• 3 months ago
Kira Noir interview / Podcast


00:00Welcome, everybody, back to the show.
00:24I have the beautiful Kiara Noir on.
00:27Kiara, thank you so much for coming on.
00:29Thank you for having me.
00:30I'm very excited to have you.
00:32We've worked together quite a few times.
00:34I did one of my favorite shoots for Twisties with this girl.
00:39And I think you know which one I'm talking about.
00:41The black and white one?
00:43No, the chess set.
00:44That one was so dope.
00:45So we shot her on this giant chess board with these huge chess pieces, and it was just such
00:51a cool shoot.
00:52It looked so great.
00:54I love the whole concept for that, because I love black and white patterns, and I pretty
00:57much just wear black, white, and gray in my personal life.
01:00And I also really love Janelle Monae, and for the sheet that they gave us, they had
01:05like her pictures of her hair in a bun for the inspiration for the makeup and stuff.
01:09So I was just like, yes, so many things I love.
01:11I actually don't know exactly who she is.
01:14She is a singer, right?
01:15Yeah, she's a singer.
01:17And she went through this era, her first couple of years, where she wore nothing but black
01:20and white, and usually had her hair up in a bun, and she said it was kind of her uniform.
01:25And so I just, I loved her for that.
01:26She has great music, too, but I loved her style.
01:29What kind of music is it?
01:30It's pop, but more of indie pop kind of stuff, and it has kind of a hip-hop feel, but it's
01:37not exactly R&B.
01:39It's kind of hard to describe.
01:40I would love to send you some of her songs after this.
01:43It's probably one of those artists where I've heard a couple of her songs, but I don't know
01:47who sings it.
01:48She's also been a feature in a couple of songs.
01:51There's this one, We Are Young, that came out a couple of years ago, it was played during
01:55my prom.
01:56This is a while back.
01:57So old.
01:58But yeah, she's been in the background of a couple of songs.
02:04We Are Young.
02:05Was it by the Youngbloods?
02:08Oh, that's We Come Runnin'.
02:10It was F-U-N, like fun.
02:12Oh, okay.
02:13I know.
02:15The acronym?
02:17What does that stand for?
02:18I have no idea.
02:21This is a porno podcast.
02:23Actually, it's not.
02:24It's just a sex-positive entertainment podcast, right?
02:27We don't want to categorize.
02:28We don't want to pigeonhole ourselves.
02:29Especially since I have a comedian coming in after you.
02:33Oh, cool.
02:36So, Kira, tell us a little bit about yourself.
02:39So before we started the podcast, you were talking officially, you were talking about
02:44how you were from Missouri?
02:45Oh, I actually grew up in Nashville, Tennessee, but I lived in St. Louis, Missouri for three
02:51years before I moved to California.
02:53And I absolutely hated Missouri.
02:55It's freezing, right?
02:56It's freezing in the winter.
02:57It's absolutely freezing.
02:58And the best part about St. Louis, whenever I lived there, were the strip clubs.
03:03You're allowed to touch the dancers with their permission there, so dancing was a lot easier
03:08for me.
03:09So you were dancing there back then?
03:11I was a stripper at the Larry Flint's Hustler Club in East St. Louis.
03:14Oh, wow.
03:15And I absolutely loved it.
03:16Like, if I ever start future dancing, I want that club to be the first place that I go
03:18to because I always consider them my home club.
03:21And they had really cool champagne shower shows and live sex shows, which was kind of
03:26my first times doing girl-girl stuff.
03:30And you enjoyed that?
03:32Because, you know, a lot of girls, I honestly, like a lot of girls who've come on the show
03:33started off as a dancer, but a lot of them hated it.
03:38But you really liked it.
03:40So what did you like about it?
03:41I loved pole dancing.
03:44Hustling for dances was the part that I hated.
03:46I think that's, to semi-correct myself, that was definitely something that, like, there
03:51was actually, there was someone, there was one person who was on recently who said she
03:54liked doing that.
03:55She liked hustling.
03:56I can't remember who it was.
03:57That's really bad.
03:59I feel like there are a lot of different areas where the hustle's different.
04:02In the Midwest, it's mostly trying to sell lap dances and champagne rooms.
04:07There are other places where you're trying to get as many tips as possible on stage.
04:11So in St. Louis, I worked at a really slow club in the beginning because I didn't know
04:15how to move.
04:16My hair was really short and frizzy dreads stuck out everywhere.
04:20So the only club I could get that would let me work there, they only put me on day shift.
04:24So there were a lot of times where I was just bored.
04:26That's like when no one's there.
04:28We would have construction workers who would come in for the lunch special and that was
04:31pretty much it.
04:32So I started teaching myself pole tricks just to pass the time.
04:36And I started getting good.
04:37And once I started feeling more confident, I went ahead and tried out at the more big
04:41club in the area, which was Larry Flynt's.
04:43Yeah, and I absolutely loved that place.
04:45It was so much fun.
04:47So I started working night shift there and I really liked putting more focus on getting
04:52stage money, but the bulk of my money did come from champagne rooms.
04:55So that's the part that sucks as a stripper, if it's a slow night or there's a lot of people
04:58in there, but they're only just tipping and then you're not really going to make that
05:03So you said that they allow touching with the dancer's permission.
05:05And that sounds like something that you liked.
05:09I did because in my opinion, I got treated with most respect at a club that was full
05:14nude, full bar where touching was allowed.
05:17Because whenever it's, I've tried working at the clubs over here where there's no alcohol
05:21and you're not allowed to touch and then people are trying to get away with stuff more often.
05:24So I liked when guys knew that they could touch if they asked.
05:28So they just asked me and I could take their hands and run it down my body and it was fine.
05:32Whenever I was working at a club where they're trying to get away with stuff, then that's
05:35when I would get them randomly trying to finger me and things like that.
05:38It's an interesting insight into the male psyche.
05:43It's like that situation if you allow a guy to do something, like say if you have an open
05:49relationship, which I know you do, it's like, I don't want to say they're less likely to
05:54stray because that doesn't make sense because being in an open relationship means they can
05:57do that.
05:58But then if you're like, I guess maybe it's more like if you're a super jealous girl and
06:03you can't stand it when a guy talks to other girls or whatever, then they're more likely
06:06to cheat on you.
06:07So they're going to try to go do it behind your back.
06:11If you're already okay with them doing it, then it's like, oh, I can do that thing that
06:14I want, cool.
06:15And they don't try to push for things more as often.
06:19And at the clubs over here, I remember the first time I tried to work in an LA club,
06:22I was just talking to a guy and I put my hand on his thigh, nowhere near his crotch, just
06:27talking to him and mostly put my hand near his knee.
