with that in mind, this is a prophecy, Genesis 3, 15 of Jesus, what's going to happen
00:16:52and that, uh, not only that, but that Jesus is going to have his heel bruised, talking
00:16:59about, uh, they're going to, uh, deny him and put him on the cross and crucify him.
00:17:04But then that we, at some point is going to bruise Satan's head.
00:17:10Go down to Genesis 3, 21, Genesis 3, 21.
00:17:16And then to Adam also and his wife did the Lord God make coats of skin and clothed them.
00:17:23So we saw in three, seven that Adam and Eve tried to cover up their nakedness, try to
00:17:28cover up their sin their own way with leaves of fig leaves.
00:17:35And that's just to show you about work salvation.
00:17:38It's the same thing.
00:17:39If you think you're good enough to go to heaven, if you think that if you repent of your sins
00:17:43or you come to church, you read your Bible or whatever you do, help little old ladies
00:17:47across the street, that's you trying to cover up your sin.
00:17:51But then when God makes coats of skin, it's like us putting on the Lord Jesus Christ with
00:17:58He's the only one that can cover our sins.
00:18:00It's through Jesus Christ when he died on the cross.
00:18:03Go to Genesis four.
00:18:07The title sermon is Jesus, the beginning.
00:18:08We're going through Genesis, which is the beginning book.
00:18:11That's what Genesis mean is the beginning.
00:18:14And we're looking throughout the book of Genesis of where Jesus Christ is.
00:18:19It's not most people think that Jesus starts in the book of Matthew, but he doesn't.
00:18:25He's throughout.
00:18:26He's eternal.
00:18:27He's God in the flesh.
00:18:28Look at Genesis four, one and Adam knew his Adam knew Eve, his wife, and she conceived
00:18:35and bear came and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.
00:18:39And she again bear his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of the sheep became was a tiller
00:18:44of the ground.
00:18:45And in the process of time, it came to pass that came brought out of the fruit of the
00:18:50ground and offering unto the Lord and Abel, he said, he also brought to the first thing
00:18:56of his flock and of the fat thereof.
00:18:58And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering.
00:19:03But in the cane and his offering, he had no respect and came with very wrath, which means
00:19:07he was angry and his countenance fell.
00:19:10And the Lord said unto Cain, while they're wrong, why is our countenance fallen?
00:19:14If thou do as well, thou shall not be accepted.
00:19:17And thou doest not will send life at the door and unto thee shall be his desire and thou
00:19:23shall rule over him.
00:19:25So the Bible is clear that we see Cain and Abel, two brothers that were born of Adam
00:19:30and Eve.
00:19:31And these are these two brothers.
00:19:33You had E Cain, he's growing crops.
00:19:37He's got a plant based salvation.
00:19:40We just saw that in Genesis three with a plant based salvation of you trying to cover your
00:19:45sins by your own works doesn't work.
00:19:48That's why God says, you know, you're seeing the line at the door.
00:19:52But the faith that we when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, where it has to do
00:19:57with animal skins and him telling, obviously they knew or he wouldn't have had to tell
00:20:04him, hey, I don't have any respect for your offering, but I have respect for Abel because
00:20:08he brought the firstlings, a tenth of his flock that was not through works.
00:20:15You know, if you have animals, they just do their own thing.
00:20:18There's not a whole lot of work in creating animals.
00:20:21They create themselves.
00:20:23You got a male and a female and they create small animals.
00:20:28And that's what it's talking about.
00:20:29But if you go out to grow crops, it takes work.
00:20:33Trust me, I've tried to do it.
00:20:35You have to fertilize it.
00:20:36You have to water it.
00:20:37If it doesn't rain and then water, then it's not going to grow.
00:20:41That's what it's talking about, that that's work.
00:20:44And it's an example of works based salvation gets, you know, where it's through faith.
00:20:50Go to Genesis six.
00:20:55Genesis six.
00:20:56This is about the ark, Noah's ark, Noah and the ark.
00:21:01And I don't have time to read all this, but I will tell you the story.
00:21:04The story is that the Lord God said, hey, people are wicked.
00:21:11They're doing wrong.
00:21:14So he decides to destroy the earth, except one family, and that family is Noah.
00:21:19Look at, we're in chapter six, look at verse six.
00:21:23This is the first time God repented and it repented the Lord that he had made man on
00:21:29the earth and it grieved him at his heart.
00:21:31So this is the first time the Lord repents.
00:21:33The Lord is the one person in the Bible that repents 35 times.
00:21:38That's why it's stupid when people tell you, well, the word repent, it means to stop sinning.
00:21:42So what sin does the Lord have?
00:21:45And isn't it funny that in the new Bible versions, they change it from repent to relent.
00:21:50Now, why did they do that?
00:21:52I wonder, maybe because they want to keep the stupidity of you got to repent of your
00:21:58It's not good enough for you to believe.
00:21:59You also got to repent of your sins.
00:22:01Folks, the only way you can repent of your sins is the day that you die.
00:22:06That's the only time you can repent of your sins.
00:22:08You try to stop sinning or try to do whatever.
00:22:11But the Bible makes it clear.
00:22:13As long as you're in this human body, you will always sin.
00:22:18That's why it's stupid when people tell you, oh, it's not good enough to believe on Lord
00:22:22Jesus Christ.
00:22:23You got to repent of your sins.
00:22:24You got to do whatever is dumb.
00:22:26The Lord repents 35 times.
00:22:28What does that mean?
00:22:29Change your mind.
00:22:30So what is the Lord doing?
00:22:32He's changing his mind that he made man on the earth.
00:22:35Not because God didn't know what was going to happen, but he knew what was going to happen,
00:22:40but he had to change his course of action because of what man did.
00:22:44I want to make that clear.
00:22:45It's not that God doesn't know and had taken him by surprise.
