Don't make YouTube channel in 2024 Today

  • 2 months ago
### Description

Thinking about starting a YouTube channel in 2024? Think again! Discover the challenges and pitfalls of launching a YouTube channel in today's saturated market. From fierce competition to changing algorithms and monetization issues, this insightful video explains why you might want to reconsider and explore alternative platforms for content creation.

### Viral Tags

00:00In 2024, don't open a YouTube channel if you don't have the knowledge of these 6 things.
00:04Otherwise, you will also waste 1-2 years of your life like 90% YouTubers
00:08and in the end, you will say that YouTube is a game of luck.
00:11And out of these 6 points, the last point is the most important
00:13because it not only makes you a YouTuber, but also makes you a real influencer.
00:17So don't make the mistake of skipping the video at all, otherwise you will definitely fail.
00:21So let's start with point number 1 which is...
00:23As soon as 2024 starts, you must have made a resolution that this year I will definitely gain so many subscribers on my channel or I will make a new channel and monetize it at any cost.
00:38But it's been a month and you don't see any growth and you are already in a state of giving up.
00:44The reason for this is that you don't even know how the YouTube algorithm is working.
00:48You don't even know what YouTube wants from you and you are just putting effort from your side and not getting any response.
00:55YouTube is a social media platform that does its main earning from ad revenue.
00:59And like every social media platform, YouTube only needs one thing that people stay on its platform as long as possible.
01:06Only then YouTube will benefit and in this, YouTube wants your help.
01:09By making such content from you that people watch for a long time and stay on YouTube.
01:14But 90% YouTubers don't understand this and that's why YouTube never suggests their content to the audience.
01:20Let's understand this with an example.
01:22Let's say you opened a new YouTube channel and uploaded a video of yours.
01:25YouTube will suggest that video to some people on the basis of the title, description and keywords of that video.
01:31After which they will click on your video on the basis of your thumbnail and watch it.
01:35By which YouTube will know what kind of people are liking your video.
01:39And then YouTube will send your video to people with similar interests.
01:42And then it will check how those people are reacting to your video.
01:45YouTube basically tracks two things, watch time and engagement.
01:49YouTube will see how long those people for whom it suggested your video are watching your video.
01:54If the audience is watching it for a long time or is watching it fully, then YouTube will promote that video more.
02:00And will show it to as many people as possible.
02:02Because of this video, people are spending 7-10 minutes extra on YouTube.
02:05By which YouTube is printing a lot of money.
02:07If the audience retention of this video was less, then YouTube would have stopped suggesting it.
02:12Because YouTube does not want to spoil the mood of its audience and send it to another social media platform.
02:16Similarly, if your audience is engaging on your video, that is, people are commenting on it or sharing it.
02:22Then also YouTube will promote your video.
02:24Because if your video is being shared, then people are leaving the rest of the platform and coming to watch your video.
02:29By which again YouTube's main motive is being completed.
02:31To keep people on their platform.
02:33And if there are a lot of comments on your video, then a lot of people will reply to the comments.
02:37Will also argue and somehow or the other will engage.
02:41By which your mental peace will be spoiled.
02:43But YouTube will print its money.
02:45By stopping you on this platform for a few extra minutes.
02:47But if your video is not able to bring engagement.
02:49Or is not able to bring watch time.
02:51Then YouTube will consider your video useless.
02:53And will not waste its time on it.
02:55Now more than half of the people do not understand this thing.
02:57And they keep putting their content on YouTube.
03:00Because of which they are not able to grow.
03:02You need to understand this thing.
03:04Because YouTube does not want your videos from you.
03:06It wants your watch time and engagement from you.
03:08And how to bring these things?
03:10You should focus more on this thing.
03:12But one more very important thing.
03:14Algorithm keeps changing with time.
03:16In 2014, when there were not many creators on YouTube.
03:18Then it doesn't matter what kind of video you are making.
03:20If you are able to put more videos.
03:22Then your viral was confirmed.
03:24Because at that time, YouTube had to bring the audience to its platform.
03:26Which used to enter the radio or TV.
03:28YouTube wanted to trap them in its platform.
03:30That's why the more videos there were at that time.
03:32The more variety there was.
03:34And the more people were attracted.
03:36But in 2018.
03:39When there were a lot of creators.
03:41Then YouTube was not calling its audience.
03:43But it was sustaining its audience.
03:45That's why YouTube started promoting long videos.
03:49If you made a video of 1 hour or 30 minutes at that time.
03:51Then your chances of becoming viral were more than 90%.
03:55And after this, another change comes in 2020.
03:57When the era of TikTok and Wheels starts.
03:59Now people didn't want to watch long videos.
04:01But they wanted to watch videos quickly.
04:03And that's why YouTube introduced Shorts.
04:05And even now, YouTube is promoting Shorts a lot.
04:07Because while watching Shorts.
04:09You don't know when 1-2 hours will pass.
04:11And this is what YouTube wants.
04:13That you don't leave its platform.
04:15And as a YouTube creator.
04:17If you start uploading videos without understanding the algorithm.
04:19Then your failure is granted.
04:21But is the algorithm the only factor?
04:23Which can be the reason for your failure?
04:29If you are still living in this delusion.
04:31That you will upload videos every day.
04:33And one or the other video of yours will be viral.
04:35Then you are going to waste your time and hard work.
04:37And quit.
04:39Because you need to understand this thing.
04:41That quality overpowers quantity.
04:43If you open 2 channels.
04:45In which you make only 4 quality videos in a year.
04:47And on the other channel.
04:49You make 365 videos in a year.
04:51But all the videos are below average.
04:53Then the channel with 4 videos.
04:55Must have gained a million subscribers.
04:57But the channel with 365 videos.
04:59May not have gained 10,000 subscribers.
05:01Reason being that the quality of those 4 videos.
05:03Is more than 100 videos.
05:05And this is the reason that DecodingYT.
05:07Me and many other small channels.
05:09Were able to grow so fast.
05:11That too in so few videos.
05:13Because we knew this thing.
05:15If it takes you a month to make quality content.
05:17Then no problem.
05:19But don't show anything below average.
05:21Because there are a lot of options on YouTube right now.
05:23If the audience doesn't like your video.
05:25Then they will go to someone else's channel.
05:27And watch his videos.
05:29And if the audience likes your video.
05:31Then he will watch it and promote your channel.
05:33But how to increase the quality of videos?
05:35To increase the quality of videos.
05:37You don't need expensive gadgets.
05:39But you need the right techniques.
05:41So that you can do the right scripting.
05:43Voice over and editing.
05:45Now although there are many other factors.
05:47Which are important to make quality content.
05:49But these 3 things are basic.
05:51And if you want to do it well.
05:53Then you can watch my how to grow on YouTube playlist.
05:55Where I have explained every point in detail.
05:57And when you watch this playlist and grow.
06:00Then you will realize.
06:02That you have avoided all those mistakes.
06:04Which we did for years.
06:06But by understanding only quality content and algorithm.
06:08You can't save your channel from failing.
06:10Because if YouTube doesn't reach your audience.
06:12If it doesn't give impressions.
06:14Then what will you do with the video?
06:20If you don't know how to increase returning viewers.
06:22Or how to gain new viewers.
06:24Or how to rank your video.
06:26Or what are things like CTR, RPM, CPM.
06:28Then you are in a big jungle.
06:30Without a map.
06:32Where in half way.
06:34A lion named YouTube is going to eat you.
06:36To rank in SEO.
06:38You need 3 things.
06:40Title, Keywords and Thumbnail.
06:42And to track your SEO.
06:44And to improve it more.
06:46You should know how to watch YouTube analytics.
06:48Because if you don't understand your analytics.
