On a Bitterly Cold Night, When I Brought Home a Freezing, Raggedy Mother and Child..

  • 2 months ago
On a Bitterly Cold Night, When I Brought Home a Freezing, Raggedy Mother and Child..
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00My name's Masato Ikeda a 22 year old college student total introvert
00:06Blizzards rolling in man. It's freezing gotta head home quick. Wait is that
00:13What's up on a day like this?
00:15Crouching down maybe feeling under the weather or something
00:19You guys okay
00:21So cold
00:28Looking pretty wrecked
00:30Should I call the cops? Nah better warm him up first
00:34Hey wanna come over to my place. You'll catch a cold like this, you know
00:40Who are you? I'm Masato Ikeda a college student. Oh
00:45You're very polite. I'm Ai Fukuda and this she's my daughter
00:51I'm Meg
00:57Look your daughter's shivering too. No need to hold back a bet
01:02Kind of weird heading over with someone. I just met
01:06Sorry to butt in but don't you have anywhere to go? Come along you'll warm up to your core
01:16I know sweetie. I'm cold too, but
01:21It's settled then. Come on. Follow me. Wait a sec
01:26And we head to here we are. Welcome to Koiwa spa
01:36This is your home
01:38Nah, it's an old spa with hot springs running for over a century. Come on in
01:44Grandma, I'm back. I want to let these folks use the bath
01:48All righty hurry up and get in but
01:52We don't have money
01:54Don't need it
01:56Looking at you two makes me freeze, too
02:0640 minutes later
02:09Seems like they're taking a real long bath. I hope they're not overheating
02:20Dry your hair first. Oh
02:25Feels so good and thanks for lending us clothes. Oh, no worries
02:34I'm I'm fine. I and Meg totally different from before
02:41After that we moved to my place and we ended up talking in detail about their situation
02:47I can't eat anymore
02:51She fell asleep completely, huh?
02:54She must have been exhausted
02:56Sorry for all the travel we caused you to oh
03:00Come on, don't worry about it. So what's your story?
03:05the thing is
03:08According to the story I seems to be a single mother a few months ago
03:13She renovated her home to start a small restaurant with her mother
03:17But shortly after her mother passed away
03:20Despite trying to manage it alone
03:23She ended up with a substantial debt
03:25Even after selling the restaurant and belongings it wasn't enough and they wandered without a place to live. I
03:32Ran out of money
03:34That's when you offered me that place to stay if that's the case, please use my place as a temporary shelter
03:41I have extra rooms
03:46But that's asking too much
03:48Come on, mom. It's fine. I don't want to be able to not take a bath Meg. Were you awake?
03:56From a while ago mom. You don't like the smell right? It's been smelly lately
04:02Huh? No way, really? Of course you can use the bath, too
04:10Then I'll accept your kindness
04:12Now about work. Oh
04:16Could someone take over the counter? My back is hurting
04:21Wages, I'll pay that much work here
04:25Grandma's saying the same thing. So if you'd like
04:29Truly from everything. I'll work hard
04:33And thus the two of them ended up living at my place
04:38Fortunately Meg's elementary school was nearby. So she was able to attend without any problems
04:43Hi, how's it going? So two adults new attendant is a real beauty
04:50Just watching her relaxes me
04:54Incredible thanks to I the sales have significantly improved
04:59How do you manage to be so affable?
05:03I'm not good at customer service. So I thought I could learn from you. I see maybe try smiling more
05:11Like this
05:20I'm not good at smiling
05:25Hey, don't pull my cheeks Oh
05:29Geez Meg's really gotten attached. Hasn't she? I
05:35Really like Masato. Hey, hey wanna marry my mom and be my dad, huh?
05:42Hey, don't say weird things. It's disrespectful to Masato. No, not at all
05:49I mean, you're attractive, you know and beautiful
05:58Go clean the changing room. Oh
06:01What have I done? Did she think I'm a weirdo?
06:04Hey, what about me?
