Biden dismisses age questions, swears to remain in race

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00:00It was seen as a make-or-break interview for Joe Biden's campaign.
00:05Grilled over his debate performance by ABC host George Stephanopoulos, the U.S. president
00:11shrugged off his poor showing as nothing more than a bad day.
00:15It was a bad episode.
00:18No indication of any serious condition, I was exhausted, I didn't listen to my instincts
00:24in terms of preparing, and a bad night.
00:28Biden's much-decried performance, during which he repeatedly misspoke and at times
00:33seemed to lose his bearings, raised concerns over his ability to serve another four-year
00:40Many observers and pundits, including within his own camp, questioned whether the 81-year-old
00:45still had the physical and mental capabilities to lead the country, with some calling for
00:50him to step aside and let a younger candidate challenge Donald Trump.
00:55But on Friday, Biden was back on the campaign trail.
00:59Speaking to his supporters at a Wisconsin rally, he brushed aside suggestions he would
01:03drop out of the presidential race.
01:05We had a little debate last week.
01:08I can't say it was my best performance, but ever since then there's been a lot of speculation.
01:15What's Joe going to do?
01:16Is he going to stay in the race?
01:17Is he going to drop out?
01:18What's he going to do?
01:19So here's my answer.
01:24I am running and going to win again.
01:29Signaling his intention to stay in the running, Biden's team announced plans for a $50 million
01:35ad campaign this month, as well as scheduled visits to every battleground state.
01:40On Friday, the U.S. president said he'd spoken to over a dozen congressmen who all wanted
01:45him to stay on as the Democratic candidate.
