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The 18th season of "America's Got Talent" returns with a new set of aspiring performers looking to compete for the ultimate $1 million prize. Executive Producer Simon Cowell returns to the star-studded judging panel with global fashion icon Heidi Klum, fan-favorite comedian Howie Mandel and acclaimed actress and international superstar Sofia Vergara. The dynamic Terry Crews returns as host. This season promises to deliver some of the wildest acts to ever grace the "AGT" stage. Find America's Got Talent trailers, full episode highlights, previews, promos, clips, and digital exclusives here.
The 18th season of "America's Got Talent" returns with a new set of aspiring performers looking to compete for the ultimate $1 million prize. Executive Producer Simon Cowell returns to the star-studded judging panel with global fashion icon Heidi Klum, fan-favorite comedian Howie Mandel and acclaimed actress and international superstar Sofia Vergara. The dynamic Terry Crews returns as host. This season promises to deliver some of the wildest acts to ever grace the "AGT" stage. Find America's Got Talent trailers, full episode highlights, previews, promos, clips, and digital exclusives here.
00:00Hello. You can't see me. You'll never see me, but I am back.
00:19Judges, I'm coming to see you.
00:25Shall we toast my return?
00:32David, please think of a memory from your childhood.
00:40David, in front of you is a pen and paper.
00:44Please write down a memory from your childhood in just a few words.
00:50Amanda, look away. That's better.
00:59Keep looking away, Amanda.
01:06Now, David, think of the exact hour and minute when that memory happened.
01:13Go with your instincts. Write that hour and minute on a piece of paper.
01:20It is important that you lock that time into your memory.
01:25Now fold up the paper and hold it in your hand.
01:31Don't let go.
01:35Amanda, can you confirm you have no idea what is about to happen?
01:41No, I've got no clue.
01:43Then, Amanda, follow me onto the stage. Let's head over to my work desk.
01:49Come along quickly, Amanda. Time is of the essence, quickly, Amanda.
01:56Quickly, watch your step.
02:00Come along.
02:04They tell you that X marks the spot. Stand on the X beside the red chair to your left.
02:12Stand on the X, and let me just move these papers.
02:22This blueprint is for something that I've built.
02:26Let's keep it away from prying eyes for now, though.
02:34Amanda, behind you is something I've been working on since we last met.
02:41Amanda, look, there it is. Please walk over to the machine.
02:49It will enable you to join me in my invisible world. Quickly, round the back.
02:54Now, please step inside. The crew will help you. Yes.
02:59The crew will help you, and don't be scared.
03:05Ha ha ha ha.
03:07Is that you, Tommy?
03:23One of your powers is to now pass through solid walls.
03:28Take my hand. You are now completely invisible, just like me.
03:32Great. Let's walk over to my desk.
03:45Now, take a seat.
03:52And focus your energy on the candle.
03:57Now look over at the judges. You can see them, but they can't see you.
04:03Simon, silently think of a number from one to ten.
04:09Hold up that number of fingers now.
04:14And David, please come up onto the stage with your piece of paper.
04:21Join us at the table and sit on the red chair.
04:27Amanda, please tell Simon how many fingers he is holding up.
04:33Simon, you're holding up seven fingers.
04:39Welcome, Simon.
04:42Amanda, open the lost property box.
04:46David, place the piece of paper into the box beside the note that I have written to you.
04:52Amanda, close the lid.
04:56David, think of your memory. Think of the exact time in hours and minutes that you wrote down.
05:07Focus on it clearly and tell us exactly what time was it.
05:15Do I say it now?
05:17Yes, tell us.
05:18Sorry. 12.15pm.
05:22And David, you can see an object covered with a red cloth here at the end of my work desk.
05:29It has been sitting here this entire time.
05:33And nobody has been near it. Yet some don't believe me.
05:37So Amanda, pull the cloth away and show us.
05:46David, stand up. Stand up, David.
05:52And walk to the side of the stage.
05:55This side?
05:56The other side, David.
05:58Sorry, this one.
06:00Left, David, turn left.
06:02David, your mother left behind you, David.
06:05I'm over here, David. I'm over here.
06:08This side?
06:10I can't hear him very well. Sorry. I can't hear him. I can't hear. Sorry.
06:15David, you'll see a mirror over there. Stand on the X and face the mirror.