06:06Huh, you can choose me instead of mom, you know, come on. Don't tease an adult
06:13And then a month passed
06:16Seems like you've gotten used to work quite well. There are more customers coming for I it seems
06:22All of this is thanks to you Masato
06:25and Miss Ikeda
06:27by the way
06:29Why did you help us back then? We help each other in times of trouble?
06:34And that was my mom's go-to line, so that's why
06:38Speaking of which what about your parents?
06:42Both passed away when I was in middle school been just me and grandma since then
06:49I'm so sorry. I didn't know it's fine. Really
06:54This Koiwa spa is special tied to my parents
06:58We used to hang out here a lot as a family want to keep it going, but grandma's giving me flack about it
07:05Really running a spa is tough. I get it, but I
07:11It's okay
07:12I'm sure she'll understand. I hope so
07:16By the way, sorry if I'm being intrusive, but can I ask you something? What is it is Meg's dad?
07:24You know is he? Oh
07:30He didn't pass away or anything he just left me left you I
07:37Got pregnant with Meg at 18 the guy a colleague and suppose fiance
07:43Vanished when I told him about the pregnancy
07:46Confessed to cheating and bailed the next day job and all leaving no trace
07:52What a terrible father
07:55unbelievable, I
07:56Feel like a failure too
07:58But nothing but trouble for Meg
08:01That's not true Meg always says how much she loves you. You're doing your best. I
08:09Masato a few days later
08:12Something I feared happened. What shutting down the spa?
08:17My back's been aching up decided to check into the hospital
08:22Time to call it quits, right?
08:25Then I'll I'll take over
08:28No, you shouldn't trying to mess up your life. What's one person gonna do alone? Then I'm pitching in too
08:38Both of you, but maybe it's time to start looking for new jobs. Oh, come on Masato
08:44Let us show our appreciation
08:48Thanks, really
08:53Yeah, thanks Meg I'll do my best oh
08:57boy a
09:00Few months passed after graduating college. I focus solely on managing the spa
09:08Finished up cleaning. Oh, good job. Dinner's ready. Oh
09:13It feels kind of nice almost like newlyweds, I'll warm it up right away
09:21You all right
09:25I'm quite clumsy. I
09:28Switched the curtains between the men's and women's baths the other day mix up regular milk with coffee milk or fruit milk all the time
09:36And a few other things
09:39Haha be careful, all right
09:44Man, she's close eyes really beautiful
09:49It's fine, you know
09:51Is it okay to kiss I?
09:57Getting all lovey-dovey again
10:01Meg mom not fair. No cutting in line
10:06What I didn't pay Masato
10:10What the a guy asked me out again?
10:14Really Meg you're a magnet
10:17What do you think I should say?
10:19Would it be okay if I did it a guy you don't know what if you say no
10:24I'll refuse but in exchange Masato be my boyfriend
10:31Having a fresh middle schooler as a girlfriend is the best right
10:36You prefer younger girls, huh? No, I didn't say anything like that. Did I come on be honest?
10:43Younger's better, right?
10:45That's harsh
10:47Listen to me
10:49Hey Masato
10:51Wanna marry me?
10:52It's too soon for you Meg. I'm the one marrying Masato. Hey, come on you two you guys joking, right?
11:01Despite the many troubles every day was lively and fun. The business was going well, too
11:07However with the repeated increase in fuel costs and taxes things went south quickly
11:14We're in the red again this month. If we keep this up, we'll have to shut down
11:19But I can't just hike the bath prices on my own. What should I do?
11:24Hey, Masato, you okay? You seem off lately
11:28If it's okay with us we could help
11:30Nah, it's nothing but you're acting a bit weird
11:35Seriously, I'm fine. Well, if that's what you say, I'll go check the boiler real quick. Oh
11:44I'm always being selfish and they don't say anything about it. I can't trouble them anymore and it's their lives, too
11:51I absolutely have to do something
11:55However, it seemed obvious that I was hiding something things got awkward between me and the girls
12:06Something's really off
12:08Despite trying several advertising methods to attract more customers. It was all in vain the more I struggled the deeper
12:15I sank into debt
12:17How should I if things keep going like this?
