صباح الأخبار - 07/07/2024

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مدي 1 تي في : صباح الأخبار - 07/07/2024


00:00Asaadullah sabahakum wa awqatakum bikulli khair, mushahadeen al-azam, jadeed nuhaykum
00:05wa nuqadimu lakum hadhihi al-fatrah al-akhbariyya al-sabahiyya al-sabah al-akhbar, ala kanatikum
00:10Median TV, wa ila anawin al-nashara.
00:13Al-nakhibuna fi faransa yatawajahuna ila sanadiq al-aqtira' fi aljawlati thaniya al-intikhabati
00:20al-tashira'iyya tarikhiyya, wa al-tabaqati al-siyasiya tahbisu anfasaha, wa tatarakab
00:26ma ila masa ta'ulu ilayhi nata'iju hadha al-istihqaq.
00:29Fi qita'i ghazza qatla wa jarha khilala qasfa isra'ilyan ala madrasa ta'wi naziheen fi
00:38mukhayya min sirat, wa fi ni'mi Burkina Faso wa Mali wa Niger tu'aninu tawahudaha dhimna
00:44konfederaliyat duwala sahal fi khutwahin jadeedahin nahwa al-indimaj.
00:56Bidayatan bi hadha al-khabar haythu a'lanat wizarat al-awqaf wa shu'un al-islamiyya inna
01:09al-fatiha min muharram lil'aam al-hijri alfin wa arba3mitin wa sitatin wa arba3een huwa
01:14al-yawm al-ahad al-muwafiq lil-saba3 min yuliuz alfaini wa arba3atin wa ashirina miladiyya.
01:20Wa bi hadhihi al-munasaba, munasaba at-hulu lil'aam al-hijri aljadeed, ba'tha amir al-mu'mineen
01:26sahib al-jalala al-malik Muhammad al-sadis, bitaqat tahni'a ila ashiqa'ih, ashab al-jalala
01:32wal-fakhama wal-samu, muluk wa ru'asa wa umara al-duwala al-islamiyya, mutamanniyan al-khaira
01:38wal-hana'a lil'ummat al-islamiyya.
01:42We will now move on to the French Legislative Elections in their second round.
02:00The invention centers opened this morning in France to hold the second round of the
02:05historic legislative elections, which may determine the victory of the far-right
02:10amid doubts about its ability to achieve absolute dominance in the National Assembly
02:16and form a government.
02:18The voters will choose who will run 500 seats out of 577 seats in the National Assembly,
02:27after the election of 76 deputies took place in the first round.
02:32According to the observers, all scenarios remain possible and possible.
02:37The far-right may be able to gain majority and form a government,
02:42or it will resort to signing alliances in the event of obtaining the National Assembly
02:48in a relative majority.
02:55Following these elections for legislations in France in its second round,
03:00the journalist and political analyst Youssef El Hilali joins us live from Paris.
03:07Good morning, Mr. Youssef.
03:09Good morning.
03:11Today, the French are voting in the second round for legislations that may change
03:18the political map of the country.
03:21What do you think are the possible scenarios now, after the second round of the
03:26legislative elections in France?
03:30Of course, while waiting for the French to vote today, all scenarios are possible.
03:36If we take the latest poll that was published last Saturday,
03:41this scenario shows that there is no majority.
03:45There is a relative majority for the far-right, but it will not allow it,
03:49under the rule of France.
03:51And all parties have advanced in this poll, whether the left or the so-called
03:57new popular front, or an alliance around French President Emmanuel Macron.
04:05Therefore, the scenario resulting from this latest poll shows that there is no absolute majority.
04:15However, while waiting for the results of these elections,
04:20all the numbers show that there is a large majority in voting,
04:26and therefore no one knows what this large percentage of voting will give to the French
04:39in these exceptional legislative elections with all the criteria,
04:44because for the first time, no one knows what the political situation in France will be like.
