Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza. #englishdubbed #bayan #speaches

  • 3 months ago
Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza. #englishdubbed #bayan #speaches
#Islamictales #Muslimahvoice #Sunnahway #Hadithshare #Quranicverse #Muhammadanexample #Prophetictales #Prayerpower #Duawarrior #Jannahseeker #Paradisefound #Hellfireescape #Jihadstruggle #Hajjjourney #Umrahexperience #Ramadanvibes #Fastingbenefits #Charityworkz #Zakatpurification #Sadaqahbless #Tawbahmercy #Repentancegift #Forgivenessgrace #Mercyabounds #Compassionmatters #Taqwajourney #Imanbuilding #Ihsaninspiration #Sabrpromise #Shukrgratitude #Khushujoy #Humilitypath #Knowledgehunt #Wisdomquest #Guidance light #IslamicInspire #MuslimMotivate #QuranicWisdom #HadithInspiration #IslamicRemind #DuaInspire #MuslimLifestylez #IslamicKnowledgez #PropheticPath #IslamicHeritage #AbuBakrlegacy #Umaribnalkhattab #Uthmanibnaffanstory #AliibnabiTalib leadership #Aishahraexample

#Islamicroad #Muslimahstrength #Sunnahguide #Hadithwisdom #Quranicwords #Muhammadanway #Propheticleadership #Prayerwarrior #Duapower #Jannahdestination #Paradisefound #Hellfirewarning #Jihadfight #Hajjexperience #Umrahbless #Ramadanfast #Fastingrewards #Charitydeed #Zakatobligation #Sadaqahcharity #Tawbahforgiveness #Repentancebless #Forgiveness mercy #Mercyendures #Compassionmatters #Taqwapath #Imanfaith #Ihsanexcellence #Sabrpatience #Shukrgrateful #Khushuheart #Humilityvirtue #Knowledgepursuit #Wisdomtreasure #Guidance light #IslamicInspiration #MuslimMotivation #QuranicGuidance #HadithInspiration #IslamicReminders #DuaInspiration #MuslimLifestyle #IslamicKnowledge #PropheticWisdom #IslamicHistory #AbuBakrstory #Umaribnalkhattab #Uthmanibnaffan #AliibnabiTalib #Aishahra

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#Islamicleaders #Muslimahrole #Sunnahvalues #Hadithshare #Quranicverse #Muhammadanway #Prophetictales #Prayerpower #Duawarrior #Jannahseeker #Paradisefound #Hellfireescape #Jihadstruggle #Hajjjourney #Umrahexperience #Ramadanvibes #Fastingbenefits #Charityworkz #Zakatpurification #Sadaqahbless #Tawbahmercy #Repentancegift #Forgivenessgrace #Mercyabounds #Compassionmatters #Taqwajourney #Imanbuilding #Ihsaninspiration #Sabrpromise #Shukrgratitude #Khushujoy #Humilitypath #Knowledgehunt #Wisdomquest #Guidance light #IslamicInspire #MuslimMotivate #QuranicWisdom #Hadith
00:00There is a hadith in Bukhari Muslim where the Prophet peace be upon him sent an Ansari companion on a mission and he got angry on the way
00:07He told his colleagues to light a fire a huge fire burn
00:11He said look my obedience to the Prophet Muhammad is obedience to Allah. I command you to jump into this fire
00:16Tapa a the cha Abu Macha day
00:19Not a single person was ready because they were afraid
00:23They said
00:25We joined the messenger of Allah to escape the fire and you are throwing us back into that fire
00:30We will not obey you on the return a complaint would be made to the proper BBH
00:33He said if you obey the leader be there and then I swap they go straight to the fire of hell
00:41Obedience to creation is in what is good not in what is evil
00:44There is no obedience to creation in disobedience to Allah if the leader
00:48Directly appointed by the Prophet speaks against the Quran and Sunnah if you follow his commands
00:55You will go straight to hell your kings are nothing compared to that
00:59Ansari companion your imams have no comparison the Prophet had the president had appointed his uncle
01:06Directly and he went himself