00:22:48That wouldn't make him omnipotent and all knowing.
00:22:51He is omnipotent.
00:22:52He is all knowing.
00:22:53He has all power.
00:22:55It's kind of like a GPS system.
00:22:58If you're driving down the road and let's say you're driving down the road and you come
00:23:02up to a roadblock or there's a tree in the road and you say, well, I got to find another
00:23:07Then you've got to repent of that.
00:23:09You got to find another route and that GPS will find you another route.
00:23:13That's exactly what this is happening.
00:23:15It's not because the Lord did not know what was going on.
00:23:21So when he did that, he said, I'm going to destroy every single living thing that has
00:23:25life that breathes air except Noah's family that has found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
00:23:33Go down to verse 14 and he tells them how to make an ark.
00:23:37What is an ark?
00:23:38An ark is a box.
00:23:40That's what it is.
00:23:41It's a box.
00:23:42Uh, we think of it mainly as a boat, but when you think about the ark of the covenant, what
00:23:46is it?
00:23:47It was a box that held the 10 commandments.
00:23:50So the word ark just means a box.
00:23:54Look at verse 14.
00:23:55Make thee an ark of gopher wood room shall thou make thou make in the ark and shall pitch
00:24:02it within and without with pitch.
00:24:05And this is the fashion where shall shall make it of the length of the ark shall be
00:24:10300 cubits, the breadth of it, 50 cubits and the height of it, 30 cubits.
00:24:17A window shall thou make to the ark and in a cubit shall thou finish it above and the
00:24:23door of the ark shall thou set in the side thereof with lower second and third stories
00:24:29shall thou make it.
00:24:30So the Bible is clear.
00:24:31It's a pretty big ark.
00:24:33It's got three stories.
00:24:35It's got one window and one door.
00:24:38And so what's that got to do with Jesus Christ?
00:24:40We'll go to keep your finger there and go to John 10.
00:24:46The ark is represent physical salvation that the people that were on the ark, they were
00:24:53physically saved from drowning to death, but also it has a secondary meaning.
00:25:03You get John 10 verse seven, John 10, seven, then said Jesus unto them again, verily, verily,
00:25:11which means truthfully, truthfully, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
00:25:17All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.
00:25:22I am the door by him by me.
00:25:26If any man enter in, he shall be saved and go in and out and find Patrick about the Genesis
00:25:34So Jesus is, is that door.
00:25:38And if you remember a while back, I did a sermon, the great I am, there's seven I am
00:25:43that Jesus said.
00:25:44He said, I am the way, the truth, the light.
00:25:47I am the door.
00:25:48I'm the great, the great shepherd.
00:25:50All these things is what Jesus is saying he is.
00:25:54And one of them is the door.
00:25:55And this one door represents what the Lord Jesus Christ that you cannot come to the father
00:26:01except through Jesus.
00:26:03There's no way to get, there's no way to backdoor heaven except through the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:26:08You have to come through him.
00:26:11And let's keep reading and behold, I, even I do bring a flood of waters upon the earth
00:26:17to destroy all flesh where in is a breath of life from under heaven and everything that
00:26:23is in the earth shall die.
00:26:25And I didn't watch it, but I heard somebody talk about it.
00:26:28That when Holly weird, when they made a remake of Noah's Ark, first of all, they make no
00:26:37one to be some weird guy that's trying to kill babies and stuff, some kind of demented,
00:26:42crazy person.
00:26:43Well, that wouldn't be the grace and eyes of the Lord.
00:26:45He wouldn't have the grace and eyes of the Lord.
00:26:47That's why God spared him and his family and his generation.
00:26:50I mean, cause people say, well, they had to, to continue on.
00:26:53Do you not think that God can make another person?
00:26:56I mean, if Noah did not have grace in the eyes of the Lord and he just said, you know
00:27:02I'm gonna start all over.
00:27:03I'm gonna start all over.
00:27:04He could have done that.
00:27:06But the other thing is, is they have a stowaway on the Ark is what I heard.
00:27:11I like, you know, I hadn't watched it.
00:27:12I'd recommend you not because it's probably stupid.
00:27:15And there's like some guy that's hiding in the Ark and he survives to folks.
00:27:21The Bible makes it clear.
00:27:22The only people survived is Noah's family.
00:27:25Everybody else died or this wouldn't make any sense.
00:27:28So don't go looking to Holly weird to find out your biblical doctrine.
00:27:32Get out of the King James Bible.
00:27:34Number seven, go to Genesis 12, Genesis 12, look at Genesis 12 verse one.
00:27:47Now the Lord had said unto Abram, now the Zionists, the people that love the nation
00:27:53of Israel, love the Jews.
00:27:54They love this verse.
00:27:55I'm going to explain it to you.
00:27:57Get thee, thee is a singular word.
00:28:01It's talking about one person, Abram, out of thy country and from thy kindred and from
00:28:06thy father's house and to a land that I will show thee, one person.
00:28:12And I will make thee a great nation and I will bless thee and make thy name great.
00:28:17And thou shalt be a blessing.
00:28:19And I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curses thee.
00:28:24And in thee, all families of the earth shall be blessed.
00:28:28So the Lord is telling Abram, when you get out of thy country and from your father's
00:28:34house, I'm going to make you a great nation.
00:28:39Now that has nothing to do with his lineage, his physical lineage, because that's what
00:28:45they want to tell you.
00:28:46But to understand this, keep your finger there and go to Galatians 3.
00:28:53While back we went through the book of Galatians and when people started talking about the
00:28:59Jews over there in Israel when they're killing babies and women, supposedly for whatever
00:29:05reason, I'm sure it's for stealing something, I just want to ask them, have you ever read
00:29:12the book of Galatians?
00:29:13Because if you read the book of Galatians, which is by a Jew, a formal Jew named Paul,
00:29:20the apostle, you know, he clearly tells them what is happening here.
