UK's youngest MP 'bats back' question during live BBC interviewBBC Breakfast
00:00Graduated from Cambridge University, you're clearly a bright guy.
00:03A slightly trickier question then, one of the criticisms of MPs
00:07is that they are, you know, many of them don't have real world experience.
00:13You've touched on some of it there but at 22 can you really offer real world
00:17experience and to bring that to the House of Commons?
00:20Well I have a lot of experience that older members of Parliament won't, you
00:24know, I've been renting insecure housing in the private sector for quite a while
00:27now and that's an issue facing not just
00:29young people but people all across the age spectrum
00:32and it's something that I intend to do a lot of work on now that I'm in
00:35Parliament. So it's, I always get a little bit
00:38frustrated when people mention life experience because
00:42no one has yet been able to explain to me why being older makes you better at
00:45the job. Well you've got more experience I think
00:47that's why. But what kind of experience? Well by definition over the years you
00:52gain more experiences don't you? But what kind of experience right?
00:56No one's been able to, well we're going around in a circle there aren't we?
01:00No good for you Steve, no good for you batting back but you know
01:03you can talk about all the things you just mentioned of renting,
01:06jobs, children, children's services, looking after old people,
01:10old elderly relatives, healthcare issues, all the sorts of things that you get
01:14over a lifetime, that's the point. Yeah I mean look as I said before I've
01:18had a lot of experiences that lots of older MPs won't have had.