06:31And I got in trouble.
06:33And the manager came over and told me that if I did that again, that he would have to
06:35make me leave.
06:36And I was just like, really?
06:37I was touching him in a non-sexual place and I was comfortable with it.
06:41Why is that not okay?
06:43So I just gave up on trying to dance out here.
06:46That sounds, I don't know.
06:49That's interesting.
06:50I went to a strip club in the Midwest near Arkansas when I was out there for Danny Daniel's
06:58And yeah, I think you could touch the dancers there.
07:03And I don't know.
07:06So I've only had a lap dance once and it was like super awkward because I'm actually not
07:12into girls.
07:13Like I'm not sexually into girls.
07:15And this girl, like someone bought me a lap dance and she's like, this girl's trying to
07:19give me a lap dance and I am so uncomfortable and I'm like trying to make small talk.
07:24I'm like, your hair smells really good, what kind of shampoo do you use?
07:27You know, like my hair is super frizzy, I have to use something like with a lot of
07:30like heavy conditioner.
07:31What about your body lotion because that also smells good, but like I'm trying to like make
07:36this small talk and this girl's just like, shut the fuck up and let me put my ass in
07:39your face.
07:40It was like so awkward.
07:42I was just sitting here like this the whole time like, oh God, when is this over?
07:45When is this over?
07:46So would you be open to getting a lap dance from a male stripper?
07:52I mean, yes, but I think that I would like, it would be a hilarious joke to me.
07:58Like I just, I don't know.
07:59I'm, you know, honestly, I'll be honest.
08:00I'm weird about strangers touching me.
08:03Not like, like, like in a, you know, like shake hands is fine, but like with someone
08:06I don't know.
08:07You know, some people are super touchy-feely.
08:09When someone I don't know, even if it's totally innocent or if it's a girl or something like
08:13that and they just like touch me a lot, I get a little funny about it.
08:18Like, I mean, if I know you, it's one thing, but if I don't know you, I'm, so yeah.
08:23I'm not, I'm not big on strangers touching me a lot.
08:24You see, I've never had a lap dance from a guy.
08:27I think I would be really into that.
08:29When's your birthday?
08:30July 16th.
08:32I'm going to have to remember that.
08:33You know, someone once sent a, so you, you know who my mom is?
08:39So my mom is Suze Randall.
08:40She was an erotic, I started off working for my parents.
08:43She was an erotic photographer and director.
08:46She was kind of like one of the first female women behind the scene.
08:49So anyways, so she had a studio.
08:53She shot adult content.
08:54And so one of her clients for her birthday sent her a male stripper thinking, you know,
08:58because my mom's like obviously this open-minded woman that she would like think it was great.
09:03My mom ended up punching the guy in the face and throwing him out of the studio.
09:08She was not okay with it.
09:10She's like, I don't want this.
09:11So there's a hairy little man all over her.
09:13She just like flipped out.
09:15So it was a complete opposite reaction to what her client obviously thought she was
09:20going to do.
09:21See, I have a thing for male pole dancers because I used to love pole dancing.
09:25I don't do it anymore because it gives me bruises and I can't show up on a porn set
09:28with bruises.
09:29But I used to say that I would only marry a guy if he was a pole dancer because it's
09:35such an amazing workout.
09:37It's incredible.
09:39I took a class once and yeah, I was, I mean, I looked like someone would kick the shit
09:44out of me the next day.
09:45I was covered in bruises.
09:46It was bad, but I really liked it.
09:51And I am actually just signed up for dance classes that have nothing to do with pole.
09:55It's basically just like a, it's called hair and heels.
09:57You wear knee pads and four inch heels and you basically just learn how to dance like
10:01a hoe.
10:02Wait, what?
10:03Okay, hold on.
10:05It's called hair and heels?
10:07Why hair?
10:08Because you're doing a lot of hair tossing too.
10:09Oh, okay.
10:11So it's learning how to dance with a lot of hair tossing and with heels and almost like
10:15a stripper but without the pole.
10:17And the main focus is supposed to be for a workout.
10:20That's what they all say.
10:21That's why they like have to like frame all of these like pole dancing, pole fitness because
10:26God forbid you go and want to learn how to dance like a stripper because that is, you
10:31know, a big no-no.
10:32The first time I tried going to a pole dancing class, I got so annoyed with like, we're not
10:37We're learning how to be fit.
10:38And it's like, we realize where this is coming from, right?
10:40It's coming from people like me.
10:41Yeah, exactly.
10:42And like, why do you have to differentiate?
10:45I mean, you're obviously not working in a strip club.
10:47Clearly you're not a stripper.
10:48Like, who cares?
10:49Like, why do you have to like draw that line when people are so afraid of being named as
10:53anything close to a sex worker as we all know?
10:55So whenever I looked for hair and heels classes, I tried to find videos where they were actually
11:00dancing really sexual because some of them, they're doing the motions but it's clear that
11:05they're holding back because they don't want to seem too slutty.
11:08And I didn't want to learn from somebody like that.
11:11So I found somebody who's really, really cool and her videos look like she's actually super
11:15getting into it for her students.
11:18So I'm going to try to do that and I'm going to wear the thickest knee pads possible to
11:21try and make sure I don't get bruises.
11:23Because I miss...
11:24Legular will kill you.
11:26I miss dancing and I want to start working out but I hate going to the gym.
11:30So I feel like this is a good compromise.
11:31Why do you...
11:32Okay, do you feel like you need to start working out like because you just should and it's
11:36a healthy activity that you should get into?
11:38Because like your body's nuts.
11:40Like you and fucking Anna Fox, neither of you bitches work out.
11:44And you both have like incredible, like zero body fat, like abs and it's like so frustrating
11:50to the rest of us who work out all the time and look nothing like you.
11:54See, I know that my metabolism is going to start going downhill and I'm trying to prevent
11:59gaining weight.
12:01And also I know I'll just feel better if I start getting active now.
12:05I mean, honestly, these days, like I went to spin class this morning before I came here
12:07and like, look, I'll know I'll never be a size two.
12:12So I really just work out for the mental, for the mental, like refreshment that I get.
12:18Mental refreshment, I don't know where that came from.
12:20But you know, like it makes me feel so much better.
12:23Like it makes me, it puts me in a better mood.
12:25It helps me handle stress better.
12:27Like I just have more energy.
12:28Like for me, it's really about keeping my brain from going bananas.
12:32And that's another reason why I want to start working out again.
12:36Two reasons actually that you just mentioned.
12:37One, I want to have a hobby.