00:29:27This has nothing to do with a physical seed, look at Galatians 3.6.
00:29:32Even as Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness.
00:29:37So what is believing?
00:29:38It's the same as faith.
00:29:40So why is Abraham in heaven?
00:29:42It clearly tells us it's not because of all the great works he did.
00:29:46It's not because of anything he did.
00:29:48It's because he believed God when God told him he was going to be a great nation.
00:29:54That's why.
00:29:56The same reason you're going to heaven, it's because of faith.
00:29:58Galatians 3.7.
00:29:59Know ye therefore that they which are of flesh, no, faith, it has nothing to do with your
00:30:07blood, it has to do with your faith, what you believe.
00:30:10The same are the children of Abraham.
00:30:13If you put your faith on the Lord Jesus Christ and his righteousness, if you are, you are
00:30:18the children of Abraham.
00:30:19That's what the Bible is showing us here.
00:30:21In a scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preach
00:30:30before the gospel unto Abraham saying, in thee shall all nations be blessed.
00:30:40So then that which are of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.
00:30:45Go back to Genesis 12.
00:30:48So when he's saying that in thee all families of the earth shall be blessed, he's not talking
00:30:53about the nation of Israel over there.
00:30:56He's not talking about the United States.
00:30:59He's not talking about China.
00:31:01What he's talking about is when somebody gets saved in China, they're part of that family.
00:31:06When somebody gets saved in Africa, they're part of that family.
00:31:10He's not talking about a group of people.
00:31:12He's talking about groups of people throughout the whole earth.
00:31:16Because when you read this, at this point in time, guess what?
00:31:19Abraham's thinking, or Abram because he hadn't had his name changed, he don't have any children.
00:31:25So he's thinking of the physical aspect.
00:31:28I don't have any children.
00:31:29I can't have any lineage of me.
00:31:32But that's why he's saying foreseeing.
00:31:34When the Lord told him that, he's looking into the future of all these people from all
00:31:41different kind of nations that are saved, not just from the physical, not just Isaac,
00:31:46not just Jacob later on down.
00:31:48He's looking at all the people throughout the world who are saved.
00:31:53That's the nation that are going to be blessed.
00:31:56How are they blessed?
00:31:57Because they're going to heaven.
00:31:59That's what verse eight means, foreseeing all the nations.
00:32:03Go to Genesis 19, this is number eight, Genesis 19.
00:32:09We're going to skip over about Mechilzedek in chapter 14, because we're going to talk
00:32:13about him on Wednesday in detail.
00:32:17But Mechilzedek, just to let you know, that's Jesus Christ.
00:32:21And like I said, we're going to talk about him on Wednesday, but he is Jesus because
00:32:25he has no beginning, he has no end, and that's what God is.
00:32:29He has no beginning, no end.
00:32:31Genesis 19, verse 12.
00:32:33Just give you a little back story of this.
00:32:36What happens?
00:32:37You've got Abraham and Lot, Lot's nephew.
00:32:46Lot decides to go off to the rich nation where all the green grass is, which is Sodom, because
00:32:55it's got a lot of green grass.
00:32:57What happens is that eventually he takes him hostage.
00:33:03Some of the people take him hostage and captive.
00:33:07And Abraham has to take his 318 people and go there and save them.
00:33:11And then what happens?
00:33:12He goes back to Sodom for whatever reason, I don't know.
00:33:15They're wicked, they're disgusting, men with men, women with women.
00:33:19Look at Genesis 19, verse 12.
00:33:24And this is what happened.
00:33:25They're hanging out there in Sodom.
00:33:28And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou heard any besides, son-in-law, thy sons, thy daughters,
00:33:36and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place.
00:33:39So he's saying, is there anybody else here in your family than the ones in this house?
00:33:43For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is wax and grape before the face
00:33:50of the Lord.
00:33:51And the Lord has sent us to destroy it.
00:33:53And Lot went out and spake unto his sons-in-law, which married his daughters, and said, Up,
00:33:59get you out of this place, for the Lord will destroy this city.
00:34:03But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons-in-law.
00:34:06And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife
00:34:12and thy two daughters, which are here, lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city.
00:34:20And while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand and upon the hand of his wife and
00:34:25upon the hand of his two daughters, the Lord being merciful unto him.
00:34:31And they brought him forth and set him without the city.
00:34:35And it came to pass, when they had brought them abroad, that he said, Escape for thy
00:34:40life, look not behind thee, neither stay thou in the plain, escape to the mountain, lest
00:34:46thou be consumed.
00:34:47So he's clearly telling them, Hey, when you leave, don't look back, because it's going
00:34:53to be destroyed.
00:34:54Everything you see is going to be wiped out with fire and brimstone.
00:34:58And he clearly tells them, When you leave Sodom and we're destroying it, do not look
00:35:05And Lot said to them, Oh, not so, my lord.
00:35:08Behold, now thy servant has found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy,
00:35:15which thou hast shown unto me in saving my life.
00:35:19And I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me and I die.
00:35:22Behold, now the city is near to flee unto, and this is a little one.
00:35:29Oh, let me escape, thither, is not a little one, and my soul shall live.
00:35:34And he said unto him, See, I have accepted thee concerning this thing, also that I will
00:35:39not overthrow the city for the which thou hast spoken.
00:35:43Haste thee, escape thither, for I cannot do anything till thou be come hither.
00:35:50Therefore, the name of the city was called Zoar.
00:35:53The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar.
00:35:56So he's saying, Look, I cannot destroy Sodom until you get your behind out of here.
00:36:03He said, You've got to leave your family, and Lot's lingering around for whatever reason.
00:36:10And he says, We cannot do anything until you leave.
00:36:13Look at verse 24, And the Lord reigned upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah, brimstone and fire
00:36:22from the Lord out of heaven.
