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00:00So we're still in the book of Hebrews. We're in Hebrews 12 tonight. Hebrews chapter 12.
00:08So in Hebrews 12, the Bible reads,
00:14Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses,
00:20let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us,
00:26and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
00:31looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,
00:36who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,
00:41despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
00:47So keep your finger there and go to Psalms 19.
00:52So I want to show you that in the King James Bible,
00:55the word race has nothing to do with what color you are or where you came from.
01:01The only time the word race is ever used in the Bible,
01:04because we're all of the same blood from the blood of Adam,
01:09that is talking about running a race.
01:12So go to Psalm 19.
01:18There's four times that the word race is mentioned in the Bible.
01:22One is Psalm 19.
01:30Verse 5.
01:34Which is a bridegroom coming out of his chamber and rejoices as a strong man to run a race.
01:41So it's talking about a bridegroom coming out of his chamber.
01:45He's excited that if a strong man wins a race, then he's excited about that.
01:50Go to Ecclesiastes 9.
01:54Ecclesiastes 9.
01:55You get to Psalms, Proverbs, and then Ecclesiastes.
02:09Ecclesiastes 9 verse 11.
02:11Verse 12.
02:27So again, the word race is used.
02:29The last place I want you to go to is 1 Corinthians 9.
02:34So we all have a race that we're running.
02:38And it's not a sprint.
02:40The Christian life is not a sprint.
02:42We're not seeing how fast we can get.
02:44The Christian life is actually measured in decades, not months, not years.
02:51And we see in the Bible that that's what we see are people, men and women of the Bible,
02:58that they're going through this race.
03:00We see it mainly with Paul where he's going.
03:04When you read the book of Acts, you think, man, how long is this taking?
03:08But it's decades.
03:09It's decades of what Paul's doing through his journey.
03:12Look at 1 Corinthians 9 verse 24.
03:19Know ye not that they which run in a race run all?
03:23And one receiveth the prize?
03:25So run that ye may obtain.
03:27And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things.
03:32Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, and we an incorruptible crown.
03:38I therefore so run, not as uncertainty, so fight, not as one that beateth the air,
03:43but I keep under my body and bring it unto subjection,
03:47lest that by any means when I have preached to others I myself should be a castaway.
03:55So Paul's giving us this example that we all have this race to run.
03:59You have a race to run, I have a race to run.
04:02And it's not for an incorruptible crown.
04:04It's not for a prize.
04:06It's not for a trophy.
04:08It's for something that you can't put a value on on this earth.
04:12And we're not doing it for uncertainty.
04:14We know that there's rewards in heaven for us for what we do on this earth
04:19from the day that we're saved to the day that we die.
04:22And that's what he's saying is that it's not like you're just running for no reason.
04:28It's not that you're just fighting and beating the air, punching the air like a boxer.
04:35That we're doing it for a reason.
04:37Go back to Hebrews 12.
04:41And then verse 2 I want you to look at.
04:43Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher.
04:48So he's the beginning and the end.
04:50That's what we see is that Jesus is the beginning and the end.
04:57He's the one that created us.
04:59When you go to John 1 and you go to Hebrews 1 and Colossians 1
05:06you'll see that Jesus Christ is the one that created all things through him.
05:11A lot of people just talk about God created him.
05:13Jesus is God.
05:15But we see that Hebrews 1, Colossians 1, and John 1 says that Jesus Christ created everything.
05:21He's the creator of everything.
05:23So he's the author.
05:24So somebody who creates a book is an author.
05:27But then if you created a book, you'd have to finish it.
05:30So he's the finisher of our faith because he's the one that finished it on the cross.
05:34He died on the cross, was buried and rose three days later.
05:37And that's how he finished our faith.
05:39For the joy was set to endure the cross, despising the shame.
05:44So a lot of times I think we glaze over this.
05:47And we don't realize that Jesus, even though he's 100% God, he's 100% man.
05:53And when he was on the cross, before he was on the cross, we see that he did not want to go on the cross.
05:59He clearly prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane saying,
06:03Please take this cup from me if there's any way, anything I can do besides this.
06:09And God the Father said, No, there's not.
06:11This is what you're going to have to do for the whole world.
06:14But not only that, but we don't think about him despising the shame.
06:18We think about the cross and the crucifixion.
06:21And we say, Yeah, Jesus died on the cross.
06:23But people, we don't really think about what a brutal way of dying that cross is.
06:31Because you're on the cross.
06:33Your arms are up in the air.
06:35Your feet are crossed like this.
06:37And the only way you can breathe is by lifting yourself up.
06:41If you've got a nail in your arm, it's going to pull.
06:44It's going to constantly pull.