12:39I want to do something fun that's not exactly related to my work.
12:43And I also want to have more stamina because I've been noticing whenever I've been riding
12:47guys over, sometimes I get a little bit tuckered out sooner than I think I should, especially
12:52because everybody thinks that I'm fit.
12:55So I want to start building up my endurance and stamina a little bit more.
12:58I got to say, like, I am the laziest person in bed and my boyfriend and I literally will
13:02fight over who is the peon top.
13:06And when I see you guys, like, you know, like, we always like, I always laugh with
13:11other girls when I'm like, okay, let's, you know, because we pick positions that we got
13:13to do.
13:14Like, okay, let's do reverse cowgirl.
13:16Like every girl hates reverse cowgirl because it's literally just squats.
13:20It's not fun.
13:22And I am always amazed by how long you guys are able to do all of those sex positions
13:29and just keep going because it is fucking hard.
13:33I get exhausted just watching you.
13:34I cheat.
13:36I'll start getting tired.
13:37I'll start grinding instead and try to make it look like it's still high energy, but really
13:40I'm super tired.
13:41I'll try to give myself a break before I start doing the bouncing the butt thing, the twerking
13:47And reverse cowgirl doesn't bother me as much as long as the guy isn't sweaty already and
13:52I can rest my hands on his chest.
13:53If he's already kind of slick and I'm just slipping around back there, that makes it
13:58awkward and kind of hard.
13:59But if I'm doing normal cowgirl and I'm on my knees and I can just bounce my butt, I
14:02can do that for so much longer.
14:03Yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:04It's so much easier, for sure.
14:07And then I guess it also depends on the guy that you're working with.
14:09Some guys are much better at holding you up and doing a lot of the work and making it
14:13look like you're doing the work, but they're kind of really helping you along.
14:17And then I know some guys are just either new, they don't know any better, or they're
14:20just fucking lazy and they let you do all the work.
14:23See, I'm lucky.
14:24My boyfriend at home, he's also in porn, so he's used to whenever a girl's on top, they
14:29have to be as open as possible, so lean back from him and all that.
14:33And his thing is really closeness.
14:35So if I'm on top and I just have to get close to him and whisper shit in his ear, then he'll
14:40come really fast.
14:41I don't have to be up there too long.
14:45I actually just shot your boyfriend for the first time.
14:47So her boyfriend's Nathan Bronson.
14:49I just shot him for the first time last week.
14:51How did he do?
14:52He did excellent.
14:54He did excellent.
14:55And we were doing an office scene on our desk, which is never easy.
14:57But yeah, he's great.
14:59Was that the one where it was with the tattooed girl?
15:03They were good together.
15:04I like that.
15:05Yeah, she requested him.
15:06So that's why I booked him.
15:07But yeah, no, he did great.
15:08So I was happy.
15:10No, it's funny.
15:11He and I had been in porn for around the same time period, and we only met about two years
15:17And he started in the agency that I was in at first, and he got in that agency right
15:23as I was leaving, and I went to Spiegler.
15:24And then we've been to the same parties and hung out with the same people, but always
15:27just kept missing each other until we were finally booked together for a gangbang shoot.
15:33And then we started hanging out and fell for each other.
15:35So I just think it's funny where we started around the same time and sort of met up a
15:39lot sooner than we did.
15:43Well, you know, things just work out that way.
15:45And you guys have an open relationship, right?
15:47We do.
15:48So can you kind of explain how that works?
15:50Because some people, and I know that a lot of people listening are like, oh, well, everybody
15:55in porn has an open relationship.
15:56That is not true.
15:57Just because people are having sex with other people for work doesn't mean that they're
16:01not monogamous with each other in terms of extracurricular sexual activities.
16:09But you guys are open outside of work.
16:11So explain to me how that works for you guys.
16:13So whenever I first met him, he already had a girlfriend, but they were in a polyamorous
16:19So she had another boyfriend besides him and two other girlfriends, one of which she lived
16:25So whenever I first met him, and we were sort of flirting, I thought that maybe it was closed
16:30Then he explained that whole situation.
16:32And I was like, oh, okay, so I can date you.
16:33This is cool.
16:34And so we kind of just were both dating him at the same time that she had her people.
16:39And then they recently ended their relationship, which is sad.
16:42But he and I are going to try to not find a girl together, but keep ourselves open to
16:47the possibility of dating other people.
16:49And we're both also okay with each other hooking up with people off camera.
16:53So if he's interested in somebody, I just have the rule of don't lie to me if I ask
16:57you what you did today.
17:00You went to work, and you got tested, and you went on a date with somebody, just tell
17:03me that you did all of that.
17:04Don't try to hide it.
17:05You don't have to ask for permission before you start flirting with somebody, but just
17:08tell me if I ask.
17:10And then my other rule is if you are working with somebody, or sorry, hooking up with somebody
17:15who's in the industry, make sure you check their test.
17:18Basically like work standards, they have to have a 14-day recent test, and if they don't
17:21use a condom.
17:22That way he doesn't catch something, and then I catch something because he was doing other
17:27Right, right, right.
17:28So let's talk about how you got into the industry.
17:29Is this the first time you've been in an open relationship?
17:31Oh, no.
17:32I've had this long time, this is the first time in a long time that I've been in an actual
17:38I'm used to just having fuck buddies.
17:41Whenever I first started in the industry, I was actually leaving a marriage.
17:44That was a really, really bad idea.
17:46But you were married.
17:47Yeah, I was.
17:48Oh, wow.
17:49So whenever I started working in California, living in California, I decided I just wanted
17:52to fool around.
17:54So I would have anywhere between two to five people at a time that I would just be friends
17:59with and just fucking on and off.
18:01So whenever I met Nathan, he convinced me to make it more serious.
18:06He's just a really, really great guy, so I felt like it was worth it with him.
18:09And out of every dude that I've ever met, he talks about his feelings so much in the
18:14best way.
18:15That's great.
18:16So it just makes me want to trust him so much more.
18:19And then I went ahead and gave that a shot.
18:22We recently moved in together, which is awesome, and it's been going really well.
18:26So fingers crossed that nothing bad happens.
18:30How long have you guys been living together?
18:31Just a couple of weeks.
18:32Oh, okay.
18:33So it's brand new.
18:34We moved in together last month.
18:36So you don't know what's annoying about him yet.
18:37Not yet.
18:38The only thing that I think is annoying about him is when we go out to eat, he always asks
18:42the server to pick for him.
18:44He has an idea of what he wants, so he's like, okay, so between this and this, what do you
18:49And I try telling him, dude, they work here.
18:50So they're not going to tell you, oh, that sucks.
18:52Get in trouble.
18:53I know.
18:54I always say that, too.
18:55You're always like, is this good?
18:56They're always like, yeah, it's great.
18:57I'm like, you're not going to actually say if it's not good.
18:58How can I trust you?
19:00So there's been times where I'm just like, dude, just pick something.
19:01Especially if we're at a place that's already slammed.
19:02It's like they don't have time to talk you through your options.
19:03Yeah, yeah, yeah.
19:04Just pick something and go.
19:05But other than that, the reason we moved in together is because I was staying over at
19:06his place all the time.
19:08And I get called in to do last minute shoots a lot to fill in for somebody who canceled
19:09last minute.
19:10So it got annoying.
19:11I was living in Truman.
19:13He was living in Truman Oaks.
19:14I was living in Woodland Hills.
19:15And I would have to go back to Woodland Hills to grab my stuff and go wherever I was needed.
19:16So I just wanted to have all of my stuff where he was.
19:19To kind of cut out on time that I would have to drive back and forth.
19:21And now it's great.
19:22Last couple of times have been called back.
19:52At a point, that was kind of how it was with my boyfriend and I.
19:53He was just at my house all the time.
19:54All the time.
19:55And it just ended up that he needed a really expensive apartment in Palliatal, right?
19:57And I was just like, you just have an expensive closet, basically, like a really expensive
20:01storage place.
20:02You're never there.
20:03You're always here.
20:04That's how I felt.
20:05Just move in.
20:06Like, why not?
20:07And I was living in a bachelor pad, a studio apartment, so I was like, dude, if you move
20:10in with me for the same price you're paying right now, we could have a really nice place
20:13to live in.
20:18So now we have a two-bedroom, two-bath apartment because I didn't want to share a room with
20:19him just yet.
20:20I wanted to keep all my stuff.
20:21We both have a lot of stuff, so I didn't want to have to throw it away.
20:22Oh, wait.
20:23You guys have your own bedrooms?
20:25Do you guys not sleep together in the same bed?
20:26We do sleep together, but we alternate.
20:29And there have been times if I have to get up really early for a scene, then he'll go
20:32ahead and sleep in his room.
20:35That's smart.
20:36That's smart.
20:38My boyfriend has a separate room that's just his wardrobe room.
20:39And then my bedroom is pretty much all my stuff in it, which is good because he's kind
20:44of messy.
20:46He doesn't put his clothes away.
20:47Just the other day I was like, why do you even have drawers?
20:49You don't put anything in them.
20:50What's the point?
20:51Just pile your fucking clothes on the floor.
20:53That's part of the reason why I wanted to have my own closet especially because I have
20:58I feel like that's so important.
20:59If you can do that, if you can separate your clothing from your man's, that's a good-
21:02I have a whole separate pop-up wardrobe just for my porn clothes.
21:05And I wanted to have a walk-in closet that I could put that in.
21:08That way I could have one side that's all of my stuff that's all black and goth shit.
21:12All the bright teeny bopper stuff on the other side.
21:15And I knew I wouldn't be able to do that if we had to share a closet together.
21:18Because he also has his porn wardrobes.
21:20Of course.
21:21Of course.
21:22You don't want to mix porn wardrobes.
21:23So I understand that you had a strange experience on Tinder where you got caught catfished.
21:30I'm so mad.
21:31Can you tell us about that story?
21:33So I was catfished twice on Tinder.
21:35The first time it happened, I matched this guy that was a little bit too good to be true.
21:39I kind of suspected that he was a catfish.
21:42And after talking to him for a little bit, I always ask people to meet me almost immediately.
21:47That way I can see if they're fake.
21:48And then if I don't like them, then cool.
21:50We'll just never talk again.
21:51And I try to pick a place where it's fun for me to go to so at least I can get some nice
21:56But I don't like the whole talking for days on the app and then just having to eat up.
21:59I was the opposite.
22:00I wanted to talk for a while on the app because I wanted to make sure that you and I vibe
22:04before I wasted my time to meet you.
22:06So I was the opposite.
22:07But anyway, go on.
22:08So the first time I got catfished, he kept putting off when we're going to meet up like,
22:12oh, sorry, I'm busy that day.
22:13I'm busy that day.
22:14I'm busy that day.
22:15And then finally he told me, hey, so these aren't my pictures.
22:17I got this from a random guy on Instagram.
22:19I'm a fan of yours.
22:20And I didn't think that you would want to meet up with me if he saw what I looked like.
22:24I was going to ask you if that had anything to do with if you were a porn star at that
22:29point and what that was like on Tinder.
22:32And so I tried telling him, dude, I would have met up with you because he showed me
22:34what he actually looked like.
22:35I was like, I would have met up with you, but now I'm not going to because you lied
22:37to me.
22:39And I don't want to do that.
22:42And it's creepy.
22:43Like, I was your fan.
22:44That's so weird.
22:45And so the second time it happened, I went ahead and got the nice number and I was like,
22:46hey, send me a selfie right now, like a current selfie, not something that's something from
22:50your social media.
22:51So I was trying to avoid that first catfish.
22:54And so he sent me a dick pic, which wasn't, it wasn't what I asked for, but I wasn't mad
22:59at it because it was like the whole reason I was on Tinder is to hook up with people.
23:03And it was a big bulge.
23:04So I was thinking like, fuck, yeah, because sometimes with guys don't really know what
23:08they have until you get naked.
23:09Oh, yeah.
23:10So it was kind of appreciated.
23:13And I got really excited when I had agreed to meet up with him, went to his place.
23:18And the weird thing was, I thought, OK, so he's inviting me to his place for the first
23:22We hang out and then he's definitely down to fuck.
23:24And we watched a movie for a little bit, ended up hooking up.
23:27And whenever he pulled out his pants, it's like, not the smallest dick I've ever seen,
23:32but definitely not the one he sent me.
23:36And I just felt kind of awkward.
23:37I didn't want to be like, this is false advertising.
23:40So I went ahead and I fucked him anyway.
23:43And it wasn't, it wasn't great.
23:46And then afterwards, he admitted to me that I was the second woman he had ever had sex
23:53Which wasn't bad.
23:54Yeah, but like when you're, did he like, did he catch the feelings?
23:59No, he didn't.
24:00I told him, like, sorry, I have a boyfriend.
24:02This is just a hookup kind of thing for me.
24:05Maybe you should lead with that next time.
24:06And he went on this spiel about how you just got into this really long relationship and
24:10this is his first time getting back out there.
24:12And I was like, I'm not saying this is a bad thing.
24:15Your number of people you slept with has nothing to do with your worth or how good you're going
24:18to be, whatever.
24:19But one, send pictures of you, not somebody else you found online.
24:24And two, just maybe tell people like, hey, this is what my situation is.
24:28What about yours?
24:29Because I told him, like, I'm in porn.
24:30I have another boyfriend.
24:31We're in an open relationship.
24:32That's probably, I wonder if that's why he felt like he had to send you a picture of
24:34like a big dick.
24:35Because, you know.
24:36No, he did tell me that he didn't know who I was exactly, but he did recognize me.
24:40Like he knew I was a porn star.
24:42So maybe that had something to do with it.
24:43But I just, I would never send a guy like a picture of boobs that were way bigger than
24:49Like I don't even wear push-up bras because I'm so scared of somebody thinking that I
24:51was lying to them about how big my boobs are.
24:54I've always had really small ones.
24:56So I just hate the fact that he had to Google big dick bulge, save that picture, and then
25:01send that to me.
25:02Instead of just, I might have been into it if, because he was a good-looking guy, he
25:07was really buff.
25:08So I would have been into it regardless.
25:09But it was just so much more disappointing to be expecting something big and then seeing
25:14that instead.
25:15Yeah, totally.
25:16I hear you.
25:18I love being honest people.
25:21So I understand that you're interested in directing and producing your own content.
25:25We talked a little bit about you wanting to start a podcast, right?
25:28So is that like kind of your next focus in terms of where you're going with your brand?
25:34So I'm going to be shooting my own porn more, mostly for OnlyFans.
25:38I'm going to be sending up a Fan Central this month.
25:40Are you doing like just amateur stuff or you, okay.
25:43See, I don't like to shoot high production value stuff whenever I'm doing it on my own.
25:48I noticed that when I tried shooting that kind of stuff and putting it on my OnlyFans,
25:52it didn't get as many likes and comments as the stuff that was just on my phone.
25:55This is what I'm doing today.
25:56Yeah, people on that platform tend to really go for the more amateur stuff.
26:01That's why like OnlyFans didn't really work for me very well because my stuff's like too
26:05highly produced.
26:06They're not into that.
26:08People who are into that kind of stuff are going to join my website.
26:10There's been this cultural shift that I think is really cool since the internet has changed
26:15the way we look at celebrities.
26:16Now instead of just celebrities, we have influencers where celebrities, if you see them in a commercial,
26:21you know for a fact they got paid, there's a script, all that kind of stuff.
26:25But if you're following a fitness guru on Instagram and she's posting stories about
26:30her dog and posting pictures about what she ate today and then, oh, you guys should really
26:34try this tea.
26:35I love it.
26:36That doesn't seem that much as an ad to you.
26:37It seems like your friend who's talking to you and giving you advice.
26:40So I think that porn has kind of latched on to the influencer style where now instead
26:45of people trying to convince you to sign up for this website, more and more people are
26:51trying to say like, hey, if you want to get a personal view of my life and become like
26:54one of my friends, you can sign up for my OnlyFans, you can sign up for my Snapchat
26:58and you can see the real me.
27:00And more people are open to that because the porn being free has been around for so long.
27:06There's so many people, it's stupid to them, the idea of paying for porn.
27:10But if you're paying for an exclusive look at somebody's personal life, you're a lot
27:15more open to that.
27:16So I'm going to be starting to shoot more of my own amateur stuff.
27:19And I had an idea for a website, so my favorite stuff to shoot is blowjob stuff.
27:24I love blowjobs.
27:26I love ball sucking.
27:27I love taint licking.
27:28I love just working for it because I feel like it's really easy to make a guy come from
27:33my pussy or my ass, but it takes a lot more skill to make a guy come from just your hands
27:38or from just your mouth.
27:39And it's more like interactive, you know what I mean?
27:41It's a lot more about your expression and your technique and there's a lot more personal
27:48style you can put into a blowjob.
27:50And everybody's a little bit different, every dick is a little bit different.
27:52Some guys like a lot of really hard ball sucking, some guys just like gentle sucking on the
27:56dick, things like that.
27:57So I love learning each dick's little quirks.
28:00So I had an idea for a website, I'm going to call it taintmissbehavin.com.
28:04It's going to be focused on blowjobs, ball sucking, and taint licking, so those are my
28:12favorite things to shoot.
28:13Oh my god, that's so funny.
28:17And with the podcast stuff, last year, really just a couple of weeks ago, but the end of
28:23Yeah, I guess that was last year.
28:24I have this friend who is a friend of, let me think of how to describe this.
28:29So Nathan had another job before porn, one of his old co-workers got married and I really
28:34hit it off with her husband.
28:35He and I had become friends and he told me about this idea that he had for a podcast
28:38where he got porn stars just super baked, just super, super stoned and talked about
28:44anything, their lives, porn, what they think about the world, anything like that.
28:49And he just didn't know how to get in contact with people.
28:52He knew me and he knew Nathan, but he didn't know how to start contacting porn stars without
28:56seeming like a creepy guy who's just trying to get personal information.
29:00So I told him that I would love to do that, I would be the host for him, that way we can,
29:04I can go ahead and ask people who I know who are in porn, or if I don't know them, then
29:07hey, I also do this, I'm not just some random person.
29:11And he's going to do the technical side and I'm going to do the hosting and asking questions.
29:16I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to be the one getting high with the guests because
29:20I don't normally smoke around people.
29:23You might get really, well, everybody's different when they get high, you might get really quiet.
29:28I don't know what you're like.
29:30I get really nervous when I get high.
29:32It's weird because a lot of people who I know, they smoke to calm their anxiety.
29:36I feel like for me, it ramps it up.
29:38So I only smoke whenever I'm at home and I'm about to go to bed or if I have a headache
29:42or something like that.
29:43I don't like smoking and going out and do things.
29:45So my idea right now for it is that I'm going to ask about the guest's favorite kinds of
29:53I'll concentrate or blunts or whatever and I'm going to go get that stuff for you and
29:56I'm going to watch you smoke it and I'm going to stay over here sober and try to direct
30:00the conversation.
30:01Because maybe if we're all high, we get stuck in ruts or no sense.
30:06And everyone will be like, wait, what are we just talking about?
30:10Yeah, I could totally see that.
30:13What do you think is severely lacking in the adult industry?
30:17What would you like to see more of?
30:18Like more diversity, more female, more alternative forward content?
30:22I would like to see more porn that's focused on the people feeling good rather than looking
30:28Because there's this thing that happens a lot in porn where a lot of the positions we're
30:32doing we wouldn't really do in our personal life because it's just so you can see.
30:36Like reverse Calgary?