00:36:25So it's pretty clear, who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?
00:36:29The Lord!
00:36:31The Lord Jesus Christ!
00:36:32See, it's kind of funny when you talk to people, and they'll say, Well, God the Father is this
00:36:37mean God, and Jesus is kind of this mellow God that he kind of bridges the gap, and he
00:36:45mellows God out.
00:36:46This is Jesus Christ.
00:36:48He's one of the three men with Lot, and he is one of them that is raining fire and brimstone.
00:36:55And you don't have to go far in the Bible to see that, in Genesis 19.
00:36:59And then for you to even say that just tells me nobody's read Revelation, because the Lord
00:37:04Jesus Christ is the one that brings all the wrath of God on to the world.
00:37:13And he overthrew those cities and all the plain and inhabitants of the cities that which
00:37:17grew upon the ground.
00:37:21But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.
00:37:25So he told him, Don't look back.
00:37:27And he turned, looked back, looks at old San Francisco burning down, Sodom.
00:37:33And what happens?
00:37:34She turns into a pillar of salt.
00:37:38That was her punishment.
00:37:39And you say, What does this have to do with Jesus?
00:37:41Well, other than he's the one that destroyed Sodom, the Lord, L-O-R-D, capital L, capital
00:37:46O, capital R, capital D. Keep your finger there and go to Luke 17.
00:37:51This has another meaning in it that sometimes people overlook.
00:37:57That hadn't happened yet.
00:38:00Remember, they said, Do not, we cannot destroy Sodom until you leave.
00:38:07Now I'm not saying every single one of the people in Lot's family was saved, but I will
00:38:13tell you, Lot was because he said God found favor in his, in Lot.
00:38:19So I believe Lot was saved.
00:38:21And this is an example.
00:38:22Look at Luke 17, verse 24.
00:38:30Luke 17, 24, where it says, The lightning that lightneth out of one part unto heaven
00:38:35shineth unto the other part under heaven.
00:38:39So shall also the Son of Man be in his day.
00:38:42So it's talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and his second coming.
00:38:46That when he comes, it's going to be like the lightning shining across.
00:38:49And if it's dark outside and you see nothing but lightning, that's all you see.
00:38:53That's what the Bible is trying to give us, that clarification.
00:38:56But first he must suffer many things and be rejected of this generation.
00:39:02And as it was in the days of Noe, which is the same as Noah, we just saw that.
00:39:07So shall it be in the days of the Son of Man, they did eat, they drank, they married wives,
00:39:13they were given to marriage until the day that Noe entered into the ark and the flood
00:39:18came and destroyed them all.
00:39:21So I've heard preachers try to explain this and they say, yeah, it's going to be wicked
00:39:25like it was in.
00:39:26Okay, that might be part of it, but let's keep reading.
00:39:28Likewise, also it was in the days of Lot.
00:39:32They did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded.
00:39:37But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and
00:39:46destroyed them all.
00:39:48And thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.
00:39:51In that day, he shall be upon the housetop and the stuffing in the house, that he not
00:39:57come down to take it away.
00:39:59And he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back.
00:40:03Remembers Lot's wife.
00:40:04What happened to Lot's wife?
00:40:05She got turned into a thing of salt, a pillar of salt.
00:40:11Because she looked back.
00:40:13What is the Bible trying to show us here?
00:40:16It could be about them being wicked, but it has another meaning.
00:40:19The reason Jesus is bringing this up in the day that Jesus Christ comes, what is he saying?
00:40:25Just like in Noah's situation and the situation in Sodom with Lot, what happened first?
00:40:35God took care of the believer first.
00:40:39He removed them out of the situation.
00:40:41With Noah, he made sure Noah and his family was close up in the ark before the rains came.
00:40:46Taken care of.
00:40:47With Lot, Lot was taken care of.
00:40:50They said, you cannot, we cannot destroy Sodom until you leave.
00:40:55Taken care of.
00:40:56When he was out of the city, out of range of the destruction, they started, the Lord
00:41:01fired missiles, fire missiles, whatever, firing brimstone from heaven onto Sodom and Gomorrah.
00:41:10Why is that important?
00:41:11Because the same thing, you know, people tell you, well, the tribulation is about God's
00:41:19Tribulation is three and a half years of the devil trying to squeeze people.
00:41:24The three and a half years of God's wrath is when he brings his judgment on the earth.
00:41:31They're two different things.
00:41:34But what happens in the middle part?
00:41:36God has a rapture.
00:41:38He raptures believers, believers who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:41:42Their body will be changed from a corruptible body in the grave, the dead in Christ will
00:41:47rise first, and then they'll meet their soul in the air to be with Jesus forever.
00:41:51The people who are on this earth that are still there, what happens?
00:41:54Their body changes from a regular old corruptible body to an incorruptible body to just like
00:41:59Jesus Christ's body.
00:42:01And then they meet with the Lord in the air.
00:42:04That's the importance of it.
00:42:05The importance of what I'm trying to show you here is just like Noah and Lot, what happened
00:42:11God took care of his people first before he brought his destruction.
00:42:17That's the point.
00:42:18Go back to Genesis 22.
00:42:25That's always funny to me when people talk about the Jews, which is a religion, it's
00:42:29not a race of people, make sure you understand that.
00:42:33When they talk about them, well, they just believe in God the Father, they don't believe
00:42:37in Jesus Christ.
00:42:38Well, I've already told you if you don't have the Son, you don't have the Father, it's a
00:42:41package deal.
00:42:42You can't backdoor God, you can't backdoor heaven.
00:42:46But there's three chapters in the Bible in the Old Testament that have more to do with
00:42:52Jesus than any other.
00:42:54It's Genesis 22, Psalm 22, and Isaiah 53.
00:43:00These three chapters are just all about Jesus and you just can't read it without getting
00:43:06that idea.
