Sexy Female Celebrities - Workout And Diet

  • 2 months ago
Britney Spears,Jennifer,Many more Hot Actress workout
00:00You want to keep your hands up at your face, obviously, to protect the gold, and then you're
00:12going to put your left hand at them, it's called a jab, and it's usually to keep the
00:16distance away from you, so you can measure it out to here, and then jab at them, and
00:20then you're going to go with the right hand for power, so you're going to go this way
00:24for power, and there's something called an uppercut, which is this, you turn and uppercut,
00:28and that's usually when they get too close to you, so yeah, those are three moves that
00:33now you know about boxing.
00:41When you're boxing, you get so into it mentally that you kind of forget what's going on, you
00:45forget that you're working out, so by the end of the hour, I'm like, wait, we're done?
00:49Like, you always want more.
00:51Any food that's good is my source food, I love Italian food, I love dessert, I love
01:00burgers, I love a burger, I could eat a burger every day.
01:06You guys want to see my new workout?
03:21And I dance a lot, too.
03:23Three hours of rehearsals yesterday.
03:25Do you have any cheat days?
03:27What are your cheat foods?
03:28Tacos, pizza, ice cream.
03:30Sweet tooth?
03:31Oh yeah, I love sweets, I love Oreo blasts.
03:38I bet you guys have never seen a machine like this before.
03:41It's pretty crazy.
03:46Come on.
03:48Good, push.
04:21Is anyone here a socialite?
04:23Is anyone-
04:37Dude, go, go!
04:45For me, I just always wanted to try and eat healthier.
04:48Look what I have for dinner tonight, guys.
04:50Vegan tacos. This is all plant-based.
05:20I never find myself in a gym. I find myself on the floor of my study room looking up on
05:41like Google or Pinterest like workouts, doing abs, lunges, squats.
05:48Training at first is really her putting on weight.
05:51And then we need to just build up just her stamina, so to speak.
05:56She'd just been doing this famine type relief worker film until she gets into the past.
06:01So she was quite weak at first.
06:03In my life, I normally, especially now with Maddox, I don't have a, I'll do running or I'll do a bit of boxing.
06:08But mainly just running around after a kid. Anybody who has one knows that that's enough.
06:14My name's Ed Chow. I actually teach taekwondo.
06:17And I teach members of the England team and speak to the British coach.
06:21People like boxing last time and I just think certain things we haven't seen and things that we find in training because we haven't done yet.
06:28But I think it's beautiful to see.
06:30And these are all obviously moderate techniques, but more taekwondo based.
06:34With punching and kicking.
06:36One of my enemies in the film is about six foot five.
06:39So I'm trying to get my foot to his head.
06:42We did some kicking last time and some.
06:44But I never really spent a lot of time just focusing on trying to understand the lines of the body and balance and height.
06:52Just training as much as possible.
07:12Hi guys, I'm Ashley Graham and I'm here with Self Magazine to show you five of my favorite workouts that I do.
07:41First we're going to go into the squat.
07:42Make sure that your legs are about shoulder width apart.
07:45And girl, let's get down.
07:47I love doing this because hello, it gets the glutes together.
07:52Now make sure you're putting your butt all the way back like you're sitting in a chair.
07:58Move number two, backwards lunge.
08:00This actually takes care of all of your thighs.
08:06Feel the burn?
08:07I do.
08:09Number three is the curtsy lunge.
08:11And although I may never have a thigh gap, this is what's going to keep my thighs strong.
08:23Move number four, can't forget your arms ladies, tricep dip.
08:27Make sure your elbows are going in and out.
08:31Move number four, can't forget your arms ladies, tricep dip.
08:34Make sure your elbows are going in when you go down to feel the burn.
08:46And you can't forget your core.
08:48Number five is the plank.
08:54Tug on through when you go.
09:24And you can't forget your core.
09:52And you can't forget your core.
10:20And you can't forget your core.
10:48And you can't forget your core.
11:17And you can't forget your core.
11:27And you can't forget your core.
11:37And you can't forget your core.
11:58We all wake up with no makeup on.
12:00We all wake up and have to hit that gym.
12:02It's no different for me than it is for everybody else.
12:04You have to put in the work.
12:05You have to care about yourself.
12:06You have to take care of yourself.
12:07You still a big fan of the Tracy Anderson workouts?
12:10Oh yeah, Tracy trains me all the time.
12:12It's fantastic.
12:13And what is it about her workouts?
12:15She understands a woman's body.
12:16She knows that different muscle groups, smaller muscle groups firing off
12:20and getting them to kind of work as opposed to everything that guys do all the time
12:23which is not the body that we want.
12:25What about those days when you're like, oh I'm so tired.
12:27How do you tell that voice knowing you just do what you gotta do?
12:29I think about what I want to accomplish.
12:31Sometimes I just give myself short term goals.
12:33Like, oh I have this thing coming up.
12:35So if you have a special event coming up, I'll have a show coming up.
12:38Or I have a baptism coming up.
12:40It could be anything.
12:41It doesn't have to be a show thing.
12:43But I do it in goals like that.
12:44So for the next two weeks I'm really going to focus.
12:46And then it turns out you get into a good routine.
12:48And then after that you keep going.
12:51Like a typical day, what are you eating?
12:52Give me through a quick breakfast, lunch, dinner and your little snacks.
12:54What's on your menu?
12:55Oh gosh.
12:56I usually start off with a shake in the morning.
12:58And then after that, probably right before lunch I start getting really hungry.
13:03I'll have a little bit of fruit or a bar or something like that.
13:07And then I'll have a lunch.
13:09It'll usually be something yummy.
13:11And again, I don't like giving up yummy food.
13:14That's a big deal for me.
13:15But it'll be something like chicken and salad or vegetables or quinoa or something like that.
13:20And again, I learned that doing the plant-based program that I did.
13:23And so that's really good for you.
13:25And then at night, sometimes I'll just eat whatever I want to be honest.
13:29It's like it's dinner time.
13:30I'm going to have a good meal with my kids.
13:31I think a lot of it has to do with portion control.
13:33That's the key.
13:34Which is another thing that I think people don't concentrate on.
13:36It's like I don't deprive myself of things.
13:38You don't need to if you're practicing portion control.
13:40Yeah, I just try to moderate it a little bit.
13:42So if I want to have a little bit of rice and beans because that's what I grew up with
13:46and some steak or whatever.
13:48And then you drink those a few times a day.
13:49And you guys eat a little bit of food too.
13:51It's not a fast.
13:52It's a really good cleanse.
13:53I think people have tried to do fasts and stuff like that.
13:56I don't really love doing things like that.
13:57I think it's too hard on you.
13:59It shocks the body and it's not totally healthy.
14:29Keep turning.
14:39Keep turning.
14:49Keep turning.
15:09Keep turning.
15:37Good job, ninja.
15:38Way to keep it up to the girls.
15:39Way to tear that floor.
15:43Way to get down.
15:45A quick exercise.
15:46If I'm in the kitchen, I'll do counter plies.
15:49I'll do little plies like that.
15:51Or I'll sort of lift my legs up and kind of do 20 to 50.
15:55Sometimes I'll even hold on to it and I'll do little attitudes.
15:58I forget that little part.
15:59If I'm feeling like my tummy's kind of loose, I'll just sit and I'll do what I call chair abs.
16:07I'll sit in the chair, I'll talk to my kids, I'll be like, uh-huh, yeah, did you do your reading?
16:12And then arm circles.
16:13To me, arm circles are the easiest thing.
16:16People think you're crazy when you're doing all of them and it's fine.
16:18Just do them until you're tired.
16:20And then you switch.
16:21And then you do them this way.
16:22And then you switch.
16:23And then you do them this way so you get all the different angles.
16:25And that also kind of just gets you connected, you know?
16:28It just actually kind of gets the blood flowing a little bit.
16:31I love my shape because it's nobody else's.
16:34It's mine.
16:35Workout for me, it used to be a what I look like thing and that was when I was younger.
16:39But now, I need it for my mental health.
16:41You know, like, if I don't work out, I don't feel like I've started my day correctly.
16:45Or, like, I don't feel like I'm in a good place mentally to give the best version of myself.
16:49So, for me, it's all about, like, taking time for myself.
16:52And I think that's what has changed in my mindset with working out.
16:56It's so much more fun now.
16:57It's not a vanity thing.
16:58It's not a, I have to do this.
17:00It's like, oh, I can't wait to do this because my mind is going to be so much clearer.
17:03Like, dance cardio stuff, whether it's, like, Body by Simone or Tracy Anderson.
17:06Or, I go to dance classes.
17:08I mix it up all the time.
17:09And I think that that kind of shocks your body.
17:11What's the secret to working out and being fabulous all the time?
17:14Well, I think that's actually interesting because I think that, like, a lot of people focus on goals,
17:18which is a great thing to do for sure.
17:20Because, you know, like, having a goal and attaining it, that's the goal.
17:24Because, you know, like, having a goal and attaining it, that's called results.
17:27And we love that, right?
17:28But I think that more recently it's become a lifestyle rather than a diet or rather than a goal for something.
17:35It's more like, I want to be healthy for when I have kids one day.
17:38Or I want to be, I don't want to fluctuate because that's harder work.
17:42You know, to go up and down, up and down.
17:44So how do I live the best life and feel balanced at the same time?
17:47I'm a huge fan of dance cardio because it goes by really quick.
17:51Everybody loves music.
17:53And it's fun.
17:54You feel like you're actually, like, you're not working out, you know.
17:57And it kind of makes the time go by quick.
17:59And you're having fun.
18:00And especially if you take a class, there's the energy of other people.
18:03And you're laughing and you're enjoying each other's company.
18:05So even if you're a guy and you don't believe in dancing, you should try dance cardio.
18:09Best workout for your arms?
18:10I mean, what I really like to do, especially because, you know, we're all busy.
18:14And so sometimes you forget to do something.
18:16I always keep, like, wrist weights with me.
18:18And so if I just put them on throughout the day, I'll, like, just be doing stuff.
18:21And it's kind of just toning without me even doing anything.
18:24What about best workout for your abs?
18:25How do we get the famous Julianne Hough abs?
18:28I mean, honestly, dancing.
18:29Like, dancing is so great because there's all the little details and all the little movements
18:33and the little muscles that are working without you even realizing.
18:36But, I mean, you can always do your basic crunches and stuff like that.
18:39But, I mean, I love a little bicycle.
18:41What about for your butt?
18:42But, again, ankle weights are great.
18:44And you can just, you know, you get on your hands and your knees.
18:47And you basically do those, like, butt raises with your leg kicking back behind you.
18:50Or squats are always great.
18:52But, again, dancing.
18:54I'm telling you, dancing is the key.
18:58The wedding's in T-minus two days.
19:01I've got to work that booty.
19:11Teddy is not helping.
19:12Teddy is not helping.
19:13He's not helping.
19:16He's distracting me from my exercise.
19:18What's Daddy going to say?
19:19So, in the mornings I like to do my yoga sun salutations.
19:22And then I try and find some time to jump for joy.
19:24I feel that it really energizes me and sets me in a great mood for the day.
19:27What's your daily workout routine?
19:29Every day I mix it up.
19:30But I like to do a combination of pilates, yoga, resistance training.
19:34I do, like, plank pose, dancing.
19:36A bit of everything.
19:37I love yoga.
19:38I've been practicing yoga since I was about 17.
19:41Now I'm 18.
19:42So, yeah, it's like a year.
19:43Just kidding.
19:44I really find yoga to be, like, super calming, centering.
19:48It makes me feel really grounded.
19:50I love a combination of kundalini yoga with katha yoga.
19:53And I find it really invigorating.
19:55I love to practice yoga early in the morning or early in the evening when the sun is setting.
19:59It's just such a big part of my life.
20:01I wouldn't want to be without it.
20:02My favorite meditation spot is generally outside.
20:05Hearing the birds.
20:06Seeing the sunset or the sunrise.
20:07It just feels really invigorating.
20:09I feel one with nature.
20:10Meditation during the holiday season is super important.
20:13There's always a lot going on in the holiday season.
20:15All the cooking, the holiday shopping, the decorating.
20:18And so it's important to take that time to really meditate so then you feel centered and good.
20:22And then you'll be able to give so much back to your friends and family.
20:26Because you sit behind a desk a lot, right?
20:29Or if you're traveling, when I'm on the airplane, there's a couple of little exercises you can do.
20:33Sitting down?
20:34When you're sitting down.
20:36So you can tighten, like, your ab muscles.
20:37So you can clench and release.
20:39Clench and release.
20:40And your butt muscles.
20:41You can do that.
20:42You clench and release.
20:43What are you doing?
20:44And then you can alternate.
20:45Don't do that.
20:46Don't do that.
20:47I like that.
20:48It's important to do exercise that you really enjoy.
20:49For me, I really enjoy yoga.
20:51Just doing a few stretches and yoga poses really helps me feel energized and grounded and ready for my day.
21:01Good morning!
21:03This is Teddy.
21:04I'm Miranda.
21:05Do you want to come spend the day with me?
21:06So one of my favorite things to have first thing in the morning is hot water with lemons.
21:10It's a really great way to kind of kickstart your digestion.
21:13It's full of vitamin C.
21:16After I've made my hot water and lemon, I'll then make a smoothie.
21:19And these are some of my favorite ingredients to include.
21:21Almond milk.
21:22Fresh papaya.
21:25And raspberries.
21:26Almond butter.
21:27A great source of protein.
21:28And then last but not least, I add my little Kora Organic Skin Food Supplement.
21:33So this contains noni, contains acai, blueberry, matcha green tea.
21:38I used to drink it as a liquid.
21:39This is so much easier.
21:40It's nutritious and delicious.
21:49This is one of Flynn's favorite things to have for breakfast.
21:51I like it because they're healthy for him and he likes it because they're really yummy.
21:53It contains pre-arranged egg, oatmeal, and a little banana.
21:57Put them all in the blender.
21:59Now I just turn this on.
22:00Put them all in the blender.
22:02Now I just turn this on.
22:04Add a little coconut oil.
22:05Make little mini pancakes.
22:08I'm going to just let the dog out for a second.
22:10Let the dogs out!
22:13Got out!
22:14Sometimes I use two of these to just kind of get underneath there.
22:16As you can see, super quick and easy to make.
22:20And I'll add a couple of little raspberries.
22:22A little coconut nectar.
22:25For lunch I'm going to have salmon with a little crushed garlic, turmeric, and fresh lemon.
22:29With a side salad of sprouts and arugula, cucumber, purple cauliflower, and avocado.
22:34And then I make a simple salad dressing with olive oil, lemon, a little apple cider vinegar, and a little sea salt.
22:40No matter how busy I am, I really try to take a moment and just really be present with eating and really enjoy my food.
22:47So one of my favorite meals to cook is my slow roast chicken.
22:50Add onion, garlic, fresh lemon, turmeric, rosemary.
22:53Put it in the oven. Cooks for seven hours.
22:55And then I have that with sweet potato mash.
22:57I just leave the skin on and then you pop them in to steam.
23:00This is one of my favorite salads. It's super simple.
23:02We have cabbage here with baby spinach, parsley, a little cilantro, finely chopped cucumber, olives, halloumi cheese, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, and celery.
23:12Bon appetit!
23:17I have a little time off.
23:18So when I'm off, that's when I let yoga go.
23:20I love doing something every day.
23:22Switching it up. Yoga, spin.
23:23I work with my trainer. I do a training mate.
23:26And when I'm home, I like to try to eat healthy as much as possible.
23:29Try to eat healthier.
23:30Things obviously change when I'm traveling more and working more.
23:33It's really about finding it a couple times a week.
23:35But when I'm off, my ideal day starts with a workout.
23:38It's like a day to feel better for me.
23:41It's a day to be more stressed.
23:43Like one workout, one like calm down.
23:46Whatever that is.
23:47Sometimes that's dinner.
23:48But yeah.
23:55I love it.
24:02We just talked about fitness and wellness routine.
24:04But do you have any secrets?
24:05We want to know your secrets.
24:06I mean, my secrets are the same as everyone else's, you know?
24:10But I have found that my metabolism is changing.
24:13So I'm having to tweak stuff.
24:15But no, it really isn't.
24:16I'm just a person who loves fitness.
24:18So for me, I feel like a different person when I'm working out as opposed to when I'm not.
24:23I feel way more balanced.
24:24I feel way more able to do everything else that's going on in my life.
24:27If I find the time to, you know, self-care for me is waking up before I work out.
24:32That's just my form of self-care.
24:33So it helped me become more confident.
24:36It's actually helped me to accept my body and realize that all these goals I have for my body just aren't realistic for my body type.
24:42So it's helped me to just accept me for who I am.
24:44I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was.
24:46And I just overall feel way better about life.
24:50I'm happier and nicer to people.
24:52Life just runs more smoothly when I incorporate fitness into my life.
24:59Yes! Game changer.
25:01I would say I'm more true to myself.
25:04Yes, all around better.
25:06Hiking? I love it.
25:07I just put my music on, zone out.
25:10I'm a big nature person.
25:11So whatever city I'm in, working or visiting, I always try to find trails or somewhere to hike.
25:16And L.A. obviously is the best for hiking trails.
25:22What's your favorite exercise?
25:25Stage and shape, what would you say?
25:27Run or dance.
25:29I like dancing even though I'm paralyzed.
25:32What's your favorite candy?
25:34What's your favorite thing to eat?
25:36What's your least favorite thing to eat?
25:38Dessert? Can't live without.
25:39Chocolate cake.
25:40Jingle ball season, it's the holiday season.
25:41Like, what's your favorite thing to eat?
25:43I don't know.
25:44I don't know.
25:45I don't know.
25:46I don't know.
25:47I don't know.
25:48I don't know.
25:49I don't know.
25:50I don't know.
25:51It's the holiday season.
25:52What does Selena Gomez do for the holidays once you're done staging?
25:55I go home.
25:56I eat.
25:57I eat and I sit on my couch.
25:59Does the Gomez family have some holiday classic things you guys do?
26:02Yeah, like we do a hay ride where we go Christmas caroling and my aunt even prints out the lyrics
26:06so that we remember them.
26:08Cookies, cooking, peanut butter.
26:10Anything with peanut butter.
26:11Like a peanut butter chocolate chip.
26:13I discovered boxing with him, you know, and it's something that it's great for the body,
26:28it's wonderful for the mind, and gives you the best shape ever, you know, and it's something
26:33that every day you step up, every day you learn something new, so, and it's a challenge.
26:39I love a challenge.
26:44You need to sacrifice to get best results, and I always got the greatest results with him.
26:52But you can fight, I box, and I was like, holy cow, Adriana Lima has great form, why
26:56Like, when did you get into it?
26:57Well, I was introduced to Michael at Aerospace when I was 19 years old, and I fell in love,
27:03I fell in love with it, because it's challenging, and every day you learn something new.
27:08So, I love working out with Michael, and he pushes you, and I like to be challenged.
27:16I really, really love to learn, like, new punches and different moves, and I think you
27:21should try it.
27:22I know you tried before, but it helps when the trainer is good.
27:31For me, it feels great that I know that I accomplished my intense workout.
27:35It takes a lot of discipline to keep up your workout routine, and there are days, yes,
27:40that I don't feel like going to the gym, because of many reasons.
27:44It could be I'm tired, I'm jet-lagged, but, you know, I go out there and have it done,
27:49and when I finish, I do feel proud of myself.
27:51Keep moving.
27:52Give us ten.
