Trucks Bouncing Roads in Japan

  • 3 months ago


00:00Hey guys, another video for our Wheels in Japan playlist. On a video some time ago we
00:05showed you the volume of trucks using a major road between Osaka and Nagoya. So
00:12Japan really relies on trucks to do all its deliveries. They use trains a little
00:17bit for cargo but not much. They also use ships to go around domestically but
00:24majority is trucks. So driving in Japan is usually pretty cool and pretty much
00:31a pleasure and particularly on the highways with the service areas and rest
00:35areas and things. However the trucks are a problem so they tend to make driving a
00:42little bit more stressful and as we've showed you in previous videos the way
00:46truck drivers drive here is a little bit scary, a little bit aggressive or
00:51neglectful perhaps to put it diplomatically. So yeah, huge volume of
00:56trucks anywhere you go in Japan and it does keep you on your toes and make it a
01:02little bit less relaxing than it would be otherwise. So also interestingly is
01:07these highways, a lot of them when they go through the cities in particular are
01:12suspended so they're actually up on pylons. So if we go under one of those
01:19freeways and look up we can see that that road above actually just sits on
01:26top of the pylons. It's not actually attached but it just sits there and
01:31you'll see there's some black cubes there that are big cubes of rubber and
01:37so that surface above or that structure above is just sitting on those big cubes
01:43of rubber and of course what that means is in an earthquake rather shearing and
01:48breaking and collapsing the idea is that the surface above or that structure
01:53above can move up and down and side to side and the idea is that it's not it
01:59won't break if it's like that. So isn't that interesting. So the side effect of
02:07that is that when you're sitting on one of those highways particularly if you
02:12stop if you're moving you tend not to notice but if you stop quite often you
02:16can feel the structure moving just from the weight of the truck so in this case
02:20we've had to stop at a light. We're up in the air suspended on one of those things
02:24and the movement of those trucks is making it vibrate and shake and like
02:29physically you can really feel it. So you can see the water there moving. It's
02:33really sometimes really extreme and particularly bridges and things like
02:37that being shaken around. Anyway there was that. More videos coming soon.