• 3 months ago


00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02But you're not that much older than us, okay?
00:04I just think it's great that they invited you into their group.
00:06It means they're not ageists.
00:08Hey, why don't you do one of those IT courses?
00:10Your father likes to promise the world
00:12and then cuts and runs when it all gets too hard.
00:14Is there any chance to keep the business afloat
00:16without Dad's money?
00:18You know, there might be another way to get a version of what we wanted.
00:21I'm worried about Grandad.
00:23Having the residence so close to the school,
00:25it just doesn't feel like it's working.
00:27I'm sorry, but I'm taking him back to Port Douglas.
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:42You can find the perfect blend
00:51Should be there for one another
00:56That's when good neighbours
00:59Should be there for good friends
01:08Oh, that exhibition was wonderful.
01:11Yes, not too crowded?
01:12No, no, not at all.
01:14Ah, yes, on the way home in the bus,
01:17I sat next to that Eleonora.
01:19You know, the Italian woman.
01:20Oh, yeah.
01:21How's she getting on since Harvey passed?
01:23Ah, well, you see, that's it.
01:24He was her main translator and,
01:26well, since he's gone,
01:28it's very hard to communicate.
01:29OK, I'll get in touch with the interpreter
01:31and do a proper check-in.
01:32Oh, that will be a weight off my mind.
01:34OK, yeah.
01:36Hello, what's this? Full house?
01:38We're just here to talk.
01:40Well, who did all this?
01:42No, no, we didn't touch anything, Harold.
01:44It was me.
01:45Hey, Grandad.
01:48Oh, when did you get here?
01:50Oh, and what's all this?
01:54I am worried about your safety.
01:56That's why you're coming back to Queensland with me.
02:04I heard from Sadie about Vic shooting through.
02:07So whatever I can do to help.
02:09Well, how about investing in a vineyard?
02:11If only I had that kind of cash.
02:14You and me both.
02:16To be honest, I'm, um,
02:18I'm on the verge of giving up.
02:22Well, have you thought about asking Christa for help?
02:24Yeah, she's offered, but it's not the right solution.
02:29Your father?
02:30Oh, I don't need a handout.
02:32What I need is a legitimate business partner.
02:36Well, if you do talk to your dad, say thanks for Brett.
02:39Yeah, I'm sorry.
02:40He's a bit of an absent manager.
02:42Yeah, and when he is here, he's as useful as a chocolate teapot.
02:48Oh, I'm sorry.
02:49Do you mind if I take this? It's my cousin.
02:51Yeah, give me a shout if you want another.
02:52Yeah, yeah, sure, thanks.
02:55Hey, Kiri.
02:57Hey, um, how's Magnetic Island going?
03:04To be honest, I'm, um,
03:07I'm pretty freaking miserable.
03:10Okay, it was a little cheeky of me to start packing your things.
03:15But after everything you told me, I just thought you'd be ready to leave.
03:19Well, I'd admit that there were a few issues.
03:21Yeah, well, take a look at this.
03:24It's a new retirement place in Port Douglas,
03:27surrounded by lush tropical gardens and a guarded security gate.
03:35But most importantly, Grandad, it's around the corner.
03:37So if something happens to you,
03:38I'm only five minutes away instead of a three-hour plane ride.
03:41Sky, we talked about this.
03:44You understood why I wanted to come back.
03:49Grandad, I accepted your decision because I felt like this was the best place for you.
03:54But it hasn't turned out that way.
03:56But this is where I want to be.
03:59I'm just not convinced it's safe.
04:02It's safe, and more than that, I'm happy.
04:07I don't want to leave here.
04:19Oh, yeah. G'day.
04:22I've been looking at a couple of IT courses online,
04:25and I just had a couple more questions, mainly just about the content.
04:31Yeah, okay.
04:32So when would they be available?
04:36This morning?
04:37Okay, yeah.
04:38I'll just juggle a couple of things around then.
04:41Yeah, I'll just see you then.
04:43Okay, bye.
04:46Off to work?
04:47Yeah. Hey, why are you acting weird?
04:49Oh, I'm not.
04:52Okay, whatever. See you at lunchtime.
05:04This is all my fault.
05:06I'm ranting and rabbing about Vic.
05:08I should have been focused on work.
05:10I am so sorry.
05:11Well, in fairness, she did have a very good reason for being distracted.