06:50Then you are not able to understand your audience.
06:52And again.
06:54If you are not able to understand your audience.
06:56Then you won't be able to study.
06:58Now how to add title, description and hashtags.
07:00I have already made a video on it.
07:02But how to study analytics.
07:04How to improve it.
07:06And how to optimize it.
07:08I haven't made any video on it yet.
07:10So if you want me to make a video on this topic.
07:12Then write analytics in the comment section.
07:14As soon as there are 1000 comments.
07:16I will start making videos.
07:18Just think.
07:20You all learn something.
07:22And after completing the criteria of your channel.
07:24There is a high chance of this happening.
07:26If you don't know.
07:28What are the policies and guidelines of YouTube.
07:34According to the new policy of YouTube.
07:36You can monetize your channel with 500 subscribers.
07:38And 3000 watch hours.
07:40Or with 3 million views.
07:42This criteria was earlier of 1000 subscribers.
07:44And 4000 hours.
07:46And 10 million views.
07:48But here YouTube is playing a game.
07:50If you monetize your channel with 500 subscribers.
07:52Then you will not get ad revenue.
07:54But you will get the option of super chat.
07:56Membership and merchandise.
07:58Due to which earning is very less.
08:00You will not get ad revenue.
08:02Which is our main source of income.
08:04But why did YouTube do this?
08:06To save its creators.
08:08YouTube is not kind to you.
08:10In fact, TikTok had lowered its criteria.
08:12So YouTube had to lower it too.
08:14So that its creators don't leave YouTube and run on TikTok.
08:16And if you feel.
08:18That you will become viral by making shorts.
08:21Let me tell you one thing.
08:23Earning on shorts is equal to nothing.
08:25Until your every shot is not going above a million views.
08:27Rather than making a short viral.
08:29It is easier to make a long form content viral.
08:31But YouTube has filled the opposite thing in your mind.
08:33Because of which you are going to waste a lot of time and effort.
08:35If you just want to be viral.
08:37Then shorts is the right thing for you.
08:39But if you want to make a career on YouTube.
08:41And earning from here is your main goal.
08:43Then shorts is not the right thing for you.
08:45In addition to this, due to being in the trend of AI.
08:47YouTube has also taken out a lot of policies related to AI.
08:49But in these policies.
08:51AI voice is not prohibited anywhere.
08:53Until you clone someone else's voice.
08:55And making your video.
08:57If you are generating your voice from a website like 11labs.
08:59Then there is no problem.
09:01But if you tell him to clone a voice like Donald Trump.
09:03And make your video.
09:05Then there is a problem for you.
09:07In the same way.
09:09If you edit a video from zero from AI.
09:11Then there is no problem.
09:13But if you take someone else's content.
09:15Put it in AI and make something else.
09:17Then there is a problem for you.
09:19And you can't even use AI's voice directly.
09:21Otherwise it will come in reuse content.
09:23You will have to edit your voice a little.
09:25In the same way, what is copyright?
09:27How to avoid it?
09:29And how to give attributes to someone correctly.
09:31So that you never get stuck in a legal case.
09:33It is very important to have this knowledge.
09:35Otherwise I know many creators.
09:37Who had millions of subscribers.
09:39But due to violating these policy guidelines.
09:41Their channel disappeared overnight.
09:43I will definitely make a dedicated video on copyright.
09:45Because it is a big topic.
09:47And it is also very complex.
09:49You can say that to explain it.
09:51It is very important to have a law degree.
09:53Because YouTube's copyright policy.
09:55Runs according to the USA Act.
09:57But there is nothing to be afraid of.
09:59You just need a little knowledge.
10:01So that your career can be saved.
10:03Now there are many channels.
10:05Who had taken care of all these things.
10:07But today their condition.
10:09Is worse than a new YouTuber.
10:11But how did this happen?
10:13And like every business.
10:15There is competition here too.