06:47And the only way you can breathe, not only that, you've got Jesus, his mother Mary, his disciples,
06:54his brothers and sisters are sitting right there in front of him.
06:57And he's in his underwear, basically, with no clothes on.
07:02So that's the shame.
07:03People were mocking him.
07:04People were spitting on him.
07:05You've got the Jews saying, If you think you're the Son of God, come off the cross.
07:09And all these things, that's the shame we don't think about sometimes.
07:13But that's what Jesus did.
07:14So when you want to think about, you know, what did Jesus do for me?
07:18That's what he did for you.
07:19That's what he did for all of us.
07:21And not only that, he sat down at the right hand of the Father in heaven.
07:30Verse 3.
07:31For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest you be wearied and faint in your minds.
07:39So keep your finger there and go to Romans 5.
07:42Romans 5.
07:45So when I was studying this, this is the verse that came to my mind.
07:50Romans 5, verse 6.
07:55For when we were yet without strength and due time, Christ died for the ungodly.
08:02So Christ didn't just die for the saved.
08:05He died for everybody.
08:07And when you think about it, before you believed on Christ, we were all ungodly.
08:11We were all unsaved.
08:13We were all sinners.
08:15And that's what the point is.
08:17For scarcely for a righteous man would one die.
08:20Yet peradventure, I mean maybe for a good man some would even dare to die.
08:25So what is it saying?
08:26It's saying for a good person, a perfect person, somebody would probably die for him.
08:30A family member that you think is good, you would probably die for your family member.
08:35But what would you do for the whole world?
08:38What about that person?
08:39That Jew that's spitting in your face and saying crucify him, crucify him.
08:43Would you die for that person?
08:44You probably wouldn't.
08:45Most people wouldn't.
08:46Most people wouldn't.
08:48Look at verse 8.
08:49And this is part of the Romans road.
08:51But God commendeth his love toward us.
08:54Now the word commendeth, some of the new Bible versions change this to demonstrated.
09:01Well the word demonstrated is a lesser word.
09:05It means to demonstrate.
09:07If I was going to demonstrate how to shoot a basketball, I'd just kind of show you and
09:13that's how you shoot a basketball.
09:14Not that I'm saying this the right way, but that's what I'm saying.
09:17But the word commendeth is a stronger word.
09:21Because the word commendeth is like if somebody gets a commendation, a police officer, a fireman
09:26gets a commendation.
09:27It's a stronger love that's being shown to.
09:33Not only that, go to Acts 14.
09:38Acts 14.
09:39Keep your finger there and go to Acts 14.
09:47The reason this word needs to be in there because it goes along with when Jesus is on
09:54the cross and he's dying, people like to say that when he says, Father, I commit my spirit.
10:00That's not what he says.
10:02He says, I commend my spirit.
10:04What does that mean?
10:05That means that Jesus is telling God the Father, you have my spirit now.
10:10He's giving it over.
10:11So if you commend something to somebody, if you say, hey, I'm going to commend you my
10:16child, that means you're taking control of my child.
10:19So what Jesus is telling God the Father is that I have no more control over my body and
10:24right before he gave up the ghost and his soul was going to be in hell for three days,
10:28he's saying, I'm commending my spirit to you.
10:31I'm giving you my spirit up to you for you to do whatever.
10:35So the Bible makes it clear that the two that brought Jesus Christ's soul out of hell after
10:41three days was who?
10:43God the Father and the Holy Spirit.
10:45That's what it says in the Bible.
10:48Where did I tell you to turn?
10:49Acts 14, verse 23.
10:55Look at it.
10:56When he had ordained them elders in every church and had prayed with fasting, they commended
11:01them to the Lord of whom they believed.
11:04So the word commend just means that they entrusted.
11:07So Jesus Christ is telling God the Father, I'm trusting you with my soul.
11:13That's why in the King James Bible, it makes more sense, commendeth his love toward us
11:18and that while we're yet sinners, Christ died for us.
11:22So while we were yet sinners, and we'll just keep reading, much more than being now justified
11:28by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
11:32For if we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his son, much more
11:38being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
11:42And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now
11:49received the atonement.
11:51So the Bible's saying is that while we were sinners, Christ died for us.
11:56That's how much God loved us.
11:58He knew we would all be sinners.
12:00And because he knew that, he said, I'm going to give you a second chance, and your second
12:04chance is the Lord Jesus Christ.
12:06You've got to put your trust and believe on him.
12:08Go back to Hebrews 12.
12:11So when I read that verse, it's the verse that came to my mind.
12:16You have not resisted in the blood, striving against sin, and you have forgotten the exhortation
12:23which speaketh unto you, as unto children, my son despise not the chastening of the Lord,
12:29nor faint when they are at rebuke.