05:14Yes, Vic's behaviour is outrageous.
05:16Sure, but the ranting and raving was bad timing in front of Sky.
05:20Well, that man has caused enough chaos and upset without me adding to it.
05:24I'm putting my strategy to bond the offending students and residents into action today.
05:30Oh, that's fast.
05:32I'm counting the votes for resident representative.
05:34I mightn't be able to join you.
05:35You come when you can, Susan.
05:37I think we need to act now if Sky is planning on whisking Harold away.
05:41I have sent Tony to go and speak to Sky this morning.
05:44So, what's the plan?
05:47It's a simple idea.
05:49Inspired after watching the growing friendship between JJ and Harold.
05:53Have you been practising your music today?
05:55Oh, no, no, no.
05:57Out of courtesy to my nearest neighbour, I usually leave until after midday.
06:03Oh, so you can't play something now?
06:05Even just little cheeky notes?
06:08Live on the edge, eh?
06:15I love it. I love it.
06:18Knock, knock.
06:19Oh, Sky, good timing.
06:21I want you to meet young JJ.
06:23JJ, this is my granddaughter.
06:26JJ works here.
06:27Does all sorts of odd jobs.
06:29And he was the one to track down my tuba.
06:33Oh, which should never have been stolen in the first place.
06:36Oh, dear.
06:37I'd better keep moving.
06:39Also, I'm here to remind everyone to vote for their resident representative today.
06:43Oh, yes, yes. In fact, look, I'll go downstairs and do it right now.
06:46Great. Thanks, Harold.
06:49Lovely young fella.
06:57Can we talk about the elephant in the room?
06:59Oh, Tony, it's nothing personal.
07:02I just wanted to reassure you that I love Harold and I would do anything to protect him.
07:06And everyone around here would.
07:08So, really, you have nothing to worry about.
07:10Thank you. That really means a lot.
07:13But until I'm convinced that this is the best place for him, I'm going to keep pushing for him to leave.
07:22I'm back!
07:27Welcome back.
07:29I'm so glad you did this.
07:30I'm so glad I could get on a last minute flight.
07:33Well, I've got no investors and no money, but you coming back to work with me,
07:37it's the best thing to happen to me in ages.
07:40Well, like I said last night, it's good timing for both of us.
07:43Yeah. How is Glenn with the sudden departure?
07:46Oh, he's fine. It really wasn't all that sudden.
07:48He knows I've been restless for a while. Something's missing for me.
07:54I can relate to that.
07:56Yeah, I can't believe David's not here.
07:58Yeah, me neither.
08:01But, you know, Isla's looking more like him every day.
08:04I can't wait to see her. And Aaron.
08:07And Nicolette.
08:08And Nicolette.
08:10I won't be calling her personally, but she's going to find out I'm here eventually.
08:15Yeah. So, to be clear, you'd rather not cross paths with her at all?
08:19Look, I just want to work hard and help you make this place great.
08:22Okay? Starting from now.
08:30Oh my goodness, it's chokers in there.
08:33Tell me about it.
08:34Jane gets in touch with me an hour ago and gives me a heads up
08:38saying that she needs a neutral place for a meeting.
08:40So, you know, busy, busy, busy.
08:42Yeah, well, tell me about it.
08:43Because between home and work and uni and my social life,
08:47you know, I've barely got time to scratch myself.
08:48You've got something on your face.
08:51On the, yeah, that's the other side.
08:54Yeah, that's it.
08:58That's a fake eyelash.
09:00It's very weird.
09:01Um, I never wear these. It's a very young person thing.
09:06I probably caught it off Sadie.
09:09Hey, I'd better get back in there. I'll see you later.
09:11Yeah, I'll see you. Have fun.
09:26Alright everyone, you've had a chance to introduce yourselves.
09:29You'll notice on each table is a sheet of paper with conversation prompts.
09:34The idea is to ask each other questions and, well, get chatting.
09:44I'm still not convinced this is going to work.
09:47Give it a chance.
09:49This is how relationships are formed.
09:52Well, if it works, it'll solve a lot of our problems.
09:56Hey, could you get off the...
10:00Because you're meant to be talking to him.
10:03We said hello. He's not interested. What's the point?
10:06Hello. What can I get you?
10:08Un caffè forte con un po' di latte.
10:11Un latte va bene.