04:51Mr. Youssef, in your opinion, is it possible for the French leftist coalition to cut the road
04:58in front of the National Assembly and be a hindrance to the far-right government?
05:05Of course, if we go back to the latest polls, they say that the left will advance without
05:12obtaining a majority, and the far-right also without obtaining a majority,
05:17and the French President Emmanuel Macron's group is the last to obtain a majority.
05:22Therefore, and this is what France will leave in the National Assembly,
05:30there is no absolute majority, and therefore there are scenarios of alliances.
05:36In the event, for example, that the far-right obtains a relative majority,
05:41will the government and the alliance be accepted by some of the deputies or some of the parties
05:47close to it, especially in the far-right?
05:50The second scenario remains, will there be a technical government?
05:56This means that a government in the absence of a majority for all parties,
06:00is agreed upon on a political program, and even that is considered difficult
06:05because there is a great disparity in electoral programs between the left and the middle and right
06:12coalition close to President Emmanuel Macron.
06:15Or a national unity government, which means that an agreement is reached on the
06:20establishment of respectable political figures among the French in this new government,
06:27supported by the parties that allied in these elections to cut the road
06:34on the far-right.
06:37But France is a country that is always known to be ruled by a political majority,
06:44and it is almost the only European country that does not have traditions,
06:50that is, traditions in agreeing to rule or agreeing through several parties.
06:58These traditions are absent in France, but in light of the current crisis,
07:03these parties may be forced to agree and live together,
07:08and choose a joint program based on the programs they have presented
07:13during this previous legislative election campaign.
07:17Okay, in the case of the victory of the far-right now,
07:21in the case of winning the majority in legislations,
07:24how can this be reflected in the French economy?
07:29Certainly, the data published by several French media outlets
07:35showed that there is a fear in the workplace, a fear for investment.
07:42No one knows what programs this party will choose,
07:47which has not been in power since France was under the German occupation.
07:53This political movement has not returned to power since that period,
07:58and therefore no one knows what the directions will be.
08:03Will they respect the French choices,
08:07meaning the choice of building the European and liberal economy that has been opened to the world?
08:13Will they apply the slogans they raised,
08:16namely the closure of French borders
08:20and entering into a trade war with all partners,
08:25whether at the European level or at the international level?
08:29So far, we have seen that during this election campaign,
08:34a large number of slogans have been raised by this right-wing party
08:39with its approach to power.
08:41Therefore, we know that investors or businessmen do not like ambiguity
08:47and do not like surprises.
08:49Therefore, the arrival of this movement to the French government
08:54will certainly have a negative impact on the economy.
08:59We have seen that even the Paris Stock Exchange was negatively affected by these elections
09:04and by this great progress of this extremist party.
09:08We talked about the political branch, the political class,
09:13and perhaps the repercussions of the victory of the right-wing extremist party
09:19on the political scene in France.
09:21Now, what about the French street?
09:24How do the French see the victory of the right-wing extremist party in most legislations?
09:34We can say that there is a big change in the French public opinion.
09:40There is a division.
09:42For example, in the previous elections,
09:44because you followed the various elections that France witnessed in recent years,
09:48voting on the right-wing extremist party was an expression of anger,
09:54and even those who practice it do not announce it to the public.
09:59Now there is a division in France.
10:01There is a large part of the French who declare in front of the public and in the media
10:07that they want to reach this party,
10:09give it a chance,
10:11and believe that this party is the only one that has not reached power
10:15and that it has the ability to solve many problems.
10:19Therefore, there is a kind of division in the French society.
10:23Some want to cut the road,
10:25and we saw this in the coalition that was held in the second round of these elections,
10:31that there are French people who want to cut the road on this party with all means,
10:36and there is an important part of the French who want to reach this party.
10:41They support this party.
10:43Therefore, this is the result of tension.
10:47There is a kind of violence.
10:49There was violence in this election campaign,
10:51and some candidates were assaulted,
10:53and there is violence even in political speech and racism.
10:57Racism, which is considered a crime in France,
11:01many candidates and those who support them from the extreme right
11:07declare this openly and through social media.
11:12Therefore, we saw that in preparation for the results of these elections,
11:16there is a state of tension in France.
11:19There are police officers in all places,
11:21and in the capital Paris,
11:23about 5,000 additional police officers have been allocated.
11:26We saw that on the facades of shopping malls,
11:29barriers of wood were put in order to protect properties and shopping centers.
11:38Therefore, there is a kind of tension and violence as a result of these elections
11:46and as a result of the great progress of this violent movement,
11:50which scares a large number of French people,
11:52as it is supported by a large number of French people.
11:55This is the truth that we have touched on in the French reality today.
12:00From Paris, the journalist and political analyst Youssef Al Hilali.
12:04Thank you very much for all these explanations.
12:07Thank you.
12:09Regarding the scenarios of the second round of these legislations in France,
12:14we follow the following explanations from the political analyst Jehan Jadu,
12:18also from the capital Paris.
12:22Regarding the scenarios proposed,
12:24whether there will be an announcement of the victory of the right-wing extremist party
12:30or the other scenario,
12:32that there will be a surprise in the French street,
12:35which is dominated by politics and other parties
12:39that do not want at all for this party to ascend to power
12:44and change the policy of social and foreign France.
12:50Of course, the proposed scenario may be,
12:53and by force, that there will be a major alliance
12:57between the other parties for the benefit of the left
13:01or for the benefit of Macron's party,
13:03but I think, from a modest point of view,
13:05that the left party is the closest result,
13:09because the indicators in the first round indicated
13:13that the Mélenchon party is the second after the right-wing extremist party.
13:19Thus, it is possible for these alliances to stop
13:24or block the way for the Mélenchon party
13:28or the right-wing extremist party to ascend to power
13:32and win these elections.
13:35This is what we would like to draw the attention of our dear viewers,
13:38because we will broadcast a special program today,
13:41which is the result of the French legislative election
13:44in two languages, Arabic and French,
13:47starting at 7 p.m. on the 6th of the United International Time.
14:07To the Gaza Strip now,
14:09where at least 16 people have been killed
14:12and dozens others injured
14:14Israeli bombardment on a school
14:16supporting displaced people in a camp in Sirat,
14:18in the middle of the strip.
14:20The Civil Defense said that the number of victims
14:22is likely to increase due to the force of the bombardment.
14:27The media office of the Hamas movement
14:30said that the targeted school included 7,000 displaced people.
14:40Yesterday, the activities of the Sudanese Civil and Political Forces
14:43in the Egyptian capital, Cairo,
14:46in an effort to unify visions and efforts
14:49to leave Sudan from its ongoing crisis since April 2023.
14:54The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt
14:56confirmed the danger of the current crisis
14:58faced by Sudan for more than a full year
15:01and its catastrophic implications,
15:03which require an immediate and sustained stop
15:06to military operations.
15:08It is clear that any real political solution to the crisis
15:12must be based on a purely Sudanese vision
15:15without any external pressure
15:18and with the facilitation of international and regional institutions.
15:22He also stressed that any future political operation
15:25should include all the active national parties
15:29on the Sudanese territory.
15:33Any real political solution to the crisis in Sudan
15:38must be based on a purely Sudanese vision
15:43based on the Sudanese people themselves
15:46without any external pressure.
15:51The current conflict in Sudan
15:53is a purely Sudanese issue
15:58and any future political operation
16:02should include all the active national parties
16:07on the Sudanese territory without any external pressure.
16:11The inability to attract and the inability to gather
16:15the two parties fighting in serious negotiations
16:18about the end of the war
16:20and the delay in the political process
16:22is the main obstacle.
16:24But I believe that under the pressure
16:26of the civil society and the Sudanese groups
16:29from the region and the world,
16:32we will be able to practice this pressure
16:35in order to be able to sit at the negotiating table.
16:39In another topic,
16:41the heads of the economic groups
16:44of the West African countries
16:46are holding a summit in Abuja
16:48to discuss the relationship
16:50with the alliance of the Sahel countries.
16:52A number of the heads of the West African countries
16:55have called for a solution
16:57to resume the dialogue between the two sides.
17:00Among them is the president of Senegal,
17:02Pasir Odiomay Faye,
17:04who believes that it is possible
17:06to resolve a reconciliation
17:08between the countries of Sidi Aoua
17:10and the three Sahel countries.
17:12As the British President,
17:14Mohamed Waleed Sheikh Al-Ghazwani,
17:16called after his election,
17:18he called on the West African countries
17:20to re-alliance to face the expansion
17:22of the jihadist movements.
17:24In the same context,
17:26the ruling military regimes
17:28in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger
17:31have re-allianced within a confederation
17:34during its first summit in Niamey yesterday
17:37in a decision that strengthens the alliance
17:40with the rest of the West African countries.
17:42Details in the report of Fathallah Bouzidi.
17:48The ruling military regimes
17:50in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger
17:52have taken another step
17:54towards separating the confederation
17:56of the West African countries.
17:58The summit in Niamey has re-established
18:00a confederate alliance
18:02between the three countries
18:04that embodies unity and joint coordination
18:06towards achieving political,
18:08social and economic integration
18:10and strengthening strategic influence.
18:12An African confederation
18:14will be responsible
18:16for establishing a joint currency
18:18over the medium term
18:20in exchange for the African franc
18:22and establishing a joint force
18:24in the three border areas
18:26to confront terrorist challenges
18:29At the summit,
18:31Nigerian President Abdel Rahman Tiani
18:33emphasized his views
18:35in Burkina Faso and Mali.
18:37He emphasized that the three countries
18:39have fully supported
18:41the IKWAS group
18:43and called on Tiani
18:45to make the alliance
18:47an alternative
18:49to any regional collective
18:51that is built
18:53by building a sovereign society
18:55for the people,
18:57and called on Mali
18:59to make the alliance
19:01a model for regional cooperation
19:03and integration,
19:05emphasizing that the three countries
19:07work in full cooperation
19:09against terrorist attacks.
19:11The agenda of the summit
19:13included the transformation
19:15of this trinity
19:17into a confederate alliance
19:19after the ministers of foreign affairs
19:21of the three countries
19:23in May last year
19:25and made the presidents
19:27of the three coastal countries
19:29the main axis of their governance.
19:31In January last year,
19:33the three countries
19:35withdrew from the economic group
19:37of the West African countries
19:39that imposed economic sanctions
19:41on Niger for several months,
19:43accusing the organization
19:45that it is a tool
19:47driven by Paris
19:49and that it does not provide
19:51sufficient support
19:54In our international news,
19:56the new British prime minister
19:58Kerr Starmer began his work
20:00in his position,
20:02focusing on the reconstruction
20:04of Britain in his plan,
20:06after the Workers' Party
20:08achieved a sweeping victory
20:10in the elections and put an end
20:12to the governance
20:14that lasted 14 years.
20:16Starmer held the first meeting
20:18of the Parliament yesterday
20:20in the presence of the first
20:22British Prime Minister,
20:24David Lamy.
20:30He returned to Morocco
20:32where he moved to the home
20:34of the famous Moroccan comedian
20:36Mostafa Addasoukine,
20:38who became famous
20:40for his comedic roles
20:42in many Moroccan series
20:44and movies.
20:46He also made a famous
20:48double appearance
20:50in the series
20:52Mostafa Addasoukine,
20:54one of the best comedians
20:56in Morocco,
20:58due to his rich experience
21:00in this field
21:02and his long artistic career
21:04that extended
21:06for more than five decades.
21:08This is the end of this broadcast.
21:10Thank you for watching.
21:20Thank you for watching.