Dudley Count, Reforms: Andrew Southall.

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Dudley Reform candidate: Andrew Southall chats to our Paul Jenkins.
00:00Southall, we've found a Southall Reform UK candidate for Dudley, how do you think it's gone tonight?
00:08It has exceeded my expectations because so many people have come out to vote for us.
00:15I was concerned maybe, maybe there's a tiny fraction in my mind,
00:19what if I split the Conservative vote? It's looking like they might have split my vote.
00:23Okay, and what's the mood amongst your colleagues?
00:29They're ecstatic, they've worked so hard and I'm so lucky to have had them.
00:33We haven't had the money of the big parties to throw at this.
00:37Tories get money from their corporation buddies and Labour get their money from trade unions.
00:43We are a grassroots movement, we've done this on an incredibly small budget,
00:48we've modernised the campaign by using social media,
00:51videos on TikTok, we've done street stalls to maximise our exposure to the public,
00:56we haven't done so much door knocking because I feel like it just wastes time
01:00and people don't want to be bothered, so they will be so pleased.
01:03I think whatever happens to see all these votes for us,
01:06they've worked hard for it, I'm just the candidate, I'm pleased for my team.
01:11What's been the reaction on the streets,
01:12is it where you've done these street stalls, that kind of thing, what's been the reaction?
01:17The street stalls have worked well, they come and have a chat,
01:21if they're unsure about us then that gives us an opportunity to tell them,
01:24well here's our policy, here's our idea, here's the problem going on in the country,
01:30here's what we would like to do to fix it and they're receptive.
01:33I've had very little abuse in Dudley in the constituency,
01:38a lot of neutral and a lot of positive.
01:41In the campaign I spent an entire day just going to the shops
01:44and the reception I got was just extraordinary.
01:48So you're looking forward to the results, a bit nervous?
01:52I'm just totally chilled out now, I'm full of caffeine,
01:54I don't want any more caffeine because I'll start getting the shakes,
01:57so it's just water for me.
02:00One of the hustings debates, a candidate had a bit of a pop at me because I drank all the water,
02:05so I think I might get my way through that.
02:09So whatever happens, I'm just so pleased with all the work that my team have done,
02:14the support of the public to come and vote for us in all of these bundles,
02:18I can see I'm just so pleased.
02:20Okay, well best of luck with the result.
02:22Thank you.