12:32For whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth, and scourges every son whom he receiveth.
12:37We don't have time to go there, but that's found in Proverbs 3, verse 11 and 12.
12:43If you endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons.
12:49For what son is he whom the Father chasteneth not?
12:53So you're not going to go out there and chasten some other kid.
12:57I'm not.
12:58You're going to get in trouble.
13:00And that's what the Bible's saying is that when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
13:03you become his son.
13:05John 1, 12 says, for as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God.
13:11So when you become a son of God, you're going to be chastened.
13:14So if you go out there and say, I'm saved.
13:17I'm just going to live like I want to.
13:18I'm just going to go drink.
13:19I'm just going to commit adultery.
13:21I'm just going to go commit fornication.
13:23I'm just going to go do whatever.
13:25You can do that.
13:26And you'll still go to heaven.
13:28But you're going to get beat down by God.
13:30He's going to chasten you.
13:32And eventually, when you get to the point where you think, OK, I can get away with it.
13:36There's no problem with it.
13:38God's going to put something else in your way.
13:40It may be the government.
13:42It may be the government.
13:43It may be putting you in jail.
13:45It may be locking you up because you're not listening to what other people are saying.
13:49God has the Holy Spirit.
13:51We have the Holy Spirit inside of us.
13:53And eventually, you do so much sin that you shut his mouth.
13:59You just shut his mouth.
14:00He's still there.
14:01He speaks to us.
14:03He tells us about the things we're doing.
14:05But eventually, it's like you're putting a gag over his mouth and he doesn't speak to you anymore
14:09because you're not listening to him.
14:11So we want to be the type of person that we're constantly listening to the Holy Spirit
14:15when he's telling us, hey, don't drink that beer.
14:18Hey, don't do this.
14:19Don't do that.
14:20We heed to what he says because eventually, he'll shut up.
14:24And eventually, you know what's going to happen?
14:26God's going to say, OK, you think you can get away with it?
14:28You're not going to get away with it.
14:30I'm going to make sure you understand that.
14:32Let's keep reading.
14:33But if we without chastisement were of all our partakers, then are ye bastards and not sons.
14:41Now, I don't want you to feel weird about that word.
14:44These are the words of the Holy Spirit from Genesis to Revelation.
14:48And the world has made that word a dirty word.
14:51The world has made ass a dirty word.
14:53The world has made damnation and hell, especially hell.
14:57The devil wants hell to be a dirty word.
15:00He don't want you to say it because he would love for everybody to be there.
15:03He would love for you not to tell anybody about the dangers of hell, damnation.
15:08But what the Bible is saying here is that you're not a son.
15:12And the Bible makes it clear, if you'll keep your finger there and go to Deuteronomy 23,
15:17there's two times that the King James Bible uses this word.
15:20One is right here.
15:21The other one is in Deuteronomy 23.
15:24And these are strong words.
15:26That's why people don't like the King James Bible because it's harsh.
15:30But we need to realize that God is not this Santa Claus up in the clouds
15:36just waiting to give everybody something good.
15:39He does have reward for us.
15:41But we need to realize He's a God of judgment.
15:43And that's what this chapter is all about,
15:45is that if you go out and live the life you think you want to live
15:48and you don't do what God says, He's going to beat you down.
15:51Look at Deuteronomy 23, verse 1.
15:54He that is wounded in the stones,
15:57that's talking about somebody being castrated,
16:00or hath his privy member, you can figure out what that is,
16:04they're doing it all day long, men turning into women supposedly,
16:08shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.
16:11And then verse 2, a bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.
16:16Even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.
16:21So you've got to understand back then they had a congregation,
16:24and when they did, they wanted them to be as pure as they could be.
16:29So what is a bastard?
16:31Well, it's a child that is brought into this world
16:34that is not under a legitimate marriage.
16:37That's pretty much what it is.
16:39So if you go back to Hebrews 12,
16:41you can understand that the way God intends it to be
16:45is a man and a woman to be married,
16:47then to bring forth a child,
16:49and then that child is a legitimate child.
16:51Now that does not mean that God doesn't love that child any less.
16:54That doesn't mean that that child's going to die and go to hell.
16:57What that means is that according to the Bible,
17:00again, these are harsh words,
17:02that a bastard child is somebody who's not a legitimate son.
17:06We see that Ishmael with Abraham, he's not a legitimate son.
17:11In fact, constantly in Genesis 22 we see where God says,
17:15your son, your only son.
17:17Well, if you go back, what happened?
17:19Abraham went with Hagar, his handmaid,
17:23and had a child.
17:24He had that physical relationship with Hagar
17:27and had a child, Ishmael.
17:29And guess what happened?
17:30They had a child, Ishmael.