30:38Like reverse Calgary.
30:39You can see fully penetration, things like that.
30:42And I would love to see more websites where it's maybe like an overhead shot where the
30:47people aren't focused on opening up for the camera, they're just doing what they want
30:50to do.
30:51Like, okay, you need to have at least 45 minutes where you're just like, go for as long as
30:54you want.
30:55If you come really fast, then whatever.
30:56I know that it wouldn't be as profitable as the current way we do things and that's why
31:01it doesn't happen as much.
31:03But I would like to go in that direction whenever I start having more success with my kind of
31:10That way, if it doesn't make a lot of money, it'll be okay if you just have it as a side
31:13pet project.
31:14But I think it'll be really fun because the porn that I like to watch, I like to see the
31:19people actually feeling good.
31:20That's why I like to watch a lot of amateur stuff.
31:23I think honestly, because I've seen so much change in the adult industry lately and so
31:30many groundbreaking porn being produced and a lot of the stuff that I have heard, because
31:35I've been in the industry for 20 years.
31:37So a lot of things that I've heard people say over the years, people aren't going to
31:40buy this, people don't want that.
31:42Everybody's so stuck in the same formula.
31:45So I don't think that you're necessarily wrong about that.
31:49I think that there's such a huge variety of people who watch porn who have different preferences
31:54and you will probably find that niche of people who don't really care about whether or not
32:00they see the penetration.
32:01They want to see more expression in the performers, more intimacy, maybe hearing them talk more,
32:11that kind of thing.
32:12So I don't think that you should just stick to what everybody thinks is what sells.
32:18Because I feel like especially these days, with the way everybody's struggling, nobody
32:22knows what sells.
32:23You know what I mean?
32:24A lot of things that sold before don't sell anymore and a lot of things that people thought
32:28wouldn't sell are selling.
32:30So I just kind of feel like the formulas that we are so used to, we've been locked into
32:35for so long, I think that stuff's all going out the window.
32:38And that's the great thing about the internet is that you can try stuff and if it doesn't
32:42work, then you know pretty much right away.
32:47So I think that that's a good thing.
32:49Do you think like just on the topic of that and diversity, do you feel like there's racism
32:55in porn?
32:56It's a hard subject to explain.
32:59I don't think that the majority of porn producers and directors are racist.
33:04I've been treated very, very well the last four years that I've been doing this.
33:08Then run into very, very few instances that was pretty much racist.
33:13I think that the problem is that the fans can be, and people are afraid to do certain
33:21things with people of color because they think that the fans won't like it as much, so it
33:24won't sell as much.
33:25There's no point in doing it.
33:27Even though I think the porn community can be a really beautiful place.
33:31I've met some of the nicest, most amazing people I've ever met in the porn community.
33:37We're still kind of afraid to push those boundaries.
33:41We won't do things like put a black girl on the cover if we're afraid that people will
33:45think it's the all black movie.
33:47People don't shoot all black stuff as much because they don't think it'll sell as much.
33:51My opinion on that is just that if you give people the option that they'll still give
33:55it a shot and they'll end up liking it because if it's hot people fucking, people are going
33:59to watch it.
34:00But because I've never been on the other side where I can look at the exact numbers, I don't
34:05know if that's right.
34:07I can just speculate pretty much.
34:09Do you think that men face it more, like male black performers?
34:14I actually just got into, not a fight, but a heated debate with one of my friends about
34:19this because he's a new guy in porn, he's white.
34:22He doesn't have a small dick, but it's not like crazy huge either.
34:25Whenever he first started, he came out here with no money.
34:29He didn't know anybody.
34:30It took him a while to start getting those shoots.
34:34I tried to explain to him that there could be a guy who's just like you, who came over
34:37here with no money just like you did, who didn't know anybody just like you did, has
34:40the same size dick as you, and they wouldn't have nearly as much success as you've had
34:45because with black guys, you have to be really dark and really tall with a monster dick.
34:49That's the stereotype for them.
34:51If you're not that, it's going to be so much harder for you to get work.
34:54As a white guy, you can have a pretty good size dick, like six to eight inches, and you
35:00can do great if you're just a great performer, if you're nice to people on set, if you're
35:03not an asshole.
35:06With black people, with black guys especially, you have to fit that exact mold in order to
35:11do really well.
35:12Right, right.
35:13And then also too, I feel like the scenes that you get booked for have to be specifically
35:19an interracial scene.
35:20It's got to fit into an interracial format for an interracial movie.
35:24You can't just do a fucking scene.
35:27It's been improving.
35:28I've noticed in the last couple of years that I've been put in a lot more movies, partially
35:32because the other people called out.
35:33They knew that I was going to be able to get there fast and get the scene done.
35:37But I've been in movies that aren't supposed to be the interracial movie.
35:40It's just people fucking.
35:42So it's slowly starting to change, but I also have the advantage of I'm a lighter skin tone,
35:46I have a slimmer body, so I'm a little bit more acceptable to the audience that doesn't
35:50think of themselves as, I love black girls, like I'm super into black girls.
35:55The people give me more of a chance because I'm not the stereotype in their head of what
35:58a black girl is.
35:59Right, right.
36:00And that's the flip side.
36:02With black guys in the industry, you have to fit that stereotype.
36:04With black girls, I feel like we work more if we don't, because then we're, with black
36:10guys, they have to do those interracial scenes, like there's very few times they're going
36:13to be just doing a normal scene.
36:16It's the focus is the girl's really small and really pale, the guy's really big and
36:19really dark, and that's the whole point of the scene.
36:23With black girls, we also do a lot of interracial focused movies, but if we can also get those,
36:30this is just people fucking, we can do a lot better.
36:33So we have to be able to be more, what's the word I'm looking for, acceptable to those
36:39audiences that wouldn't normally look for black-born.
36:43So there could be girls who have the same personality as me, same work ethic, all of
36:48that kind of stuff, but they have a huge ass and a big afro, because people don't look
36:53at them and think, oh, that's the black girl movie, they don't look at it as much.
36:56Right, right, right.
36:57Yeah, that's really interesting.
37:00I actually shot a scene for my website with Alexis Fox and Isaiah Maxwell.
37:07And I asked her, because especially when I'm shooting stuff for my own site, I always ask
37:11the girl who she wants to work with.
37:13And she said, Isaiah.
37:14And I was like, great.
37:15And I booked Isaiah, and I was very particular.
37:20And then my distributor was like, oh, are you going to do an interracial series?
37:25I'm like, I just want it to be a scene.
37:28I just want it to be a scene with a hot guy and a hot girl.
37:31She asked for him.