06:22Now, look to your left because Amanda is standing next to you.
06:29Stand on the X, David, and look in the mirror.
06:37Amanda, David is thinking of a memory. What is it?
06:45I can see water.
06:49I can see an accident.
06:54I think David's in maybe like a girl guide outfit.
06:59Oh no, no. It's like a cub. Do you still have the cub? It's like the cubs.
07:05I think David fell into some water.
07:09David fell into a river, dressed up as a cub.
07:18Now, David, walk back to my work desk on stage.
07:25And Amanda, please open the box.
07:28David, inside the box are two pieces of paper. Take them both with you and return to the judge's desk.
07:37One of those pieces of paper is going to be important in a moment, David.
07:43Thank you, Amanda. You can close the box again.
07:48I couldn't hear it. I just can't.
07:50Now, Amanda, the time has come.
07:54You have briefly visited me in my invisible world.
08:00The time is coming.
08:02I need you to breathe in, Amanda, and focus on yourself becoming the person that you once were.
08:12Amanda, the time has come for you to return to your reality and wake up.
08:27Amanda, you may return to the judge's desk.
08:31And David, take a deep breath.
08:38Return to your seat, Amanda.
08:43Thank you for joining me in my invisible world.
08:48David, you are holding a message from me.
08:52Please read it out loud.
08:55David, you can't see me. You'll never see me.
09:01But I am always right here.
09:05Until next time, goodbye.
09:36Come, little judges. I'll take you away.
09:53To a land of fear, my darlings.
09:58The time's to play.
10:06To a land of fear, my darlings.
10:14To a land of fear, my darlings.
10:18To a land of fear, my darlings.
10:38In this whole wide world, the only thing you need to be afraid of is me.
10:49For I have the power to conjure your deepest, darkest fears, you see.
10:59Reach into the box and take what's inside.
11:04I'm ready.
11:17Hurry up, my dear. I don't have all night.
11:23There's nothing in there.
11:26There's nothing in there.
11:34A premonition.
11:37Which fear will we meet tonight?
11:45A look into the future of the choices made.
11:49Destiny or chance.
11:52But which will you choose?
11:57You all have nightmares and fears.
12:03And I feel them all.
12:06So many nightmares.
12:10So many fears.
12:17Little man.
12:22What is your fear? Reach inside and pray tell.
12:27Do I read it out?
12:31Pray tell.
12:35My fear is David Hasselhoff returning to the show.
12:40No. Sorry, it's tapeworm.
12:44I'm scared of a tapeworm.
12:46Fate has brought us to a place in your soul that no one could know.
12:51Or could they?
12:56What is your fear?
12:58You right now.
13:02Oh, you want me to pick one?
13:06I don't really want to go for that. I don't really want to touch it.
13:17What? What? What? What? What?
13:20This is reforming mystique.
13:24Earring. Earring what? Earring?
13:27Earring. Earring. Earring.
13:30Earring. Earring.
13:33It looked like earrings, sorry.
13:36I have no fear to remember this moment, but...
13:47The Cowl.
13:49Such a strong name.
13:51Then you stink of fear.
13:57By the way, if I may so, you don't smell great yourself.
14:05What am I supposed to do now?
14:07Read it.
14:08Well, I know that. And do what?
14:10Just tell him.
14:12Losing the phone number of my plastic surgery.
14:26What does it say? What does it say, Simon?
14:30David has just signed a ten-year contract.
14:35No, maggots.
14:37Oh, God.
14:39How pathetic.
14:41Well, I didn't write it.
14:44But you chose it.
14:47Well, my pretty.
14:50Here is where it all ends, because tonight is all about you.
14:54Your fear. Your choice.
14:58Great Hell.
15:09Oh, God.
15:11What's that?
15:13Oh, no!
15:17Oh, no!
15:19Oh, God, no!
15:21There's no way out!
15:25Look into the future.
15:28Reach inside the box.
15:30Take the manuscript.
15:32And I'll prove to you what I knew all along.
15:37Reach inside.
15:39Is there a rat in there?
15:41Reach inside.
15:43Look inside!
15:51Is there a rat in there?
15:53Oh, no!
16:15What's the matter, Amanda?
16:20That's got your tongue!
16:47I'd like to show you something.