12:24Whoa, I
12:26What about the front desk Meg's taking over but more importantly it's about the sales, right?
12:33Why do you?
12:34You'd notice if you worked, you know
12:40Can't compete with you. I you're right. I've been in the red for ages. I'm useless
12:45I pushed you both into this mess with my nonsense and I have no business sense
12:51That goes for I and Meg too despite causing them all this trouble I can't take responsibility if things stay like this
13:02Don't bear it all alone
13:05No secrets. We're a team working together, right?
13:10That's right, sorry, I
13:14As long as you get it
13:17Later that night
13:19Sorry again for acting weird lately, it's okay. I heard from mom
13:25Masato you've been trying so hard, right?
13:27But you're not alone
13:31From now on let's do our best together
13:34Thanks guys. I want to protect Koiwa spa. I need both your help the next day
13:40we tried discussing a reconstruction plan, but
13:44Hmm can't find an easy great idea
13:48Maybe we should attract more young people
13:51True our clientele's mostly older
13:54Maybe update the interior not a bad idea, but we need something more. Let's take a break for now
14:02Man, it's tough. I wish there was some groundbreaking idea that get the younger crowd interested, huh?
14:14I know right
14:16But I was thinking about in takoyaki toppings. Oh, please don't oh
14:22You're back already
14:26I'm Ron tension
14:28Rants my bestie. Oh, really to make yourself at home. By the way, what's that?
14:36Tried making something handmade. How's this cute right and super tasty?
14:43Hmm looks delicious. No doubt, but why heart-shaped?
14:48Huh? You don't know the legend of Koiwa spa?
14:53Huh a legend
14:56Apparently ages ago a Cupid date here
15:01So if a guy and a girl visit together, they become a couple
15:07Come to think of it. I heard something like that from grandma when I was a kid
15:12That's why I made it heart-shaped
15:14Inspired by Ron's story what our customers to try it, too
15:19But making a bunch seems like a hassle
15:22Yeah, it's tough. Wish we could make it with bass team
15:26Happy sweet
15:28Hmm. Wait a sec attracting a younger crowd with interior changes the Cupid and the steam could this be?
15:40Hey, don't startle us like that
15:44Afterward I boldly renewed Koiwa spa
15:48Expanded not just the baths but also the lounge for meals our menu centered around steam dishes using the boilers heat
15:55The biggest hit was Meg's invention the angels pudding now a bustling spa. It became a minor tourist attraction
16:04The power of social media is amazing so many more customers our puddings a hit thanks to that legend
16:12truly, thanks to both of you
16:15Glad we could help I'd have been lost without you both
16:19Thanks to you guys when you said we're a team back then but I
16:25Huh, oh
16:26What is it? I don't want us to just be friends, huh?
16:31What do you mean I like you I would you consider dating me with marriage in mind
16:40but I'm
16:42Quite old and I have a kid age doesn't matter. I'll cherish Meg, too. So I'm so happy
16:52I also like you Masato
16:55Then yes, please make me your girlfriend
17:01You two are lovey-dovey again, no clinging remember
17:07Hold on
17:12Right, sorry right away
17:15I'll work harder to
17:17Since then the spa business skyrocketed from the red to profits despite the hustle we found satisfaction in our daily routine
17:25I'll handle the front desk. Can I leave the customer service to you?
17:33Meg just came to hang
17:38Seems like it's been flourishing quite a bit while I was away
17:42Grandma, your back's okay now
17:44Of course, who do you think I am?
17:47More importantly Masato, huh? You've gotten pretty good at customer service, haven't you?
17:55Huh? Oh
17:56I've been smiling without realizing
17:59Thanks to I I've come to find joy and every day
18:06I'm happy to
18:08Stay by my side forever
18:10Sure, of course
18:13Mom's always sneaky. Can I be your bride, too?
18:18Hey Meg
18:21Maybe there really is a Cupid out there considering I've met my true love this way
18:31Thanks for watching my channel, I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos
