La vida prometida Cap 5

  • vor 3 Monaten
La vida prometida Cap 5


00:30Io ti cerco, ti invoco follemente Per dirti che ti amo, appassionato
00:48Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
01:07Fai fiorire la passione Come il suono della mia canzone
01:37Amapola, dolcissima amapola La luce dei miei giorni splendente
02:07A su servizio, Don Vincenzo
02:22Acaba de llegar de América
02:24Dile a mi primo que aún no podemos irnos. Tengo que ajustar cuentas con la familia del varón. Venga, vete.
02:43Nunzia, ven aquí. Por favor, que nunca falten flores en la tumba del varón. ¿Entendido?
02:58¡Compren la voz de Italia! ¡Los asesinatos en Nueva York no cesan! ¡Tiroteo entre bandas rivales!
03:20Doña Carmela, ¿cómo es posible que siempre les pase lo mismo?
03:23Enseguida llegará Antonio, tenga paciencia.
03:26Entiendo, ¿pero seremos capaces de reunirlos a todos?
03:39¡Atentado en el consulado italiano de Buenos Aires! ¡Hay más de doscientos...
03:43Tengo que irme ya, es tarde.
03:45No, espere un poco.
03:47Ya ha llegado.
03:49Perdonad, he tardado más por comprarle el periódico a Alfred.
03:53Ah, la culpa es mía.
03:55Siempre hay excusas para todo.
03:57Venga, colócaos todos. Hagamos la foto, María, tú a mi lado.
04:01Venga, venga, tenga paciencia, señor. ¿Queréis haceros la fotografía, sí o no?
04:04Ven, ven, Rocco.
04:06Tú aquí, pequeño.
04:08¡Alfredo, Antonio, venga!
04:10Todos listos.
04:13Muy bien, quietos. ¿Cómo estáis? Y no os mováis.
04:18No, espere, espere. Me he equivocado.
04:20¿Qué pasa ahora, Doña Carmela? Por favor.
04:22Que quiero hacer la foto como la que hicimos la última vez.
04:25Ahora también estoy yo, mamá.
04:26Sí, mi vida.
04:27Venga, mamá, da igual, da igual.
04:29No, no da igual. Poneos Antonio donde Alfredo y Alfredo donde Antonio.
04:33Venga, venga.
04:34¿Estamos o no estamos?
04:36Así sí.
04:37Vamos allá.
04:53¿Qué pasa?
05:16¡Para, Carmela!
05:21¡Compórtate, no me toques!
05:22¡Es que no te da vergüenza!
05:24¡Cerdo cochino!
05:26¡Es increíble que eres un cerdo!
05:28¡Se lo voy a decir a tu madre!
05:30¡Pero cómo te atreves! ¡Pareces un pulpo con esas manos!
05:33Un pulpo.
05:34Angela, ¿qué ocurre? ¿Por qué dices eso?
05:37Pregúntesele usted a su hijo. Me ha metido mano debajo de la ropa.
05:40Pues ya ves tú. Uno más, uno menos, ¿qué más dará?
05:43Doña Carmen, no se lo permito.
05:44¿Qué estás diciendo? Si te has insinuado a todos mis hijos.
05:47Son ellos que siempre se me echan encima.
05:49Si hasta lo has intentado con el pobre Rocco.
05:51¿Pero qué está diciendo? Ha entrado en el baño con todo fuera.
05:54Tiene que encerrarle en la jaula de las palomas.
05:57El tonto ese está salido como un perro.
05:59Escúchame bien.
06:00Tú para hablar de mi hijo te lavas la boca, ¿entendido?
06:03Rocco es como los demás.
06:05Y tápate, anda.
06:06El espectáculo ha terminado a vuestras casas.
06:09Pero bueno, ¿qué ha pasado?
06:10Dios mío, Rocco.
06:11Una vergüenza, una vergüenza.
06:14Y tú, vístete.
06:16Tú a las mujeres ni se te ocurra mirarlas.
06:19¡Qué vergüenza si estuviera tu padre!
06:21¿Sabes qué te haría?
06:23¡Y ahora desaparece de mi vista!
06:27Perdón, mamá, perdón.
06:29Rocco es malo, Rocco es malo.
07:05Malo, Rocco, es malo, malo.
07:47No, no.
07:48No tengas miedo, Rosa.
08:17¿Eso qué es?
08:22¿Dónde corres, señora?
08:29¿Qué haces?
08:31¿Qué quieres hacer?
08:39¡Vuelve a casa!
08:43You're free, you can fly!
08:53He's crazy!
08:57Rocco, what are you doing?
09:00Rocco, get down from there!
09:08I'm coming with you, Rosa.
09:11Rosa, because Rocco can fly too.
09:14Rocco can fly too.
09:16He can fly!
09:18Rocco is free.
09:20Let's go flying.
09:22No one will be able to stop us.
09:25Fly, fly, Rosa.
09:27And also fly, Rocco.
09:31Rocco is free.
09:35Rocco is free.
09:38Go, fly.
09:42Rocco is free.
09:46Rocco flies!
09:48Rocco, come here.
09:49Rocco flies!
09:50Rocco is bad.
09:52Forgive me.
09:53Come here.
09:54Rocco is bad, Mom.
09:56He's bad, Mom.
10:00No, you're not bad, little one.
10:02Mom is angry.
10:04No, I'm not angry.
10:07I'm bad, Mom.
10:08No, Rocco, what happened is normal.
10:11What happened is normal.
10:13Mom is angry.
10:18I'll take care of you.
10:20I'll take care of you.
10:22I'm bad, Mom.
10:26I'll take care of you.
10:28Forgive me, Rosa.
10:29I'll take care of you.
10:30I'll take care of you.
10:31I won't do it again.
10:32I won't do it again, Mom.
10:35I won't do it again, Mom.
10:38Come on, let's go home.
10:40Let's go home.
10:41Let's go.
11:06I'll take care of you.
11:59Rosa, do you have a letter?
12:24I'm leaving, Rosucha. It's daytime.
12:30You like it, don't you, Rosa?
12:36I like being able to buy medicine for my son.
12:41I'll see you next month, as soon as you sell the harvest.
12:45I'm looking forward to it.
12:46Goodbye, Rosa.
12:47Honey, honey, look at this. This is for the good syrup.
12:58And this is for that medicine that will cure you very quickly.
13:02And we can even call a doctor.
13:09My honey.
13:17My honey.
13:42Dear Miss Canuto,
13:46In response to your letter in which you claimed to be available
13:52to marry an Italian resident in the United States.
13:59It's a young Sicilian named Car... Rizzo. Rocco Rizzo.
14:05Which one of these will it be?
14:07He wants to get married as soon as possible.
14:10Pietro! Wake up, Pietro!
14:12Come here. We're getting married, my love. We're getting married.
14:15We're going to America, honey.
14:17We'll wait for your answer and send you a greeting.
14:22Yes, yes, put that. Signed, Carmela Rizzo and Rocco Rizzo.
14:32Antonio, come on, move.
14:34Antonio, are you coming or what?
14:35Wait, wait.
14:36Let him wait for me.
14:37Stop talking nonsense. Let's go.
14:42Come on, move it.
14:47Mom, Antonio.
14:49Forget him.
14:50He has no time for us.
14:56Why, mom?
15:00Come on, you have a letter for you.
15:05He has responded personally.
15:07It's just that he knows how to read and write.
15:10Doesn't it seem good to you?
15:12Sit down.
15:13Rosa Canuto, daughter of Giacinto and Matilde Gregori, born in Canicati, Sicily, like you.
15:22Where is Canicati?
15:23I wish it was outside my town.
15:27Mrs. Carmen, what else do you want?
15:29It is seen that in your town they are smarter because no one has loved their son.
15:33And look, I tried.
15:35It is seen that this Rosa has understood by the photo who the hunter's son is.
15:39What an obsession with the flute.
15:41Rocco, behave yourself.
15:43Twenty-three years old, single ... Wait, she has a four-year-old boy.
15:51Single with a four-year-old boy?
15:53It's normal, Mrs. Carmen.
15:56Not one, two mouths to feed.
15:57Has he sent a photo?
16:02How is it?
16:03A photo?
16:04Let's see ...
16:05Mrs. Carmen, what do you want?
16:08Let's make it clear, it's not like you offer Rodolfo Valentino.
16:11But how dare you?
16:12I, I am not Valentino, I am Rocco Rizzo.
16:17Mrs. Carmen, tell me yes or no.
16:19If you think it's okay, okay, if not, there are more people.
16:21One moment.
16:23Don't get a stranger into the house, just like that.
16:26I have to think for a moment.
16:27Very good.
16:44Thank goodness, now we have to marry your son by force and send all the documentation
16:48to the future wife, okay?
16:50Very good.
16:51Thank goodness.
16:54Great, Rocco.
16:55Congratulations and have boys.
16:58I am a man.
16:59That's it.
17:00I am a man.
17:01Come with mom.
17:02We found you, woman.
17:03Thank goodness, huh?
17:04It's done.
17:05Your change, sir.
17:06Thank you.
17:07Come on, baby.
17:08What a cute dress.
17:09Thank you, thank you, madam.
17:10Thank you, sir.
17:11You are a great dancer.
17:13Welcome, sir.
17:14Your change, sir. Thank you.
17:20Come on, baby.
17:23What a cute bag. Thank you, thank you, madame.
17:29Thank you, sir.
17:32You are a great dancer.
17:36Sam, welcome, sir.
17:45Come in.
17:50Have you read the newspaper?
17:52Alfredo, I have read it, yes.
17:54Your drink, sir.
17:56Shall I leave them on the table?
17:58Thank you very much.
17:59You are welcome, sir.
18:01If President Hoover does not implement the economic reforms he promised in the election campaign, the market could collapse.
18:08But well, I think your investment is good. Real estate funds are the safest, but you have to be careful.
18:15Remember what I have always told you.
18:17Chess and the stock market are the most ruthless games that exist.
18:20Even the best move at the wrong time can lead you to lose everything.
18:24In the stock market, only those who make the right move are saved or those who cheat.
18:28But that is not your case, so diversify your investments.
18:31OK. OK, right, as always.
18:39But now you work alone?
18:41I had to fire the boys and reduce Morín's working hours.
18:49How is America, huh? It is not as we had dreamed.
18:53It has given us a lot and now we are over it.
18:55Everything changes, Alfredo.
18:57Even you have changed.
18:59The first time I saw you, you were like this.
19:05Do I run too much, Mr. Ferry?
19:07If you have patience, why not?
19:09Two years ago, you made a lot of money with that investment fund.
19:13You would have preferred to finish high school before jumping into the pool.
19:17I didn't have time. I had to help my family, my brothers.
19:22And how is your mother? I haven't seen her in a long time.
19:25She is still as always, worrying about everyone and ironing shirts.
19:30We have been wearing shirts on our backs for many years.
19:33A great woman.
19:36And also very stubborn, to tell the truth.
19:39By the way, Mr. Ferry, I have to hurry.
19:42Because today he wants to see us all to eat.
19:46But everyone, everyone.
19:49And when that happens, he has something in mind.
19:52You look very good in the suit.
19:55Is this your tailor?
19:57I owe you a lot of money.
20:01Can I do something for you?
20:04Yes, of course.
20:07Say hello to your mother for me.
20:11I'm leaving.
20:12Goodbye, Alfredo.
20:13See you soon, Mr. Ferry.
20:34All those poor people who come here, as if ...
20:37It's a difficult time.
20:38Yes, I know.
20:39I wanted to ask you something.
20:40It's done.
20:44You haven't finished the salami.
20:46Moses, take some salami.
20:48Mom, you know we can't eat pork.
20:50Mrs. Carmen, it's a matter of religion.
20:52But don't worry, I'll eat the pasta.
20:55I'll eat it.
20:58Always the same.
20:59And Alfredo, don't we wait for him?
21:01No, let the pasta pass.
21:04Have you seen what I've done, Mom?
21:06What have I done?
21:07What I had to do.
21:10He's a man like all of you.
21:12It's already fixed.
21:13When the documents arrive, he'll get married.
21:15He'll get married.
21:17Yes, yes, Rocco, he'll get married.
21:19I'm ... I'm a man.
21:22I'm a man.
21:24Of course, what are you going to do if not?
21:27Good morning.
21:28Good morning, Alfredo.
21:29Hi, Mom. Sorry for being late.
21:30Good morning.
21:32See how you also arrived late?
21:34I was with Mr. Ferry,
21:35consulting him about real estate.
21:37Are you involved in that story?
21:39What do you mean?
21:41Here they are still making laws for the rich.
21:43They take the houses from the poor.
21:45And then they auction them.
21:46But if I didn't buy them, someone else would.
21:48Maybe if there was no demand,
21:50the poor could keep their houses.
21:52And why is it so controversial?
21:55If you understood how the market works, you wouldn't talk like that.
21:58Besides, those communist sermons are out of place.
22:01Now you call me a communist?
22:02Yes, because ...
22:03Well, that's enough.
22:05I've said that in my house there is no talk of politics or business.
22:10Let's eat.
22:12Hey, Mom.
22:13By the way,
22:15Mr. Ferry sends his regards.
22:17Thank you.
22:18He says he hasn't seen you in a while.
22:20Mom, he has other things on his mind.
22:23Don't tell me.
22:24Oh yeah?
22:26What did I miss?
22:28Rocco is getting married.
22:30I'm a man.
22:33But what are you saying?
22:36Yes, yes.
22:37By force.
22:40But with whom?
22:41A Sicilian.
22:42Like us.
22:43She has a four-year-old son.
22:46Rocco, are you going to get married for Mom's handkerchief?
22:55The handkerchief.
22:57But she knows what Rocco is.
23:00I sent her a photo.
23:01She hasn't sent me any.
23:02Maybe it's uglier than a pain.
23:04Which one did you send her?
23:05Hey, Mique, show her.
23:06Come on.
23:14She sent this one.
23:15Mom, did you send her this one?
23:18But would you put a sign on it to make her recognize it?
23:21I already told her that there, any of us could be the groom.
23:24Let me see, let me see.
23:27Mom, you've fooled her.
23:29Do you know what will happen when she sees Rocco?
23:31That she will turn around.
23:32Of course.
23:33No, I'm looking forward to seeing that moment.
23:36Or do you think that when I arrived at Battery Park
23:38and saw the good Mateo Esquiabón, I was happy?
23:43Women like her and like me.
23:46We have never chosen.
23:47We have never been able to choose.
23:51She will end up accepting.
23:53Because none of you think about Rocco.
23:55Everyone goes their own way.
23:57You with your business.
23:59You with the factory and the blissful politics.
24:02And you, may God know what you are doing.
24:05Nobody thinks about my Rocco.
24:07I have to think.
24:09Because when I'm gone...
24:14Mom, you're right and we will help you.
24:17We all love Rocco very much.
24:18She will end up accepting him as we have all done.
24:33The handkerchief, mom.
24:35But don't you eat?
24:39Have you heard that you are going to have a little cousin?
24:43More or less your age.
24:44Are you happy?
24:47The little cousin.
24:48The little cousin.
24:54Very good, mom.
25:01Do you, Rosa Canuto, want to marry the present Lorenzo Arduini
25:07as Rocco Rizzo?
25:12Do you, Rocco Rizzo,
25:14want to marry the present Rosa Canuto
25:17as Rocco Rizzo?
25:19Here represented by Conchita Ardigó
25:22according to the rite of the Holy Mother Church?
25:26You must say yes.
25:32Yes, yes, mom.
25:34Not to me, my dear.
25:35You have to say yes to the priest.
25:37Say yes to the priest.
25:40I am a man.
25:44No, Rocco.
25:45You must say yes.
25:51And are you, Conchita Ardigó,
25:54in the representation of Rosa Canuto,
25:57going to take Rocco Rizzo here as your legitimate husband?
26:13Yes, we do.
26:21Blessed be the Lord.
26:43Go over there.
26:48This is the house.
26:59Over there.
27:00I get it.
27:03Here it is.
27:04Be careful.
27:11Be careful.
27:40It's a great surprise.
27:41You'll see.
27:42Miquel, come and give me a hand.
27:44Be careful, it's delicate.
27:45And how does it weigh?
27:46Well, yes.
27:47We put it here.
27:50Come on, Rocco, plug it in.
27:51Come on, come on.
27:52Come on, Rocco, let's go.
27:53Look, Rocco, this here is a radio.
27:56It speaks, it has music, and it connects you with the whole world.
27:59It was invented by an Italian, Guglielmo Marconi.
28:02Look how beautiful it is.
28:03It's beautiful.
28:04It's beautiful.
28:05It's beautiful.
28:07It's beautiful.
28:08It's beautiful.
28:09Look how beautiful.
28:12Can you hear it?
28:15Music, Rocco.
28:16Come on, I'll show you something.
28:18If you turn this little wheel,
28:22the music changes.
28:23Have you seen it?
28:25This is my wedding gift.
28:27Your wife is coming today, Rocco.
28:29What a ceremony for her.
28:31Not even Queen Margarita would come.
28:36Have some coffee.
28:37Thank you.
28:38Come on, let's go.
28:40Wait, leave it, leave it.
28:48What does it say?
28:51That the interest rates have gone up.
28:54Oh, is that a bad thing?
28:57Yes, Mom, it could make the stock market go down.
28:59And will it make you go down too?
29:02Not me, don't worry.
29:06What beautiful music.
29:07I'll never understand this trade that Ferri has taught you.
29:10Is it better to get beaten up in the factory, like Miquel?
29:13Yeah, but Miquel does a job,
29:15he gets tired, and then they give him money.
29:17Good, Mom.
29:18What do you mean, good?
29:19Don't you understand that work is not just tiredness?
29:21If you squeeze your brain and invest in the stock market,
29:23you earn money with the money.
29:25But since you've earned money,
29:27couldn't you open a restaurant to give work to the whole family?
29:30Do you know how much we would earn with Mom's sauce?
29:32I know, I know, but would you really like to cook for a lot of people?
29:35And what do I do every day?
29:37Like this, right?
29:38And now we're going to be two more at home.
29:40Hurry up, we'll be late for the pier.
29:42Is it the door?
29:44No, no, Mrs. Carmé, it's the phone.
29:47Mom, it's me.
29:48You've filled my house with weird gossip.
29:50You're right, Mrs. Carmé, but it's modernity.
29:52Do you understand?
29:58Ah, Anto, hello.
30:04Yes, Anto, but we're always the same.
30:08Antonio says he can't come to the boat, but he'll come home later.
30:12But how?
30:15No, Mom, you have to talk here.
30:16I know.
30:18Antonio, you have to come to the boat.
30:20Do you understand?
30:22Because when she gets off the boat, she has to meet the whole family in line.
30:25Yes, at noon at the battery, and on time.
30:29Put that in place.
30:32It was Antonio who didn't want to come to the battery.
30:34Rocco, do you want to receive your wife in underwear?
30:37Come on, go put on the suit Alfredo bought you.
30:40Come on, get dressed.
30:42You have to look very handsome.
30:44Handsome, handsome.
30:46Come on, pull.
30:49Like this?
31:00Antonio is always late.
31:02You know him.
31:04Can I have the suitcases, please?
31:06No, no, we're waiting for someone.
31:08We don't take suitcases.
31:10Here, dad.
31:12He works for immigrants, like you when you were little.
31:15Dad, hug me.
31:17I'm here.
31:20You've done it, but only halfway.
31:22And on top of that, you're late.
31:24He saved me with the car.
31:26Ah, that bastard now makes you a driver.
31:29Come on, Mom.
31:35Mom, where are we?
31:37Have we arrived?
31:39Yes, honey, we have arrived.
31:41We are in America.
31:44Rocco, raise the poster higher.
31:47Raise it well for Mom.
31:49That's it.
31:51Your wife is arriving.
32:28Look, it's them.
32:31Who is that?
32:33Yes, that one.
32:35She's very pretty.
32:37Yes, very.
32:49Mrs. Rizzo.
32:51I'm Rosa.
32:53Delighted, Rosa.
32:57Give me the little one.
32:58God bless you.
33:00Give me the bag.
33:02The whole family.
33:05You are very handsome.
33:07Maria, my daughter.
33:09Rosa, a pleasure.
33:11Moses, her husband.
33:15Then there's Alfredo.
33:17And Antonio.
33:25And he is my eldest son.
33:32And Rocco.
33:34Rocco, lower the poster for Mom.
33:37Say hello to your wife.
33:43I am a man.
33:45I am a man.
33:48Yes, Rocco.
34:25Are you going to make me dance?
34:36Hey, tell your daughter something.
34:39Tell her to stay still.
34:49Today we also celebrate your wedding.
34:51Come on, but what wedding, Mom?
34:53Come on, don't be seen.
34:56Come on.
35:10Why are you so sad?
35:14Come on, have fun.
35:19I'm glad you came back from Italy.
35:22Me too, Michele.
35:23After two years in prison, I was able to be with my mother.
35:28Did you know that I was also with the poor Chiro's family?
35:33Hey, but what happened to Joan, that American, so pretty?
35:37Nothing, it's over.
35:39Hey, have you seen that they have started firing people in the factory?
35:42I've seen it, I've seen it.
35:44We have to think of a strategy, Michele.
35:46Organize with the union, with the other factories.
35:49We have to fight.
35:51They want to scare us.
35:53We have to fight.
36:21Mom, why are you crying?
36:24For nothing, heaven, for nothing.
36:37Good afternoon, Antonio.
36:41No, good afternoon, please come in.
36:43Salvo, the wine.
36:44Hello, Salvo.
36:46Salvo, hello.
36:49Hey, are you stupid?
36:51Don Matranga is here.
36:57Oh, how nice.
36:59It means that you have made a promise.
37:01And with whom?
37:03With the black hand.
37:05And stop screwing up.
37:07Good afternoon to all.
37:09Concheta, quiet.
37:10I think I haven't invited these gentlemen.
37:12Mom, please.
37:14Antonio, don't meddle.
37:16Do me a favor.
37:18I don't like you or your thug.
37:20And not just me.
37:22Don't worry, Mrs. Carmen.
37:24We're leaving.
37:26No, no, no.
37:28Where are you going, Concheta?
37:30Stay here.
37:32They have to go.
37:34Obey your mother.
37:36You must be a good boy.
37:38You must be a good boy.
37:43Good afternoon to all.
37:45Congratulations and many boys.
37:50Salvo, let's go.
37:53You too.
37:59Where are you going?
38:01Come on, come on.
38:08Excuse me.
38:10What a shame.
38:16I told you I didn't want those people in my house.
38:20Mom, that's my boss.
38:23Nobody takes my head off.
38:25That pig and his thug have something to do with Ardigo's death.
38:29What are you talking about?
38:31Nothing has been proven.
38:37There you have the proof.
38:40We have to put him in jail.
38:42But Antonio has no balls.
38:44Nobody knows it better than me.
38:46I've seen him grow up.
38:48You've grown up too, Angelina.
38:50And if you get close to Salvo again, I'll kill you both.
38:52Come on.
39:07Come on.
39:37We'll say hello to Rosa tomorrow.
39:41Thank you for coming.
39:43You're welcome.
39:50That girl has been a little weird.
39:52She just got here and locked herself in her room.
39:55Mrs. Carme, what's going on?
39:57I don't know.
39:59I don't know what's going on.
40:01I don't know what's going on.
40:03I don't know what's going on.
40:05I don't know what's going on.
40:07I didn't expect it.
40:09She must be confused with the trip.
40:16You can't imagine how much you've grown.
40:18Or you can't imagine how much you've grown.
40:22Thank you.
40:24Congratulations again, Rocco.
40:26Thank you very much. See you soon.
40:37It is to the verdad
40:40Pero que haces aquí ven pasa
40:43entra entra
40:46Alfredo mira quienes
41:02Alvio cuando has crecido no me lo puedo creer al fondo llegado a américa
41:08Hace dos años
41:11Los que llevo buscando pero cambiaste este apellido si es verdad nos lo cambiaron en inmigración
41:16carrizo era muy difícil para los americanos y nos llamaron ritzo que has estado haciendo todo este tiempo he estado en el oeste trabajando
41:23en el ferrocarril
41:24luego en el sur en california en un viñedo
41:28Mamá mamá ven aquí mira quién es
41:34Qué sorpresa
41:36Pero qué sorpresa
41:40Alfio doña carmela bienvenido
41:44María María ven a ver quién es
41:55Alvio que haces me das la mano
42:03Ha pasado mucho tiempo
42:15No sé el marido de maría encantado mossé pogani alción como
42:24Y este pequeñín de aquí es el hijo de maría y de mossé
42:34Bonita familia enhorabuena
42:37Has comido quieres comer algo
42:40Solo he pasado a saludaros no quería pero que dices que dices ven ven aquí
43:03Alfio alfio rojo como estas alfio
43:13Estás bien
43:33Puedo claro
43:39Perdona rosa
43:41Qué haces ahí fuera la gente te espera
43:46Perdón es que me ha costado mucho dormir al pequeñito
43:53Hay algo que te moleste que quiere decir no me estoy refiriendo al cuarto
44:00Todo bien gracias bien
44:03Entonces te espero
44:06Doña carmela perdone
44:13Pero dónde está esta iglesia
44:15Será una preciosidad esa es la iglesia donde se casó rojo está al final de monroe street aquí cerca te gusta
44:23No es como la de nuestro pueblo pero es bonita te llevaré
44:30No te presa
46:15Qué pasa rojo
46:19Ven aquí te pasa algo
46:36Es un buen chico de vez en cuando
47:08Mr. Rizzo
47:10Le llaman al teléfono
47:12Si ya voy señora miglieta
47:14Pero ya le he dicho a su madre
47:16Que estas no son horas de llamar
47:18Si si lo se
47:23Hola mamá que ocurre
47:25Se ha ido
47:26Como que quien rosa con el pequeño maldita sea te dije que esto acabaría si me equivoqué me equivoqué
47:34Pero me la tienes que traer a casa llamaré a la policía es peligroso que ande por ahí
47:43Ahora que hago memoria ella me preguntó por la iglesia que está al final de monroe street en la que se casó rojo
47:50Mira a ver que seguramente estará allí ahora va a resultar que eres vidente
47:56Tú tráemela aquí a casa que ya me ocupo yo de arreglarlo por favor si muy bien muy bien adiós
48:13Qué es lo que