10:13Un caffè forte con una goccia di latte.
10:17Oh, so not a latte?
10:20She wants a strong coffee with a dash of milk.
10:21Thank you. Okay, no worries. I'll get that for you.
10:25Um, you speak Italian?
10:27Yeah, my nonno and nonno told me.
10:30Parlo poco italiano, si ho detto che caffè vuole.
10:37We get the feeling that Jasmine is with the wrong partner.
10:40I think so.
10:44So, how were Nick and Byron when they told you?
10:48Embarrassed. Ashamed. Devastated.
10:54I mean, I'm devastated too.
10:57The reason I took Vic's pitch on is because he said we were going to build a legacy for Abby and Iowa.
11:04David would have loved the sound of that.
11:07Yeah, I think about him a lot when I'm here.
11:11I mean, it's beautiful here.
11:14I can see why you're desperate to save it.
11:18Well, you're back to help, so that's a good start.
11:21But without a big wad of cash...
11:27You know, you've always had a good relationship with God.
11:30Maybe you can pray for a miracle.
11:38I'm so sorry, there's one more question I forgot to ask you about the course.
11:42Yep, if you've still got time now, I can just duck back up to your office.
11:46Okay, great. See you in a tick.
11:47Okay, great. See you in a tick.
11:49And I'm really looking forward to enrolling.
11:54Hey you!
11:57Oh my goodness, how did you guys pull up after the other night?
12:00Because I was rotten as, but I'm prepared to do it all again for Thirsty Thursdays.
12:08Why do I have to swap? I'm not an interpreter. I don't even want to be here.
12:12It's not a job. Just hang out.
12:15Hang out?
12:17Jasmine, you can think of it as a way to help yourself, right?
12:20You're going to have to face those robbery charges soon,
12:22and as someone who's been there and done that,
12:24showing signs of good behaviour is really going to help your case.
12:28Jasmine, I believe we should be pairing you with Eleonora.
12:33Yes, Miss Harris. I'm so excited.
12:36Great attitude.
12:38And JJ and Nell, perhaps you could join Mr Johnson.
12:42Although I don't know that he'll be contributing very much.
12:46I hope you don't mind chatting with me and JJ.
12:51I'll cope.
13:08How much better is this looking?
13:10You've really come through, Jasmine.
13:12It's important to get the proportions right, which is why I have to draw a bunch of lines.
13:17Oh, Sky, you'll love this.
13:21You know Nell, Jarrah's daughter, yes?
13:24Yeah, I do. Although you look so different from the last time I saw you.
13:28Well, she's into comic book art, just as you were when you were a teenager.
13:34Yeah. I loved manga. It's actually how I bonded with my wife, Lana.
13:39Way cool.
13:41You see, everyone's getting along famously and there's no need for me to leave.
13:46Yeah, no need at all.
13:57She says that her wardrobe drawer isn't shutting properly.
14:04And she wants to go to a special food store to buy olives.
14:07Oh, Jasmine, this is so helpful. And you've really brought Eleonora out of her shell.
14:12We do have on-call interpreters available to our residents.
14:16But since Eleonora's husband passed away, she's been keeping to herself.
14:20Well, she's been quite chatty today. She offered to teach me how to play Scoppa for money.
14:29That only happened because of you.
14:31Okay, Jasmine's the one who can speak Italian.
14:33Yeah, but you convinced her to get involved.
14:35That was really cool.
14:40Oh, I think Mr. Johnson's waking up. I've got to go tell him what he missed.
14:47You probably don't need me to tell you this, but even Nella Vibey, she's got a date lined up with Dex.
14:53Can't mess with that.
14:55Alright, everyone, I think we can agree today has been a wonderful morning.
15:00But it is time for us to head back, so if you'd all like to make your way to the bus.
15:03Oh, I forgot to ask. Who won the ballot? Was it Laura or Hilary?
15:07Hey guys, Grandad's going to stay here with me. We're going to go for a walk around the lake,
15:11so I'll drop him back later if that's okay.
15:13Great, thanks for letting us know.
15:16Do you think Skye might have changed her mind about not taking Harold away?
15:20Oh, I hope so. I mean, surely this activity made an impression.
15:26Hello, hi. Nicolette. Look, I'm sorry, can I call you back?
15:30I've got a bunch of residents and students I need to get on a bus.