17:32But God never considered Ishmael to be his legitimate son.
17:36That's why constantly he keeps saying,
17:38three times in Genesis 22,
17:40when Abraham's fixing to sacrifice Isaac on the altar,
17:45your son, your only son, your son, your only son,
17:49three times.
17:50Because God considered that to be his son,
17:53not Ishmael.
17:55Verse 9,
17:56Furthermore, we have had our fathers of our flesh,
18:00which correct us,
18:01and we gave them reverence,
18:03and we not much rather in subjection unto the Father of our spirit,
18:06and live?
18:07For they verily for a few days chastening us
18:11after their own pleasure,
18:13but he for our profit,
18:15that we might be partakers of his holiness.
18:18Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous,
18:21but grievous.
18:22Nevertheless, afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness
18:27unto them which are exercised thereby.
18:31So what it's saying is that your earthly father on this earth
18:35or your mother,
18:36they might have whooped you.
18:37They might have punished you.
18:38You might have got some kind of punishment.
18:41Why would you think the God of this earth,
18:45the creator of this earth,
18:46wouldn't do the same?
18:47But you know what?
18:48They did it for their own peace.
18:51When a parent spanks their child,
18:54it's so they can have peace.
18:56It's for their pleasure.
18:58But what the Bible is saying is when God punishes you,
19:01it's not for his pleasure.
19:02It's for your benefit.
19:04It's your benefit.
19:07So you can be more holy.
19:08Because when we get that chastening
19:10and we become more holy,
19:12then we can be more partakers of God's holiness.
19:15That's what the Bible is saying is.
19:20Look at verse 12.
19:21Wherefore, lift up the hands which hang down and the feeble knees,
19:26and make straight the paths of your feet,
19:28lest which is lame be turned out of the way,
19:31but let it be rather be healed.
19:33Follow peace with all men,
19:34and holiness,
19:36without which no man shall see the Lord.
19:39So what is it saying?
19:41You're not going to see the Lord without holiness.
19:43Now does that mean that you've got to be perfect?
19:45Does that mean you've got to be sinless?
19:47If that's the case, nobody's seeing the Lord.
19:49But what it is saying is that the only way you can see the Lord
19:53face to face in heaven is the holiness.
19:56And how does that happen?
19:57Well, when Jesus comes in the clouds,
19:59He brings our soul, if we've already died,
20:02with Him,
20:03and our bodies rise from the grave
20:05and meet their soul in the air.
20:07That's what it says in 1 Thessalonians 4, 13-19.
20:11But then also, the people who are remaining on this earth,
20:14their bodies are going to be changed from a corrupted body
20:17that can be eaten with worms and bugs
20:19to one that can be corrupted.
20:21Just like the body of Christ.
20:22Just like the body of the Lord Jesus Christ.
20:24And that's what it's talking about.
20:26Without that holiness, you'll never see the Lord.
20:29Nobody's back door in heaven.
20:32The only way you can go to heaven is by having that holy body
20:36to be to see the Lord.
21:02For he found no place of repentance,
21:05though he sought it carefully with tears.
21:09Go to Ephesians 4.
21:11Keep your finger there in Hebrew and go to Ephesians 4.
21:15Ephesians chapter 4.
21:31Ephesians 4, verse 24.
21:38And that you put on the new man,
21:40which after God has created in righteousness and true holiness,
21:44so the moment you get saved, you've got that new man.
21:47And that new man is a new part of you.
21:50And that new man can never sin.
21:52It's the righteous part of you.
21:54It's what God creates.
21:55It's that 2.0 of you.
21:58And what it's saying is,
21:59we have to consciously put that new man on.
22:02When you wake up in the morning, you've got to do it daily.
22:04You wake up in the morning, guess what?
22:05You decide to pick up the TV remote
22:07and turn on something stupid on the television
22:09and instead pick up your Bible.
22:11That's when you're putting on the new man.
22:13Or you decide to turn on the radio
22:15and listen to something goofy and stuff on the radio.
22:17And then you decide to listen to some kind of hymn or sing a hymn.
22:20That's putting on the new man.
22:21It's a conscious effort.
22:23You decide to sleep in.
22:24You decide, hey, I don't want to go to church this Sunday.
22:26And then you decide,
22:27the new man says, no, you need to get up,
22:29get your butt up and go to church.
22:31That's putting on the new man.
22:32But you have to do it daily.
22:33It's not just, okay, I'm going to do it for August
22:36and I won't have to do it.
22:37Every single day, when you wake up in the morning,
22:39you've got to put on the new man.
22:41That's what the Bible is saying.
22:42But he's created in righteousness and true holiness.
22:45Wherefore putting away lying,
22:47speak every man the truth with his neighbor.