00:43:09Starting in verse 7, so what happens?
00:43:13The Lord tells Abraham to take his only son, Isaac, to bring him up to a mountain to bring
00:43:20an offering.
00:43:21Look at verse 7, and Isaac's speaking to Abraham, that's his son, his father, and said, my father,
00:43:27he said, here my son, he said, behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for
00:43:35a burnt offering?
00:43:36So he's saying, hey, here's the wood, where's the animal?
00:43:40We can't do an offering without an animal.
00:43:43And Abraham said, make sure you understand this, my son, God will provide himself a lamb
00:43:51for a burnt offering.
00:43:53So they went both of them together.
00:43:55So he says a lamb, okay?
00:43:58And verse 9, and they came to the place which God had told him of, and Abraham built an
00:44:03altar there and laid the wood in order and bound Isaac, his son, and laid him on the
00:44:08altar upon the wood.
00:44:12Now what does that significance?
00:44:13Keep your finger there and go to 1st Peter 2, 1st Peter 2, we're coming right back to
00:44:24Genesis 22.
00:44:25I'm telling you, the Bible doesn't just put stuff in there for no reason, it's in there
00:44:36for a reason.
00:44:37It says that Isaac was laying on the wood, bound together on the wood.
00:44:44Look at 1st Peter 2, verse 21.
00:44:48So in verse 21, for even until you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving
00:44:58us an example that ye should follow his steps who did no sin, neither was guile found in
00:45:05his mouth, who when he was reviled, reviled not again.
00:45:11But when he suffered, he threatened not, not committed himself to him that judges righteously
00:45:17to his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree, that we being dead to sin
00:45:27should live unto righteousness by whose stripes ye were healed.
00:45:32So go back to Genesis 22.
00:45:34So the representation here is that Isaac, his only son, his father Abraham has given
00:45:41up his only son and he's laying upon the altar on the wood.
00:45:47But guess what?
00:45:48That's what God, the father did.
00:45:49God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, which is Jesus, that whosoever
00:45:54believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
00:45:58So that's the representation that Isaac, his only son, guess what?
00:46:02He's being laid upon the wood with Jesus.
00:46:05He was also bound onto a tree, which is made out of wood.
00:46:11Let's keep reading.
00:46:13Verse 10, and Abraham stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son.
00:46:17And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven and said, Abraham, Abraham.
00:46:22And he said, here am I.
00:46:23And he said, lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do anything unto him.
00:46:29For now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou has not withheld thy son, thine only
00:46:36son from me.
00:46:39Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him a ram caught in a thicket
00:46:44by his horns.
00:46:45And Abraham went and took the ram and offered him up a burnt offering in the stead of his
00:46:51So a ram being a male lamb, but you know, he said, God will provide a lamb, but you
00:46:57know what?
00:46:58This isn't a lamb that God provided.
00:46:59You may say, well, you got caught in a thicket.
00:47:02Animals get stuck in stuff all the time.
00:47:03You go out there and watch my goats get their heads stuck in the fence because they're just
00:47:06stupid animals.
00:47:08But God will provide a lamb.
00:47:10You know who it is?
00:47:11The Lord Jesus Christ.
00:47:12Later on, he will provide that lamb.
00:47:16These animals that were sacrificed in Genesis and Exodus and Leviticus and all throughout
00:47:21the Bible, they're just temporary.
00:47:25The people in the Old Testament are looking forward to the cross.
00:47:28They're looking to the day that Jesus Christ died on the cross to be the savior of the
00:47:33But for the older people in time, we were looking back to the cross.
00:47:38We hadn't seen Jesus die on the cross.
00:47:40That's what it's saying, that God will provide himself a lamb and he did.
00:47:44It was Jesus Christ.
00:47:47And also the representation of the thicket is that he had, you know, Jesus had a crown
00:47:51of thorns on his head and that with the crown of thorns, you could see that and the thicket,
00:47:56you could see that.
00:47:57And Abraham called the name of that place, Jehovah-Jireh, as it is said to this day in
00:48:02the mount of Lord, it shall be seen.
00:48:04And the angel Lord came into Abraham out of heaven the second time.
00:48:08So one time he comes out and he says, Hey, don't do any harm.
00:48:12We believe that you have faith.
00:48:15That's why this is why it's not because of what he did.
00:48:18He believed God.
00:48:20That's why it's counted for righteousness.
00:48:22And the angel Lord called him to Abraham out of heaven the second time and said, by myself,
00:48:27I swore and said the Lord for, because thou has done this thing, thou hath not what withheld
00:48:33thy son, not only son, that in blessing our blessing and in the multiplying, I will multiply
00:48:39thy seed as the stars of heaven, as the sand, which is upon the seashore.
00:48:44And thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemies.
00:48:47And in thy seed shall all nations of the earth be blessed because that was obeying my voice.
00:48:55That's where he's saying this.
00:48:56He's saying all nations shall be blessed just like we saw in the book of Galatians.
00:49:04When God said this to Abraham, he's not thinking about just Isaac.
00:49:08He's not just thinking about Isaac's children, Jacob and Esau.
00:49:13Who's he thinking about everybody?
00:49:16He's foreseeing everybody.
00:49:23Let's go to Genesis 27, the next place, number 10, Genesis 27, Genesis 27, verse 26.
00:49:45What we have here is the story.
00:49:46I don't have time to read it all, but you have the story of Isaac who's, he's dying.
00:49:52He's old.
00:49:53He can't see very good.
00:49:54And what you have is you have two sons.
00:49:58You have Jacob and Esau, and Esau's the older son.
00:50:02And the way it always was is that the birthright is from the older sibling.
00:50:08The firstborn was to get the blessing from the father and to continue on the family.
00:50:14That's what was supposed to happen.