37:32I'm not putting it in some interracial box.
37:36He's not playing some stereotypical male character.
37:39The scene was just literally, she's sleeping, he's her boyfriend, he comes, he wakes her
37:44up, they have sex.
37:46I really wanted to stay away from that whole...
37:49And it's annoying too, because when I shoot for my clients, if I'm looking for a guy,
37:54I can't just book a black guy, unless it's specifically an interracial scene.
38:00That's got to be a white dude.
38:01And that, to me, is just really frustrating, because there's a lot of really great male
38:05black performers who I would love to work with more, but they don't fit into that, oh,
38:12we're not doing an interracial scene.
38:14Why does it have to be that?
38:15Why can't it just...
38:17And so that's why I don't think that the industry is racist.
38:19I don't think that that happens because the people who are making porn don't like black
38:25I think that they're looking at numbers and analytics, and the industry as a whole still
38:28fetishizes black performers.
38:31So it's like, I don't know.
38:33I feel like we're slowly maybe making our way out of that.
38:38I definitely know that the question has been raised by some people as to some white girls
38:42charge more to have sex with black guys, what's called the IR rate.
38:47And some people argue, oh, it's just because they have such big dicks, but it's like, I
38:51know some white dudes who have fucking huge dicks too, and you're not charging more money
38:56for them.
38:57It's not a big dick fee.
38:58It's the black guy fee.
38:59It's the black guy fee.
39:00Yeah, exactly.
39:01And girls will hold out.
39:02I mean, I get it.
39:04Do what you got to do to make money, and I don't want to come down on people who do that,
39:08but that is one of those weird things about the adult industry that's a little iffy.
39:16It's a weird thing for me to think about just because I firmly believe that when it comes
39:20to sex work, you are worth as much as you're able to get people to pay you.
39:24So if you're able to get people to pay you two grand, awesome, that's how much that scene
39:27was worth.
39:29But for that in particular, it does make me feel uncomfortable because it makes it so
39:34that stuff gets shot less because then it's more expensive to shoot you for that.
39:38So that just drives it down even more.
39:40And then it also just sends a weird message.
39:44It's not a big dick fee, no matter what people try to say.
39:47So unless you were charging more, like, if it's more than 10 inches, you get to pay me
39:52There's really no point for that than the fact that you're fucking a black guy.
39:55And it's just gross.
39:56It's really gross.
39:57Do you know that in Europe that that doesn't exist?
40:00That's amazing.
40:01Yeah, like the interracial thing is not a thing in European porn.
40:04There's no interracial fee.
40:06There's no interracial, like, it's a black guy and a white girl.
40:10It's just a normal scene over there.
40:11It's only in America.
40:13I didn't know that.
40:14See, I heard this rumor that part of the reason why the interracial rate became that was because
40:20whenever girls were first doing porn back in the 80s or 90s, I think they said, if you
40:28were escorting and people found out that you were doing interracial porn, you couldn't
40:32charge as much for escorting.
40:34So then it became a thing like, oh, if I'm going to be losing money on my escorting stuff,
40:37then you're going to have to pay me more with the porn.
40:40But now I feel like less girls are doing that.
40:44More people just don't give a shit about what you're doing on your porn side if they're
40:48getting you as an escort.
40:50So there's no real point for it anymore.
40:51Like, that's how the standard got brought up.
40:54And now it's just tradition.
40:55So now new girls are coming in being told like, oh, if you charge an IRR rate for this,
40:59then you get more money.
41:00And they're like, okay, cool.
41:01I like more money.
41:02And so they're not racist.
41:03They're not doing it because they don't like fucking black people.
41:05Right, right, right.
41:06They just know they can make more money for it.
41:07So like, you know, we all got to do what we got to do to survive.
41:11So yeah, like, again, I don't want to sound like I'm coming down on girls who charge an
41:14IRR rate because I get that, you know.
41:16But I don't know.
41:17I feel like it's something that should be looked at.
41:21And I think it's something that people should maybe think about.
41:23I think more and more people are starting to just have standard boy-girl rates.
41:28I think that's been going down.
41:30Or maybe, you know, we should consider swapping that out for a big dick fee.
41:36I don't know.
41:37I don't think so.
41:38I don't think that would be fair.
41:41There are some guys.
41:43So personally, my ass stretches a lot more than my pussy.
41:46So there are some dudes that are so big that if I ever work with them, I'm going to beg
41:49for an anal scene because then I can stretch out with toys and things beforehand and be
41:55But it would be really hard to do just a straight-up pussy scene.
41:57But even then, like, I wouldn't turn it down.
41:59I would just try to ask for extra lube and things like that.
42:03If you're in the sex industry, sometimes you're going to be working with a guy with a huge
42:07Sometimes you're going to be working with a girl that has like a really small pussy.
42:09You're just going to have to be careful and be conscious of that.
42:13But there's no point for an extra fee for big dicks.
42:15It doesn't make any sense.
42:17Do you prefer doing girl-girl scenes or boy-girl scenes or does it just depend on the person?
42:21My favorite type of scene is a boy-girl-girl.
42:23I am bisexual.
42:24So if I can have both at the same time, that makes me really happy.
42:30So how long have you been in the industry now?
42:32Four years.
42:33About four years.
42:34What aspects of your career were you not prepared for?
42:39That's a really good question.
42:40I'm going to have to think about that for a second.
42:42I don't think I was prepared for how fleeting the friendships can be.
42:47There was this one girl that I was really close to whenever I first started, and whenever
42:51we started to become really close, I pictured us being friends for years and years and years.
42:56And then she got pregnant, she left the industry, and I didn't ever hear from her again.
43:00So that kind of hit me hard.
43:01I didn't think that it would be like that.
43:03Do you think your friendship was contingent on the fact that you both were in the industry?
43:07And so that's happened a couple of times to me since then, where I become really close
43:10to somebody because we're working a lot together, or we would be in the same model house, things
43:14like that.
43:15And then once that initial connection went away, it's just gone.
43:20Yeah, I hear you.
43:21I had some friends who I met because we were both in the adult industry and that I became
43:27close to.
43:29And now that they're not in the adult industry, I don't really talk to them that much anymore.
43:34Because our lives became so drastically different.
43:40And it made me realize that actually a lot of our friendship was just contingent on the
43:43fact that we had the same job.
43:45And so we had a lot to talk about in that sense, we had a lot in common.
43:48And then as soon as that mutual career situation wasn't there anymore, I was like, wow, we
43:53really don't have that much in common.
43:55And it makes sense because a lot of people can be judgmental about this kind of job.