22:49So how do you put away lying?
22:50You just speak the truth.
22:51I mean, that's pretty simple.
22:53That's how you keep from lying.
22:55For we are members one of another.
22:58Be ye angry in sin not,
23:00and let not the sun go down upon your wrath,
23:03neither give place to the devil.
23:06Let him that stole steal no more,
23:09but rather let him labor,
23:11working with his hands the thing which is good,
23:14that he may have to give to him that needeth.
23:18Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth,
23:23that which is good to the use of edifying,
23:26that it may minister to grace and to the ears.
23:28So what it's saying?
23:29It's saying, you know, a lot of times,
23:32there is a righteous anger.
23:33You can be righteously angry at false prophets.
23:37You can be righteously angry at false salvation.
23:40But most of the time when we're angry,
23:43it's not righteous.
23:45But there is a righteous anger
23:47because this wouldn't make any sense.
23:48Because you can be angry in sin not,
23:50but we shouldn't let the sun go down upon our wrath.
23:53If all married couples would beheave to this,
23:56there would never be a divorce.
24:00But when you do get angry, guess what?
24:03That gives place to the devil.
24:04That's what it's saying.
24:05If you have a root of bitterness,
24:06you're letting that little,
24:07that little bitty thing can bother you so much
24:11that it opens up that spot for the devil.
24:15And then grieve not the Holy Spirit.
24:17The Holy Spirit.
24:18We just talked about that.
24:20Of God, whereby you're sealed
24:22unto the day of redemption.
24:24So when people talk about losing your salvation,
24:27which they're not saying,
24:29but they'll tell you,
24:30like the church of God down the street,
24:32they'll say, well, you've got to keep doing this,
24:34you've got to keep doing that.
24:35It don't make sense, folks,
24:37because the moment you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
24:39you're sealed unto the day of redemption.
24:42That Holy Spirit is inside of you.
24:45And the way I think about it,
24:46it's like a Ziploc bag.
24:48You've got the Holy Spirit inside of you,
24:49and He ain't coming out until the day of redemption
24:53when Jesus Christ comes in the clouds
24:55and He redeems your soul and your body.
24:57That's the day that it's talking about.
25:00And it also talks about it being a down payment,
25:04being an earnest.
25:05So if you go to buy a house,
25:07and they say the house is $200,000,
25:09good luck finding a house for $200,000.
25:11And they say, well, you've got to put down $20,000
25:14because it's earnest money,
25:15because you're keeping what you say you're going to pay,
25:21then guess what?
25:23You're putting down that money saying,
25:25I'm getting this house.
25:26Well, that's what the Holy Spirit is.
25:28That's why it's called the earnest of our salvation.
25:31God the Father is saying,
25:33I've got this Holy Spirit inside of you,
25:36and I'm coming back for you.
25:39Not only that,
25:40is He going to send the Holy Spirit to hell?
25:44That's why it's just silly.
25:45That's why when you ask people,
25:47and you just nail them down,
25:48say, are you telling me that the Holy Spirit is going to go to hell?
25:51And guess what, folks?
25:52It's like they think you've got a screen door inside of you,
25:55and the Holy Spirit is going in and out.
25:57No such thing.
25:58You're sealed.
25:59That screen door ain't opening.
26:02Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking
26:06be put away from you with all malice,
26:09and be ye kind one to another,
26:12forgiving one another,
26:14even as God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven you.
26:17So the whole point is,
26:18when you get ready to get mad at somebody,
26:21and you have that root of bitterness,
26:23and you say, hey,
26:24I just can't ever forgive that guy
26:26because he scratched my car,
26:27because he done this,
26:28because he done that,
26:29because he said this on Facebook,
26:30because he said that,
26:31I will never forgive him.
26:33You need to understand that you're walking into heaven scot-free,
26:37no sins whatsoever,
26:39and Jesus Christ has forgiven you for a lot worse sins
26:42than that person's probably ever done to you.
26:45That's what it's saying.
26:47That's the whole point.
26:48Go back to Hebrews 12.
26:50So next time you get all,
26:52get your panties in a wad about somebody doing something,
26:55and you're mad,
26:56and you say, I'll never forgive them,
26:57and they've done this,
26:58and this person said this,
27:00or did that,
27:01or she's wearing the same dress as I am,
27:03and I told her not to,
27:04you know what?
27:05You need to realize that Jesus Christ has forgiven you more,
27:08and when you get that root of bitterness,
27:10it's going to eat at you,
27:12and eat at you,
27:13and eat at you,
27:14and you know who it doesn't bother?
27:15The person you're mad at.
27:17It don't bother them.
27:18They may never know.
27:20They may be so oblivious to what's going on,
27:22they may not know that you're mad,
27:23but it's going to eat at you,
27:25and you're going to have heartburn,
27:27and you're going to have problems,
27:28and it's going to cause your health.
27:29That's what the Bible's saying.
27:34We don't have time to go there,
27:36but the reason it's talking about Esau and fornication,
27:40why is it talking about that?
27:42Because if you go to Genesis 25 and Genesis 27,
27:45you'll see the story is that Esau,
27:48he's a firstborn.
27:50He's supposed to get the birthright,
27:52but he doesn't.
27:53He sells the meat.
27:56He's hungry.
27:57He's coming in from the woods,
27:58and Jacob says,
27:59I'll give you this meat.
28:00I'll give you this pottage
28:02if you give me your birthright,
28:04and he does,
28:05because he's hungry,
28:07and not only that,
28:08it's talking about also
28:09he was supposed to get the blessing.
28:11Do you remember what happened?
28:12What did Jacob do?
28:13Him and his mother deceived Isaac,
28:15and they put goat skin on his arm
28:18to make him feel hairy
28:19and make him smell like Esau
28:21because Esau smelled like
28:22an outdoorsman would smell,
28:24and that's what he did,
28:26and he stole his birthright,
28:27and also he stole his blessing,
28:31so what is it saying?
28:33Don't be a fornicator.
28:35What is it talking about?
28:36Well, if you're a fornicator,
28:39you know what?
28:40You're jumping the gun, okay?
28:43You're having that physical relationship
28:45between a man and a woman
28:46that is meant between two married people,
28:49and when you have that beforehand,
28:51it's just like Esau's taking the birthright
28:54or giving his birthright away.
28:56It was meant for Esau,
28:59but he didn't get it.
29:00He was willing to give it away for something,
29:02so if you commit fornication,
29:04you're giving your virginity away for nothing.
29:07That's what the example is
29:09is that when you commit fornication
29:11and you have that physical relationship
29:13before you're married,
29:15but when you're married,
29:17you can have that relationship,
29:19but you're giving it away
29:20just like Esau gave away his birthright
29:22and his blessing.
29:23It's something that you could have had,
29:25but you're trying to get it ahead of time.
29:27That's what the Bible is saying.
29:30Verse 18.
29:31For you are not coming to the mount
29:32that might be touched
29:34and burned with fire,
29:35nor into blackness and darkness and tempest,
29:37and the sound of a trumpet,
29:39and the voice of words,
29:40which the voice they that heard
29:42entreated that the word
29:44should not be spoken to them anymore.
29:47For they could not endure
29:49which was commanded,
29:50and so much as a beast touched the mountain,
29:53it shall be stoned or thrust through
29:55with a dart,
29:56and so terrible was the sight
29:57that Moses said,
29:58I exceedingly fear and quake.
30:04Go to Exodus 19.
30:06Exodus 19.
30:08This is where this is found at.
30:10When Moses was on the mountain
30:13getting the Ten Commandments from God,
30:16this is what happened.
30:18That any animal,
30:21I'll just read a couple passages to you,
30:24basically what God tells in this.
30:27Exodus 19, verse 3.
30:32And Moses went up unto God,
30:34and the Lord called unto him,
30:35out of the mountain,
30:36saying, Thus shall thou say to the house of Jacob,
30:38and tell the children of Israel,
30:40Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians,
30:42how I buried you on eagles' wings,
30:44and brought you unto myself.
30:46Now therefore,
30:48if ye will obey my voice indeed,
30:51and keep my covenant,
30:53and ye shall be a peculiar treasure
30:55unto me above all people,
30:57for all the earth is mine,
30:59and ye shall be unto me
31:01a kingdom of priests
31:02and a holy nation,
31:03these are the words
31:04where thou shalt speak
31:05unto the children of Israel.
31:06Now this is the passages
31:07that you won't hear John Hagee
31:09and these Zionists
31:10that just want to be all giddy
31:12about the Jews over there in Israel,
31:14because that word if
31:16means that if you obey my voice indeed
31:19and keep my covenant,
31:21you will be a peculiar treasure.
31:23What's that all about?
31:24Well one of the things
31:25they have to do,
31:26the biggest commandment
31:27they need to keep
31:28is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
31:29and they don't do that.
31:30They hate Jesus.
31:31So that's why they don't
31:33have this covenant anymore,
31:35because they've not kept the covenant
31:37and they're not going to be
31:38peculiar people.
31:44Go down to verse 11
31:48and be ready against the third day
31:50for the third day of the Lord
31:52will come down in the sight
31:53of all the people
31:54unto the Mount Sinai.
31:55Now I thought it was interesting
31:57that it talks about the third day.
31:59Because Jesus Christ
32:00he rose on the third day.