00:50:16The firstborn male is getting the blessing from the father.
00:50:22That's what's happening here.
00:50:23Isaac's fixing to die.
00:50:25He's old.
00:50:26He tells Esau to gather an animal so he can eat it and so he can give him the blessing.
00:50:35What happens is, for whatever reason, Rebekah, his wife, tells Jacob to deceive him and to
00:50:44put on goat skin on his arms and to fix him his favorite meal and to act like he's Esau.
00:50:52And that's what he does.
00:50:53For whatever reason.
00:50:54Was it right?
00:50:55I don't think it's right.
00:50:56He deceived him.
00:50:57But for whatever reason, God used it later on for something else.
00:51:01Let me show that to you.
00:51:02Look at verse 26 of chapter 27 of Genesis.
00:51:09And this father Isaac said unto him, just talking to Jacob, his son Esau, still out
00:51:15in the woods trying to find an animal, come near now and kiss me my son.
00:51:20And he came near and kissed him and he smelled the smell of his raiment and blessed him and
00:51:24said, see the smell of my son is as the smell of a field which the Lord hath blessed.
00:51:29So you got to understand, he's got his scent and the animal scent on him, which is what
00:51:35Esau smelled like.
00:51:37And Isaac couldn't see that good.
00:51:38So the only thing he can do is use his smell and his touch, which is what Jacob used to
00:51:45deceive him.
00:51:47Because Esau was a hairy man, Jacob was not.
00:51:50The smell of my son is as the smell of a field which the Lord hath blessed.
00:51:54Therefore God give thee of the dew of the heaven and the fatness of the earth and the
00:51:58plenty of corn and wine.
00:52:00Let people serve thee and nations bow down to thee, be Lord over thy brethren and let
00:52:05the mother's son bow down to thee.
00:52:08Cursed be everyone that curses thee and blessed be he that blesses thee.
00:52:13It came to pass as soon as Isaac had made an ending of the blessing of Jacob and Jacob
00:52:17was scarce gone out of the presence, so he leaves, that Esau, his brother, came in from
00:52:22his hunting.
00:52:23He also made saving me, brought his father and said, father, let my father rise and eat
00:52:29his son's venison that thou so may bless me.
00:52:32And Isaac said, has thou unto me who art thou?
00:52:34And he said, I am thy son, the firstborn Esau.
00:52:38And Isaac trembled exceedingly and said, who?
00:52:41Where is he that hath taken venison and brought it me?
00:52:44And I have taken of all before thou camest and have blessed him.
00:52:49Yea, and he shall be blessed.
00:52:51When Esau heard the words of his father, he cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry
00:52:55and said to his father, bless me even me also, O my father.
00:53:00And he said, thy brother came with subtlety and hath taken away thy blessing.
00:53:06And he said, is not the rightly named Jacob?
00:53:09For he has supplanted me these two times, he took away my birthright, and now he's taken
00:53:13away my blessing.
00:53:14And Esau has not reserved me a blessing for me.
00:53:18So he doesn't have anything else for him.
00:53:19But for us to understand this, keep your finger there, go to Romans 9, Romans 9.
00:53:29For us to understand this passage, we have to go to Romans 9.
00:53:35Because the physical aspect is that Jacob stole his blessing from Abraham, I'm sorry,
00:53:44from Isaac, his father who can't see, and he's basically a thief, right?
00:53:51But what is the meaning behind it?
00:53:53That's the physical meaning.
00:53:54What is the spiritual meaning?
00:53:55Look at Romans 9, verse 6, Romans 9, 6, not as though the word of God has not taken effect,
00:54:04have taken an effect, for they are not Israel, which are of Israel.
00:54:09So the Bible right there clearly tells us that just because people say they're of God,
00:54:14just because they say they're of Israel, or because they say that a physical seed of Abraham
00:54:19or whatever, that guess what?
00:54:21They are not, neither because they are the seed of Abraham.
00:54:26So they can go back to the lineage and then say, well, I'm of the seed of Abraham.
00:54:31They are not.
00:54:34They are all children, but in Isaac shall thy seed be called.
00:54:38That is, if you can explain that to us, they which are the children of the flesh, that
00:54:44means the physical lineage of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
00:54:49If you could do a DNA test and you could see that, guess what?
00:54:53But they are the children of promise, are counted for the seed.
00:54:56The seed of the Lord Jesus Christ is the saved.
00:55:00These are the children of the seed.
00:55:03For this is the word of promise at the time I come, Sarah shall have a son.
00:55:08And not only this, but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac,
00:55:15for the children being not yet born, neither having done any good nor evil, that the purpose
00:55:20of God according to the election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth.
00:55:26So before Isaac, I mean, I'm sorry, before Jacob or Esau was even born, guess what God
00:55:33If you can see that.
00:55:34It was said unto him, the elder shall serve the younger.
00:55:36And you can go back to, I believe it's Genesis 26, when they're born and you can see that
00:55:42the elder shall serve the younger.
00:55:45Well, they were twins, but Jacob came out just a teeny tiny bit later than Esau.
00:55:52So in their mind, the elder was Esau.
00:55:57He was the firstborn.
00:55:58He came out first and then Jacob came out.
00:56:01Look at verse 13.
00:56:04As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
00:56:08Now, I don't believe that God hated Esau.
00:56:11I believe Esau's in heaven actually, because when you read the Bible, you'll see that Esau
00:56:15comes back and he forgives Jacob later on in Genesis.
00:56:20But what is the meaning, the spiritual meaning?
00:56:22The spiritual meaning is that Jacob is the believer.
00:56:29Jacob is the believer, that the person, whoever it is, no matter what nationality, they believe
00:56:34on the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:56:36This is who God has loved.
00:56:38Now, he loved the whole world, but that means he loved them, that they're going to heaven.
00:56:43But Esau, the physical lineage, the Jew, the Hebrew, they want you to look at their DNA
00:56:50and their lineage and say, this is where I came from.
00:56:53These are the ones who have hated.
00:56:55The Bible says that anybody who's not saved, the wrath of God abideth on them.
00:57:00When somebody's wrath abides on you, they hate you.
00:57:03That's what that means.
00:57:06Go to Malachi 1.
00:57:09This is where this is spoken in Malachi 1, Malachi 1, 1.
00:57:21Because it said in Romans, where God said this is where he said this.
00:57:28The burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi, I have loved you, said the Lord.
00:57:35Yeah, you say, where in Esau loved us?
00:57:37Was not Esau Jacob's brother, said the Lord?
00:57:40Yet I loved Jacob and I hated Esau.
00:57:44That's what we just saw.
00:57:46And laid his mountains and a heritage way for the dragons of the wilderness.
00:57:51As Edom saith, we are in poverty, but we will return and build the desolate places.
00:57:57Thus said the Lord of hosts, they shall build, but I will throw down.
00:58:00They shall call them the border of wickedness and the people against whom the Lord has indignation
00:58:07And your eye shall see and he shall say, the Lord will be magnified from the border of
00:58:13And what I'm trying to show you here is that it has nothing to do with your physical lineage.
00:58:18You know, Jacob represents faith or represents people of faith that are believing on the
00:58:24Lord Jesus Christ.
00:58:26Esau represents the physical seed, not the spiritual seed.
00:58:32You know, they want to say Benjamin Netanyahu and these rabbis and Adam Sandler and Richard
00:58:39Dreyfus and Dr. Spock and Captain Kirk.
00:58:42They want to say they're the chosen people.
00:58:44But they're not.
00:58:45These people have nothing to do.
00:58:46They don't even believe on Jesus.
00:58:48In fact, most Jews, they spit every time they say the name of Jesus.
00:58:52They hate Jesus.
00:58:53They just want to talk about God, the Father and this and that.
00:58:56But I'm telling you, they cannot.
00:58:59There's no way to backdoor Jesus.
00:59:03And the last one, this is probably my favorite one, Genesis 32, Genesis 32.
00:59:16This is my favorite one.
00:59:22This is one I like to show people when they talk about Jesus not being until Matthew and
00:59:29all that stuff.
00:59:30Now, in my Bible, there's a heading where in Genesis 32, 24, it says, Jacob Ressels
00:59:37was an angel.
00:59:38Well, I marked it out and I wrote Jesus.
00:59:40But you know what?
00:59:41It is an angel because the word angel just means a messenger from God.
00:59:45There's plenty of times where Jesus is a messenger and he brings God's messages down
00:59:50to us.
00:59:51But look at verse 24, and Jacob was left alone and there wrestled a man with him until the
00:59:58breaking of the day.
01:00:00So we see here, this is the first MMA fight in the history of the world is where Jacob
01:00:05is wrestling with a man for a long time.
01:00:10And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh and
01:00:15the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint and he wrestled with him.
01:00:19So I don't know if you've ever wrestled with somebody.
01:00:22I know when I was in law enforcement, you'd have to tussle with people on the ground.
01:00:25It takes a lot of work.
01:00:27And even ground fighting for about a couple minutes will wear you out.
01:00:35So people vision Jacob as this mild mannered person, that he's very timid, he's weak, and
01:00:45Esau is the stronger one because he's a hunter.
01:00:48That's not true, folks, because of this right here.
01:00:51And also you'll see later that when Jacob goes to meet his wife, he takes his rock off
01:00:56of the well and it took several people and Jacob did it by himself.
01:01:02So he's not a weakling, but look at verse 26, and he said, let me go for the day breaketh.
01:01:09So and he said, so he's wrestling with him all night and it's starting to be daytime.
01:01:12And he said, I will not let thee go except thou bless me.
01:01:17And he said to him, what is thy name?
01:01:19And he said, Jacob.
01:01:21And he said, thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel.
01:01:26For as a prince, thou hast power with God and with men and has prevailed.
01:01:32So he changes his name from Jacob to Israel.
01:01:36And the only person that can do that is God.
01:01:38Do you see through out the Bible when God changes Abram's name from Abram to Abraham,
01:01:45you see where God changes the name Sarah to Sarah and all these different things where
01:01:51God changes people's names.
01:01:53He is the only one in fighting about the Genesis where he's going to give us a new name at
01:01:58some point in time.
01:02:00This is God in the flesh.
01:02:02He's wrestling with him.
01:02:04And Jacob asked him and said, tell me, I pray thee thy name.
01:02:08And he said, where is it that thou dost ask after my name?
01:02:12And he blessed him there.
01:02:13And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel.
01:02:18Why did he call it that?
01:02:20For I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved.
01:02:25So why did he do that?
01:02:27Because he felt like he saw God face to face.
01:02:30Well, you can't see, go to John 1.
01:02:36You can't see the Holy Spirit.
01:02:37I mean, doesn't that make sense?
01:02:39It's a spirit.
01:02:40You can't see it.
01:02:42See him.
01:02:46Nobody's seen God the Father.
01:02:49The only person that he can physically be wrestling with is God the Son, the Lord Jesus
01:02:54That's the only explanation.
01:02:56It's not an angel.
01:02:57In fact, Jesus said an angel is a spirit.
01:03:00And that you can't touch a spirit.
01:03:02If you remember that in Luke, when he tells him to touch the nails in his hands, in his
01:03:07side, he said a spirit you can't touch.
01:03:10Well, you can't, nobody's seen God the Father.
01:03:13Look at John 1 verse 18.
01:03:24Nobody's ever seen God the Father, except who?
01:03:27No man has seen God at any time.
01:03:30The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, hath declared him.
01:03:34In 1 John 4.12, it says the same thing, that no man has seen God the Father.
