Prandelli: "Solidarietà a Spalletti, so cosa vuol dire"

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - L'ex allenatore e ct della Nazionale Cesare Prandelli, che ha ricevuto il premio Fair Play Menarini, parla dell'uscita dell'Italia dalla competizione europea di quest'anno.


00:00What do you want to say to the fans?
00:05It's clear that it's an extra responsibility, because when they reward you for what you've done, it puts into question any of your behaviour, so you always have to reflect a bit.
00:19In the end, you do everything with your heart. Sometimes you make mistakes, sometimes you don't, but it's important to have respect for everything and to go on with the desire to learn new things.
00:34Even if you don't share them, they make you reflect.
00:39Coach, we're short of a European player, unfortunately, with a pre-season relegation and a lot of criticism around Spalletti.
00:49I don't care about the criticism!
00:52What do you think about this decision?
01:01I think about great solidarity for Luciano, I know what that means.
01:08What I don't understand is that we're all great fans, we're all experts when it comes to big international events, but nobody knows anything during the season.
01:23We're talking about difficulties, but we talked about them 15 years ago.
01:29We made proposals, but nobody did anything, so now it's time to do something.
01:35There's no point in talking too much, we have to do something, otherwise everything will get complicated and we'll be here in a few months saying,
01:42but what are we doing? Because the reality is very serious.
01:48One of the criticisms that was made, not to the coach, but to the team, to Italy, was that you didn't have enough grit in this Europa League.
01:56Unfortunately, in the last game, whoever saw the game had a feeling of impotence.
02:06We were at home watching the game and we were like, what?
02:09We almost wanted to go on the pitch and they were catatonic.
02:13It's difficult to judge a player who is temperamental and has character.
02:18You have to understand if they arrived with too much responsibility or when they were under pressure, they said,
02:26oh God, we'll never make it. It's psychologically difficult to understand.
02:30Coach, did it affect you to see Gigi, who knows you very well, resume his mandate?
02:35Then it was confirmed, but he said that someone also needs to assume his responsibilities.
02:40Gigi is a person you can only listen to because of all the years he has made, the experience he has had,
02:50but above all he has the ability to analyze the moment with great balance and great determination.
02:56It was a gesture of great determination.