32:02If you go to verse 9
32:03you'll see
32:04and the Lord said unto Moses
32:05Lo, I come unto thee
32:06in a thick cloud
32:08that the people may hear
32:09when I speak with thee
32:10and believe thee forever.
32:11And Moses told the words
32:12of the people unto the Lord.
32:14If you remember
32:15several months ago,
32:16maybe six months ago,
32:17I preached a sermon
32:18about the clouds,
32:19all the mention about the clouds
32:20and every time the clouds
32:22were mentioned,
32:23guess who was there?
32:24The Lord.
32:25So I thought that was interesting
32:26that on the third day
32:27he's going to come in a cloud
32:29to meet him
32:30at Mount Sinai.
32:32Go down to verse 16
32:33And it came to pass
32:34on the third day in the morning
32:36that sounds familiar
32:37on the third day in the morning
32:38wasn't that when Jesus
32:39was resurrected?
32:40That there were thunders
32:41and lightnings
32:42in a thick cloud
32:43upon the mountain
32:44a voice and a trumpet
32:45exceeding loud
32:46that sounds a lot like
32:471 Thessalonians 4 to me
32:49so that all the people
32:50was in the camp trembled
32:51and Moses brought
32:52forth the people
32:53out of the camp
32:54to meet with God
32:55and they stood at the
32:56nether part of the mount
32:57and Mount Sinai
32:58was all together
32:59up in the smoke
33:00because the Lord
33:01descended upon it
33:02in fire
33:03and the smoke there
33:04ascended as the smoke
33:05of a furnace
33:06and the whole mount
33:07quaked greatly
33:08and when the voice
33:09of the trumpet
33:10sounded long
33:11and waxed louder
33:12and louder
33:13Moses spake
33:14and God answered him
33:15by a voice.
33:16Now again,
33:17I don't like to use
33:18movie references
33:20but if you've ever seen
33:21and I'm not telling you
33:22to see it
33:23because there's language
33:24in it
33:25but if you've ever seen
33:26Raiders of the Lost Ark
33:27when they open up
33:28the ark
33:29and you see all this
33:30lightning and fire
33:31and stuff come out
33:32and people are scared
33:33this is what I'm imagining.
33:35This is how Moses is.
33:37It says that Moses
33:38was exceedingly fear
33:40and quake
33:41because he's in the
33:42presence of the Lord
33:45Go to verse 22
33:46but you are coming
33:47to Mount Zion
33:48and unto the city
33:49of the living God
33:50the heavenly Jerusalem.
33:52So now he's
33:54changing gears
33:56from the physical mountain
33:58of Mount Sinai
34:00and now he's talking about
34:01but that's not what
34:02you're coming to.
34:03You're coming to the
34:04spiritual mountain
34:05in Jerusalem
34:07and to innumerable
34:08company of angels
34:09and to the general
34:11and church
34:12of the firstborn
34:13which are written
34:14in heaven
34:15and to God
34:16the judge of all
34:17and the spirits
34:18of just men
34:19made perfect
34:20and to Jesus
34:21the mediator
34:22of the new covenant
34:23and to the blood
34:24of the sprinkling
34:25that speaketh
34:26better things
34:27than that of Abel.
34:30Go to Isaiah 59
34:33that's where this is found.
34:40Isaiah 59
34:44You've got to understand
34:45the book of Isaiah
34:46there's 66 chapters
34:48in the book of Isaiah
34:49and a lot of people
34:50have said that
34:51some of the chapters
34:52are like little versions
34:53of the Bible.
34:54So we're in Isaiah 59
34:55we're pretty close
34:56to the back.
34:58Look at verse
35:01excuse me
35:02verse 19
35:04So shall the fear
35:06I'm sorry
35:07so shall they fear
35:08the name of the Lord
35:09from the west
35:10and his glory
35:11from the rising of the sun
35:12when enemies
35:13shall come in
35:14like a flood
35:15the spirit of the Lord
35:16shall lift up
35:17a standard
35:18against him
35:19and a redeemer
35:20shall come
35:21to Zion
35:22and to them
35:23that turn from the transgression
35:24and Jacob
35:25said the Lord
35:26as for me
35:27this is my covenant
35:28with them
35:29said the Lord
35:30my spirit
35:31that is upon thee
35:32and my word
35:33which I have put in thy mouth
35:34shall not depart
35:35out of thy mouth
35:36nor out of the mouth
35:37of the seed
35:38nor out of the mouth
35:39of thy seed seed
35:40said the Lord
35:41from henceforth
35:42and evermore.
35:43So where is that found?