43:59So it's nice to have friends who you can vent to that aren't going to tell you, oh, you're
44:03only sad because you're a whore or things like that, because you've had those kind of
44:08And so whenever we're doing this thing that can be really stressful and it's hard to understand
44:13unless you've done it, it's nice to have a friend that knows exactly what you're going
44:18With Nathan, the guy that I'm seeing right now, I think he and I work really well together
44:23because we both have the same job.
44:24I've dated other people casually before him.
44:28And it was weird because every time we get into a fight, that would be the first thing
44:31they would jump on.
44:33They'd be like, oh, you're just a whore.
44:34But he can't do that because he's a whore too.
44:38And it's easier to explain things like, oh, I don't want to fuck right now because I just
44:43had a nanal scene and I'm kind of sore.
44:45And he's like, oh, I totally get it, it's fine.
44:47There are times where he doesn't want to fuck because he's really sore because somebody
44:49was really toothy on a blowjob.
44:50Or he's got to work or he doesn't want to exhaust himself.
44:55It's easier for us to understand that because we have been there before.
44:59So there are a lot of things I didn't have to explain with him.
45:01A lot of things that work, like I can borrow porn clothes from him if I ever get a call
45:05sheet that says to bring a boyfriend shirt or something like that.
45:09And I can also work with him.
45:10We can shoot our own content together at home and we make money off of it together, which
45:14is fantastic.
45:15Yeah, that's got to be great.
45:20Is there anything that you wish that you had done differently at the start of your career?
45:24Knowing what you know now, could you go back and tell your fresh, new-to-porn self, is
45:28there any advice that you would give yourself?
45:30I would tell myself to be more assertive.
45:33I, when I first started, didn't have the most caring agent.
45:37I don't think he was evil, but he kind of had this system where he was the agent and
45:42then he would give us different managers and he wouldn't really be that hands-on.
45:46So I would have an agent who was actually a manager, he just didn't go through all the
45:49paperwork of becoming an agent.
45:51And they would send me on really sketchy jobs, that there's one guy that kept sending me
45:54to escorting gigs without telling me that's what it was, like he would insist it was a
45:57shoot and then I'll get there and just be like one guy.
46:00So I wish that I could go back and tell myself like, hey, you don't have to put up with this,
46:05this is not how the industry should be.
46:07You should say no, you should make a stink about this, and you should leave that agency
46:10a lot sooner than I ended up doing.
46:13And now that I'm with an agent who's amazing, a spiegler, and he's, in my opinion, the best
46:18agent I could possibly have.
46:20He's pretty much the best.
46:21I think everybody feels that way.
46:23So I'm glad that I got with him, but I wish I could have gotten with him sooner.
46:29He's got a waiting list.
46:30It's not that easy to get with spiegler.
46:32I know a lot of girls who want to be on his roster and he keeps it small, which is good
46:36because he can individually care for all of his girls.
46:39I think he's the best agent for me, but I try to tell people, he may not be the best
46:43agent for you.
46:44He is kind of strict.
46:45He is, yeah.
46:47He doesn't work for some girls.
46:48I mean, that's why as a producer, like we love him.
46:50Like I was actually just explaining to my assistant the other day because we had so
46:54many fucking cancellations lately.
46:58We had a girl booked for tomorrow who canceled.
47:02And I was like, look, I'm like, call spiegler because the great thing about spiegler is
47:05that like, because a lot of these other agents would be like, oh yeah, this girl shows open
47:08on that day.
47:09And I'd be like, okay, great.
47:10And then they'll call me back two days later.
47:12Oh no, she like has a doctor's appointment or she can't or she says she's not available.
47:16And I'm like, fuck, I got to start from square one.
47:18If spiegler says a girl's open, she's fucking open.
47:22Like if she made an appointment that day or something, like she's not going to that appointment.
47:25She's coming to set.
47:27She is open and she's, and another thing that I really appreciate is that you guys
47:30are always tested and there's no like, there's like he makes you guys test.
47:35So it overlaps.
47:36So there's never like a period where you aren't tested.
47:40Because another thing that I've had to explain to my assistant, because she's new, is that
47:46like, I really don't want talent to test the day before the shoot.
47:51Because that means that their test results come in that next morning and we're already
47:55on set.
47:56And if they test dirty, they're already in makeup.
48:00And I have to send them home and try to find somebody else.
48:03So I'm all about like, they need to test like at least two days before.
48:10And a lot of like, I don't know, the agents don't tell them or the girls don't care.
48:14And they're like, and then they get mad at me when I cancel them.
48:18And I'm like, I've been fucking super clear about this since the beginning.
48:22It's a policy that like MindGeek has.
48:24I mean, all my clients are like the same, because I've had that happen, where I've had
48:28to send a girl home, because her test came home dirty, and it fucked my day up and cost
48:33me a lot of money.
48:34So that's another thing that I love about Speakler.
48:36Like if I call him and I ask for a girl, I know if he says she's available, I know she's
48:39tested and I know she's available, I don't even have to question it.
48:43And see, he's really great at, oh, I'm sorry, giving us texts like the day before, hey,
48:48let's get tested tomorrow.
48:49Let me know you got this.
48:50And whenever I first started, my other agent, I lived in a model house with them, and they
48:57would just drive me whenever I needed to go get tested, and I would only go get tested
49:01whenever I had work.
49:03Which I understand, because they're not, it's not cheap to get tested.
49:07But I missed out on working with my idol because of that system, and I'm still really sad about
49:12it, because I-
49:13Can you say who it was?
49:14Yes, it was Skin Diamond, right before she left.
49:17Oh, and she's gone.
49:19I'll never be able to work with her.
49:20But Skin Diamond's showcase from Elegant Angel was the first time I ever paid for porn.
49:21I loved her.
49:22And so, they told me that, my agency told me that my shoot with her was going to be
49:23on the second of the month, and it was going to be on a Monday.
49:24So, I was thinking like, well, I was completely broke at that point, and I knew I was going
49:25to have to borrow money from my agent to go get tested.
49:26So, I was going to go ahead and wait to get tested until the last second, and then I was
49:27going to go back to work.
49:28So, I was like, okay, I'm going to go back to work.
49:29I'm going to go back to work.
49:30I'm going to go back to work.
49:31I'm going to go back to work.
49:32And so, I kept asking them, like, over and over, if it's on the second, right?
49:33It's on the second, right?
49:34They're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
49:35It turns out it was on the first.
49:36Oh, no.
49:37And it was on the second.
49:38Oh, no.
49:39And it was on the second.
49:40Oh, no.
49:41And it was on the second.
49:42Oh, no.
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49:44Oh, no.
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53:48Oh, no.