10:17And if you can't run your competition.
10:19Then your competition will finish you.
10:21And something like this happened.
10:23With Junnuki Tech and Fact Tech.
10:25And you will not get this problem.
10:27Only when you have grown.
10:29But when you are trying to grow.
10:31Then you will realize.
10:33That better channels are standing right next to you.
10:35And competing with you.
10:37And if you want to leave them behind.
10:39Then you will have to do something.
10:41If you think that I will select a niche.
10:43In which there is no competition.
10:45Then you are very wrong.
10:47Because there is no niche.
10:49In which there is no competition.
10:51You can imagine anything.
10:53And when you search.
10:55Then you will get competition.
10:57So how to avoid competition?
10:59There is only one way.
11:01You have to go with the trend.
11:03You have to adapt.
11:05And you have to build your unique identity.
11:07Even in our niche.
11:09You have to face a problem.
11:11That is editing trend.
11:13All these creators have come to a whiteboard.
11:15Where they are explaining everything in whiteboard.
11:17But in new trend.
11:19Where everything is being explained through editing.
11:21They could not adapt.
11:23Because of which small channels are also getting more views.
11:25And in the same way.
11:27Competition has increased in small channels.
11:29Where you have to do something unique to grow.
11:31And it can be any small thing.
11:33It can be your way of speaking.
11:35It can be your scripting style.
11:37It can be an AI avatar.
11:39But something different which no one else is doing.
11:41Now even if you get out of competition.
11:43You have to do what big creators are not able to do.
11:45And small creators can do without any problem.
11:51In 2024.
11:53Every creator knows.
11:55What is the value of his audience.
11:57That's why they do Q&A and live streams on a regular basis.
11:59But if you made a mistake of ignoring these things.
12:01Then your dream of becoming a YouTuber.
12:03Will remain a dream.
12:05But they need a mentor.
12:07Or a friend.
12:09With whom they can get influenced.
12:11Or with whom they can grow.
12:13And you can create this difference.
12:15If you are engaged with them.
12:17Through direct DM.
12:19Through comments.
12:21Through Q&A.
12:23Or through live streams.
12:25Till the time I didn't have 10,000 subscribers on this channel.
12:27Till then I used to reply to everyone through direct DM on my Instagram.
12:29And used to help them.
12:31I have guided many people personally.
12:33Many people see me as a friend and mentor.
12:35More than a YouTuber.
12:37And they unconditionally support me.
12:39And that's why my network was so strong.
12:41Because of which I got a chance to meet many new YouTubers.
12:43And I also got a chance to meet many strugglers.
12:45And we all have moved forward by helping each other.
12:47Like the thumbnail of my last video.
12:49Was made by Devesh.
12:51Whom I helped to grow on YouTube.
12:53You can go and watch his channel once.
12:55Even before sleeping today.
12:57I reply to at least 20 to 30 DMs.
12:59And it made such an impact.
13:01Even if I open a new channel.
13:03Even if it's on cooking.
13:05They will support me.
13:07Doesn't matter what I am doing.
13:09As the channel grows.
13:11You get more work.
13:13And you have less time to engage with the audience.
13:15But make sure.
13:17Those who supported you in the beginning of this channel.
13:19You support them till the end.
13:21Because they are like school friends.
13:23And because I got a chance today.
13:25Along with Aman Patel.
13:27I want to thank all those subscribers.
13:29Now you know all those 6 points.
13:31Which you should keep in mind.
13:33Before opening a YouTube channel in 2024.
13:35And if you have decided.
13:37That you will remain a YouTuber.
13:39Then do watch this playlist.
13:41You have already moved ahead of your competition.
13:43Let's end this video with this.
13:45I will announce the winner of the giveaway in the next video.
13:47And the next video will be a Q&A.
13:49Where I will answer every question related to YouTube.
13:51So write your question in the comment section.
13:53Because you will get the answer in the next video.