35:44We'll go to
35:45Revelation 14
35:48Revelation 14
35:50This is in the future
35:51This is
35:53this is either
35:54look at Revelation 14
35:57verse 1
35:58And I looked and lo
36:00a lamb
36:01stood on the mount Zion
36:03and with him 144,000
36:05having his father's name
36:07written in their foreheads
36:09and I heard a voice from heaven
36:10as a voice of many waters
36:11and as a voice of a great thunder
36:13and I heard the voice of harpers
36:14harping with their hearts
36:16and they sung as it were
36:17a new song before the throne
36:19and before the four beasts
36:20and the elders
36:21and no man could learn that song
36:23but the 144,000
36:25which were redeemed from the earth
36:27these are they
36:28which were not defiled with women
36:30for they are virgins
36:32these are they
36:33which follow the lamb
36:34with soever he goeth
36:37these were returned
36:39I'm sorry
36:40these were redeemed
36:41from among men
36:42being the first fruits of the God
36:44and to the lamb
36:46and in their mouth was found
36:47no guile
36:48for they are without fault
36:49before the throne of God
36:51go back to Hebrews
36:54Hebrews 12
36:57verse 24
36:58it talks about Jesus
36:59being that mediator
37:00go to 1 Timothy 2
37:02I forgot to tell you to turn there
37:031 Timothy 2
37:05what is that mediator?
37:07well if you
37:08have an argument with somebody
37:10and somebody gets in the
37:11in the middle
37:12and says hey
37:13let me take your side
37:14and they take their side
37:15and they come to this other person
37:16and say well let me tell you
37:17what they said
37:18it's kind of a go in between
37:19between two people
37:20because sometimes
37:21you know
37:22you can't
37:23two people can't discuss
37:24the same thing
37:25because they get all mad
37:26at each other
37:27look at 1 Timothy 2
37:28verse 1
37:311 Timothy 2
37:35I'm sorry
37:361 Timothy 2
37:371 yeah
37:38I exhort therefore
37:39that first of all
37:41prayers and intercessions
37:42and giving of thanks
37:43be made for all men
37:45for kings
37:46and all that are in authority
37:47that we may lead
37:48a quiet and peaceful
37:49peaceful life
37:50in all godliness
37:51and honesty
37:52so the Bible is telling us
37:53that the only thing
37:54we should be praying
37:55for the president
37:56is that he leaves us alone
37:58he don't make us get shots
37:59he don't make us
38:00get a whatever
38:02and that's what
38:03we are to pray
38:04that he leaves us alone
38:05and let us do our own thing
38:06that we can worship
38:07in quietness
38:08by ourselves
38:09for this is good
38:10and acceptable
38:11in the sight
38:12of God our Savior
38:13who have
38:14I want you to read this verse
38:15I want you to underline it
38:16because this just
38:17busts the mess
38:18out of Calvinism
38:19that thinks that
38:20you've got to be
38:21a certain person
38:22to be saved
38:23that God chooses you
38:24who will have
38:27to be saved
38:28and come into
38:29the knowledge of the truth
38:30so God wants
38:31everybody to be saved
38:32it's not that
38:34he chooses you
38:35to be saved
38:36because he likes your shirt
38:37he wants you to go to hell
38:38because you smell funny
38:39folks that's just dumb
38:40but that's literally
38:41what Calvinism is
38:42is that he chooses
38:43some people to go to heaven
38:44and some people
38:45to go to hell
38:46and I've given you
38:47this example before
38:48when I had G.I. Joe guys
38:49when I was a young guy
38:50and I had guys
38:51that were good guys
38:52but I liked this bad guy
38:53and I wanted him
38:54to be on my team
38:55because he had a cool gun
38:56folks that's not the way
38:57God works
38:58the way that you are saved
38:59is by you choosing
39:00to believe
39:01on the Lord Jesus Christ
39:03and if you die
39:04and go to hell
39:05it's your fault
39:06nobody else's fault
39:07but this is a verse
39:08that just destroys Calvinism
39:09because they think
39:10that you were chosen
39:11to be saved
39:12no God would have
39:13everybody to be saved
39:14but not everybody is
39:15that's just a fact
39:16Jesus said it
39:17out of his own mouth
39:18that more people
39:19were going to go to hell
39:20than heaven
39:21but there's one God
39:22and one mediator
39:23not a mediatrix
39:25wants to tell you
39:26that Mary
39:27is a mediatrix
39:28there's no such thing
39:29there's a mediator
39:30between God
39:31and Mary
39:32and Mary
39:33and Mary
39:34and Mary
39:35and Mary
39:36and Mary
39:37and Mary
39:38and Mary
39:39and Mary
39:40and Mary
39:41and Mary
39:42and Mary
39:43and Mary
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39:45and Mary
39:46and Mary
39:47and Mary
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39:52and Mary
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40:00and Mary
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