01:03:40They've seen Jesus.
01:03:41I mean, John, he baptized the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:03:44But so at this point, he's not talking about God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, he's talking
01:03:48about God the Father.
01:03:50The only person that's seen God the Father is the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:03:54Go to Revelation 22.
01:03:58Revelation 22 verse 1.
01:04:0622, 1, and He showed me a pure river of water of life.
01:04:10This is at the end of the last book of the Bible, Revelation.
01:04:14It's after everything happens and we live with the Lord forevermore in the new heaven
01:04:20and the new earth.
01:04:22And out of the throne of God and out of the Lamb, in the midst of the street of it, on
01:04:26either side of the river, there was the tree of life, which bear twelve manner of fruits,
01:04:31and yielded her fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of
01:04:35the nations.
01:04:36And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it,
01:04:41and His servants shall serve Him, and they shall see His face, and His name shall be
01:04:47in their foreheads.
01:04:49So the Bible makes it clear at this point in time, this is the only time we will ever
01:04:53be able to see God the Father's face.
01:04:56I could show you in Exodus, where Moses in Exodus 33, when God the Father's bringing
01:05:04him the tablets that he wants to see God the Father, and God the Father says, you can't
01:05:09see me and live, you know?
01:05:12So he shows him his hinder parts, and when he shows him his hinder parts, guess what?
01:05:16By him seeing the hinder parts, his face closed for thirty days.
01:05:22And with that, and go to, go to, let me write it down, but in the Bible it talks about that
01:05:35the Jews, they have a veil over their face, it's in 2nd Corinthians, go to 2nd Corinthians,
01:05:42I don't have it in my notes, but I'm going to try to find it here, that the Jews, the
01:05:51people of Israel that are over there, that they have a veil over their face because they
01:05:58cannot read the Bible, they do not understand the Bible.
01:06:132nd Corinthians 3, 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 13, and not as Moses would put a veil
01:06:26over his face, that's what happened, when he had to put a veil over his face because
01:06:30he had this million candle powered face and nobody could look at him, because he was just
01:06:35glowing the whole time, that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the
01:06:39end of that which was abolished, but their minds were blinded, for unto this day remain
01:06:46at the same veil, untaken in the reading of the Old Testament, which veil is a done way
01:06:50in Christ.
01:06:51So when the rabbi gets up and reads the Old Testament, because he's not going to read
01:06:56the New Testament, because they don't believe in Jesus, when they read the Old Testament,
01:07:01there's a veil over their face, it's like they cannot read, they may be reading the
01:07:04words but they don't understand it, that's what the Bible is showing us here, it's just
01:07:08like when Moses had that veil over his face, the Jew, the Hebrew, whatever you want to
01:07:13call them, they don't believe in Jesus, because they're not saved, and because they're not
01:07:18saved they're just reading words, and it's a veil over their face, but when they believe
01:07:23on Christ, the veil is done away with.
01:07:27But even unto this day when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart, so when they
01:07:32go out there and they read Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, the books
01:07:36of Moses they call that, the Torah, which is what they usually say they believe in,
01:07:42guess what?
01:07:43The veil's over their heart, because they don't believe in Jesus.
01:07:46They can read Genesis 22, and they don't get the fact that it's about Jesus.
01:07:52Go to Acts 10, this is the last place we'll go to.
01:07:57They don't get it, they don't understand it.
01:07:59They may be reading words, they may think they understand it, just like I showed you
01:08:04Genesis 22, while you're turning there I'm just going to tell you, a lot of rabbis will
01:08:09tell you when you explain to them, you say well this has got to do with Jesus, they'll
01:08:13say no no, this had to do with human sacrifice, and they're going away from human sacrifice
01:08:19to animal sacrifice.
01:08:20Folks, where's that at in the Bible?
01:08:22The only time we see a human sacrifice is the wicked people of the world, when they're
01:08:27throwing their babies in the fire, when they're committing abortions and stuff, that's what
01:08:32we see.
01:08:34You don't ever see that, that's just a stupid generality of them trying to avoid Jesus.
01:08:39Look at Acts 10 43, and this is what I hope you find out, anytime if you decide to start
01:08:45a Bible over and you start in Genesis, that when you start reading the Bible you think
01:08:49the whole Bible from Genesis revelation is nothing but about Jesus Christ.
01:08:54It may not say His name, it may say the Lord, it may have other things, but it's telling
01:09:00you that this is about Jesus.
01:09:02Look at Acts 10 43, to Him, who's Him?
01:09:09Give all the prophets witness that through His name, I'm talking about Jesus, whosoever
01:09:14believeth in Him shall receive missions of sin.
01:09:18All the way back in Genesis, all these things that happened in the Old Testament, the sacrifices,
01:09:26the different ordinances and all these things was about Jesus Christ, about Him being the
01:09:32Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth, and when we understand that, and we believe
01:09:37that, and it's not about God, you should be weary about when you hear preachers or people
01:09:41just talk about God this, God that, folks, everybody's got a God, whether it's themselves
01:09:46or money or some man in a diaper or this person or that person, everybody has a God,
01:09:52but there's only one God, and there's only one mediator, the man Christ Jesus, and when
01:09:58you understand it's all about Jesus and about what He did and that what He did on the cross
01:10:03for us, then you understand that why do people just use the word God?
01:10:08Now, Jesus is God, He's God in the flesh, I don't doubt that, the Bible tells us that,
01:10:14but when they don't use the name of Jesus that every person must know, you should be
01:10:19weary and bells should be going off, because they'll tell you about believing in God, folks,
01:10:26the devil believes in God, that does nothing, you've got to put your faith in the Lord Jesus
01:10:30Christ and His righteousness to get you to heaven, period.
01:10:34Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer.
01:10:37Dear Lord, we just thank You for Your Word, we thank You for the book of Genesis, the