15:33No, darling, if it's important, then of course. What is it?
15:38No, bring as many as you'd like.
15:40Yeah, we look forward to seeing you then. Bye.
15:43Numbers are up for the product demo.
15:45We've got 50 people so far, which is pretty good considering it's such short notice.
15:50Yeah, well, I guess free food and drinks get the punters in, right?
15:53Yeah, well, I've also managed to convince some of Melbourne's biggest wedding planners to come.
15:56Oh, sounds good.
15:58And like they say in those infomercials, that's not all.
16:04I get a free set of steak knives?
16:06No, I think I've found us a potential investor.
16:12Me. Look, I've been looking for something bigger and more challenging for a while now.
16:17You know, something where I can have some ownership and I think this could be it.
16:22What kind of share are you thinking?
16:23It's not as much as Vic was putting on the table, but I've talked to my bank and I think it's enough to keep us afloat until the events crank up and start bringing in cash.
16:33I mean, unless, of course, you're not interested in having me involved in that way, which is also totally fair.
16:39Not interested?
16:41You're amazing.
16:46I don't know about you, but I am famished.
16:50Oh, look.
17:01I wasn't planning on mentioning this, but when I saw you and Nell together before, I got a bit emotional.
17:11Really? Why?
17:12I don't know.
17:14I guess it reminded me of when I was Nell's age and when I was into my comics and living with you.
17:21Oh, the sweet ache of nostalgia, eh?
17:26No, it was more than that, Grandad.
17:29It actually made me realise why I've been wanting you to come back to Queensland.
17:35The real reason.
17:36I feel like, I feel like I've failed you all those years.
17:41Failed me?
17:43Yeah, we've had you in our lives for so long, living in your apartment just a few streets away.
17:49But I didn't know that you needed help.
17:52Well, I didn't exactly tell you either, did I?
17:56When you told me that you were moving here, I didn't know what to do.
17:59I didn't know that you needed help.
18:01Well, I didn't exactly tell you either, did I?
18:05When you told me that you were moving here, it just all happened so quickly.
18:08And it wasn't until after you'd left that I realised how much I missed you.
18:14And then the guilt set in.
18:17I feel so guilty.
18:21Grandad, you did so much for me.
18:25I should be looking after you.
18:27But now you have your own life to live with Lara and the children.
18:35I want to be here.
18:38I know.
18:40I see that now.
18:42It's funny.
18:44I thought I was coming here for you, but it turns out it was for me.
18:48I'm really going to miss you.
18:50And I'm going to miss you, but we will be able to see each other when we want.
18:55I know.
18:57I'm sorry I came in all guns blazing.
19:00It's me, your mother's daughter.
19:04Oh, I love you, Grandad.
19:07Oh dear, and I love you, Sky.
19:18I hope it isn't going to be commonplace finding you here every time I come home.
19:23We have a very good reason this time, Harold.
19:25You have been voted resident representative.
19:31But I wasn't even nominated.
19:33But you're so popular.
19:35Your friends voted for you.
19:37Well, I guess you staying here really is meant to be.
19:40I'm proud of you.
19:49No, honestly, I can't wait for you to meet Krista.
19:52I know you guys are going to get on so well.
19:53Well, if she can put up with you, she must be good.
19:57Hello, hello, hello.
20:02I know I was going to see you eventually, but I had an afternoon off, so I thought why not now?
20:07How are you going to be staying for?
20:09Well, considering I just bought into the vineyard, I'd say I'm back permanently.
20:14Oh my goodness, that is amazing. You must be so happy.
20:17Oh, I mean, that's why we're celebrating. You want to join?
20:19Oh yeah, absolutely.
20:21So where are you going to be staying?
20:23Because you can absolutely stay at mine if you're looking for somewhere in the short term.
20:26Yeah, let's discuss that in a second.
20:28If I don't go to the toilet, I'm going to burst.
20:31Oh my god, I love her so much.
20:34And the way that she dropped everything to come down here to help you, it's pretty amazing.
20:41It was amazing.
20:43What's happened?
20:46We have a very big problem.
20:51Coming up on Neighbours.
20:53Saw you and Logan getting on really well.
20:56What do you mean by that?
20:58She is outrageous.
21:00Haz is worried about getting Vera offside.
21:03I don't want to live in fear anymore.
21:06What are you doing here?